The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 362: Media Carnival!

Chapter 362: Media Carnival!

These burly men in black suits, even in hot weather, didn't think about the sweat streaming down their faces, and surrounded April as soon as they got off the car.

April, who was still a little confused at first, panicked in an instant. She hid in a hurry and tried to delay the time, while shouting tremblingly, "What are you doing! I'm a reporter!"

It's a pity that April is just an ordinary person. Although she is more calm than other women, she can at most be a little bit stronger than ordinary women in terms of physical fitness. How could she have such a body? Strong-legged ex-gangsters.

As soon as April took two steps back, he felt the back of his hand hit an unusually strong chest, and his rock-like muscles hurt April's back. If he changed the place, such as undressing, In places like dance bars or nightclubs, April may also take advantage of the situation.

But now there is only regret in April's heart, she regrets that she shouldn't come here, and she shouldn't believe in the nonsense that the hell priest Angelo said to ensure her safety!

She thought of the horror methods of these hell's kitchen gangsters in the rumors, and she didn't even dare to imagine, because once she used her brain to imagine what she would encounter next, April felt that she might faint on the spot, and by then, she would The last bit of resistance will disappear!

April is now completely surrounded by these gangsters with big arms and round waists. A weak woman is surrounded by a group of strong men with big arms and round waists. It looks like a tragedy is about to happen in the world, but what makes April desperate is , I yelled so loudly just now, but Angelo, the priest of hell, still didn't come out of the church, which made April lose even the last hope in his heart!

In desperation, April slowly turned his head away, secretly thinking in his heart, even if it is death, he must die to understand.

Appearing in April's eyes was a dazzling bald head, and the sunlight reflected from the bald head was somewhat dazzling.

It was not easy for April to see the real face hidden in the sun. It was a white face with a "sinister" smile.

April's heart was completely desperate, just looking at the other person's appearance and that "ferocious" smile made April feel a little terrified.

This recognizable bald head is exactly Alexei who came after receiving the call.

"Hey hey..." Alexey approached April step by step with a smile on his face. And April had no place to hide at all, because the remaining gangsters had already surrounded him with the same smiles on their faces.

Just when April was in despair, a figure appeared in front of the church, which rekindled hope in April's heart.

It was the priest of hell—Angelo!

And the next words that came out of Angelo's mouth made April feel like a ray of light in the darkness.

"Alexey, you bastard, don't scare people!" Angelo stood at the door of the church and yelled at Alexei, the director of the bald black committee, with a smile, "Miss April is a reporter, don't scare me!" to others!"

After speaking, Angelo said to April again, "Miss April, I'm sorry to scare you. But don't worry, this guy is a bit ugly, but he is a good person..."

An Qiluo paused for a moment, and then immediately added, "Well, in this street, he is indeed a good man."

Alexei, who was constantly exerting pressure on April, and approaching slowly, stopped reflexively, and then he scratched his head in a daze, and looked at Angelo suspiciously.

"Mr. Priest, didn't you ask me to deal with the reporters?" Alexey clasped his bald head with his fingers, "I remember that you usually hate these reporters..."

Angelo: ...

April: ...

April looked at Alexei, who was completely different from just now. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it. Now this stupid guy is actually a well-known arms smuggler in Hell's Kitchen. business.

Alexei's "notoriety", even she, a reporter who has no connection with the gang, has heard it many times. In the past few years, there were many homicides in New York City. In the end, the source of the guns pointed to the big bald head in front of her. But in the end, under the cover of some dignitaries, it all disappeared. Later, even the police got used to it and didn't do useless work at all.

As long as the source of the black gun is found, the ordinary police will not continue to investigate at all, and they will not do useless work.

Now An Qiluo actually said that this guy is a good person?

This is simply outrageous!

She believed that this guy ate children for three meals a day!

Angelo looked at Alexei a little speechless, he was a little dumbfounded, he knew that this guy had misunderstood, he said to deal with reporters was to let Alexei come to accept the interview, and Alexei obviously understood that he wanted to deal with Get rid of this female reporter...

This guy's comprehension ability is really...

Angelo waved his hand. He couldn't even figure out how this guy became the boss of a gang with his brain. According to the thinking of a normal smart person, he should know that he should take this opportunity to show the changes in Hell's Kitchen to the outside world. , ushering in greater changes for Hell's Kitchen.

But Angelo didn't explain to this idiot, "Alexey, from now on, you are responsible for ensuring the safety of the April reporter, accept his interview by the way, and compare Hell's Kitchen's recent changes with April's. Miss Er, have a good chat, if you refuse, I will insert your bald head into your ass right now!"

Alexei scratched his head again, with an innocent expression on his face, thinking why did he refuse Angelo's request?

However, he was not that stupid, he talked back to An Qiluo, but nodded sincerely. Then he looked at April and said with a "sincere" smile, "Let's go, Miss April, let's find a place to have a good chat."

April knew that after Angelo's instructions, Alexei would not do anything to him again, but listening to what Alexei said would be misunderstood as a "threat", Ai Priel still turned his head to look at Angelo with some uneasiness.

"Mr. Priest, are you sure this guy won't attack me again?"

Before Angelo could speak, Alexei couldn't help calling out to Qu, "Hey! Miss April, when am I going to attack you? I just wanted to scare you away. We are not gangsters who will kill people if they disagree with each other!"

Seeing the grievance on Alexei's face, April carefully recalled the situation just now, and the direction of surprise, what this guy said was actually true, from head to toe except for bumping into him, these people Didn't even touch myself.

At this moment, April suddenly became curious about these notorious gangsters in the rumors. Could it be that the rumors from the outside world were wrong? Or are these gangsters in Hell's Kitchen turned sexual?

Of course, April didn't know that if she had come to Hell's Kitchen before Angelo's arrival, perhaps by this time, the weeds on her grave would have changed several times.

The misunderstanding was resolved temporarily, and April, under the heavy protection of Alexei's burly men, walked in the other direction on the street.

Of course, this is just for show, and all the gangsters don't believe that in Hell's Kitchen, is there any daring gangster or gangster who dares to break ground on Tai Sui, dare to break ground on this street in front of Angelo Gate? Hands-on, even those gang bosses who used to have blood feuds with each other, after meeting in the restaurant of the church, would smile very politely and make an appointment with each other, and then wait out the block to resolve the conflict.

Before leaving, April hesitated again and again, and finally reminded Angelo, "Mr. Priest, I am not the only one who wants to find big news about Mr. There are some reporters coming and I think you'd better get ready."

"That's just right, Alexei, I'll leave it to you." Angelo shouted to Alexei after thinking about it.

"Huh?" Alexei, who instantly turned into the foreign minister of Hell's Kitchen, touched his big bald head again.


After Alexey and others "protected" April and left the church, Stark followed Dr. Strange to the operation.

The church became quiet in an instant. Steve was quietly wiping the wine glass on the bar, and Frank was also quietly wiping the gun.

The only sound that came out was Pepper's weeping, crying out of concern for Stark. Skye, a good sister, comforted him in a low voice with a helpless face, as if Stark was not undergoing surgery, but suffering from some terminal illness.

Angelo was very wise not to provoke these two women at this time, he planned to use this time to play with little Jiali for a while.

But before An Qiluo called Xiao Jiali away from Juzuo and Xiaogulong, the door of the church was knocked again.


For the next half an hour, Angelo hovered between the church's gate and the hall.

April was right, another reporter had indeed arrived.

But it wasn't some of what she said, but a lot. Almost every time An Qiluo's butt hadn't had time to warm up the chair, a reporter appeared in front of the church.

Angelo learned from them, and knew where the news leaked from.

Stark is undergoing surgery in the hospital Hell's Kitchen built himself! Almost everyone in the media circle knew this news!

Superhero Iron Man-Tony Stark is a topical figure in itself, and the gossip on him represents the ratings and the purchase rate of newspapers.

Not to mention the operation that Stark, a rich man, is still doing in the unopened hospital built by Hell's Kitchen!

Hell's Kitchen can now build a hospital by itself? And Stark actually dares to rest assured to perform surgery here? Is he going to die?

This is the unified question in the minds of all the media reporters who know the news, but they are actually more inclined not to be optimistic about this unheard of hospital.

Under the lure of news full of topics, these reporters either voluntarily, or were forced by their superiors, risking their lives, frantically chasing these topical news.

It was a carnival for the media industry and journalists, but for Angelo, it was endlessly boring.

In the end, Angelo was really annoyed by the constant stream of reporters, so he simply closed the door of the church, and then called Alexei, asking him to send someone to maintain order.

Soon, Alexei, who was being interviewed, sent his younger brother over to maintain order in front of the church block.

They also thoughtfully made a guide board for one of the younger brothers to hold and stand in front of the church to guide the reporters.

Under the "kind" persuasion of these big and round boys with tattoos inadvertently exposed from under the collar of their shirts, the crowd and reporters who were crowded in front of the church were quickly evacuated to the venue where Alexei was being interviewed .

Of course, not everyone is willing to obey the orders of these boys in black suits. A small number of thorny reporters, relying on their identity as reporters and the cameras that are broadcasting live, hang around in front of the church and park their cars in front of the church. here.

They wanted to interview Captain America in the church—Steve, and they looked like they would never give up if they couldn't do the interview.

Because of Alexey's order, these gangster boys did not do anything to the reporters in front of the camera, not even the most common shoving or pulling.

Alexey also recalled what Angelo said just now during the interview, knowing that this is the best time to let Hell's Kitchen really go on stage, usually they want to spend money to invite these reporters to interview, these None of the reporters came.

Therefore, they have to maintain their image! There's no guarantee that the image will be entirely positive, but at least it won't be negative either!

Although there was an order from Alexei, the gangsters were not embarrassed by these stabbing reporters. During the live broadcast of the camera, these gangsters called a large group of neatly dressed, hot weather. A "colleague" in a black suit.

In front of the camera, they abruptly lifted the cars of these thorny reporters away by manpower!


Sitting in the church, Angelo naturally knew all these things happened in front of the church. He observed clearly through the scanning of mental power. Angelo couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Why is the brain circuit of the current gangster more and more strange? Why does it feel like these gangsters in Hell's Kitchen are gradually developing in a strange direction under the leadership of Alexei, the director of the black committee.

Even the irritated mood of being constantly disturbed just now has inexplicably improved a lot.

The TV set hung in the church hall was also broadcasting the live broadcast at this time. When seeing this ridiculous scene, even Pepper, who had been crying all the time, couldn't help being a little bit surprised, and then pouted Finally a laugh came out.

Now on live TV, except for some specific adult-only paid stations, almost all media are broadcasting this carnival live. If there are reporters at the scene, it will be broadcast live on its own station, and if there are no reporters at the scene or other TV stations in other places, it will be relayed.

Angelo shook his head with a smile. No one thought that Stark just had a simple operation, and the matter would develop to this point.

Now Hell's Kitchen has really entered the public's field of vision with such a reason!

An Qiluo took out his phone and logged into his Fuckbok account that he hadn't logged in for a long time. He wanted to see if the public's impression of Hell's Kitchen would change.

But after he logged in, he realized with astonishment that the trend of the discussion on Fuckbook was completely opposite to that on the live TV!

If it's live TV, it's full of singing and dancing, then on Fuckbook, it's full of cynicism...

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