The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 406 Do you still remember Bucky?

Chapter 406 Do you still remember Bucky?

Regarding Angelo's question, Steve glanced at Angelo strangely.

"My parents? My parents are long dead." Steve shrugged, adding, "Natural causes. Not murdered. Are you kidding me?"

Steve has tried to find his relatives since he was fished out of the glacier by S.H.I.E.L.D., but in seventy years, things have changed.

Fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. found the information of that year, and his mother Sarah died of old age.

However, because her son was Captain America and died in World War II, Sarah was supported by staff from relevant departments until she died of old age.

As for Stark...

Stark didn't care even more, he just teased and said.

"Dude, I don't have many friends, you, Steve, Happy, maybe Pepper, um... and Dr. Ethan..."

"None of you seem to be able to kill my parents. At your age, when my parents were in a car accident, I'm afraid you were not born yet.

What's more, I checked the cause of death of my parents before, and they did die in a car accident. "

Stark didn't care on the surface, but there was a flash of sadness in his eyes.

Lacking the company of his parents since he was a child has always been a regret in Stark's heart, especially after learning that his father Howard does not love him, this regret in Stark's heart becomes more and more serious.

Angelo was not surprised by the answers of Steve and Stark.

If he hadn't seen a Marvel movie in his previous life, he wouldn't have thought that Bucky killed Stark's parents in such an outrageous plot.

I really don't know how the head of the Marvel screenwriter is long.

He couldn't even think of it, let alone Stark and Steve as native residents of the Marvel Universe, they couldn't even think of it.

"Steve, I'm not joking." Angelo shook his head, "What if your friend was used to kill your friend's parents? How would you deal with it?"

The smile on Steve's face froze instantly.

This multiple-choice question seems a little too difficult for this honest person.

Stark couldn't help frowning.

Some couldn't figure it out, what happened to An Qiluo today?

Although An Qiluo was a bit greedy for money in the past, he was not the kind of person who made troubles for others.

There is no perfect answer to this question, just like the trolley problem, no matter how you choose the answer.

Rational approach is unacceptable, but at the same time, emotional approach is also unacceptable.

Looking at the frozen Steve and the frowning Stark, Angelo couldn't help but sigh.

If things don't happen to them, they can always think from the outside, but once they happen to them, most people can't think about the problem calmly.

Even Angelo himself felt that neither Stark nor Steve did anything wrong in the civil war in the original plot.

Now that I have paved the way enough, I don't know if I can change the original development of Steve and Stark.

While Angelo, Stark, and Steve were chatting.

Xiao Jiali and Tachibana came over, in fact, it should be Xiao Jiali who dragged Tachibana over.

Tachibana stretched out his paws, grabbed the floor hard, and was dragged by Little Jiali. The fat cat still had a frightened expression on its face. Its sharp claws made a harsh grinding sound on the hard floor...

When little Jiali heard the conversation of the three adults, she felt a little lost.

"I'm so envious that your parents are dead..."

Steve: "???"

Stark: "???"

Angelo: "???"

"... Unlike me, I don't even know where my biological father is now. Even if he is dead now, it is better than missing..."

Angelo: "..."

I'm very glad that I'm not your biological father, I'm just your adoptive father...

This must have been taught to Xiao Jiali by the fat cat like Tachibana, otherwise how could such a cute little girl like Xiao Jiali say such words!

I'll settle the score with you after I'm done with the matter in front of me!

Thinking of this, An Qiluo glared at Tachibana who was struggling, and Tachibana, who was already a little guilty, couldn't help shrinking his neck.

This human man is getting more and more terrifying!

Galactus, somewhere far away in the depths of the universe, sneezed violently just after finishing a big meal, and then reached out and buttoned the purple helmet on his head in a clever way.

As one of the five gods of the Marvel universe, Galactus is enough to hang and beat the other four gods after eating. He naturally feels his daughter's "filial piety speech".

After sensing the current position of his daughter, Galactus boarded his luxury spaceship, dropped the wreckage of the planet that had just been destroyed, and flew towards the earth.

"It's been a long time since I saw Ganata..."


In the church, Stark and Steve were immediately amused when they heard little Gali's ignorant speech.

Tong Yan Wuji, the two of them naturally did not get angry because of Xiao Jiali's words.

However, the atmosphere An Qiluo had created with great difficulty just now vanished instantly after being interrupted by Xiao Jiali.

Angelo originally wanted to tell the whole story about Bucky, but seeing that the current atmosphere was not right, he could only give up.

"Hey, Stark, Steve. Come with me."

Angelo sighed and spoke.

"Father! Where are you going? I want to go too!" Little Jiali jumped three feet high beside her, and even the plump and strong Ju Zuo pounced on the ground.

An Qiluo squatted down, trying to pull a smile on his face. He patted little Jiali on the head.

"Little princess, help me watch the orange seat at home. This guy committed a crime today. When I come back, I will find it to settle the score. I can't let it run away. Remember the Frostmourne I gave you? It wants to run away." Just cut it!"

Little Jiali pursed her lips, but obediently pulled out a dark blue weapon out of thin air.

It is the sorrow of the filial son Jianshuang!

Tachibana on the side: "??? Are you so heartless?"

But An Qiluo's eyes were fixed. Little Jiali didn't know when she had mastered the space ability!

But now is not the time to ask.

Angelo glanced at Steve and Stark and reminded them kindly.

"Guys, you'd better get your full armor and shields on."

Angelo and Stark looked at each other with some doubts, but they didn't say anything, and got up to put on the equipment.

Although the two of them didn't know where An Qiluo was going to take them, but An Qiluo was their friend, so they still had this trust.

Angelo flipped through the note that Skye handed him before, and looked at the coordinates on it.

This coordinate is exactly the base used by Hydra to freeze the Winter Soldier, which Skye found in Dr. Zola's server.

Although Dr. Zola was named by Alexander Pierce, as the initiator of the Winter Soldier project, the information recorded in the server is true.

After this location was found out from Skye, it was handed over to Angelo, and the others did not know the location.

"Man, are we ready to go now?"

Stark, who was wearing Mark's armor, and Steve, who was carrying a shield, walked back.

Angelo nodded, and opened a blue portal with a wave of his hand.

An Qiluo didn't expect that he would use the portal ability so soon after he acquired it.


After the three of them stepped through the portal one by one, they came to a dark base.

"This is actually Russia?" As soon as he stepped out of the portal, Stark exclaimed, relying on Jarvis' positioning. "Oh~ buddy, you actually have this ability!"

An Qiluo shrugged, "This is not my ability, but, um... the ability of the Rubik's Cube, I just use it."

"Man, no matter what, after we go back, you must lend me this ability to study. If we can research this ability, maybe the future way of travel can be directly through the portal!"

Stark watched with interest as the blue portal slowly disappeared behind them.

When he saw the portal of Ancient One and Strange before, Stark tried to study it, but the existence of magic is still too much and idealistic for Stark.

His energy weapon can imitate the effect of magic attack, but he really can't achieve the effect of this kind of magical artifact, even with Imerton's help.

But the portals summoned by Angelo are obviously different from those summoned by the mages. The portals of the mages are orange, but the portals of Angelo are blue.

What excites Stark the most is not this, but what Angelo just said, the portal he casts does not rely on his own ability, but relies on the ability of the Rubik's Cube to display it.

With the help of foreign objects, isn't this the means of technology?

Stark feels he has finally found a way to use magic with the power of technology!

Angelo glanced at Stark, who was gradually getting excited, and nodded, but he whispered in his heart.

"I hope you will be so interested in studying magic soon..."

Steve has been frowning since he stepped out of the portal, and even the conversation between Angelo and Stark didn't attract his attention.

He looked at the somewhat gloomy environment in front of him and the surrounding architectural style, feeling inexplicably familiar.

They are now in a building, and the smell in the air should be an underground building.

They were at the intersection of a passage, and the surrounding corridors and ceilings were made of thick steel plates. He could vaguely hear the sound of machines running from behind the steel plates, and the chandelier hanging from the ceiling emitted a dim light yellow light.

This is obviously not a recent product, but closer to his original generation.

Since the end of World War II, human technology has entered a period of great explosion, and now even the lowest-end research institutes do not use this kind of equipment.

What is this place?

Steve thought of those inexplicable words that Angelo said before, and for some reason, a sense of uneasiness rose in his heart...

He also wanted to take a closer look at the surrounding environment, trying to find some clues to dispel the uneasiness in his heart.

But unfortunately, the sound of hurried footsteps from a distant passage interrupted Steve's plan.

"Someone! Be careful, be alert!"

Steve whispered to the two of them.

As he spoke, Steve held the shield to his chest.

An Qiluo had them both fully armed with shields and battle armor before. It was definitely not aimless, although he didn't know if it was the enemy who came, or who the enemy was.

But Steve's keen sixth sense sensed a hint of the enemy.

Stark was also taken aback, and then looked at the small red dots that suddenly appeared on the screen of his battle armor. These small red dots were getting closer and closer, and it seemed that they would soon be close to three people.

Stark also closed his mask again, and the energy cannon in his hand began to light up...

But neither of them noticed that there was also a hint of surprise on Angelo's face.

He did know that this is a base of Hydra, but he did not expect that in this base of Hydra, there are actually remnants of Hydra!

Under the scanning of An Qiluo's mental power, the enemy has no way to hide.

It is the remnants of Hydra!

Angelo sensed the position of the enemy, and the staff of the beast spirit appeared in his hand.

At the same time, the skill tree was activated, and a piece of bone spear quietly appeared in the air.

When the first and fastest Hydra remnant stepped out of the corner of the passage, what greeted him was a bone spear with a piercing sound.

The bone spear directly penetrated his chest cavity, took his heart out of the body, and then plunged into the steel wall of the tunnel!

The sudden appearance of the bone spear startled Steve and Stark.

"Hydra!" Steve and Stark exclaimed as they looked at the uniform on the Hydra agent!

This is actually the base of Hydra, and there are so many remnants of Hydra here.

Steve finally remembered why he looked so familiar with the environment here!

Wasn't the Hydra base that he captured when he participated in World War II the same style?

Steve and Stark glanced at each other, knowing the identities of the remaining enemies equally well.

Stark flew out wearing a battle armor, while Steve rushed into the passage with a shield in hand.

All of a sudden, there were lasers shooting everywhere, explosions everywhere, and at the same time there were continuous sounds of metal hitting metal, and the sound of piercing through the air as if the god of death was asking for his life.

Even the yellowed lights in the passage turned into flashing red lights representing the invasion of foreign enemies!

Neither Stark nor Steve kept their hands back. In front of the two super-popular superheroes, the Hydra agents who stayed behind in this base did not have any resistance, let alone Angelo, the " remote support".

Soon, all the Hydra agents rushing over in the base were eliminated.

If Angelo was afraid that the base would be blown down, he crushed Stark, Steve, and the frozen Bucky to death, and used the body of the first Hydra agent he killed to explode with his skills. It can be even faster!

After getting rid of the remnants of the hydra, the three of them have walked from the position just now to the other end of the passage, leaving behind them corpses in various shapes.

These Hydra agents are all trained and brainwashed by Hydra from below, and there is no possibility of salvation at all.

Now in front of them is a gate made of steel material, which is not locked. It is estimated that even these Hydra agents have thought that someone can directly enter the base without going through the gate of the base.

Without Angelo's explanation, Steve and Stark already knew what this place was.

This is the base of the remnants of Hydra!

Steve wanted to push open the door in front of him, but Angelo stopped him.

Facing Steve's puzzled eyes, Angelo said seriously, "Steve, are you really ready? Once you open this door, it means you will accept the truth!"

Steve was even more baffled.

"What's the truth? Aren't we here to wipe out the remnants of Hydra?"

"We're not members of S.H.I.E.L.D. Why did we come so far to trouble these remnants of Hydra?" Angelo sighed, "Steve, you..."

"Steve, do you still remember Bucky who fell into the ice valley?"

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