The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 372 Biotechnology requires a psychopath

Chapter 372 Biotechnology requires a psychopath

Angelo didn't sleep well...

Although, he installed a bone wall in his room yesterday, and closed the doors and windows.

But obviously, the two talkative "Ancient God Whispers" upstairs were not completely blocked by these measures.

It was okay at the beginning, the volume of the two of them was relatively controllable, An Qiluo was finally able to fall asleep peacefully.

But later, the two chatted more and more "like each other", and their voices became louder and louder unconsciously.

When the sound passed through the roof and the bone wall and reached An Qiluo's ears, it became a vague volume, between the state of being able to hear and not being able to hear clearly.

In this state, humans will unconsciously and subconsciously want to hear these inaudible sounds clearly. Obviously, An Qiluo has not gotten rid of this human instinctive habit...

He spent the whole night in this state...

After chatting for a night, the little spider and Deadpool, who are still in high spirits, came down from the roof and entered the church for the first time.

When Peter saw Angelo with a bad face, he was immediately taken aback.

What's the matter, Mr. Priest? Why is your face so ugly? Who messed with Mr. Priest?

Peter and Yu Guang looked around in the church, and found that there was nothing unusual about the others, and his spider sense clearly overwhelmed him, and Mr. Priest's unfriendly eyes were always locked on him and his friends.

Peter laughed twice, he was just shy because of his young age, not stupid.

He knew that he and his friends must have offended Mr. Priest, although he didn't know the specific reason, but if he admits his mistake and apologizes first, it will be fine!

"Sorry, Mr. Priest..." Peter looked at Angelo anxiously, and asked cautiously. "Mr. Priest, what did I do wrong?"

Angelo was originally annoyed because of the "whispers of the ancient gods" last night, but now seeing Peter's cautious look, he suddenly felt a little dull.

This kid Peter probably didn't do it on purpose, and he really shouldn't have vented his anger on him...

After explaining himself, An Qiluo forced a smile on his face, "Peter, next time he will be on the roof. The roof is so high, how dangerous it is."

"Oh, yes, Mr. Father, I see, then I will go to school after breakfast..." Peter agreed reflexively, but he immediately reacted.

Um? Roof danger? ? ?

Is it dangerous?

I usually swing around in the sky in the New York City area. The roof of the church seems to be far less tall than those buildings in Manhattan. I don’t usually hear Mr. Priest say...

Could it be that Mr. Priest has some deep meaning in saying this? Although Mr. Priest usually does some unexpected things, or unexpected words, but what happened later has verified that what Mr. Priest said is reasonable...

Reminiscent of Angelo's usual actions, Peter felt that he seemed to understand something, but he didn't seem to understand anything...

"Well, good." Just as Peter was contemplating, Angelo nodded and settled the matter, not leaving the little spider much time to think.

"Oh, yes, yes." The little spider reflexively agreed while being ignorant of Miss Qi.

After finishing off the little spider, An Qiluo looked at the equally energetic Deadpool, with a "friendly" grin on his face.

I don't want to trouble the little spider, but it doesn't mean I don't want to trouble this chatterbox!

Deadpool was bored looking up at the large antique murals hanging in the church, thinking about how much these antique murals would cost if they were sold.

At this moment, the sixth sense he had developed when he was a mercenary was reminding him violently!

When he turned around, he happened to see An Qiluo with a "friendly" smile on his face.

The warning signs are ringing in my heart!

"What's the matter? Mr. Father?" Deadpool looked at Angelo warily.

He himself really couldn't understand why he had such an illusion. It stands to reason that if An Qiluo wanted to attack him, he would have done it yesterday, there is no need to delay until today.

But the reminder of the sixth sense can't be faked. Before he gained the ability of immortality, he relied on this terrifying sixth sense to live until now! After he acquired the ability of immortality, this kind of reminder from the sixth sense has not passed for a long time, and this is the confidence that makes him unscrupulous.

Anyway, just be more vigilant! If he was outside the church, if he couldn't fight or felt something was wrong, he could still use the teleportation belt to run away, but for some reason, his teleportation belt failed as soon as he entered the church.

He was tied to the test bench yesterday, not because he didn't run away, but because he couldn't run away. However, the final result was good. Not only did he get a stable "job", but he also met a new friend who was very close to him.

"No big deal," Angelo said with a kind smile on his face, "Isn't it time for you to start working today?"

Deadpool was taken aback, is this kind of thing? Isn't that what we said yesterday?

But the warning sign in his heart didn't stop, on the contrary, it became more intense. This made Deadpool even more confused. Could it be that there is any human experiment in this world that can endanger his life? I have tried to commit suicide countless times, but it seems that all methods in this world are ineffective...

"Hmm... yes." Deadpool thought for a long time before he could figure it out, so he didn't continue to dwell on this issue.

A smile appeared on Angelo's face, he got up and said, "Okay, then I'll notify Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner, and Norman Osborn, and we will start the experiment today..."

After finishing speaking, he left Deadpool who was still confused and got up and went to the basement.

Angelo is going to the basement to sort out all the potions obtained in the church now. All kinds of weird potions must be used in Deadpool!

Moreover, he also prepared a topic for Dr. Ethan and the others: "On the Changes in the Performance of Various Agents and the Effects of Agent Mixing in Extreme Environments"


After breakfast, Norman Osborn also came to the church as scheduled.

After the little spider left the church and went to school, Angelo refused Skye's company and took Deadpool to a special room in the underground laboratory.

Because the next picture will be cruel...

The laboratory room is divided into two parts, separated by special bulletproof glass in the middle, one is the part where the test bench is located, and a "bed" made of special metal is placed in the center of the room, which is resistant to high temperature and low temperature , while being stronger than most metals on Earth.

In the sky above the bed, there are more than ten mechanical arms of the same metal material. The function of these mechanical parts is to conduct some dangerous experiments without the experimenter having to enter the room himself.

The other part behind the glass is the operating table of the robotic arm and a space for watching the progress of the experiment.

This room was already designed when Stark designed the underground laboratory.

It was originally used to do some dangerous experiments, such as radioactive substances, or explosives, but I didn't expect that the first time it was used was to use it in human experiments.

Deadpool was lying on the test bench consciously, and the test bench also helped several bracelet-shaped metal parts to trap him firmly.

Behind the one-way bulletproof glass, An Qiluo kept taking medicine bottles out of his space backpack like a few Jiazhen.

"This is the dragon medicine."

"This is the Extremis Virus Potion."

"This is the lizard potion."

"This is Hulk's blood."

"This is……"

Bottles of medicines that have been tested or have never been tested were placed on the operating table by Angelo.

In the end, even the small bone dragon was put on the console by Angelo.

"Okay, Dr. Ethan, Banner, and Norman." Angelo shrugged, "I'll leave it to you here, and the dragon's breath in Xiaogukong should be regarded as an extreme environment, and it can be regarded as an extreme environment. You can participate in the experiment."

The small bone dragon placed on the operating table:? ? Abba aba?

Dr. Ethan glanced at the bored Deadpool who was tied to the test bench, then at the appalling experimental "props" on the console, and said to Angelo uncertainly, "Angelo, is this really the case? Is it suitable? After so many experiments, won't Mr. Wade die?"

"It's okay, Dr. Ethan." Angelo looked at Ethan with eyes that hated iron and steel, and angered him, "This guy doesn't have to worry about dying at all, he won't die."

You are an undead. In novels, scientists like you among the undead are called liches! Faced with such perfect experimental material, you would hesitate to ask such a question? Shouldn't they be so fanatical that they can't even take care of eating and drinking!

Dr. Ethan was a little guilty by Angelo's eyes, and swallowed his original words. He wanted to ask, even if Deadpool survived so many rounds of experiments, would he go crazy...

Angelo got up and was about to leave the underground laboratory, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered something.

Take out a group of "swaying" flames from the Horadric Cube, and throw it into the room where the test bench is located. In an instant, green flames surround the test bench, including Deadpool in it.

However, Angelo included all the objects in the room except Deadpool within the range of friendly forces, and the burning of hellfire would not cause damage to other objects.

"Well, it's all right now, it offsets this guy's recovery ability, it's considered an extreme environment..."

Angelo clapped in satisfaction, returned to the hall along the stairs, and handed the stage to several scientific researchers.


For the next day, Angelo spent an extremely "quiet" day, and Deadpool had no chance to bother him and "chat" with him.

The three scientific researchers were also very "involved" in this hard-won human experiment, and even let No. 1 send them down for lunch.

It was not until dinner time that the three researchers came up from the underground laboratory.

Norman Osborn is fine, after all, he is a family that relied on biotechnology, so he still has a strong mental capacity for certain scenes.

After he came up from the underground laboratory, he just said goodbye to Angelo with an ugly face, and left the church in a hurry, saying that he would come back tomorrow to continue participating in the experiment.

But Ethan and Dr. Banner are quite different. Dr. Ethan is now a serious undead, while Dr. Banner can transform into Hulk.

But facing the scene of genetic collapse, I still couldn't help but feel nauseated, even after leaving the underground laboratory, now I couldn't help but feel nauseated when I recalled that scene.

Dr. Ethan's face was livid, and the skin on Dr. Banner's neck had already started to turn green, and he couldn't even restrain Hulk's appearance.

Enough to imagine what they experienced in the laboratory.

Deadpool is indeed worthy of his title. Even if the gene collapsed into a pool of meat, he still did not die. The three researchers watched the process of the meat returning to human form countless times in the afternoon...

Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner just handed Angelo one of today's experiment diaries, said goodbye in a hurry, and returned to their home without even eating dinner.

As for the Deadpool who came out at the end, he himself was not affected at all. Not only did he finish his dinner with a smile on his face, but after dinner, he asked Angelo where his Peter had gone.

Fortunately, Angelo had the foresight to let Peter get off work early today.

In the end, Deadpool had no choice but to leave the church, but when he left the church, he took out the membership card of the nightclub on his body...

Angelo sat on the bench in the hall, crossed his legs leisurely, and played the video of the experiment diary on the table.

The impact of the laboratory appeared on TV, and all the innocent people in the church gathered around.

Angelo had the foresight to let No. 1 take the two children, Jiali and Nick, upstairs and back to the room first.

Today's experiment is not over, but the clinical functions of several medicines have been tested.

The first experiment: Dragonoid Potion - After taking Dragonoid Potion, a lot of energy is needed as a reserve...

The second experiment: the fourth phase of Extremis virus...


It has to be said that Norman Osborn is indeed an expert in biotechnology, and all the medicines he developed are of superior ability.

Whether it's the Dragon Man Potion or the fourth-stage Extremis Virus, all of them are effective. The Dragon Man Potion can greatly improve the user's defense, attack power, and even speed, and even imitate the dragon's breath of the small bone dragon!

The fourth stage of Extremis virus can greatly improve the recovery ability and high temperature attack power of normal users. From the cellular level, the recovery ability of the fourth stage Extremis virus is no less than the recovery ability of Deadpool itself. High temperature attack It can also melt most of the steel on the earth, even the special one that makes the test bench is melted!

But then, the picture of mixing medicines proves that sometimes, one plus one does not absolutely equal two, and may even equal zero.

Different from the use of a single drug, the mixed use of drugs will cause various adverse reactions that are fatal to the user.

Dragon Man Potion + Desperate Virus, the user needs a huge amount of energy reserves, and when the energy reserves are sufficient, they will gain the ability to transform into a fire dragon...

Angelo watched the Deadpool in the video with two dragon horns growing from his head, and his body was surrounded by high-temperature black flames...

But handsome for less than three seconds, Deadpool's body shriveled up quickly, and he was sucked alive by the transformation, and fell to the ground with a bang and turned into pieces...

After Deadpool recovered, he experimented with Dragon Man Potion + Hulk's blood on him.

This time, Deadpool started to rot all over his body, and a disgusting green pustule appeared. The pustule grew bigger and bigger. After it broke open, dark green pus flowed out. Immediately afterwards, Deadpool's genes collapsed, and he exploded on the spot with a bang. Open, the laboratory is covered with dark green pus everywhere...


"Ugh... I can't do it anymore, I can't take it anymore..."

"Ouch! Me too, see for yourself, An Qiluo, I'm going back to rest first..."


In the hall of the church, there was a sound of retching, and even Angelo himself felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach. Sure enough, these biotechnologies are not something ordinary people can play with, at least if the mental ability is not abnormal. , absolutely can't play...

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