Chapter 381


Angelo didn't react immediately because he was temporarily attracted by Hela's "broad heart".

After he reacted, his eyes were already occupied by those dazzling lights.

These rays of light that fill the line of sight are very strange. They are not white lights in the traditional sense, but black and white rays of light mixed together.

grey? How can gray shine?

"...What a strong wind~"

Angelo was surrounded by this ray of light, and the question in his mind was why there was a gray light!

It's not that An Qiluo's vigilance is too low, the main reason is that he can't detect the slightest danger in these rays of light, and it even makes him feel comfortable taking a bath in warm water.

An Qiluo didn't realize that when this group of gray light wrapped his body, it was like water meeting a sponge, and it was constantly penetrating into his body!


Outside the gray light, Gu Yi was rushing over with Odin.

Obviously they were too late.

By the time they reached An Qiluo and Hela, An Qiluo and Hela had been wrapped together by the light ball.

An Qiluo had an expression on his face as if he was taking care of himself. Hela hugged An Qiluo's head tightly and pressed his head against his chest.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Odin looked like he had eaten shit.

Even if Hela and her father are not dealing with each other, even if the father and daughter have turned against each other, but to Odin, Hela is always her daughter, no matter how much the family fights, they are still a family, but An Qi Luo is an outsider!

Moreover, Hela is not only her daughter, the true princess of Asgard, but also the vanguard officer of Asgard when she conquered the Nine Realms, and the face of Asgard!

It's such a gaffe!

Is this suitable?

This is clearly inappropriate!

"How about... let's avoid it for a while?" Mage Gu Yi looked at the postures of An Qiluo and Hela. Even though she had lived for almost a thousand years, she couldn't help but feel powerless. The first time she saw this kind of fight, she felt so helpless. Hug together. "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, maybe Hela should find a companion..."

Odin turned his head and glanced at Gu Yi with weird eyes, especially stopping for a while on Gu Yi's big bald head.

Your appearance should be called a monk or a nun on earth, right?

I didn't expect you to be such an ancient one!

Gu Yi didn't explain anything to Odin's questioning eyes, but hooked the corners of his mouth and showed a smile.

After she saw that An Qiluo was not in any danger for the time being, although she didn't know why it happened, Gu was used to being surprised by An Qiluo's training early on.

Gu Yi's nerves also relaxed.

Her state of mind at this time is surprisingly consistent with Odin's previous state of mind. As the real princess of Asgard, Hela was sealed before and maybe even her deeds will not appear in Asgard's history books.

But now that she has been released, she is the nominal first heir to Asgard! As for Thor, he can only take a backseat.

In terms of ability, Hela is also enough to overwhelm her two ineffective younger brothers!

Therefore, Hela's succession to the throne of Asgard is the best solution! Of course, the premise is that Hela can give up the idea of ​​conquering the Nine Realms and even the universe.

Gu Yi, who is well versed in the way of prostitutes, understands that if Hela can marry An Qiluo, then the earth will gain an indestructible ally for free...

However, Mage Gu Yi simply had this idea, she was more inclined to let nature take its course, and would not and would not dare to take the initiative to match two people...

Odin ignored Gu Yi's strange expression at this time. He frowned and looked at the light ball in front of him and the two people surrounded by the light ball.

Everyone in Asgard has a core of divine power, which is the core that they can control elemental forces such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning. Similarly, the move of self-exploding the core of divine power is also the same as when they were fighting in the Nine Realms. A move that scares all the kingdoms.

When he saw the dazzling light on Hela's body just now, he originally thought that Hela had blew up her divine power core.

Doesn't seem like that now?

But what is the situation now?

Odin thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to reach out and separate Hela and Angelo to protect Asgard's face.

Odin's fingers slowly approached the ball of light. Gu Yi watched the scene and opened his mouth, but did not speak.

She wanted to warn Odin to be cautious, but now she couldn't figure out what the light balls on the two of them were.

In the eastern country where she was born, there is such a saying that a dead fellow is not a poor one...

The attributes of this light group always have to be tested by someone, either Odin or her...


Odin gasped, and after making a small contribution to global warming, he quickly withdrew his fingers!

At this time, a large piece of his finger has been corroded! It showed a dead gray!

"This is the concentrated product of Hela's divine power!" Odin was shocked!

You know, although in theory, the physical fitness of Asgardians is three times that of people on Earth, but that is talking about the most ordinary people in Asgard, not a high-ranking god-king like Odin!

Odin's lifespan has exceeded the limit of the Asgardians. Naturally, his current physical fitness has also been strengthened many times.

But in this case, it can still hurt his divine power, it can only be the product of Hela's concentrated divine power!

Hela still blew herself up!

Gu Yi quickly straightened out his thoughts, and looked worriedly at Hela and An Qiluo who were rolling on the ground.

At this time, the light cluster wrapped around the two people seemed to be unstable because of some fragile balance broken by Odin's action just now.

Like a flame, it began to change its shape violently.

The violent divine power fluctuations in the air also began to become violent.

Both Gu Yi and Odin noticed this, and their expressions changed suddenly.

Then quickly retreat back!

If they don't withdraw at this time, Angelo will be fine, they don't know, but the two of them are attacked head-on by Hela's self-destructed divine power core, and they will be seriously injured if they don't die!

As for An Qiluo... Gu Yi believes that An Qiluo will definitely surprise her again, after all, An Qiluo is the creator of surprises~

Just after Gu Yi and Odin stepped back for a short distance, the divine light group surrounding Angelo and Hela finally exploded unsteadily!


A bang!

Centered on Hela and An Qiluo, a shock wave shining with gray light spread out immediately!

The gray shock wave swept across the entire scene in an instant, with no dead ends at 360 degrees, and even the underworld after the space crack was not spared!

Gu Yi and Odin were on the way of the shock wave, so they were naturally the first to catch the shock wave. Fortunately, the two had retreated a certain distance, and they were not from the center of the explosion.

These two powerful men who are famous even in the universe finally ushered in the first predicament in nearly a thousand years!

The lightning divine power, which is more glorious than Hila, spread from the Eternal Spear to Odin's whole body, trying to protect him, but unfortunately, Odin was still thrown by the shock wave.

Gu Yi waved a barrier spell, but the barrier spell was not so strong in the face of the shock wave composed of divine power, and cracks soon spread all over. With a soft "bang", the spell barrier exploded. into pieces.

Fortunately, Gu Yi had already summoned the portal at this time. The exit of the portal was located at the place where the shock wave had ravaged. Gu Yi stepped into the portal, trying to use the power of space to avoid the shock wave.

But it's a pity that at the last moment when Gu Yi stepped into the portal, his heel was still affected by the shock wave of divine power! Gu Yi who came out of the portal was immediately brought to the ground.

The two strong men responded in different ways, but in the same way, they both fell...

The impact continued to move forward, affecting the entire mirror space.

After the shock wave stalemate for a while in the mirror space, with the sound of glass shattering, it finally died together with the divine power shock wave! The original sky was exposed!

The scene space is not unbreakable, as long as the power reaches a certain limit, it can be broken!

And the underworld in the other direction.

Fortunately, there are space cracks as a buffer, but even so, the bones in the underworld are full of bones, after the ravages of the shock wave of divine power, many complete bones are still broken into pieces.

Gu Yi and Odin didn't have time to adjust the injuries caused by Hela's divine power, they got up from the ground with pale faces, and looked at the positions of An Qiluo and Hela just now!

After all, whether it is Anqiluo or Hela, the meanings to the earth and Asgard are different.

They saw a scene that was both expected and unexpected.

At the center of the explosion, Anqiluohaila was safe, at least on the surface.

An Qiluo lay on Hela's body, and the two just stared blankly at each other...


An Qiluo didn't understand what happened at all, the feeling of soaking in the hot spring receded like the tide, which made An Qiluo even feel a sense of loss in his heart!

Hela was also staring blankly at An Qiluo lying on her body, a little dazed.

Why is he still alive?

And it looks like nothing is going on?

The power of self-detonating the core of divine power is not insignificant. It can be said that it is Hela's most powerful move in an instant.

After the Asgardians blew up their divine power core, they would die and lose all their divine power.

Even if Hela is connected to the core of Asgard, it can only consume Asgard's energy to maintain immortality. It is simply a dream to restore divine power.

Even the smoky makeup on Haila's face that was originally made of divine power disappeared together with the vanished divine power.

"Ahem..." Hela coughed weakly twice, and red blood flowed down her lips. She is now as weak as an ordinary earthling.

At the same time, it also brought the dazed Angelo back to his senses.

"That... Hela." Angelo smiled awkwardly, and got up from Hela, "Why don't you do that trick again?"

"Cough..." Hela spit out a mouthful of blood from her mouth in anger! "You won! You don't have to insult me ​​anymore!"

At the same time, Hela's eyes gradually turned into despair.

She couldn't understand at all how An Qiluo did it!

But all this is not important anymore!

Now that all her powers are gone, even her survival depends on consuming Asgard's power. Naturally, there is no way to talk about the revenge plan, let alone the battle of the Nine Realms and the conquest of the universe!

Now she still has to be insulted by An Qiluo, yes, in Hela's view, An Qiluo is an insult to her!

Seeing Gu Yi and Odin surrounding them, and Frigga who was already running here in the distance.

The despair in Hela's eyes turned to death.

Hela, who has been the pride of heaven since she was a child, was never in such a mess, not even when she was tricked into the underworld by Odin and sealed in it!

In order to prevent herself from becoming a joke, Hela gave Angelo a final look of hatred, gritted her teeth, and cut off her connection with Asgard!

Big mouthfuls of blood flowed from Hela's mouth.

Odin and Gu Yi saw it, and all of them changed their expressions, especially Odin. As the current God King of Asgard, Odin clearly sensed that Hela cut off her connection with Asgard!


Of course, Frigg also saw Hela's sudden worsening "injury". He called Hela's name in horror at the corner of his mouth, ran over rolling and crawling, and picked up Hela's body from the ground.

She is still a mother...

Angelo was also bewildered by Hela's operation. From just now, Hela kept saying that he was insulting her.

But the conscience of heaven and earth! I have never insulted Hela before! What I said is the truth!

"I didn't do anything to Hela! It's not my fault! Don't try to touch porcelain!" An Qiluo quickly said to everyone to show his innocence.

Although he was talking, An Qiluo still took out a bottle of comprehensive vitality recovery potion from his space backpack and poured it down.

"Come, come, pour the medicine down, and continue your life!"

Regardless of what caused Hela's dying situation, the most important thing is to save her first.

After all, he promised Odin to bring Hela back to the church.

Hela can die, but she can't die here. If she wants to die, go back to the church and die again!

Although Frigga and Odin didn't know what the glass bottle that Angelo took out was exactly, they didn't stop them when they heard that Angelo said it was a life-saving medicine.

Although Hela was dying of illness, she didn't want to accept An Qiluo's charity, even if she died, she would naturally refuse An Qiluo's help without opening her mouth.

It's a pity that all of Hela's divine power has disappeared now, and she is powerless to resist Angelo.

Under Hela's weak struggle, An Qiluo forcefully squeezed Hela's mouth open, and poured the healing potion into Hela's mouth.

Hela deserves to be Hela, the goddess who brought death and war to the Nine Realms.

After pouring the first bottle of potion, Hela's injury didn't improve at all, and she was still spitting out blood!

Seeing that An Qiluo took out another bottle of potion, the Ancient One mage reached out to stop An Qiluo, "It's useless, Hela's core of divine power and the link with Asgard are all broken, or don't waste the potion .Now I can only continue my life..."

Gu Yi knew more than Odin and Frigga. She knew the effect of this thing. As long as a person survived, no matter what kind of injury he suffered, a bottle could save him.

Thinking about it, this kind of thing must be very precious.

An Qiluo waved his hand, regardless of Master Gu Yi's obstruction, pinched Hela's face, and poured the potion into Hela!

"Believe me, you can be saved! Hela can die, but you have to go back to the church to die!"

An Qiluo sneered in his heart, I will do what I say! Moreover, the "raw material" of this thing has been cracked by Norman Osborn, and it is not so precious. Even if it is to continue my life, I will continue Hela back to the church!

Odin: ...

Frigg: ...

Second bottle.

The third bottle.


Until Angelo poured the tenth bottle of potion into Hela.


Hela couldn't help hiccupping, broke free from Queen Frigg's arms, and sat up with a red face...

Ancient One: ...

I don't know if the injury has healed or not, but Gu Yi knows that Hela was force-fed by Angelo with that magical healing potion.

Just now she wondered if she had used this potion too much...

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