The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 334 The mutation of the Horadric Cube!

Chapter 334 The mutation of the Horadric Cube!

In the end, still in Odin's skeptical attitude, Odin brought Angelo to the depths of the treasure house.

The two stood in front of a continuously burning flame in the depths of the treasure house, and the pupil of Odin's only remaining eye reflected the flame.

"This is the eternal flame." Odin said solemnly, "This flame cannot be extinguished. It has been burning for an unknown number of years."

Odin still has nothing to say. The Eternal Flame was originally the product of the shattered Muspelheim, and it can also be called the source. It was born at the same time as Muspelheim.

Therefore, Muspelheim is also known as the place where the flames began.

After Muspelheim was shattered by the aftermath of the battle between Odin and Surtur, the Eternal Flame also split into two strands, one of which merged into the hell world together with the shattered Muspelheim, losing It has the characteristics of eternal burning, but it has evolved a race of flame demons in hell.

And the eternal flame in the treasury today was brought back by Odin after it was broken in Muspelheim. Change.

This gave Odin a headache. As Angelo thought about it, he also thought about it. As long as the eternal flame can be extinguished and Surtur will never be resurrected, then the threat of Ragnarok will naturally disappear, but Odin Ding tried all the methods, but he couldn't extinguish the eternal flame.

In the end, he had no choice but to store the eternal flame in the depths of Asgard's treasure house, which is both a collection and a caretaker.

Angelo listened to Odin's words, and looked at the many "little flames" in front of him with surprised eyes. The little flames were housed in an inconspicuous brazier.

If Odin hadn't brought him here, Angelo would have thought it was a lighting facility in the treasury, and he would never have imagined that this poor little flame was actually an eternal fire that even God King Odin feared.

An Qiluo nodded, but he didn't move rashly, but touched his chin and looked at the little flame in front of him, "Is this the eternal fire?"

"Well, yes, Angelo, what are you going to do?"

While he was talking to Odin, An Qiluo was already cautiously and tentatively scanning the eternal flame in front of him with his mental power.

When An Qiluo's spiritual power came into contact with the eternal flame, his spiritual power that had undergone divine evolution was instantly ignited!

A destructive flame suddenly spread along his mental power. The Eternal Flame, which was originally placed quietly in the brazier, rose sharply, and a line of fire rushed from the Eternal Flame towards Angelo at an extremely fast speed!

Even invisible and intangible spiritual power can be ignited!

An Qiluo was startled, and quickly cut off this part of his mental power. The fire wire lost its fuel, and then it stopped burning, and it didn't burn on him.

However, although An Qiluo lost part of his mental power, for him, these lost mental powers can be recovered without causing any substantial loss.

In a few breaths, Angelo's mental power that he had just lost had recovered, and at the same time, the burning eternal fire had shrunk back into the brazier because of the loss of fuel, and it had once again returned to the harmless little creature it was before. The look of flames.

Odin also saw the flame spreading from the Eternal Flame just now, he thought that Angelo understood the characteristics of the Eternal Flame, so he didn't warn Angelo, but he didn't expect Angelo to be so reckless Trying to scan the eternal flame with mental power.

Fortunately, An Qiluo's reaction was quick, and there was no danger. However, Odin now began to doubt whether An Qiluo could solve the crisis of Eternal Flame and Ragnarok.

"Angelo," Odin explained with an ugly face, "everything is indestructible in the eternal fire, even planets can be ignited. The place where the flames of Muspelheim started was named after that."

Then, Odin pointed to the brazier with the flames and said, "Even this brazier is made by the dwarves by mixing the most essence core of the stars and Asgard's unique Uru metal. At the bottom of the brazier, the dwarves also Carved with extremely cold magic runes, this is the only way to safely hold the eternal fire, and any object that comes into contact with the eternal fire will become fuel for the eternal fire, unless..."

Angelo looked in the direction of Odin's finger, only then did he see the magic rune faintly emerging from the bottom of the brazier, and asked, "Unless what?"

"Unless you touch it with death-related power, the fuel needed to burn the eternal fire is life force. Everything in the world has life force. Except for the power of death, the power of death has no life, so it cannot be ignited."

Today's Eternal Flame, even Odin can't touch it with bare hands, but in Asgard, the only one who can touch the Eternal Flame with bare hands is the former princess Hela. It was Hela who brought the Eternal Flame from Asgard brought back by Muspelheim.

As for where did Hela's ability to control death come from, it originated from a deal between Hela and Lady Death, and it was also one of the root causes of the civil strife between the father and daughter of the God King in the future...

Odin's thoughts began to float unconsciously, and his eyes were a little dazed. No matter how Asgardians call themselves gods, their thinking mode is always more biased towards human beings. When people get old, it is easy to recall the past .

It wasn't until seeing Angelo's next move that Odin's thoughts were pulled back again.

I saw that An Qiluo's hand was covered with a layer of black bone armor, and Odin was seeing that An Qiluo was "boldly" trying to reach out to catch the eternal fire in the brazier.

Don't want his hands anymore!

"An Qiluo, be careful!" Odin shouted! At the same time, he had already squeezed the Eternal Spear in his hand, intending to help An Qiluo cut off this hand.

Cutting off the hand is better than burning the whole body!

Angelo stretched out his hand to grab the Eternal Flame, while turning his head to look at Odin in a daze.

Just after Odin told the way to touch the eternal flame, Angelo thought of a countermeasure. He didn't know whether the ability brought by his own time travel can be regarded as the power of death, but he came from death. The power of death that the lady snatched from her and fused into her is definitely the purest power of death in this universe.

That's the death rule. It is also the best way for me.

And An Qiluo's solution was very rough, but also very effective. He used the death rule on the white bone armor as an isolation, then grabbed the Eternal Flame and threw it into his space backpack.

When Angelo's hand wrapped in bone armor touched the eternal flame, Odin's eternal spear also swung at Angelo's arm.

But when Odin saw that the bone armor in Angelo's hand was still safe and sound under the scorching of the eternal flame, he urgently stopped the eternal gun in his hand, and it stopped firmly on Angelo's arm Even the tip of the Eternal Spear touched the hairs on Angelo's arm.

Angelo looked at God King Odin puzzled. "Huh? King Odin? What's wrong?"

God King Odin watched the Eternal Flame as docile as a little sheep in Angelo's "Bone Gloves" hands, and was horrified in his heart. This scene made him think of Hella and Lady Death again...

When the Ancient One Master introduced An Qiluo to him, he did not mention the "interesting story" between An Qiluo and Lady Death. After all, Angelo is not afraid of Lady Death, but it does not mean that they are not afraid, even if they are like Austrian. When a powerhouse of Ding's level is talked about on Earth, Odin in Asgard can feel it, not to mention Lady Death, who is one of the incarnations of the universe's rules.

"Nothing." Although there were many thoughts in his heart, Odin didn't show it on his face. He retracted the Eternal Spear hovering above Angelo's arm as if nothing happened, and continued to ask, "Angelo, what do you plan to do?" How to do it?"

Odin looked at a huge crown that was also placed in the corner of the treasury. It was the crown left after Surtur was killed, and it was also guarded by Asgard in the treasury.

Now as long as An Qiluo throws the eternal flame in his hand, Su Tetel will immediately be resurrected in a state beyond his prime! Asgard's Ragnarok is coming soon!

The Eternal Spear in Odin's hand was tightly held. He had secretly communicated with Asgard's power core. If Angelo really had any malicious intentions, Odin would stop him no matter what! He can't afford to bet!

The survival of a race is never a trivial matter!

But fortunately, An Qiluo didn't do this, and he didn't pay attention to so many thoughts of God King Odin. Under the vigilant eyes of King Odin, Angelo calmly stuffed the eternal flame into his space backpack. .

"Okay." Angelo shrugged his shoulders at Odin, "It looks like it's resolved now."

Odin was caught off guard by Angelo's words.

Odin:? ? ? so easy?

Of course it's impossible, although An Qiluo's performance is so relaxed, but in fact, An Qiluo's space backpack, that is, the Horadric Cube, is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

When the Eternal Flame first entered the Horadric Cube, the Eternal Flame, which looked harmless and calm, suddenly became irritable!

The Eternal Flame began to move without wind, jumping non-stop, and began to rampage in the ring as if consciously, scurrying around like a rabbit in a cage, trying to escape from this strange space.

Just when An Qiluo was worried that the eternal flame would ignite all the "strategic reserves" in his space backpack, the mutation happened again!

The flame of the Horadric Cube burst out a suction force, sucking the eternal fire into the flame of the Horadric Cube that was originally used to synthesize items.

Angelo's Beast Spirit Staff was forged from the Horadric Cube by this flame.

Now the eternal fire is actually sucked into this flame! This shocked Angelo! Don't the Eternal Flame ruin the function of the Horadric Cube! The ability to synthesize items is the most important function of the Horadric Cube, and the space backpack is just an incidental function!

Whether it is healing potions or equipment to be synthesized, it needs to rely on the functions of the Horadric Cube to realize it!

But now Angelo has no other choice. If Angelo could still throw it out of the space backpack when the Eternal Flame had just entered the space backpack, then he has nothing to do now. He tried After that, I wanted to take the eternal flame out of the flames of the Horadric Cube, but the Horadric Cube didn't respond at all.

Not only that, the synthetic flame of the Horadric Cube actually showed signs of merging with the eternal flame!

Angelo didn't worry for too long, and the outside world only passed two seconds. In the Horadric Cube, the process of combining flames and eternal flames is also proceeding at an extremely fast speed.

The eternal flame was firmly attracted to the composite flame, and the eternal flame could only struggle feebly, and the struggle was futile.

An Qiluo's mental power saw the eternal flame "with his own eyes", and was fused into it by the synthetic flame at a speed visible to the naked eye, until all the eternal flame was absorbed by the synthetic flame.

The color of the synthetic flame also changed to dark green after absorbing the eternal flame. Now, the last ray of eternal fire in the universe has disappeared, not to mention that Surtur was reborn and resurrected with the help of eternal fire, and now even Angelo himself seems unable to take out the eternal fire.

At this time, outside the Horadric Cube, Angelo just finished talking to Odin.

Odin asked Angelo inexplicably, "Angelo, uh... where did you hide the Eternal Flame? Is it really safe?"

Angelo shrugged, grinned, and asked Odin, "Now there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Odin listened to An Qiluo's words, his face was speechless, and even the tension in his heart was not diluted a lot. He didn't expect that a strong man like An Qiluo would have such a bad taste...

"Then it's bad news." Odin said dumbfounded.

"The bad news is that the eternal flame is completely gone." Angelo looked at Odin with a smile.

"It's gone?" Odin looked at Angelo incredulously, "You extinguished the Eternal Flame? What's the good news then?"

"The good news is that since the Eternal Flame is gone, the prophecy of Ragnarok should also be over." Angelo scratched his head, "I didn't extinguish the Eternal Flame either... Forget it, I don't know what to say Well, you'd better see for yourself."

As he spoke, Angelo's mental power carefully moved the Horadric Cube, but something unexpected happened to him. There was a soft "bang" in his palm, and a dark green flame appeared on his chest. in the palm.

This is part of the synthetic fire in the Horadric Cube!

Originally, Angelo was just trying to see if he could take out the flame with the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that after merging the eternal flame, he actually took out part of the synthetic flame of the Horadric Cube, and in He The remaining part of the flames in the Radik Cube quickly returned to its original size without any loss.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Angelo shook the flame in his hand at Odin, "Now that the Eternal Flame has become like this, it shouldn't be called the Eternal Flame anymore, right?"

"The Eternal Flame has become like this?" Odin still looked warily at the dark green flame in Angelo's hand, "Then can this flame wake up Surtur? What is its characteristic?"

Immediately afterwards, Angelo did not answer Odin's question, but in Odin's horrified eyes, he threw the dark green flame in his hand onto the ground of the treasure house...

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