The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 336 Surtur has recovered!

Chapter 336 Surtur has recovered!

Originally, in the Nine Realms of the World Tree, the giants were not only the frost giants.

It's just that other races of giants, such as stone giants and mountain giants, are gradually declining due to various reasons. Although there are no extinct branches of the giant race, they are just not extinct.

The other giant tribes, the few tribesmen, are difficult to achieve after all, and can only barely survive.

You know, in ancient times, the giants and the gods were mortal enemies. If the giants had not fallen, the Asgard gods and the Warner gods were still fighting each other with the giants.

The hellfire giant with a strange green light reminded Odin of the giant family, although he had not seen any giant information in the giant family that was the same as the hellfire giant.

It is neither a pure fire giant, nor a pure stone giant, and it is even less likely to be a frost giant.

In addition, the flames on the hellfire giant's body unconsciously roasted the items in the surrounding treasure house, which made Odin even more sure that the strange giant in front of him was not a good person!

Perhaps some new mutant species appeared in the giant family, trying to use this new mutant species to regain the status of the former ruler and counterattack the Protoss.

Thinking of this, Odin was about to attack the Hellfire giant.

Odin didn't act rashly. His early battle experience in the Nine Realms had already told him that he had to make a tentative attack before launching an attack.

Odin forcefully smashed the Eternal Spear on the ground of the treasure house, and suddenly, a purple lightning shot out from the Eternal Spear, drawing a purple curve in the air, and shot towards the Hellfire Giant.

The speed of lightning is very fast, one of the speeds closest to the speed of light, not to mention the lightning sent by Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms!

It couldn't be intercepted at all, and it couldn't be stopped either. When Angelo's mental power sensed something was wrong, the purple lightning had already hit the Hellfire giant.

The purple lightning used to be called...God's punishment by the ignorant people in the ancient times of the earth! And record it in legends!

But after the God's Punishment Lightning hit the Hellfire Giant, it quickly sank into the Hellfire Giant's body!

Half a second later, the Hellfire Giant was still standing in the treasure house unscathed.

Odin's face became more solemn. The blow just now was enough to crush the top of a hill, but he didn't react at all when he hit the hellfire giant...

This... magic immunity?

If the strange giant in front of him is really a new type of giant mutated by the giants, then it is not impossible for the giants to counterattack the gods.

Because, whether it is the Asgardian Protoss or the Warner Protoss, they are all magical civilizations, and the weapons that are mainly used in large-scale combat in their civilization are all energy attack weapons.

This is the key to the protoss being able to pull the tribe from the position of the ruler of the Nine Realms. In the hand-to-hand combat with the giants, the protoss did not have any advantages because of their size and strength.

The huge size of the giants brings the same huge power, but what they also bring is that they cannot practice magic and can use their own elements. For example, frost giants can only use ice magic, and fire giants can only use fire magic.

In this way, the weakness is obvious. In the war with the giants, the protoss can use the energy of the elements that are opposite to their race's natal elements to deal a fatal blow to the giants.

God King Odin has made up his mind that he must not let this strange "stone giant" go away. Even if this special giant is really a new branch race of the giant race, the number will definitely not be too many, otherwise the giant race will be destroyed sooner or later. Let's attack Asgard!

The Spear of Eternity was held by Odin and aimed at the Hellfire Giant...

The function of the Eternal Spear is simple and powerful. There is only one real function, and that is the "must hit" attribute. As for the ability to release spells, it simply relies on Odin's own spell cultivation.

Relying on the attribute of "must hit" and the unique strength of Ulu metal, once it is locked by the gun of eternity Gungnir to launch an attack, it will definitely be hit. So far, after being locked by the gun of eternity, it can still go Grenier could count the lives of those who escaped with one hand.

The Spear of Eternity is Odin's trump card, and it is also Odin's physical attack method with a small number of digits.


After seeing Odin launch a lightning attack, Angelo raised the Eternal Spear with one hand. This "old man" with gray hair and beard aimed at Hellfire with a standard javelin thrower.

He quickly reached out to stop Odin, "King Odin, don't be nervous, this is what I summoned... Um, I'm sorry, I smashed your treasure house."

An Qiluo had just used his mental power to check the attributes of Hellfire when Odin launched a lightning attack.

After the Hellfire is summoned, all the annotations on the skill tree and the attributes of the Hellfire Summoner can be seen.


Precondition: Horadric Cube Flame.

Taking the flames of the Horadric Cube as the coordinates, summon a hellfire meteorite from a different space, with a range of five meters. If it hits the enemy within the range, it will produce a 0.6-second stun effect. (Note: The process of summoning Hellfire cannot be interrupted and cannot be blocked.)

Hellfire (mutated flame golem):

Sacrifice (Passive Skill): Deal damage per second of HP percentage to enemies within range and any non-friendly units——Damage percentage and range are affected by the flame scale of the front Horadric block.

Magic Immunity (Passive Skill): Makes units with this skill immune to any magic.

Angelo's words made God King Odin look at him in surprise.

Although I still don't understand something in my heart, God King Odin put down the Eternal Spear in his hand very much, and Angelo also included all the targets in the treasure house within the range of Hellfire into friendly units. .

But at this time, the Hellfire appeared, and five seconds had passed. Most of the "treasures" within the range of Hellfire's sacrifice had already been passively roasted by Hellfire's sacrifice and showed a large degree of damage. , some treasures are even on the verge of breaking.

Angelo was about to open his mouth to explain to Odin about the flames of the Horadric cube. After all, the hellfire he summoned had just smashed the "safe" of his home. What if he asked him to pay for it? manage.

But before An Qiluo opened his mouth to speak, a burst of fire burst out from a corner of the treasure house, instantly interrupting An Qiluo's planned speech.

The two looked in the direction of the fire, and in a corner of the treasure house in between, a green flame was burning on a crown that had been quietly placed there!

Odin's expression became serious, he knew what that thing was.

That is Surtur's crown!

He had been worried that Angelo's arrival would wake Surtur up early, but now Angelo had solved the hidden danger of the Eternal Flame, but he still woke up Surtur early after all.

The synthetic flame of the Horadric Cube not only absorbed the energy of the Eternal Fire, but also inherited some of the characteristics of the Eternal Fire.

Eternal combustion is one of them, otherwise the flames synthesized by the Horadric cube would not be able to leave the Horadric cube at all.

When Angelo didn't bring all targets within the range of Hellfire's sacrifice into friendly range, Surtur's crown was always within the burning range of Hellfire's sacrifice, but at that time Surtur's crown Only Immolate damage from Horadric Cube Fire is taken.

At that time, when Angelo brought all the items within the range of the sacrifice to the friendly side, the crown of Surtur no longer suffered from the damage of the sacrifice, but came into contact with other characteristics of the flames of the Horadric Cube...for example Inherited from Eternal Flame's Eternal Burning trait.

Surtur, resurrected!

Angelo looked at the familiar big and exaggerated crown in front of him, he naturally knew what it was, after all, movies in previous lives were not for nothing.

He himself didn't expect that he was just an act of good intentions, afraid of continuing to cause damage to Odin's treasure house, but in the end he awakened Surtur in advance.

No matter what Odin and Angelo think, in the end Surtur's resurrection cannot be stopped after all.

In just a few breaths, under the big and somewhat exaggerated crown, Surtur's figure emerged!

Completely different from what was described in the movies Angelo watched in his previous life and in Asgard's prophecy, Surtur's figure is not made of orange-red flames, but is like Angelo's summoned hell. Like fire, the whole body is composed of dark green flames, and the size of the body is not as exaggerated as in the movie, and its body shape is similar to hellfire.

However, it is not the same as Surtur and Hellfire. In addition to the dark green flames, Hellfire's body is still a meteorite from a different space, but it is wrapped in Horadric flames, and Sur Ter's body is completely composed of illusory and invisible Horadric cube flames.

Odin reacted the fastest, pointed the Eternal Spear in his hand, and a massive amount of God's Punishment lightning shot at the forming Surtur.

God-King Odin attempted to destroy Surtur before he could fully form.

But unfortunately, after the dazzling light of God's Punishment Lightning receded, Surtur had already formed, and a large number of God's Punishment Lightning did not cause any damage.

Odin frowned, feeling bad, and threw the Eternal Spear directly at Surte.

There was a sound of the air being cut, and the Eternal Spear precisely hit Surtur's heart.

The timing of Odin's shot is not bad. Regardless of the time of the shot and the speed at which Surtur was formed, the newly formed Surtur should be in the weakest state.

The Spear of Eternity was indeed very powerful, and it directly gave Surter a heartbreak.


After the Eternal Spear passed through Surtur's chest, the big hole in Surtur's chest began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Surtur does not have such a vital part as the heart, and because of a series of mutations, Surtur itself is also composed of Horadric cube flames, so... Odin's ultimate move also failed.

Odin's heart was immediately lifted into his throat, and now, no matter if it was a magic attack or a physical attack, it was all ineffective...

Is the end of Asgard really inevitable?

At this time, Odin was no longer in the mood to blame Angelo for resurrecting Surtur in advance. As a qualified king, Odin now only thought about how to keep the Asgard family safe, at least If the situation is really not ideal, Odin has even made preparations. He personally stays behind, at least ensuring that the children of the Asgardian family can board the evacuation spaceship, even at the cost of his own life!

At that time, no matter whether these surviving clansmen flee to the earth or to other planets in the universe, they can keep the fire of the Asgardian clan, so as not to exterminate the clan. As long as people are alive, there is hope.

At the same time, Odin was also rejoicing. He had sent Thor to the earth before, and his other son Loki had also left Asgard. The advent is stronger.

Even the eldest daughter Hela, who is called taboo in Asgard, should be on Earth at this time...

Of course, if there is a choice, Odin does not want his people to leave their homes. Although their family did come to Asgard from the earth in ancient times, they have already come to this planet. There have been many generations. After so many generations, all the clansmen have regarded Asgard as their true hometown...

While God King Odin was thinking about how to protect his people under the prophecy of Ragnarok, should he use Asgard's last power to fight Surtur?

Angelo also had a new move.

Originally, after An Qiluo saw Odin's attack—whether it was a physical attack or a magic attack, all of them failed, and Odin had always shown a cautious attitude towards Surtur before, An Qiluo didn't know how to deal with it. .

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed that when Surtur became an enemy, the sacrifice passive on Hellfire was also effective for the incorporeal Surtur!

The flames used by Surtur to form his body are starting to weaken at a constant speed!

This made An Qiluo suddenly refreshed!

As long as it works!

Surtur regained consciousness from death, and it glanced around blankly, and then he rang out his mission, what had happened before his death.

Seeing his enemy Odin right in front of him, Surtur originally wanted to pull out of the Twilight Room, destroy Asgard, and avenge his own death!

"I am the doomsday of Asgard!" Surtur roared, waving vigorously in Twilight!

But after Surtur pulled out the Twilight Sword from the void, he found that something was wrong?

When did my Twilight Sword get so small? And it seems that he has become smaller?

Surtur saw Odin and another human being, as well as a grotesque, simple-minded stone man with green flames. His not-so-intelligent brain finally discovered something was wrong!

Odin and the human didn't move much, but Surtur could clearly feel the burning sensation coming from that stupid stone. This feeling is very strange. How could the Lord's Surtur be hurt by the flames!

Although Surtur couldn't figure it out, he knew that there was no need to understand why there was a problem. As long as it was solved, the problem would not be a problem. At the moment, Surtur waved the Twilight Sword made of flames in his hand, directly Just waved it towards the hellfire, and even Odin and Angelo were temporarily ignored by it...

Thanks to YUCKWT for the reward of 500 starting points!

Just now the codeword software came to my aunt, it failed, and it has been revised~

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