The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 352 Vampire! Haunted!

Chapter 352 Vampire! Haunted!

The attention of everyone in the church was attracted by Imerton, even the "scientific research team" personnel in the underground laboratory of the church were no exception, all of them were called up by the alarm bell.

But to Angelo's surprise, Ivan Vanke and Stark, the rivals, came out of the underground laboratory at the same time.

Although the two still disliked each other, and they still gave each other a cold snort when they met, the atmosphere between the two had eased down almost visibly to the naked eye.

I don't know how Ivan Vanko managed to make Stark tolerate this, and the Russian who tried to murder him was in the same room with him.

Even Thor and Loki, who were squatting outside the church door, were attracted by the faint alarm sound inside the door. Loki was still the same, very wise and did not raise any ghost ideas, but Thor was still With a look of unwillingness to give up, he was eager to continue trying to find opportunities to escape.

Although he doesn't know what happened in the church, Thor feels that now is a good opportunity, a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters...

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for people to see themselves being held by a "statue" in the hands of a majestic Thor.

The door of the church that Angelo brought back from ancient Egypt was really soundproof. Outside the door, only the sirens could be faintly heard, but other than that, no other sounds could be heard.


Everyone's attention was attracted, and Angelo was no exception.

After coming up from the underground laboratory, Stark looked curiously at Imerton, who was covered in black light.

At this time, Imerton not only had black lights all over his body, but also closed his eyes, his lips squirmed slightly, and the black halo on his body was filled with violent magic fluctuations and sank into the void, but Stark who was a few steps away But he couldn't even hear a sound.

Not only Stark couldn't hear it, but Angelo was the same. He could only see Imerton's lips moving, but he couldn't hear the sound.

What spell does Imerton seem to be reciting?

Angelo stopped Stark, who was curious about touching Imerton. The connection between him and Imerton made him feel that Imerton's current state was wrong, but what was wrong with him, Angelo didn't know. Know.

Angelo and everyone looked at Imerton cautiously. So far, Imerton is the only one who understands the theory of spells in the entire church.

Now there is a problem with Imerton, and he knows something is wrong, but An Qiluo dare not interrupt Imerton, and he doesn't know whether Imerton's current state is good or bad.

At this moment, An Qiluo missed Mage Gu Yi very much. If Mage Gu Yi was here, maybe Mage Gu Yi would know what to do!

At this moment, the expression on Angelo's face suddenly fluctuated, and then he turned his head to look in the direction of the church gate.

As the door of the church was pulled open again by the clay golem, everyone saw another figure besides the two clay goblins and Loki and Thor at the door of the church.

"Mage Gu Yi, you came just in time! Help me find out what's going on with Immorton?" An Qiluo hurriedly shouted at Mage Gu Yi.

It is true that when Cao Cao arrives, Cao Cao will arrive, and Master Gu Yi came in time. Just now An Qiluo was still talking about the Ancient One mage in his heart, but now the ancient one mage is here!

After the Ancient One mage nodded to An Qiluo, he looked at Imerton.

Seeing the black light permeating Imerton's body, Mage Ancient One's eyes began to become a little dignified.

The Ancient One frowned, a golden spell appeared in her hand, and she threw it at Emerton.

This golden spell seemed to be born to be the nemesis of the black light on Imerton's body.

The moment the black light on Imerton's body touched the golden spell thrown by the ancient one, the black light melted like ice and snow, and was completely dissolved by the golden light spell.

After the black light was completely dissolved, Imerton's own state of being possessed was naturally interrupted.

After Imerton was interrupted, the body that should have lost all the blood suddenly spewed out a large mouthful of dark dirty blood.

Imerton's action directly made the atmosphere in the whole church tense instantly. Except for the ancient one mage, no one knew what was going on with Imerton. They only saw that after the bald mage came, the opponent Imerton threw There was a spell, and Imerton spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Frank pulled out from his back the Ancient One mage who was aiming at the Ancient One, who was about to shoot if he disagreed with him.

The blood vessels on Dr. Banna's neck also began to turn green, and even the skin on his neck also started to turn green, and he was about to completely change his voice into a Hulk and punch the ancient one.

Even the little spider and the four little turtles who came out of the basement dropped the game consoles in their hands. The four little turtles couldn't help but pull out their weapons from the shells behind them, as if they were about to strike.

Although they had never seen this bald female mage, after them, the bald male mage Imerton was brought back by Mr. Priest, and he was one of his own!


Loki and Thor, who were squatting outside the church door, looked at the tense atmosphere in the church in astonishment, and couldn't help but grow their mouths.

Are these mortals on Earth crazy?

He actually wanted to attack the ancient one. In all fairness, although the people of Asgard have always had the habit of looking down on the earth (atrium) people, the ancient one is not in the ranks. Of course, now that these two pairs of suffering brothers and sisters have suffered in the church, they don't think so anymore.

Mage Ancient One and God King Odin are very close, and they are equals, that is to say, the strength of Mage Ancient One should be about the same as that of their father, King Odin, at least not too much. , after all, that is Asgard, where strength is the most important thing.

What's the difference between these lunatics in the church showing their weapons to the ancient master and their father?

Thinking of this picture at the same time, the pair of suffering brothers couldn't help but tremble. The powerful image of their father, King Odin, had already penetrated into their bones.

But the two brothers looked at the "sullen face" An Qiluo again, and their hearts were immediately relieved. With this big boss around, it makes sense for these mortals to dare to show their weapons to the ancient one mage.

The expressions on the faces of the two brothers switched to a natural expression in an instant.

But Loki and Thor's imagination is actually far from what actually happened.

In fact, even if the people in the church hurt anyone in the church, even if An Qiluo was not there, even if God King Odin was standing here, everyone would take up weapons and collectively target him.

Maybe other people besides Frank, the killer, would fear or hesitate about the identity of the other party's "God", but the final result must be exactly the same as now.

As long as you dare to hurt anyone, even God will kill you!

I have to admit, I don't know when, under the influence of Angelo, these people who didn't know each other in the church have long unconsciously regarded everyone as an indispensable part of a "big family". part of it.

It's just that the size of this "family" is a bit too big, and Angelo is still bringing back newcomers.

On the other hand, Angelo didn't draw out his weapon, and his face was "gloomy". In fact, Loki and Thor's brain made it into a gloomy face, and Angelo was not the only one with "gloomy face" , Stark and Steve are equally "gloomy".

None of the three took out their weapons, they were all looking at Mage Gu Yi.

Through his contact with Imerton and himself, An Qiluo could feel that although Imerton spat out a mouthful of blood in his dream, his actual state was not bad, and he didn't look like he had been attacked by magic at all.

As for Stark and Steve, because they have been in contact with the ancient one before, they know that the ancient one is not the kind of person who attacks people for no reason.

They are waiting for the ancient one to give a reasonable explanation. Of course, if the ancient one can't give a reasonable explanation, they don't mind wearing armor and shields.

An Qiluo took a closer look at Imerton's state again, and then waved his hands to the crowd, signaling that everyone should not be overly nervous, "Everyone calm down..." An Qiluo said, looking at the Ancient One mage.

"This is Mage Gu Yi from the Temple of Mage. I believe Mage Gu Yi can give us a reasonable explanation, right?"

Although An Qiluo didn't understand the reason for Imerton's current state, he could feel that the Ancient One Mage should have no malice.

Hearing Angelo's words, although the eyes of other people in the church were still looking hostile at the Ancient One Master, they did put down their weapons, and Ansuna, who was standing beside Imerton, was about to Lift Emerton up from the ground.

The ancient one mage was unmoved from the beginning to the end, even after Frank aimed at her, the ancient one mage only looked more cautiously, but until Ansuna stretched out her hand to Yi Yi on the ground At Morton's time, Master Gu Yi's complexion finally changed!

"Wait a minute! Don't touch him!" Master Gu Yi shouted.

At the same time, she quickly ran towards Imerton.

The shouts and movements of the Ancient One Mage once again stunned everyone. Seeing the Ancient One running towards Imerton, Ansuna's first reaction was to stand in front of Imerton, and the others couldn't bear it again. Live raised the weapon in hand.

"Wait, I'm fine..." Imerton struggled to get up from the ground, and motioned for everyone to disperse.

The Ancient One mage saw that Emerton was able to get up from the ground, and her face was filled with disbelief.

"Thank you Ancient One." After Imerton stood up, after a few breaths, he seemed to be fine, as if he wasn't the one who spit out such a big mouthful of black blood just now.

Although Imerton seemed to be possessed just now, he knew all about what happened outside, and he also knew that it was the ancient one who rescued him from that uncontrollable state of his body.

When he first got the "Dark God Book", he was indeed a treasure. Many spells recorded in the "Dark God Book" were things he had never touched before, and the black magic in these spells was extremely powerful, almost It is comparable to the forbidden techniques that have long since expired in "The Black Book of the Dead" and "The Golden Book of the Sun"!

But the more Imerton looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong!

All the spell theories recorded in the "Dark God Book" are indeed correct, but Imerton found that as he watched more, his body became more and more out of control. By the time I recovered, it was already too late!

He couldn't control his body anymore, and started chanting that spell that he didn't know the meaning of! But Imerton has a feeling in his heart, this spell will definitely lead to very bad results in the end!

Until the arrival of the Ancient One Mage, using spells to awaken Imerton from an uncontrolled state...

The ancient one stood in front of Imerton, and accepted Imerton's thanks generously, but the ancient one's eyes were full of surprise for the first time.

According to the current development, the people controlled by the "Dark God Book" should have lost their souls long ago and turned into walking dead.

Sure enough... People or things that get along with An Qiluo will have different developments.

The ancient mage looked at Imerton, who looked normal, and secretly speculated in his heart.

She didn't come to the church specifically to find Angelo, but followed the magic wave in the "Dark God Book" to open the portal!

As the supreme mage who has controlled the "Dark Divine Book" for thousands of years, Ancient One is naturally very familiar with the fluctuations of magic in the "Dark Divine Book".

When Imerton recited the spell uncontrollably, the Ancient One mage who was tracking the traces of hell on the other side of the earth knew it! And rushed back immediately!

Someone was controlled by the "Dark Divine Book" again!

"Dark Divine Book" has the ability to confuse the viewer's mind, and can also pull the soul of the bewitched user into the dimension of the evil god Sithorn.

Especially when Mage Ancient One followed the magic wave and touched Angelo's church, she felt even worse in her heart. She handed the "Dark Book" to Angelo for safekeeping. First, she knew that Angelo Luo didn't understand these spell theories, even if they were shown to him, he wouldn't understand them either.

The second is because of Anqiluo God's Domain, within the scope of Angelo's God's Domain, if she wants to use extraordinary means to steal the "Dark Divine Book", even she and Odin can't do it, so naturally there is no danger of it being stolen .

But in the end, Mage Ancient One miscalculated after all her calculations, just like she once told Odin about Angelo, the things or people she would get involved with Angelo would be beyond her imagination, and this time it was not the same. exception.

She didn't expect that Angelo himself couldn't understand these things, but his "Chief Archmage" Imerton could, and Angelo also handed the "Book of Darkness" to Imerton, so that He flipped through it at will.

Until Imerton was controlled by the "Dark Book of God" and read out that spell, Master Gu Yi had thoroughly studied the "Dark Book of God" and knew the function of that spell. It was transformed by Sithorn, and it was sealed by the creature—the spell of the vampire!

It was those vampires in European folklore! They call themselves Blood Race! Those things are real! It's just that it was sealed later, and this became a seemingly fictional legend.

When vampires existed, they were the natural enemies of human beings. The vampires regarded human beings as blood food that could walk, and even became the biggest shadow of human existence for a time, and almost became the master of the earth for a time.

But fortunately, Angelo had already set the Ancient One as a friendly party in his domain of God, so that the Ancient One could release spells in his church sink, and before Imerton finished reciting the spell, Just interrupted him.

Although it has been unable to stop the revival of the vampire family, it still buys time for humans to breathe and adapt, so that all vampires will not emerge at the beginning, especially those high-level vampires. the longer it takes...

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