Chapter 316 Beat him!

Angelo stood on the ground, looking up at the small "storm" above his head.

Facing Thor's "accidental injury", Angelo didn't panic at all.

Because although he couldn't see the situation in the storm above his head at this time, he could still clearly sense the situation of the Iron Stone Demon Destroyer.

Thor is like a blacksmith, constantly swinging Mjolnir in his hand to attack the Iron Golem Destroyer, not only has physical attack power but also magical attack power, besides knocking, there are also constant thunder and lightning strikes. Spreading from Mjolnir, it crackled and crackled on the Destroyer.

But unfortunately, Thor did not cause any effective damage to the Destroyer, whether it was a physical attack or a magical attack.

Ulu Metal itself has a high resistance to magic and physical damage, and now it has been strengthened by Angelo's skills and passives at the same time. It is no exaggeration, Thor's attack is just tickling for the Destroyer.

And, more than that, apart from enhancing attributes and resistance, the Iron Stone Demon skill also has a very special function, that is... attack backlash.

Hitting me is like hitting yourself.

From Thor's muffled groans and screams that could be vaguely heard from time to time in the small storm above Angelo and the others, one could imagine what Thor was encountering now.

Finally, facing this experience of a dog biting a hedgehog, Thor's single-minded head finally opened up.

The thunderstorm above everyone's heads finally began to weaken, and the sound of clanging irons also stopped.

Angelo looked at the miniature tornado that was gradually calming down in front of him with a smile on his face. Facing the inspection of "Quality Inspector" Thor, he was very satisfied with the final result, which was very good.

When the miniature tornado disappeared, Thor and the Iron Golem Destroyer appeared in front of everyone again.

The Destroyer Iron Stone Demon is still the same as before, without any changes, and there are no injuries on his body.

But when everyone understands what Thor looks like now...

"Pfft..." I don't know who started it, but everyone couldn't hold back their laughter.

Compared with Thor's majestic appearance when he just recovered into the body of Thor, Thor's current appearance is much miserable.

Thor stood behind the Destroyer with a dark face, really dark. It was roasted by the thunder and lightning attack he just hit on the Destroyer.

The armor on his body was also scorched black on the left and right by the reflected lightning. The armor on his body was not made of Ulu metal!

It would be better if Thor was a ranged mage, but Mjolnir is obviously a short weapon. Thor's attack can only be regarded as a melee physical attack. As for the thunder and lightning, it can only be regarded as a certain enchantment.

Therefore, all Thor's attacks not only did not cause damage to the Destroyer, but also bounced back to himself.

If it wasn't for the power of Thunder God in Mjolnir, which has the same root as him and can continuously repair the wounds in his body, he would have been vomited blood from the rebound this time.

Thor stared at the Destroyer with a dark face, and asked everyone, "What's the matter with this guy? It's fine if you can't move it, why is there no response? What happened just now?"

Although Thor's mind was in a state of one-sidedness most of the time, when he was "forging iron" in the sky just now, he gradually discovered something was wrong.

The "Destroyer Armor" not only couldn't fight back, but didn't even struggle, which was completely different from the look that raised his hand just now and was about to kill him.

Think again about the completely different appearance of the "Destroyer Armor" from the beginning.

Thor felt that he was very witty and could find something wrong "in time".

Of course, the reason why Thor can calm down quickly and think about the problem, it is hard to say that there is no reason why Thor wants to deal with the Destroyer, it is really difficult.

An Qiluo coughed twice, suppressed his smile, and spoke.

"Thor, it's not the Destroyer Armor, it's called the Destroyer, and it's not in danger now."

When the Destroyer was rolled up by Thor with a thunderstorm just now, he kept asking Angelo in his heart, asking whether Angelo would start to fight back against Thor.

It's just that they were all stopped by Angelo.

Thor scratched his head, "But, the Destroyer armor was still here just now, where did it go?"

Seeing Thor's not very smart look, the good old man Steve kindly reminded Thor, "Thor, this Destroyer is transformed from the Destroyer armor..."

Before Steve finished speaking, Thor frowned, and said to Angelo in a rage, "Mortal! Are you kidding me?!"

Angelo looked at Thor's image of a reckless man who couldn't be more reckless, and he touched his forehead weakly.

He thought that Thor had reached Odin's standard, but now it seems that this guy really can't change his shit, and Odin didn't return his divine power to Thor because Thor reached the standard. Don't want to see Thor die on Earth.

"Hit him!" Angelo waved at the Destroyer. "Just don't kill him."

After all, his father Odin is still watching. It would not be good to kill his son.

Following An Qiluo's order, the Destroyer finally showed its ferocious posture for the first time after transforming from the Destroyer armor into a steel stone demon.

Due to Angelo's order not to harm Thor's life. The Destroyer Armor didn't use the blade on his arm, but raised his fist, twisted his figure, and smashed directly at Thor's face.

Thor raised his eyebrows, and he also saw that the current "Destroyer Armor" is completely under the orders of Angelo.

Just before I recovered my divine power, I was suppressed by An Qiluo everywhere because I couldn't beat An Qiluo. Now that I finally recovered my divine power, can I continue to be suppressed by you?

Although I don't know what method An Qiluo used to control the "Destroyer Armor", Thor doesn't believe that he can't defeat an armor controlled by mortals!

It just so happens that even if the "Destroyer Armor" is broken, it won't hurt this mortal.

Thor didn't hide, but directly swung his hammer and rushed towards the "Destroyer Armor".

Soon, Thor once again fought with the Destroyer Ding Dingdang, but unlike before, this time the battle between the two "people" was fully displayed in front of everyone.

Thor's fighting style is punching to the flesh, relying on the inherently strong physique of the Asgardians to defeat every opponent. If you punch me, I will swing you with a hammer to see who can't hold it first.

In the same way, the style that the Destroyer armor is best at is the same, not only if, but the Destroyer also has a higher level of characteristics, attack backlash.

During the battle, lightning splashed all over Thor's body, while Destroyer's body was still so tepid. The roar of Thor's battle echoed continuously on the battlefield.

Steve, who was beside Angelo, always felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Isn't this the scene where in the church, Hard Batian helped Hulk to "calm down" again, turning Hulk into Dr. Banner again?

Especially when Thor hit the Destroyer's head with a hammer, the Destroyer couldn't see any damage, but Thor's brain felt as if he had been hit by a train, and his neck slammed. A sound, the scene where he was almost killed by a hammer.

Thor is going the same way as the Hulk...

Steve gave Thor a pitying look.

"Um... buddy." Steve had already put his shield back on his back, and said to Angelo, "Is this guy called Destroyer really not related to Hard Batian? For example Cousin or something?"

"Huh?" Angelo glanced at Steve, but he didn't expect Steve to discover that, in essence, the Destroyer and the Hard Batian are both the same in essence. They are all steel stone demons summoned by Angelo, but the materials used for summoning are different.

The body has the effect of attack backlash, especially in this kind of battle where the fists are fleshy and there is no dodge or dodge, this effect is even more outstanding.

Angelo thought for a while and said, "Well, Steve, you are right. From a certain point of view, the cousin of the Destroyer's tyrannical cousin also makes sense."

Steve glanced at Thor sympathetically, and then thought of the Hulk who must be very miserable in the future. Now it's all right. It was originally just to help Hulk calm down, but now he has an extra "cousin" , the cousins ​​will do it together, maybe Hulk will come out less frequently in the future...

The battle between Thor and the Destroyer has shown signs of decline. After all, no matter how you hit someone, you will be fine, and you will be hit by your own attack inexplicably. Who can stand it!

Just for a while, Thor could feel that the power of Thor, which was still abundant in his body just now, had been somewhat exhausted, and the speed of recovering his body could not keep up with the speed of causing damage.

But Thor, a stubborn, stupid man, still couldn't believe that he couldn't defeat a battle armor controlled by a mortal, and he still relentlessly confronted the Destroyer.

Angelo looked at it for a while, and felt that it was meaningless. After all, this kind of one-sided beating battle was really nothing to see, and it was not a magician's chaos where spells flew around.

An Qiluo ordered the Destroyer impatiently, "Take this hammer god idiot with you, we're leaving!"

He hasn't forgotten that Stark and Ivan Vanke are still fighting alone in Washington!

I don't know what's going on there.

After An Qiluo finished speaking, he saw that the Destroyer took Thor's hammer hard, then quickly approached Thor, grabbed his arm, and then picked up Thor's arm with the other hand. collar, just dragging Thor thinking about Angelo.

"Let go! You stupid mortal! I am Thor, and you will bear the wrath of Thor! I swear! Pfft!"

Thor yelled, but he didn't stop. He threw the hammer in his hand to the other hand that was still free, and hit the Destroyer's abdomen with a hammer, wanting to take this opportunity to severely damage the Destroyer and send Release yourself from control.

But the Destroyer is not a human, it is a steel stone demon, there is no weakness on its body, it doesn't matter if it is the abdomen or not.

Thor's hammer is equivalent to hitting his own stomach.

The power of Thor on Thor's body finally couldn't hold it anymore, and he spit out a big mouthful of blood.


On the other hand, An Qiluo didn't care much about Thor's "hitting himself".

Seeing that the Destroyer had controlled the hammer god, he turned his head to the ancient mage, Angelo nodded to the ancient mage, "Ancient mage, please help me open a portal to Washington, We need to pick up our friends."

This is what An Qiluo and the Ancient One agreed upon before.

Master Gu Yi smiled and nodded to An Qiluo, expressing his agreement.

A circle was drawn in the hand, and then pieces of golden sparks began to appear in the air, and the sparks gradually formed a portal.

An Qiluo has seen the other side of the teleportation through the gradually formed portal.

I even heard gunshots from the other side of the portal, explosions, and the smell of gunpowder smoke from the other side of the portal.

It seems that the situation in Washington is not ideal.

I don't know what happened to Stark and Ivan Vanke, two life-and-death enemies.


Thor was dragged by the Destroyer, and walked towards Angelo step by step.

He is no stranger to this golden portal floating in the air, after all, he was "sent" to the town by Gu Yi just now with this thing.

Just now he hadn't recovered his power of thunder god, so he was thrown over without any resistance, but now that he has recovered his power of thunder god, how could he just be thrown over again like this!

He is Thor! He still wants to lose face!

and! Thor also wanted to go back to Asgard as soon as possible, find his younger brother Loki, and let Loki end all the stupid things he is doing now!

But Thor was helpless to find that in the hands of this Destroyer armor that had changed its shape, just like he was in the hands of his father Odin, he had no power to resist at all, and was given by the opponent's means. hurt.

But Thor still has a way to get out of this big guy's hands!

That is the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard. When he regained the power of Thunder God and held Mjolnir again, he discovered that he could contact the gatekeeper of Asgard again—— Heimdall!

He didn't leave just because he wanted to get rid of the Destroyer. Now that the situation has changed, and he doesn't want to be thrown over again, he can only call Heimdall to summon the Rainbow Bridge, and send him, the three warriors of Asgard and Sif Take it back to Asgard.

"Heimdall!" Looking at the approaching portal, Thor tilted his head and shouted towards the sky regardless of the collar he was holding on to by the Destroyer, "Pick me and my friends back! "

Silent in the cloudless sky...

However, Thor's shout attracted Angelo's gaze, but Angelo didn't intend to stop him, just stood in front of the portal and looked at him quietly.

Thor gritted his teeth and shouted to the sky again, "Heimdall! I'm Thor! Take us back!"

It was still quiet in the sky, and Thor was embarrassed to find a gap on the ground to sneak in for a moment!

Angelo shrugged, "It seems that your father doesn't want to take you back."

Angelo knew that Odin was beside him now. Thor was the prince of Asgard, but Odin was the king of gods. The king of gods didn't want you to go back, so the prince had to wait here.

"Okay, Destroyer, let's take this guy there." Angelo said to the Destroyer, and gave way to the portal.

After the Destroyer entered Thor with his teeth and claws in his arms, Steve, Imerton and others also collapsed into the portal.

Angelo was the last one to step into the portal. Before stepping into the portal, Angelo glanced at Coulson who hesitated to speak.

"By the way, Coulson, I don't have time to explain to you now. If you or your director want to know the truth, come to my church and find me. I will wait for you there and tell Nick Fury. It's still the old rules. He understands."

After speaking, An Qiluo stepped into the portal.

Angelo's idea is very simple. Now that Thor has appeared on the earth, and Odin has also come, then the contact between the earth and Asgard is inevitable, and it is best for an official organization to come forward. Humanity's first extraterrestrial contact.

He has no relevant experience! Moreover, shouldn't the funds for contact be provided by the government?

Angelo will never admit it, he is a bit greedy for the funds of S.H.I.E.L.D....

The writer's assistant came to my aunt just now, the last paragraph is a bit garbled, it has been re-edited... sorry

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