The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 332 Stark's AI Substitute

Chapter 332 Stark's AI Substitute

Under the blank eyes of Thor and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Koenig, "Odin" began to change as he got closer to the church.

The originally dark golden battle armor began to recede like a water curtain, revealing another green outfit.

But "Odin" himself had an expression of ignorance, and was still walking in this direction.

Until this "Odin" approached, all the camouflage on his body had receded, and he finally revealed his true face.

Thor's younger brother is also wearing an Asgardian-style armor. The cloak behind Thor is red, and the cloak behind him is a green cloak.

But unlike the strong Thor, Loki's body is thinner and thinner. He doesn't have the muscular muscles on his arms like Thor, an ordinary Asgardian, and his body is more slender.

Against the backdrop of his armor and cloak, he seemed out of place like a different kind.

It is worth noting that Loki also wears a helmet like antlers on his head.

Thor knew his younger brother too well. From childhood, Loki often did this kind of thing. When the two of them were together when they were young, Loki would use the spell he learned from his mother to conjure snakes to tease himself...

Therefore, Thor is called the god of mischief by the Asgardians, not the god of magic. Although the real number one mage in the Nine Realms is the queen mother of the two brothers, Frigga.

Now the situation is very clear, Luo Ji, the unlucky younger brother, dared to pretend to be his father to trick him, it is really... daring!

Looking at Loki after the disguise was broken, still looking at himself with a mocking smile, Thor said to Loki with some embarrassment, "Loki?"

The expression on Loki's face changed slightly, but then he returned to a calm and calm expression, "Thor, your brother Loki is in Asgard, and he didn't come with him."

Thor felt even more embarrassed, especially in front of these earthlings...

Koenig kindly took out a small mirror from his inner pocket and handed it to Loki. Although Koenig was not very clear about the relationship between the two brothers, the younger brother of Prince Asgard should be The second prince of Asgard.

It's not always the case to embarrass the second prince here, right?

At this time, the movement here has already attracted Frank's attention, and he quickly escaped from Nick's textbook. When he saw Loki got Koenig's small mirror, he looked at the face His expression changed slightly.

Frank didn't think much about it. Anyway, this guy disguised his identity and came to the church. There is no need to ask. He probably wants to do something bad. Let's take him down first!

Perhaps it was because of Angelo's absence, Frank did not use the terrifying power to kill you three thousand for the sake of the overall situation, but escaped from the back waist with a stun gun that he did not know where to find, and directly He fired a shot at Loki.

Steve saw Frank make a move, and although he didn't understand what was going on, he also made a move, and the shield was thrown at Loki while Frank shot.

Angelo is not in the church now, and they are responsible for defending the church.

A red figure also appeared in the distant sky, and Stark also summoned his Mark armor, but because of the flight distance, he did not catch up with this wave of offensive.

Loki looked at himself in the mirror in amazement, and before he could figure out why his disguise would fail, Frank and Steve launched an attack.

Loki didn't care about the stun gun in Frank's hand, although he already knew that he was not the biological son of God King Odin, but the son of Frost Giant King Laufey.

But what is amazing is that because he grew up in Asgard since he was a child, he is affected by the gravity of the planet and a series of factors. More than three times the physical quality of human beings.

In his opinion, weapons on a backward planet like the earth should not be able to harm him.

Instead, it was the shield thrown by Steve, and he felt the breath of magic on the shield—in fact, it was the rune Angelo gave to Steve...

Loki took out two small knives from his sleeve, trying to pry aside the shield that was flying towards him.

But what happened next made Loki completely unexpected...

Frank's stun gun hit Loki precisely, and the voltage on the stun gun made Loki realize what is called the "power of lightning" on the technology side.

An electric current quickly spread from the stun gun to Loki's whole body, which was comparable to the current of a high-voltage wire traveling back and forth on Loki's body.

This feeling is very familiar to Loki, the ability of his brother Thor is the power of thunder and lightning. In the past, every time he annoyed Thor, Thor would always use his hammer Mjolnir to let himself experience this feeling.

Just as Loki was trembling with electricity, Steve's shield also arrived, and the shield made of vibrating gold and gold coins slammed heavily on Loki's helmet.

The helmet on Loki's head was smashed with a deep mark by the edge of the shield.

Loki, who was immobilized by the high-voltage electric shock, immediately fell to the ground with the power carried by the shield. At the same time, Frank's finger was not removed from the trigger of the stun gun, and the current was still being sent to Loki continuously. .

Loki fell to the ground and was convulsed by the electric shock.

Even Frank himself was surprised. At first, he just wanted to test the power of the weapon with the mentality of testing the power of the weapon. He wanted to try the power of the stun gun newly invented by Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner at the same time. Come out, Thor's ability is thunder and lightning, and Thor's younger brother will not be knocked down by the stun gun so easily.

But I didn't expect that the result was so unexpected, the second prince of Asgard was brought down so easily?

"That's it?" Frank was silent for a while, and finally said a word, "This is God? Weak!"

Although Loki came here with bad intentions, Thor always regarded Loki as his own younger brother. After seeing Loki being brought down and adding Frank's weak words, Thor still couldn't restrain himself With his own temper, he subconsciously picked up the hammer, trying to force the thunder and lightning to attack Frank.

A bolt of lightning shot Frank from Mjolnir.

Although Frank's current attack power relies on the equipment that will kill you three thousand, although he is very strong, he is a mortal body. To put it simply, he has a high attack and thin blood.

This flash of lightning Frank could never hold back relying solely on his own physical body.

But after Thor reacted at this time, it was too late for him to take back the lightning that had been fired.

Thor can only pray in his heart that Frank can throw away the stun gun and avoid the attack, otherwise if Frank is electrocuted into coke by himself, the terrible earth wizard may deal with him after he returns.

Now Frank has only two options, one is to let go of the stun gun to avoid the lightning attack, in that case, Loki will be rescued, and the other option is to resist Thor's attack-but he is likely to die.

Frank glanced coldly at Thor from the corner of his eye, and then he didn't intend to let go at all. Instead, he pulled the trigger of the stun gun even tighter, and Loki suddenly let out a more miserable cry.

Frank did this not because he had confidence in his own defenses, but because he believed in Stark and Steve.

Sure enough, as Frank expected.

In the next second, a red figure appeared on the path of lightning.

Stark's Mark armor finally flew from the satellite and successfully intercepted Thor's lightning.

The only price is that the red spray paint on the golden surface of the Mark Armor begins to peel off under high temperature.

But it was limited to this, Jarvis's voice sounded from the golden-red Mark armor.

"Sir, the energy is sufficient, and the energy reaches 400%."

"Huh?" Stark was also stunned when he heard it. Good guy, even though the lightning flash was so powerful just now, why did he charge himself instead? "how so?"

Stark asked questions, but he was very aware of his weakness. His combat power was all on the armor, and his movements did not delay at all, waving to the Mark armor.

Now that Angelo is away, the battle of these "aliens" from Asgard is indeed strong and cannot be underestimated.

However, if you want to fight, then fight!

The parts of Mark's battle armor were quickly put on Stark's body. In less than three seconds, Stark had already completed the dressing action. He was wearing a golden-red battle armor. The Ark's reactor was glowing with dazzling white light, which was a precursor to full energy or even overload.

Stark didn't talk nonsense, and the laser cannon with the triangle on the chest of Mark's armor instantly lit up a beam of light, and blasted directly at Thor.

How fast is light?

Thor and Loki, two aliens from Asgard, should not have taken physics classes.

But when they reacted, Stark's laser cannon had already bombarded Thor's body heavily, blasting Thor out, and the impact even made Thor flip two somersaults in mid-air before landing on the ground. He fell on the ground in a posture of a dog chewing shit.

Although Loki fell to the ground and convulsed from being shocked by the stun gun, but thanks to his physique three times stronger than that of the people on Earth, Loki did not lose consciousness. He watched Thor being blasted to death by Stark This look of embarrassment.

Loki was twitching with joy in his heart. He was happy to see Thor suffer.

After he introduced the Frost Giants and the Frost Giant King Laufey into Asgard, he broke into the palace of God King Odin and found that it was not their real father Odin lying there, but a After the phantom, Loki knew that he was helpless, and he would even be thrown into prison by his father Odin for punishment.

His purpose of coming to Earth was just to trouble Thor, before he was caught back.

But Loki is not without a trace of regret in his heart. Like all Asgardians, he despises the people on Earth too much. If he had been more cautious, he might not have fallen into this situation.

No matter what Loki thinks, he has no room to resist now, and Frank's finger is still firmly on the trigger of the stun gun, constantly sending current to him.

Thor got up from the ground, his face bursting with anger, "Mortal! Do you know who you are attacking?"

Stark stood in the armor, looked at Thor, and shrugged, "You can only remind me that you are a drama actor. Did you steal your mother's shawl and wear it?"

Thor: ...

In terms of bickering, Thor, a muscular man with a head full of muscles, is naturally no match for Stark. He glared at Stark, "The Tin Woodman! Stop trying to provoke the majesty of God!"

Stark was even more upset about this kind of Thor. This guy drank his own wine on the plane and was with Ivan Vanke, and now he still calls himself the Tin Woodman?

"Drama actor, you want to make trouble here while my buddy is away? You are overthinking." Stark said and pointed to Loki who was twitching on the ground, "As for the provocation you said Is this guy a god? If so, maybe you can be called the god of fools..."

It has to be said that Stark's mouth, no matter when, mouth poison seems to have become an instinct of Stark, especially for enemies.

His words not only angered Loki, but also angered Thor at the same time.

Thor heard that his younger brother was called a disgrace to the Protoss by this poisonous tin man (Thor's own vocabulary), and he also gave himself such a damn name as such a god of fools.

In an instant, Thor's temper was detonated by Stark, and he swallowed back the words that he had been struggling for a long time and wanted to apologize.

With Mjolnir swung in his hand, he charged Thor towards Stark.

Stark was naturally not to be outdone, and with the assistance of Jarvis, he instantly activated the thrusters and melee assist functions on the Mark armor-this is what he used to let Jarvis in the network according to his own weakness. It is a function summed up by searching for the videos of the world's fighting masters.

To put it simply, it is AI playing.

Accompanied by lightning and thunder and the sound of the hammer hitting the iron, Stark and Thor, two people with the ability to fly, hit the sky from the ground of the church, and then hit the ground from the sky.

Although Jarvis has absorbed the knowledge points of all fighting masters, he still has no practical experience after all. Soon, Thor, who is rich in combat experience, found the weakness of the AI ​​generation, deliberately sold a flaw, and beat Stark's Hand armor pinched.

Thor wants to drag Stark into a melee!

Stark watched Thor exhausted his whole body and couldn't move the Mark armor. He shrugged, and the reactor in his chest lit up again, blasting Thor out.

Thor fell ten meters away and looked at Stark viciously.

The more he fought, the more frustrated he became. Although Stark's melee skills in the armor were poor, he couldn't hold up to Stark's high defense. His hammer hit Stark's Mark armor, and he couldn't cause any effective damage at all. harm.

If he continued to entangle like this, he might be defeated by this damned tin woodman!

Thor couldn't accept this ending.

Thinking of this, Thor raised the hammer in his hand high, and the sky of the church was instantly covered with dark clouds, and a thick lightning bolt descended from the sky, connecting between the sky and Mjolnir.

Thor used all his power to draw as many lightning bolts from the sky as he could.

He is going to use a big move, success or failure depends on this move!

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