The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 360 Preparing for Surgery

Chapter 360 Preparing for Surgery

Stark's operation time was set in the afternoon, and the operation location was set at the hospital next to the church.

As for the chief surgeon, Dr. Strange was appointed as Dr. Strange, and the three nurses will report to the hospital soon.

After breakfast, Stark happily left the church wearing the Mark Armor. She needed to go back and tell Pepper that although there was Angelo's healing potion, Stark was not only at risk during the operation No, and after the operation, you don't even need to recuperate, just drink a bottle of healing medicine, and you can be discharged from the hospital in full condition.

But in order to prevent Pepper from worrying and complaining about him in time, Stark still decided to tell Pepper in advance.

As for the three "Midnight Nurses", they had to go back and move. The staff dormitory had already been planned when the hospital was built. According to Stark's character, food and housing are just the most basic employee benefits.

In the current Hell's Kitchen, especially on the street where the church is located, basically all the vacant houses are controlled by Billy, the original timber smuggler. The rent is extremely expensive, let alone the price they want to buy.

After living in the staff dormitory, the three of them can save a large part of their living expenses. Although all three of them, except for Temple, have a good family situation and are in the middle class even in New York, all of them are Having a falling out with the family, and wanting to get financial help from the family is completely a dream, unless they agree to live according to the family's arrangements.


After Stark and the female nurses left, everyone returned to their posts to do their own things.

Dr. Strange had nothing to prepare for Stark's operation. Before he became a mage, he did not know how many times this type of operation was performed. Now that he has become a mage, the assistance of mental power is not a problem Even if the mental power is enough, Strange doesn't even need Stark to do any checks, the mental power scan is more accurate than all machines.

Angelo called Imerton, and the two sat opposite Dr. Strange and chatted with him.

Originally Steve was very curious about this, thinking that the three of them would chat about something about vampires, and listened for a long time.

But after a while, Steve gave up and worked as a bartender at his own bar, wiping the spotless glasses.

Frank, who was sitting behind the three of Angelo, also got up silently and sat back in his corner again, starting to wipe the weapon.

There was only one reason, and that was that the three "mages" were all talking about the future magic school (remedial classes) and spells, and the two pure "Muggles" couldn't understand them at all.

"Dr. Strange, what is the principle of your portal, is it convenient for you to tell me?" Angelo motioned to Immorton and asked Strange tentatively, "Well... if it is not convenient, You don't have to say it."

Strange touched his hands. These mages had sworn related oaths before joining the mage temple. The temple protects the world, and the mages protect the temple.

In addition, according to the normal rules of the Mage Temple, these mages must not leak any spells learned in the Mage Temple when they go out to perform tasks. This is to prevent the abuse of magic.

In the concept of the Mage Temple, magic is a force used to protect the earth, not a tool to satisfy personal desires.

Before he came, Mage Ancient One had expected it. When he talked to Strange about this mission, he mentioned this issue. If An Qiluo asks him about the magic of the Mage Temple, he can tell him what he wants to know, and there is no need to hide anything.

Although there are regulations in the Mage Temple that magic is not allowed to leak out, the rules are dead, but people are alive!

Prohibiting the leakage of spells is only to prevent magic from being abused by mortals, and even change the progress of human future timeline, thus causing unforeseen disasters.

But is Angelo a mortal? He is definitely not, because Angelo himself is a mage, which is something everyone knows, and he is also an extremely powerful mage, even the current supreme mage Gu Yi is not sure to defeat him.

As for whether magic will come into the public eye and change the timeline of the future of mankind?

There is nothing to doubt about this point. Since the appearance of Angelo, the originally destined timeline in the universe has long been uncontrollable, and it has gone to another unknown road.

The current Ancient One didn't care about changing the future timeline for a long time. She pinned her hopes on An Qiluo, hoping that he could change the ending that was doomed to destruction. Now that he has been tied to An Qiluo, he might as well go all the way to the dark.

The stronger Anqiluo is, the safer the earth will be.

And this time, the task given to Dr. Strange by the Ancient One mage, besides assisting Angelo to deal with those vampires and performing surgery on Stark, is to "accompany" Angelo. Whatever he wants, as long as he can do it Yes, give it all.

Strange, a newcomer, was different from the senior mages in the Mage Temple. He came from the world of ordinary people. His thinking and actions would not fall into a fixed pattern, and he knew how to be flexible.

It was also for this reason that Strange was appointed as the successor of the supreme mage by the ancient one.

If this question was placed on mages other than Strange, Angelo would definitely be rejected. The rule that spells are not allowed to be leaked has already penetrated into the hearts of these mages.

But Strange just thought for a moment, then took out a metal ring from his pocket, and handed it to Angelo graciously.

"Angelo, this is a suspension ring. To open the portal, you must wear the suspension ring." Strange shrugged. He recalled the principle of magic taught to him by the ancient master, and then said, "Theoretically, teleportation The opening of the door depends on opening a loophole similar to a wormhole between the real world and the different dimensions. If there is no suspension ring, the required conditions will be very harsh..."

In fact, not only "Muggles" like Steve and Frank couldn't understand these theories and were successfully persuaded to dismiss them, even Angelo didn't understand them. don't know.

Hell, these magic circles that should belong to metaphysics can still be expressed by mathematical formulas in Strange's mouth. In this regard, Angelo and Xiao Jiali are more like a biological father and daughter. For mathematics, both are a head and two majors.

On the contrary, Imerton, an "ancient man" from thousands of years ago, listened to the theory explained by Strange, showing a thoughtful expression...

An Qiluo took the suspension ring, and his spiritual power could clearly feel that it was a magic weapon, and there was a not strong magic wave from the suspension ring.

The shape of the hanging ring is not like ordinary rings, which are worn on one finger alone, but need to be worn with the index finger and middle finger.

On the top of the ring, there is also a cross-section of the same metal material, and a fine magic circle is carved on the cross-section. Angelo felt that the magic waves emanated from this magic circle.

At this moment, he couldn't understand the magic theory explained by Strange at all. Angelo carefully felt the hanging ring in his hand, and the expression on his face was a little weird.

In the Marvel universe, all space-related magic is huge. Whether it is the Rainbow Bridge or the Rubik's Cube opening wormholes in previous movies, compared with them, the movement of opening the portal is relatively small.

Now An Qiluo finally knew why, if he really had to describe it in one sentence.

The suspension ring in his hand (mainly the magic circle on the suspension ring) is like the key to a door, echoing an invisible "gate" in the void. When these mages opened the portal, they didn't really open the portal, but summoned the "gate" that had been built long ago.

An Qiluo tried to connect the "door" with his mental power, but unfortunately, he couldn't summon the door. It seems that if he wants to learn the spell of portal, he must do it step by step.

But Angelo's head hurts just thinking about the theoretical knowledge that Strange said just now. Let a mage with a professional background like Imerton learn it.

Professionals do professional things. Anyway, Imerton has learned it, so it's the same to ask him to open the door wherever you want.

Angelo found an excuse for his laziness, shook his head, and passed the ring in his hand to Imerton.

"Imorton, can you understand what Dr. Strange is saying?"

Imerton nodded silently. Although he didn't quite understand the meaning of some of the current vocabulary, he could roughly guess the meaning.

Strange, who was lecturing vigorously, opened his mouth in astonishment when he saw Angelo's actions, and the magic theory in the middle of the lecture naturally came to an abrupt end.

"Angelo, what's the matter? Are you not interested in portal spells?" Dr. Strange looked at Angelo in surprise.

An Qiluo was obviously very interested just now, why did he suddenly show a lack of interest now?

An Qiluo cleared his throat in embarrassment, and changed the subject, "Imortonism is the same as mine. Master Ancient One told you about his identity?"

Strange: ...

"Yes, the Ancient One told me." Strange nodded, glanced between Imerton and Angelo, and finally decided to continue talking. "Okay, then I will continue."

If it was someone else, Strange would still be concerned about the identity of the other party and whether he would abuse magic, but he would not be able to do so with Imerton.

Strange knows that Imerton is the identity of Angelo's summoner, so teaching Angelo is no different from teaching Imerton, and Angelo will not let Imerton mess around .

Of course, if he knew that Angelo planned to open a magic school, he wouldn't think so.


Imerton spent the whole morning learning spells.

Strange not only taught Imerton the theory of portal spells, but also taught Imerton almost all the knowledge of spells learned in the Mage Temple.

But unfortunately, I don't know the reason, maybe Imerton's mental power is different from that of human beings, maybe Imerton and Angelo's mana come from the same source, after Imerton listened to the theoretical knowledge, any None of the spells from the Mage's Temple can be cast.

However, Imerton didn't care. He recently heard a sentence from Uncle Long that Rome wasn't built in a day, so spells couldn't be learned in a day.

Not only was he not in a hurry, but he wanted to take this opportunity to combine the spells he knew with Strange's theory to transform spells that suited him.

After Imerton finished talking about his thoughts to An Qiluo, An Qiluo was shocked by this "student tyrant" immediately, let alone whether he could succeed, just with this courage, he could be right Reminds him of his future identity as the headmaster of the magic school.

Although, Strange is not optimistic about this.

At noon, Stark finally came back, but this time he didn't wear the steel suit, but Happy drove him over.

Came to the church with him, and Pepper, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

The Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the church, and Stark walked out with Pepper, who looked sad.

"Hey! Pepper!" When Angelo saw two people walking in hand in hand from outside the church, he greeted with a smile, "Why are you here too?"

Pepper, who was shrewd and capable in the past, did not look like a strong woman at all, but had a sad face instead.

Pepper wasn't in the mood to greet Angelo, she asked worriedly, "Angelo, Stark told me that he's going to have an operation to remove all the shrapnel in his body..."

Pepper is very contradictory now. She naturally knows the danger of things like shrapnel being left in the body, but when she thinks that Stark will have a thoracotomy to open his heart and take out the shrapnel, she can't help but panic in her heart.

Stark on the side took Pepper's hand and smiled wryly.

He also didn't expect that after talking to Pepper, Pepper's reaction was so great that he canceled all the meetings, including the meeting with the National Space Administration in the afternoon to discuss the Stark Group's next plan to launch the space station... …

Be sure to accompany him to the surgery. No amount of persuasion will work, even if Pepper knows that the operation on Steck is a doctor who has changed his job to become a mage, Angelo has some strange abilities, and the bottle that Angelo gave him can treat any injury. Potion of healing.

Along the way, he didn't know how many times he comforted Pepper, but the result was still the same.

"Oh ~ Pepper." Angelo couldn't help but smile, "I don't think you need to worry, Stark's surgery is completely risk-free. His doctor is the best in New York."

Strange on the side naturally knew that the newly appointed female president of the Stark Group shrugged and said, "Yes, Miss Pepper, I think I can guarantee that Tony Stark will be intact. Turk brought it out of surgery."

Pepper's face was still clouded with worry, "It's not that I don't believe you, but I'm still worried..."

At this time, Skye came over, first gave Angelo a blank stare that made him inexplicable, and then took Pepper's arm, the two women had already established a deep friendship through unknowing contact, "Okay , Pepper, don't worry, Angelo will not let Stark have anything to do, let's eat first, sit down and talk..."

While talking, Skye pulled Pepper to sit at the dining table.

Stark was also left behind. Angelo and Stark looked at each other speechlessly, then each touched their noses and sat down at the table together.

This meal was completely carried out in a very strange atmosphere, until a probing figure appeared in front of the church door...

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