The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 355 Doctor Strange Arrives!

Chapter 355 Doctor Strange Arrives!

Under Angelo's deliberate "avoidance", especially in the church, a place he can completely control, Angelo never had any face-to-face with Skye.

This made Skye's plan to ask about the specific situation of that Princess Hela completely fell through.

Of course, Angelo, who was always "monitoring" Skye's whereabouts with his mental power, also saw something he shouldn't have seen.

Lying on the bed at night, before going to bed, An Qiluo, who was lying on the bed obediently, suddenly sat up suddenly, a line of nosebleeds slowly flowed out from his nostrils.

Although with An Qiluo's physique, even if someone punched a circle on the nose, he might not bleed, but this kind of thing has nothing to do with physical fitness at all!

"Don't look at evil, don't look at evil..." An Qiluo muttered something in his mouth, whispering.

Of course, although An Qiluo said "see no evil", it can be seen from his somewhat empty eyes that he was not as honest as he said.


The next day, Angelo walked down from the upstairs of the church in a state of dejection, and he got up late for the first time.

At this time, Frank and the Sisters of Battle had finished their morning exercises, and Little Gali and Nick were running around in the hall of the church, waiting for Uncle Long's breakfast.

Skye was still sitting on the chair at the door of the church basking in the sun.

Angelo and Skye looked at each other for a moment, and then Angelo looked away a little uncomfortable. Now that he sees Skye, he can think of the scene he scanned with mental power last night...

Skye looked at Angelo curiously, what happened to Angelo today? It feels so strange, not only does it feel like staying up all night without waking up after waking up, but also your eyes are wandering, as if you have done something wrong?

"Angelo, what's the matter with you? Are you sick?" Skye asked with concern, and even the things she wanted to ask most about the Princess Hela were left behind by her.


Angelo coughed unnaturally twice to drive away the distracting thoughts from his mind, and then said to Skye cheekily, "Skye, I'm fine, I just didn't rest well last night, I thought about it a little matter."

As for what exactly An Qiluo was thinking, An Qiluo and Ben were embarrassed to say it.

Skye shook his head slightly, confirming that Angelo was really not sick, so he stopped asking Angelo why it was so strange today, and turned his attention back to the issues she cared about.

"Angelo, I heard from Little Jiali that there is a woman named Hela..."

As a result, before Skye finished speaking, sparks lit up outside the church door again, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the church.

This is exactly the same way of appearance as Master Ancient One yesterday, because everyone had already seen it at Master Ancient One yesterday, and today it did not arouse anyone's vigilance, but only attracted everyone's attention.

The only one who noticed the difference was An Qiluo.

No, no, there are two brothers Thor and Loki. After suffering a lot, these two brothers have learned to be good. From the moment they woke up today, under Loki's suggestion, the two brothers were quiet and grew up together. Sitting honestly in the corner of the church hall, trying to reduce the sense of existence.

Loki felt that he had already figured out the logic of Angelo's behavior. Although Loki was very sure that Angelo would not kill himself and his brother Thor, it was not worth beating him again.

Angelo watched the sparks flickering in the air outside the church door gradually forming a portal, and his keen mental power noticed the difference.

The process of the Ancient One mage building the portal was smooth and easy. But the portal that appeared now was a little rusty, and it took a little longer.

Of course, the gap is also extremely limited, only less than half a second.

The portal took shape within a few breaths, and a figure walked out of the portal under the watchful eyes of everyone in the church.

This figure is very strange, it is not the ancient one that everyone has seen, but a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is wearing a red cloak, which looks somewhat similar to Thor, except that this middle-aged man is not full of reckless temperament like Thor, and the complicated mage dress is full of gentleness the taste of.

"Oh~ here it is, finally here!" The middle-aged mage in a cloak floated in the air, looked up at the church, then looked down at the watch on his wrist, then looked at the crowd, and finally Finally locked Angelo in the crowd.

"Hi, Mr. Angelo, I'm Steve Strange. My teacher, Master Ancient One, asked me to assist you with matters related to vampires. Sorry, I'm late."

As he spoke, Steve Strange raised his arm and shook his watch at Angelo, "It looks like I'm not too late, and I can still make it to breakfast."

From his raised hands, you can still see the scars of the operation...

The familiarity of this mage made Angelo couldn't help but twitch his lips. He naturally knew who this was, the former top surgeon in New York, the future famous Doctor Strange, and the future successor of the supreme mage Ancient One.

But Angelo didn't expect that this Doctor Strange's personality would be like this!

Thinking of this, An Qiluo looked towards Doctor Strange's chest, and the place where the Time Stone should have been hung was empty. It seems that the Ancient One Mage has not given him the Time Stone yet.

"Master Strange, you are also welcome." Angelo got up and walked out of the church, welcoming the future Doctor Strange into the church. "You came just in time, I think you can try my breakfast here. It's a pity that Stark is home, otherwise Stark will be happy to prepare a grand feast for you when he sees you coming party!"

As a disciple of the Ancient One, especially since the Ancient One has not given him the Time Stone, Strange did not show any difference from other apprentices.

Even if Strange becomes Doctor Strange in the future and inherits the Time Stone from the Ancient One, Angelo doesn't need to hold Doctor Strange's lap. Doctor's curiosity.

Strange was also polite, and landed on the ground from the half space, handed the information in his hand to Angelo, then nodded slightly, and said with a smile.

"With pleasure, this is the information my teacher asked me to bring to you, Mr. Angelo."

Although he encountered some special circumstances on the road, fortunately, the document bag sorted out by Master Ancient One and asked him to bring was not lost.


Skye's question was interrupted by Strange's arrival again, Skye stared at Strange with some annoyance, this guy came at a really bad time!

However, Skye took care of the two children, Jiali and Nick, very sensiblely, and left space for these men.


In the church, everyone saw this "foreign aid" from the Temple of the Mage, and stood up to say hello.

After Steve also greeted him, he looked curiously at the mage who had the same name as himself.

"This is Steve Rogers. Former Captain America..."

"This is Frank..."

Taking advantage of the free time between breakfast, Angelo introduced everyone in the church to Strange.

"Mr. Angelo, before I became a mage, I was actually a surgeon in New York. I was also a fan of the captain." Strange shrugged and said. "Well... I also know that rich playboy, Tony Stark. In fact, I know most of the people in the church. The Mage Temple is not isolated from the world. We have Wi-Fi and can also access the Internet."

An Qiluo patted his head, and then he remembered that in his previous life, when he was watching a movie, he had indeed seen such a thing as a WiFi network in the Temple of the Mage. Who makes the name of the Temple of the Mage feel isolated from the world when you think of it.

After briefly introducing everyone and Strange to each other, Angelo and Strange randomly found a pew in the church and sat down, then began to chat.

Although the future Doctor Strange seems to have a good temper now, it is the first meeting after all. Whether it is for the next "cooperation" or for him to help Stark perform the operation, we still need to get to know each other.

"What should I call you, Strange... mage?" Angelo raised his eyebrows at Strange in front of him.

Strange also raised his eyebrows at Angelo, "Mr. Angelo, I prefer to be called Dr. Strange rather than a mage."

Strange looked at the priest of hell, also full of probing curiosity.

Before he set off yesterday, Master Ancient One found him and chatted a lot about An Qiluo.

As a teacher, the Ancient One was really worried about Strange, and he told Strange to never offend Angelo, a seemingly ordinary priest, otherwise the Temple of the Mage would not be preserved. he.

When Strange first arrived at the sanctuary in Nepal, he had personally experienced the power of the Ancient One, and what the Ancient One said aroused his curiosity to the peak.

When Angelo first became popular as Father Hell on the Internet, Strange had just been involved in a car accident and was on his way to Nepal. He was preoccupied with how to heal his hands, so naturally he was not in the mood to pay attention to the news on the Internet. .

But after Strange settled down in the mage's temple and successfully healed his hands, Strange also learned about Angelo, the priest of hell, through the Internet.

There are different opinions on the Internet, some say that Angelo is the current gangster godfather of Hell's Kitchen, others say that Angelo is a devil who eats people but does not spit out bones, and the most outrageous ones even say that Angelo is It's a woman in disguise!

Now Father Hell is in front of him, and there will be a long period of cooperation in the future, Strange thinks this is a good opportunity to get to know him.

"Hmm... Dr. Strange." Angelo nodded, looking at his hands curiously, "I heard about you from Master Ancient One before. You were treating your hands in Nepal at that time. How is it? Now Have you recovered?"

Strange raised his hands indifferently, and casually showed Angelo the dexterity of his fingers, with a smile on his face, "Mr. Angelo, thank you for your concern, I have healed now. I thought that my hands would be destroyed like this before, but I didn't expect that magic is really so... miraculous."

Even now that Strange has learned the magic of the Mage Temple, he still finds it unbelievable.

If he hadn't been forced to help, this doctor who had always advocated science might never have come into contact with metaphysics, which is diametrically opposed to science, in his entire life.

Angelo smiled and watched as Strange used magic to summon two butterflies flying in the space between his fingers.

Isn't Strange showing his strength in another way? He told Angelo that he was sent by the Ancient One Mage to assist him in dealing with vampires. He was not a waste, nor would he be a burden.

It's a pity that Angelo doesn't care about this at all. According to the strength of Doctor Strange who hasn't obtained the Time Stone yet, let alone beat him, even his "Chief Archmage" Imerton may not I can beat it.

In Angelo's view, to put it bluntly, the various magics in the Mage's Temple are not particularly worthy of his attention. Except for two kinds of magic.

One is the introductory spell of the Mage Temple - Portal, which is simply the gospel of short-legged mages, and can also develop various weird usages.

The other is the time magic related to the time gem. As one of the ultimate forces in the universe, the power of time is the most difficult to deal with.

"Dr. Strange, before discussing how to deal with those blood-sucking monsters, there is one more thing I need to ask for your help." Angelo tapped the table a few times unconsciously with his fingers, and continued after hesitating for a moment, "I want to ask you to help perform an operation on Stark. Since you know Iron Man Stark, you must also know the reactor energy in his chest..."

With that said, Angelo explained to Strange carefully about Stark's troubles.

After Strange finished speaking, he looked at Angelo strangely, "Mr. Angelo, it's okay to ask me to help you with this, but can't even you solve this kind of problem?"

Before Strange set off, the Ancient One Mage once mentioned to him about Stark's need for surgery. But he didn't go into too much detail. It wasn't until Angelo finished speaking that Strange knew exactly what he needed to do.

Stark's surgery seemed particularly simple to Strange. It was enough to open the chest, remove the shrapnel, and then suture the operation. Perhaps for ordinary doctors, there is still a risk of accidents in this precise operation, but for mages, the mental power of mages is comparable to the highest precision instruments, and there is no risk at all.

Angelo looked helpless when asked by Strange, he looked at Stark who landed in the church wearing the Mark armor on time, and came to eat on time, and said vaguely, "Well... this matter is very important to you. The magic in the Mage Temple is really easy, but mine is a little rougher..."

Before Angelo got the perfect healing potion, he talked with Stark. According to Angelo's thinking, anyway, there is no danger if the perfect healing potion is there, so he asked Dr. Ethan to do it for Stark. Thoracotomy to remove all shrapnel from the chest.

However, Stark had lingering fears about Dr. Ethan's crude surgical techniques in the cave in Afghanistan. He would rather insist on carrying the reactor, and firmly disagreed to lie on Dr. Ethan's operating table again.

As for Angelo himself? His mental power is strong enough and detailed enough, but he doesn't even know a little about human anatomy. If he were to operate on Stark, he might be holding a chainsaw and a bottle of perfect healing potion. Dare to approach the operating room...

While the two were talking, Stark had already taken off the Mark armor and entered the church.

Perhaps because of the induction between the staunch supporters of science, he saw Strange sitting next to Angelo, dressed as a mage and wearing a red cloak, at first sight.

For "Strangers", Stark's mouth is still as poisonous as ever.

"Oh man, where did you find this stage actor? His costume is really old-fashioned. Maybe I should sponsor him a ticket to the latest Bainaohui show?"

Steve, who was sitting at the bar, listened to Stark's venomous tongue, and covered his face helplessly. He had just heard the conversation between Angelo and Strange, but Stark actually spoke to him. The doctor in charge of him will speak venomously, and he can already imagine what Stark will face on the operating table next...

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