The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 364 Go through the network cable to catch people! FBI!

Chapter 364 Go through the network cable to catch people! FBI!

Angelo's and Stark's plan is very simple, and the effect will definitely be extremely effective and brutal, enough for those big Vs who are full of stubbornness and prejudice to come and take it hard.

An Qiluo picked up his mobile phone, with a smile on his face, and logged into his Fuckbook account. He didn't even read his private messages that were mostly questioning voices, and directly posted a message with his own account .

"Opening notice: Natja Private Hospital will open this month! Hell is located next to Rathma Church in Hell's Kitchen..."

The name of the hospital was named after Little Galley, which he had discussed with Stark when the hospital was being built.

After An Qiluo released the news, he confidently put away his phone.

Then, under the strange eyes of everyone in the church, Angelo opened the door again, and walked out with a confident smile.

Now he doesn't even need to look at his phone to know what kind of disturbance will be caused on the Internet.

Sarcasm, disdain, questioning... and so on, but he didn't care, because within a few minutes, these questioning, disdain, and mocking comments would instantly lose their voices, and the facts would turn into big slaps and slap them hard. people's faces.

Steve and Skye in the church saw Angelo walking out, and looked away from the computer with some concern.

Naturally, they have also seen the gossip and rumors on the Internet. Although they knew what insurance measures Stark's surgery had, they were not worried that Stark's surgery would fail. But now they saw that Angelo reopened the church and walked out. They were worried that Angelo would be stimulated by the harsh comments of these keyboard warriors and rush out to kill.

But in the end, Skye and Steve just opened their mouths looking at Angelo's back, but didn't say anything.

It's not because of anything else, it's just because they believe, believe that Angelo still has his sanity and won't kill in front of many media live broadcasts, and believe that Angelo will not push him to today's Hell's Kitchen and push him back to hell .


The facts were indeed as Angelo expected.

Angelo, who is in the center of public opinion, is undoubtedly the first echelon of all the news media's attention. The first time after Angelo released the opening announcement.

Some media reporters and netizens who eat melons discovered this opening notice.

Immediately afterwards, under the impetus of these people, almost instantly, everyone who followed this matter at this time knew the news, almost the entire Internet did not know it, and it was not limited to the United States.

Even Evelyn, who is far away in the University of Cambridge, England, is silently watching Angelo's Fuckbook on the computer in her hand. She and her classmates are paying attention to this matter on the front line.

Not long after Angelo left Egypt, she came to Cambridge University with a letter of introduction from Dr. Ethan, and successfully enrolled in the Archeology Department of Cambridge University amidst her anxiety!

Angelo, the priest of hell, did not fool her.

From then on, when she was studying, her favorite thing to do was to find news about Angelo and Hell's Kitchen on Fuckbook.

Back then in the Cairo desert, the man with special abilities had unconsciously left a deep impression on her.

This feeling may not be called love. Evelyn knows that she and the other party are not in the same world. Who is the other party? A friend of the rich man Tony Stark. Regal, who can hang and beat the hated hell priest on the Empire State Building, and even saved the President of the United States twice in a row...

There are many auras and titles around the other party, and she is only a student of the archeology department. The huge gap between them makes Evelyn dare not have any other thoughts at all.

But all of this did not prevent her from paying attention to the other party's news. Even if she could see the other party's news on the news, it was enough to make Evelyn happy for a long time.

When this incident was reported by the media, Evelyn immediately rushed back to watch the live broadcast.

Only in the camera, after seeing Angelo's figure with a glimpse, the door of the church was closed. This made Evelyn feel a little regretful.

However, as she is always following An Qiluo, it is naturally impossible for her to miss An Qiluo's Fuckbook account.

Naturally, she also saw the vitriolic comments of those netizens on it. Evelyn thought of the man full of mysteries, and couldn't help but use her social media and account to chat with those netizens in the comment area.

That man can even know the city of death that has disappeared for thousands of years, and he can walk out of the city of death alive, what else can he not do.

But helpless, Evelyn is alone after all, she is like a drop of water in front of the huge base of keyboard warriors, and she is ridiculed by these keyboard warriors as Angelo's brainless fan, which makes her very angry.

Just when Evelyn was angry, another message popped up on her computer, which was her special attention!

Angelo suddenly released a new update!

Evelyn clicked in right away, but after that, she lost her temper and was only worried about Angelo.

Evelyn understands that at the juncture of this vortex of public opinion, Angelo suddenly released such a news, what does it mean, and what Angelo will face next. Returned Evelyn certainly knew.

It means that Angelo, the priest of hell, is going to stand up and support Hell's Kitchen! Standing on the same front as Hell's Kitchen.

Those people outside of Hell's Kitchen, including Evelyn, don't know that this hospital was built by Angelo and Stark for little Gali, how can these people tolerate wanton slander!

Of course, the price Angelo would pay for doing this would be the slander and even the attacks of those keyboard warriors he would have to face! Until the situation gets out of control, or some state departments take action!

This is what happened next in Evelyn's eyes!

Although Evelyn was sweating anxiously on her forehead, what could she do as an ordinary person, she could only silently turn on the live TV, watch the TV in a daze, and kept praying in her heart.

Just when Evelyn was in a daze, she didn't notice that an invisible channel appeared from somewhere in the void. The invisible channel was connected to her body, and a mysterious energy was being injected into her body. in vivo,

If Evelyn had a testing device by her side at this time, she would have discovered that her physical fitness was slowly improving.

At the same time, the iron water cup held by Evelyn was slowly deforming under Evelyn's grip.

All of this was going on silently, and Evelyn didn't notice the slightest abnormality, her attention was all on the live TV.

Because she finally saw a familiar figure on TV!

It was Angelo, the priest of hell!

One of the reporters happened to take a picture of Angelo walking out of the church and walking slowly from the street towards the "press conference site".

Angelo was dressed in casual attire, with a smile all over his face, he couldn't tell at all that he was the vicious priest of hell.

Of course, that's just for some ordinary people who don't pay attention to An Qiluo. Now, through the promotion of these media and the fermentation of time, everyone knows about An Qiluo's photos. Even the audience in front of the TV They all recognized him, not to mention the reporters who are always in the spotlight.

The moment they saw An Qiluo's appearance, the reporters gathered around the "press conference site" immediately dispersed from Alexei's side and ran to An Qiluo's side!

This is the first time An Qiluo has officially appeared in front of the camera. The previous few times, whether it was the Empire State Building beating the abomination or the White House falling, Angelo's figure was photographed, but they all just passed by in a hurry.

This time An Qiluo appeared positively. If anyone can interview him first, it will be an honor for the reporter and the basis for future promotion.

Of course, the reason why these reporters left so quickly, besides that, is that they really couldn’t ask Alexei anything else. After Alexey introduced the changes in King’s Hell’s Kitchen, he even The press conference is about to be turned into a product launch event for his pizzeria, and each of these reporters has eaten no less than three kinds of food so far!


Angelo appeared in front of the camera with a smile, which made Nick Fury, who was hiding in a safe house and watching the live broadcast, feel dizzy.

What the hell is Angelo trying to do! Could it be that he wanted to kill all these reporters, or was he in front of so many cameras? Chief Fury, who is always monitoring Angelo, naturally knows how ugly those keyboard warriors are saying on the Internet...

Before Angelo dumped the reporters' interviews to Alexei, and he hid in the church, Nick Fury was a little lucky.

But now seeing An Qiluo come out, even if Nick Fury is proficient in psychology, he still can't guess what An Qiluo wants to do! Unknown, for agents, means danger.

He quickly contacted Koenig's agent who was "fishing" in the church, but finally got the answer that Koenig didn't know, and Angelo went out without saying anything.

Now Nick Fury can only pray, Angelo, don't be impulsive, if Angelo is impulsive, under the watchful eyes of everyone, even their S.H.I.E.L.D.


Angelo was surrounded by these swarming reporters, but strangely, these reporters couldn't stop Angelo's footsteps.

Under the influence of An Qiluo's mental power, all the reporters in front of him were slowly pushed to the sides as if being pushed away by a gentle wave.

Finally, Angelo finally stood still in front of the hospital.

Behind him is the hospital gate covered with "security personnel".

"Mr. Angelo, may I ask if Mr. Stark is undergoing surgery in this hospital?"

"Mr. Angelo, how sure is Mr. Stark's operation? Who is the attending doctor?"

"Mr. Angelo..."

These reporters couldn't help but started yelling, the spears and short cannons in their hands kept moving forward, wishing to stuff them directly into An Qiluo's mouth, and let An Qiluo be the first to answer his own question. question.

Of course, there were also some later tabloid reporters who could only ask more intense questions in order to gain attention or ratings.

"Mr. Angelo, if Mr. Stark's operation fails, who will be the heir of the Stark Group, will it be Miss Pepper..."

These unscrupulous tabloid reporters have even thought about what to write in tomorrow's report-"Stark's secretary is suspected of collaborating with the priest of hell to plot the Stark Group"

It will be a big hit then!

Angelo stood in front of the hospital gate, mentally scanned the hospital, and when he sensed the positions of Stark and Dr. Strange, he couldn't help but smile.

He didn't answer the reporters' questions, but shook his head slightly, using his mental strength to block the long guns and short cannons in the hands of the reporters.

Of course, the microphones and cameras in the hands of those tabloid reporters with malicious intentions also failed at this moment due to the damage of some delicate parts.

"Mr. Angelo, what do you mean by shaking your head?"

Among the many reporters, a reporter in a yellow jumpsuit saw An Qiluo's movements with a keen eye, and asked a question!

This reporter is April!

Because she did not have an advantage over those male reporters in terms of gender, she stood at the end and couldn't squeeze into the front row at all.

When An Qiluo heard the question, he looked into the crowd and found that he was still an acquaintance, so he couldn't help but feel happy, this is still an acquaintance!

Angelo pointed to April, "Good question, Miss April, you asked me what I mean by shaking my head..."

Angelo's words not only let April show his face in the media industry all over the world, but also made many reporters a little astonished. Angelo actually knew this female reporter, and could he call her by name?

This made them wonder a little bit. With this relationship alone, the popularity of Angelo and Stark is enough for April to be promoted as a special reporter for their newspaper!

"...There is only one reason why I shook my head." Angelo glanced at the reporters and guns and short guns surrounding him. "You may be disappointed, because now Stark has had a successful operation and healed up."

Um? The operation was successful? wrong! Did Angelo speak of healing?

Just when the reporters and the audience in front of the TV were stunned by these words.

The door of the hospital was also pushed open from the inside at the right time!

In the eyes of everyone, Tony Stark and Dr. Strange walked out of the hospital slowly. From Stark's pace, it was impossible to see that Stark had just had an operation and needed to rest in bed. look!

But it can be seen from Stark's chest that his chest is flat again! The reactor, which was always shining in the past, was held by Stark!

Stark was able to walk on the ground so quickly, and even healed?

Some of the reporters and the audience recognized Dr. Strange next to Stark!

"Isn't this a doctor from the Metropolitan General Hospital, Doctor Strange? I heard that he was missing a while ago, but I didn't expect him to be in the hospital in Hell's Kitchen..." The crowd of reporters started whispering, and was held in the hands of the reporters. The microphone broadcast live.

For some reporters who have reported news in the medical industry, Dr. Strange's reputation among surgeons is no less than Tony Stark's reputation in the scientific research industry.

The harsh sarcasm on the Internet also fell into silence at this moment. These big Vs and keyboard warriors originally insisted that this was a joint scam between Stark and Angelo.

But in the end, the appearance of Dr. Strange and the reactor removed from Stark's chest destroyed their last bit of stubbornness, and they only felt the burning pain on their faces.

Of course, the impact is not limited to that.

In front of TVs all over the world, many voices sounded at the same time.

"Great! Even the shrapnel in Stark's heart can be taken out, and it will definitely cure my illness! Steward, please contact me with this hospital!"

"Check it out! Check it out for me! The intelligence agencies have eaten shit! Where did this female reporter named April come from! Didn't you say that everyone who has a relationship with Angelo has been checked out!"

"Director Rick, I heard that April is your reporter, sign a contract with her tomorrow and let her become a special reporter of our newspaper..."

"Great, Father Hell's hospital is finally open! This damned alien creature has ruined my career and family, I hope it will help me separate it from my body..."

"Hey, Coulson, I'm Nick Fury, take your people to arrest those favorite bloggers who are called on the Internet! What? Go in the name of the FBI! The crime is endangering the country Security crime!"


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