The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 388 Captain America's Bastard Son (1)

Chapter 388 Captain America's Bastard Son (1)

Steve was happily eating melons from the royal family of Asgard. For this "old man", he seems to be more enthusiastic about this kind of family and other ethical dramas.

After all, it's something he doesn't have.

After he was unsealed from the ice of the North Pole, his only relationship also ended in failure, and forming a family was nowhere in sight.

But I never expected that in the end, I ate other people's melons and actually ate my own body!

"What? My illegitimate child?" Steve was stunned.

He felt that he was not a bad person, he could even be called a good person, and he raised the moral average of the entire church by himself.

The illegitimate child, the gossip that should have happened to Stark, happened to him.

Although he hasn't seen the photos on Stark's phone yet, Steve feels inexplicably nervous at the moment.

There are only two women who have had sex with him.

One is Peggy Carter, his old lover. If he hadn't fallen into the sea and was frozen up, I'm afraid he would have married Peggy Carter a long time ago and lived his life safely.

The other is Peggy Carter's niece - Sharon Carter, his ex-girlfriend, but after he discovered the identity of the other party and the intention of approaching him in the first place, the two broke up, and Steve didn't want him to There are other factors in the relationship.

This can be regarded as his last persistence as an "old man" from the previous world.

No matter which of these two women gave birth to the so-called illegitimate child, it is not impossible.

With a feeling of apprehension, Steve moved closer to Angelo and Stark.

The two people cast "bad" looks at him, which immediately made Steve feel more uneasy.

"Dude, I think you'd better be mentally prepared before watching." Angelo gave Steve a nasty smile before handing over the phone in his hand. "After all, for most people, having a son suddenly appear is not a particularly easy thing to accept."

After seeing the photos, An Qiluo's heart has already begun to favor this male and female siblings, who are Steve's illegitimate children!

However, the actual level of technology is not low, and to avoid oolong incidents such as plastic surgery, Angelo thinks it is better to wait for Steve to read it.

Steve took the phone, and on the screen of the phone was a group photo of four young people.

Three men and one woman. The only woman, who seemed to be one of the men's girlfriends or fiancées or something.

Behind them is a unique spaceship.

Steve noticed a man and a woman standing in the center of the four at first glance.

Especially that man, who looks exactly like him. If it was a coincidence, I'm afraid Steve couldn't even fool himself!

"Stark, this boy..." Steve looked at the photo with a complicated expression, then hesitated for a moment before asking Stark, "Where did you find this boy?"

Stark had a nasty smile on his face.

"The four of them are an independent cosmic science studio. They found our Stark Industries and wanted to seek funding to fund their exploration of the universe."

As he spoke, Stark paused for a moment, then turned his head to glance at the Odin family, and found that they didn't express anything before continuing.

"It just so happens that our Stark Industries has just put the space exploration plan on a daily basis, so Stark Industries has funded them. If it weren't for the fact that this boy named Johnny Stone looks exactly like you, and they are independent The scale of the studio absolutely cannot pass the assessment of Stark Industries."

The world is never fair.

Even Stark Industries' space exploration plan is the same. The supervisor in charge of reviewing candidates naturally knows the limited friends around Stark.

As soon as he saw Johnny Stone, he made an exception and passed all their reviews, positioning them as the first candidate.

Of course, this matter was naturally known to Stark later, but Stark didn't say anything, after all, he was suspected to be his friend's son...

What's more, it was too late for him to stop it, because when he saw the report submitted by Jarvis, the spacecraft had already lifted off.

He only found this group photo on his mobile phone in his portfolio.

"Oh, by the way. Steve, have you seen the girl in the photo? Her name is Susan Stone. He is Johnny Stone's own sister. Maybe it's also your illegitimate daughter, maybe Maybe your illegitimate child is a pair of dragon and phoenix twins."

Just as Steve was trying to absorb the possibility that Johnny might be his illegitimate child, Stark threw another big news at him.

I not only have an illegitimate child, but also an illegitimate daughter?

Steve fell into deep doubts about life again. If the siblings were really his illegitimate son and illegitimate daughter, then based on their age, their mother was Peggy?

Looking at the girl named Susan Stone, Steve began to recall Peggy Carter's appearance when she was young...

Just when Steve doubted his life, Angelo silently watched the scene in front of him.

The nasty smile that was originally on his face disappeared at this time.

When Stark mentioned the names Johnny Stone and Susan Stone just now, Angelo had a feeling of deja vu.

As a result, after looking through his own memory, An Qiluo finally found the source of his familiarity from his memory!

A previous life movie with superheroes called The Fantastic Four!

Rubber Man, Human Torch, Invisible Woman, and Stone Man!

Isn't this Human Torch Johnny Stone, and his sister Susan Stone is the Invisible Woman!

Angelo still remembered that the actor of Human Torch and the actor who later played Captain America were the same person!

Can it be like this?

However, in the movie of the previous life, there was no explanation for the parents of the Human Torch and the Invisible Girl, which made An Qiluo uncertain.

After all, this is a real Marvel universe, who knows if these two children are Steve's children!

In the photos that Angelo saw in Peggy Carter's ward at that time, the two children were indeed a boy and a girl.

This is too coincidental!

Holding his last hope, Angelo turned to Stark and said, "Dude, do you have any information about these four people?"

As long as the other two aren't called Reidian Charles and Ben Graham...

"Of course." Stark shrugged and tapped on the earphones, "Jarvis, give Angelo a copy of the volunteer profile for the Space Exploration Program."

"Okay, sir."


As An Qiluo's cell phone rang twice, the information had already been transferred to his cell phone.

Angelo quickly picked up his phone and looked it up.

"Reed Richards, a genius scientist, was hailed as a child prodigy since he was a child. He graduated from Harvard University, Columbia University, Empire State University and other world-class universities, and received Ph.D. degrees in engineering, mathematics, physics and other fields. Bachelor of Science……"

"Johnny Stone, brother of Susan Stone..."

"Susan Stone, girlfriend of Reed Richards, sister of Johnny Stone..."

"Ben Graham, former U.S. Marine Corps pilot, NASA astronaut..."


This time the stone hammer!

Definitely the Fantastic Four!

An Qiluo lost the last thought of luck in his heart!

If Johnny Stone was really Steve's illegitimate son, Steve would have to worry about it in the future, let alone wipe his ass behind him every day.

If he remembers correctly.

Johnny Stone and that Reed Richards have extremely bad personalities, but they don't have the ability to wipe their ass.

One is Steve's illegitimate son, and the other is Steve's illegitimate son's boyfriend?

Just thinking about it gives me a headache! The reputation that Steve has accumulated as Captain America for most of his life may not be able to withstand the actions of these two...

"Stark, have you checked their family status? For example, their parents..." Angelo asked Stark.

"Of course we did." Stark shrugged. "Unfortunately, their parents were not found. They grew up in an orphanage."

Steve also looked over at Stark when Angelo was questioning him, he also needed the truth!

But Stark's answer made Steve fall silent again.

For the first time, this veteran who had experienced World War II felt fear and panic in his heart.

He didn't know how to face the two children who suddenly appeared and suspected to be his children. Now that Stark said that they grew up in an orphanage, Steve's heart was even more complicated.

If it was because of my own reasons that these two children grew up in an orphanage, then I...

However, Steve is still Captain America after all, the man who can lead World War II to victory.

Although he really wanted to enjoy this kind of family happiness in his heart, he knew better that it was meaningless for him to speculate now.

If there is no real evidence, it is a kind of irresponsibility for both parties to rashly recognize relatives.

"Dude." Steve looked at Stark seriously, "Isn't there a technology called paternity testing now? I want to do a personal test."

"Unfortunately, Steve." Stark shook his head regretfully, "Paternity testing requires blood or hair samples. When I saw the report, the spaceships these four people were on had already taken off. And the blood and offending samples from their medical examinations have been destroyed long ago."

"If you want to do a paternity test, you can only wait three months after they finish their investigation and return to the ground."

"Yeah." Steve nodded slightly.

But Steve's words opened up Angelo's mind.

He remembered the plot of the movie in his previous life!

During the investigation of the universe, the Fantastic Four team encountered an accident, and finally mutated into superpowers after radiation.

At that time, will their body structure still be the original human blood samples?

If because of superpowers, even humans are no longer human, then what does Steve use for paternity testing?

Although the four of them were in space at this time, and An Qiluo didn't have the ability to fly into space, it didn't mean that others didn't either!

Whether it's the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard or the portal of the ancient mage, they can directly send people into space.

"Steve, if you don't mind, you can give me some hair, and I can go to space to do a paternity test for you. I think Master Ancient One can open a portal for me."

Angelo said with a smile.

He is also very curious about whether Johnny Stone is Steve's illegitimate son. This kind of secret is much more exciting than the secret of infinite gems!

Steve didn't nod immediately, but looked at Mage Ancient One.

"Master Gu Yi, can you send me there in person?"

"No, humans cannot survive in space." The Ancient One looked Steve up and down, then shook his head, "Of the people in the church now, only Angelo can survive for a short time without an aerobic environment, maybe Hulk You can do it after transforming."

"Also, I have never been to the sky, my portal can only be opened in the places I have been to."

Master Ancient One's answer made Steve feel very sorry.

"Neither can the rainbow bridge. The rainbow bridge is not only a means of transmission, but also a super weapon. The landing of the rainbow bridge will destroy the spaceship."

Odin also came over at this time and said proactively.

The answers of Gu Yi and Odin filled Steve with regret.

Stark thought for a while, and then said, "Dude, maybe I can build you a spacecraft that can fly in space, and you can go there by yourself."

Although Stark would love to see Steve make a fool of himself, it's just a little bit of bad fun that everyone would have!

After all, Steve is his friend, and also his father's friend, and Stark is still willing to help with this.

Although the cost of a spacecraft is very expensive.

"No need to spend money, thank you for your kindness, Stark."

No one expected that Steve would shake his head and refuse.

"I think I'll need some time to think about it too, and wait until they come back from space, I don't think I'm ready yet," Steve insisted, "I've waited seventy years and don't care Wait for another three months, it is best not to let those two children know about this matter until there is a clear result."

Stark wanted to say something more, but Steve waved his hand and left the church with a complicated expression.

He needs to go back and be quiet.

Angelo originally wanted to say that the Fantastic Four might encounter radiation-induced mutations in the original plot, but after hearing Steve's words, he swallowed the words again.

My own appearance has already messed up the original plot. Who knows if the space station will encounter radiation.

If you say it yourself, maybe not only can't Steve change his mind, but also let Steve go to the space station to accompany Johnny and Susan to face space radiation. Johnny and Susan can resist radiation, can't they? It means that Steve can also resist radiation!

After all, according to Steve's personality, it is absolutely impossible to ask Stark Industries' spaceship to return now. All he can do is to accompany his two children to face it.

Even if Johnny and Susan return to the voyage now, the superpowers brought about by the space radiation that they have avoided may not be a good thing for them. After all, according to their ability to cause trouble, if they don’t have superpowers, maybe Was killed by someone!

This is the first time An Qiluo has encountered such a difficult situation since he came to the Marvel world.

Lack of intelligence system, if they have an intelligence system like Nick Fury personally or Hydra, maybe they can find it out soon.

Now Nick Fury with tenth-level authority is missing, and Coulson's authority can't be found at all...

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