The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 325 S.H.I.E.L.D. Comes

Chapter 325 S.H.I.E.L.D. Comes

Steve's words reminded Stark of some not-so-good experiences. He fought hand-to-hand with Steve, and was rubbed against the ground by Steve...

But Angelo's words moved Stark a little.

If he had the choice, he didn't want to inject these weird things into his body.

"Okay, man, you have successfully convinced me." Stark shrugged and said with a relaxed expression, "Then I will register for Imerton's magic cram school. However, Steve's fighting Let’s forget about the training class, that’s a game only barbarians will play.”

Good old Steve: ...

Angelo looked at Stark who looked much more relaxed, and he felt a little relieved.

For Stark, he has known each other since before Stark became Iron Man, and the two have become until now.

Compared with the image of Iron Man in previous movies, the real Iron Man is obviously more vivid and three-dimensional.

If it was the very beginning, Angelo and Stark only came into contact with Stark because he was greedy for Stark's money, then I don't know when Angelo has regarded Stark as a true friend.

Therefore, Angelo can understand Stark's mind better than when he watched a movie in his previous life.

Before Tony Stark became Iron Man, he had everything and nothing.

He has money, but he has nothing but money.

But it's different now. He has Pepper Pepper, a group of friends, and even a "little friend" like Peter Parker.

Therefore, Stark cherishes the present life even more than anyone else. Although Stark never said these words out of his mouth.

But he still worked hard, made a new shield for Steve, made two sets of steel armor for Xiao Jiali and Nick, and installed a camera in front of the church door so that when something happened here, he could provide timely support ...

Compared with these things that Stark is doing silently, his bad mouth seems to be less conspicuous. This is why Angelo can endure Stark's poisonous mouth from time to time, and is still friends with Stark.

Stark will never be stingy with his friends, and so is An Qiluo. On weekdays, An Qiluo always says that it is credited to Stark's account, just joking, and Stark doesn't care about these small money.

Angelo has even made a plan. If Stark is still uncontrollably anxious and insecure, he is going to take out some runes to strengthen Stark's armor. Although the runes are precious, Angelo is also Didn't really care that much.

But fortunately, it seems that Stark has temporarily given up his plan to inject himself with the Extremis virus, and Angelo did not mention this again. After all, in the future, human beings will not only have to face War, and aliens and gods from beyond the planet.

The advancement of science and technology is the way out for human beings, promoting human civilization from all aspects, while magic can only improve the combat effectiveness of some people to a limited extent.

It just so happens that Tony Stark is the biggest output point of human technological progress.

Angelo has always firmly believed that reality is not a movie, and the world is not saved by one person or a group of people, but the responsibility of all mankind.

"Dude, if you are interested in magic, you can study the Destroyer if you have time." Angelo pointed to his feet and said to Stark, "The origin of this thing is a bit interesting, I think you should know interested."

"You're talking about that overbearing cousin?" Stark raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

Stark is very interested in this kind of machinery-related things.

Angelo nodded with a smile. He just took advantage of this time to tell Stark and Steve about the origin of the Destroyer and what he knew about Asgard.

What Angelo learned about Asgard was all from the movies of his previous life, and the information was not very detailed. In the movie, he only briefly mentioned it. It has not been specifically stated, so Angelo finished quickly.

After Angelo finished speaking, Stark glanced at Thor's direction in surprise, and asked Angelo in a low voice, "Dude, you mean that psycho is really the God of Thor in Norse mythology, there really is a God King's father?"

Angelo looked at the subtle expression on Steve's face, and his complexion was also a little subtle.

"Although I really don't want to admit it, this guy is indeed the prince of Asgard, the default heir, and he does have a god-king father."

"'s hard to imagine." Steve said, with a look of indescribable expression on his face, "The future ruler of Asgard is actually like this..."

If Americans of Stark’s generation grew up listening to the stories of Steve’s Captain America, then Americans of Steve’s generation grew up watching these fairy tales.

Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology, fought side by side with him, and now he is in the same cabin as him alive. With Thor's indescribable performance before, it is no wonder that Steve has such an expression.


In the eyes of Stark and Steve as if looking at a rare protected animal, and in the whispers of the three, the plane flew from Washington to New York.

Of course, the generous rich man Stark did not forget to call the flight attendants on the plane to give the legendary Thor enough vodka.

For this, Stark got Thor's nod of thanks, and Thor looked at Stark with a slightly more friendly look.

It seemed to Thor that being forced to stay on Earth without going back to Asgard wouldn't be such a bad thing, if he could drink this drink every day.

Thor didn't know how much the wine he drank on the plane was worth. There was no bottle of wine on Stark's special plane that was less than $10,000 a bottle.

After the plane lands, Thor shouldn't be able to drink it by himself...unless he pawns his hammer...


Stark's special plane landed steadily at the airport in New York.

Stark had called Pepper a long time ago, and Pepper had arranged everything. There were already pick-up personnel on the ground ready to pick up the vehicle.

Happy was also waiting at the airport in a luxury business car. In addition, Angelo could also see a truck at the airport, which should be Stark's Iron Golem Destroyer for Angelo. prepare.

The Destroyer is different from the Iron Golem Armor. It has no flying ability, and its size is too huge. It is really not suitable for passing through the urban area.

Stark is always like this, and will silently prepare everything for his friends.

Everyone got off the plane, commercial vehicles and trucks were already waiting at the airport.

Opening the compartment of the truck, Angelo was about to direct the Destroyer to enter when a group of unexpected people came out of the compartment.

The leader is a bald black marinated egg, the sunlight reflected from the bald head is very dazzling...

Behind the black stewed egg, there is a middle-aged man with a hairline that reaches into the sky, and a beautiful woman.

"Nick Fury." Both Stark and Angelo frowned at the black egg. "Why are you here?"

Stark's driving employee, that is, the truck driver, also looked at Nick Fury and his party in shock, "Who are you! Why are you in the car!"

After finishing speaking, the truck driver turned his head to Stark, and frantically tried to explain to Stark, "Mr. Stark, I really don't know when these people came up. When I left the company, I clearly checked No, there is no one in the carriage..."

The truck driver doesn't want to lose his job because of this. He is almost forty years old, and the Stark Corporation pays well. It is difficult to find such a high-paying job. He still wants to stay in the Stark Corporation until retirement!

Although the current Tony Stark has stepped down from the position of Stark Group President and replaced by Pepper Pepper, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Stark can still control the "life and death" of employees. power".

Stark waved his hand, signaling the truck driver not to be nervous, and comforted the truck driver, "It's okay, I don't blame you for this matter, you go back to the cab first, and leave the rest to me."

The truck driver took a serious look at Stark's expression and found that Stark did not mean to blame him, so he returned to the cab with confidence.

This can't really be blamed on the truck drivers, these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, wanting to hack a truck silently is simply too simple a thing.

It wasn't until the truck driver returned to the driving that Nick Fury walked out of the truck with Coulson and the black widow Natasha.

"Angelo, Tony and Steve, long time no see." Nick Fury said with a smile on his face.

Angelo and Stark looked at the hypocritical smile on Nick Fury's face with disgust. If it was placed on someone else's face, this smile might still have some affinity, but on Nick Fury's big black face, it is really It's so ugly that it can stop children from crying at night.

"Come on, Director Fury." Stark curled his lips, "I don't want to see you, I'm more interested in beautiful women than ugly ones."

Nick Fury was stunned by Stark's poisonous tongue, and then said with a wry smile, "Tony, I don't know why you have such hostility towards me..."

When An Qiluo heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, nonsense, you spy organizations don't say a word of truth, who would like you?

"...However, I am here today because Angelo asked us to come here. Before Angelo asked Coulson to give me a message." Nick Fury glanced at Thor and the Destroyer, "We are for this ... Thor came."

Stark turned his head and glanced at Angelo, Angelo nodded to confirm that it was indeed he who asked Nick Fury to come to him, but Stark still said reluctantly, "Then you come and Come on, why do you want to get into my car? Is SHIELD already so poor that they want to take a SF Express?"

Ivan Vanke looked at Nick Fury gloatingly. He could already predict that the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. would have a furious expression on his face in the next second. Stark's stinky mouth is really Too much hatred.

But the next scene disappointed Ivan Vanke.

Not only was there no anger on the face of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but a wry smile on his face.

"Too many eyes are staring at S.H.I.E.L.D., and this time it's a matter of great importance, so we can only do something wrong." Nick Fury shrugged like Angelo shrugged. "Don't worry, I've got Hawkeye on guard."

Only then did Angelo realize that even Coulson had come, and Hawkeye, as S.H.I.E.L.D., had several capable combat powers, it was impossible not to come.

"Okay, still the old rules?" Angelo said to Nick Fury.

"Still the old rules." As he spoke, Nick Fury took out a check from his pocket and handed it to Angelo. "This is 10 million US dollars. I just applied for it."

Angelo raised his eyebrows, carefully confirmed the amount on the check, and then put the check away, "Okay, I will send the information about Asgard and the next arrangement to your mobile phone. "

After Angelo finished speaking, he was about to reach out and push away the three Nick Fury who were blocking the front of the carriage. "Come on, give way, we are going to get in the car."

Nick Fury frowned and glanced at Thor and Destroyer, who had been sold and didn't know why, and the expressionless Destroyer, and said, "Shouldn't we let us take them away?"

Angelo glanced at Nick Fury in surprise, "Did I tell you to take them away?"

"But didn't you say...follow the old rules? I just gave you the check." Nick Fury suddenly had a bad feeling from the bottom of his heart when he heard Angelo's words.

He felt as if he was about to be tricked by Angelo...

Sure enough, Angelo's next sentence verified Nick Fury's conjecture.

"Oh. By the way, I haven't given you the receipt yet. Should I give it to you now or later?" Angelo glanced at the smiling Coulson and the black widow Natasha behind Nick Fury, "I'll give it to you later." Your money, um... is called information fees, I will keep my promise and send you the information. As for taking Thor and the Destroyer away, I advise you not to even think about it."

What is the virtue of S.H.I.E.L.D., Angelo knows better than anyone else, even better than Nick Fury, the director. Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., like a coin, have two sides.

God knows what will happen to Thor if he is brought back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Angelo thought to himself, even if I let you take Thor away, don't tell me what Odin, the god king of Asgard, thinks about his stupid son being sold, if Thor is taken away by you alone , God King Odin sees you agents keep brainwashing Thor, I am afraid there is no need to wait for the aliens to come, a war will break out between the earth and Asgard.

Nick Fury: ...

I knew it! An Qiluo's bastard must not be so easy to talk to! He also threatened himself with false receipts!

"Oh, that's right." Angelo looked at Nick Fury's expression not very well, and waved his hands indifferently, "Don't look at me like that, I'm for your own good, if you really put If Thor takes it away, you won’t be able to grasp it. If I were you, if I were entangled in this, it would be better to go back to your immediate boss and apply for some funds for Thor to use for living expenses on Earth, the cost of living in Hell’s Kitchen Not low."

Coulson, one of the few "honest people" in S.H.I.E.L.D., stood up empathetically, and rescued his director, saying, "Mr. Angelo, we want to take this Mr. Thor away, but we just want to Know something about Asgard, and if possible, the first step for the earth to enter the universe is to establish diplomatic relations with Asgard..."

Coulson's words were very tactful, and the smile on his face was also very kind.

But for Angelo, all of this is tantamount to playing the piano to a cow, "Okay, Coulson, stop talking, Thor, I will definitely not let you take him away, he is in Hell's Kitchen, and I will I will not hide him, if your people want to contact you, you can contact them yourself, I will not stop, the premise is that Thor voluntarily contacts with you, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

The contact between the earth and Asgard is inevitable. At least from the attitudes of the ancient mage and Odin, Asgard is still in the position of an ally of the earth.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is very fucked up, it is still a global organization in name, not a department of a certain country. It is better for this global organization to contact and establish diplomatic relations with aliens like Asgard. Appropriate.

Moreover, if Thor is right under his nose, SHIELD probably won't play any tricks.

If a single country takes the lead in establishing diplomatic relations with Asgard, it will definitely break the current relatively stable situation on Earth...

Thanks to Mushan and Wei Shao for the reward of 100 starting point coins~

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