The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 409 You Need Atonement!

Chapter 409 You Need Atonement!

Angelo released the "Rebirth" skill on the five corpses on the ground.

The familiar gray mist appeared and floated into the air.

An Qiluo's mental power has been strengthened multiple times, and it is no longer what it used to be. Unlike back then, when he only knew how to cast skills on the target, his mental power can feel...

These familiar gray mist appeared to rise into the air, but in fact, they touched another invisible door.

The breath of death and corruption came from the other side of the gate. If mortals or weaker people felt this breath, they would probably turn into a cloud of fly ash immediately!

It seems that behind the invisible door is the lady of death—the kingdom of death!

An Qiluo could still vaguely feel that there seemed to be something hidden under these gray mist...

Angelo tried to feel the truth hidden under the gray mist, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't perceive clearly in the end.

Since I can't perceive clearly, it means that my current mental strength is still not enough, and An Qiluo simply didn't work hard. Taking advantage of the gray fog that is still communicating with the invisible door, An Qiluo simply gave up induction.

Carefully record the spatial coordinates of the kingdom of death.

The space coordinates of the kingdom of death are very complicated, even more complicated than the space coordinates of Asgard recorded on the earth.

If you opened the portal on Earth or Asgard in the past and recorded a bookmark on a plane, then you want to record the coordinates of the kingdom of death, and you want to record a place on the end page of a book. small black spots.

It's not one-dimensional at all!

In the middle, not only the distance between the kingdom of death and the earth must be recorded, but also how many dimensions are separated.

Angelo had a little realization in his heart that the kingdom of death can be said to exist between concepts and matter. The hand bones that Qi Luo devoured.

And the earth is only a material existence, no wonder it is so complicated to record the coordinates of the death kingdom on the earth.

The process is complicated and complicated, but fortunately Angelo finally completed the recording before the souls of the five Winter Soldier all returned from the kingdom of death.

He was not stopped by Ms. Death on the way, as if he was picking up a flower from his back garden.

The five Winter Soldier headed by Bucky slowly opened their eyes.

After a short period of confusion, the five Winter Soldier involuntarily locked their eyes on An Qiluo, showing vigilance in their eyes, and picked up objects around them as weapons, ready to explode at any time!

After being resurrected by An Qiluo, in addition to receiving the bonus of various passive skills on An Qiluo, they also restored their own memories.

After all, Hydra's so-called method of brainwashing and washing away memories is only to block the memories of the five Winter Soldier in their minds, and there is a risk of their own memory awakening during the execution of the mission of the Winter Soldier. Brainwashing and freezing are performed every time the mission comes back just in case.

What's more, it's Angelo's method that involves the soul.

These five Winter Soldier were all brainwashed by Hydra from various elite troops. The intensity of the battles they have experienced is unimaginable to people in peacetime... well, except for Steve, Steve is also People of that era.

Their fighting skills are superb, and their fighting instincts are equally good.

After recovering their memories, the five of them naturally knew everything that happened before, including the scene where An Qiluo summoned the bone spear to kill them just now.

Although the five of them didn't know why they were resurrected now, and why they looked so kindly at the man who killed them just now, they subconsciously raised their weapons for self-defense.

This is also the setting that the summoned objects cannot be betrayed. Otherwise, according to the character of these killing machines, it is very likely that they will directly attack An Qiluo at this time.

But at this time, An Qiluo didn't intend to explain the confusion of these newly acquired subordinates. Although their combat effectiveness is indeed good, but... Even a pig, with so many passives, can become the king of pigs!

So the five winter soldiers are not that important to Angelo.

Glancing at the Winter Soldiers holding "weapons" and staring at him vigilantly, Angelo waved his staff helplessly.

Seeing this familiar movement, the five Winter Soldier's pupils shrank instantly, and they were about to roll on the spot to avoid the coming bone spear.

They've been stabbed to death by bone spears before...

But to the surprise of the five winter soldiers, what arrived this time was not a sharp bone spear, but... a cage of bones rising from the ground!

The five winter soldiers frantically used the items in their hands as weapons to attack the bone cage, but the strength of the bone cage was far from comparable to the ordinary items in the hands of these winter soldiers.

"Angelo!" Steve looked at Anqiluo worriedly when he saw Bucky smashing the cage of bones crazily.

He couldn't guess at all, now that An Qiluo had resurrected Bucky, what else would he do? Could it be that he wanted to kill him again?

"Steve, go tell them about the current situation and let them understand their situation and current situation." Angelo waved his hands absently, "Oh, yes, they have recovered their memories. Wait After they know where they are now, I will release them."

"Okay!" Steve hurried to Bucky.

Stark was still standing beside Angelo silently, as if thinking about something.

Angelo didn't pay attention to how Steve explained to Bucky and the others, and didn't try to guess what Stark was guessing. Now he suddenly discovered a more serious problem.

That was when he resurrected these people this time, he did not encounter any resistance from Lady Death.

Although this is a good thing, it is also a very strange thing.

In the past, when An Qiluo resurrected the dead, except for the first time when Ms. Death personally blocked it, the rest of the times did not stop An Qiluo from taking the soul from the kingdom of death.

But despite this, Angelo could feel the breath of Lady Death from these souls.

After all, the kingdom of death is full of death rules controlled by the death lady.


This time, Angelo didn't feel any sense of Lady Death's breath from the souls of the five Winter Soldier.

Ms. Death is indifferent?

You don't need to block it, or you can turn a blind eye, but... it can't be that you can't even leave a breath!

If things go wrong, there must be a demon. An Qiluo thinks that it may be something happened in the kingdom of death that makes Lady Death not bother to pay attention to him.

An Qiluo cleared his mind in his mind.

Now that the spatial coordinates of the kingdom of death have been recorded, he intends to open the door directly to the kingdom of death to have a look, and harvest another wave of "experience" from Ms. Death.

However, to open the door to a higher and unique space on the earth...

An Qiluo couldn't help but be careless, he had no experience before, and he didn't know what would happen.

Now Steve and Stark are not in good shape, and there are five newly resurrected Winter Soldier.

It seems that the experiment can only be carried out after returning to Hell's Kitchen, at least one of Odin and Ancient One must be asked.

Only then did Angelo put away his eagerness to try, and turned his gaze back to Steve.

I don't know how Political Commissar Shi did the ideological work for the five Winter Soldier. At this time, the five Winter Soldier have come out of their confusion.

The expressions on the faces of the five people are all extremely complicated, full of guilt, shame, remorse, pain... and other emotions.

All five of them were fighters who had fought Hydra back then, and they all recalled all their actions during the time they were controlled by Hydra.

Killing, plotting, provoking war...

Especially Bucky, Angelo saw this man who was supposed to be expressionless stand up from the ground, with regret on his face, and walked in front of Stark accompanied by Steve.

"Mr. Stark, I'm Bucky Barnes..." Bucky said, his voice dry and hoarse, "I apologize for what I did before and for the harm I caused you."

"If you really still have a grudge against me, I'd like to apologize with death. I just hope you don't blame Steve."

Bucky said, bending deeply towards Stark.

"Bucky, you..." Steve was stunned and was speechless for a moment when he was shocked by Bucky's words!

Just now Steve told Bucky all the ins and outs of the whole thing, and then Bucky not only expressed deep remorse for his behavior, but also knew that Steve and Stark were friends.

Killing the parents of his childhood friend by himself sounded a bit convoluted, but Bucky also understood what kind of situation it was.

It doesn't even need to be said by Steve, he can roughly guess that Steve must have tried his best to protect himself, and then fought with the other party...

"Needless to say, Steve." Bucky shook his head, "This is my choice, please respect me, I don't want you to lose a friend because of my existence."

Steve opened his mouth, then stood back silently, only looking at Stark with worried eyes.

As a brother, since the other party has made a decision, all he can do is support him unconditionally.

On the other hand, Stark...

Originally, Stark wanted Bucky, the "enemy" who killed his parents, to send him to the sky with a nuclear bomb, but at this time Bucky's posture made him face a difficult situation.

Stark has never been a selfish person from the bottom of his heart, he cares a lot about his friends.

Steve was his friend, and he didn't want to embarrass and upset Steve.

Moreover, now that he has calmed down, he knows that although Bucky was the executor of the "car accident" that killed his parents, Bucky cannot be blamed entirely.

After all, it's not Bucky's subjective behavior.


Stark snorted coldly, looked at the sincere Bucky in front of him through the visual system of the visor, and said firmly, "Bucky Barnes, do you think that what you have done can be over as long as you die? ?”

"If you want to die, who wouldn't? If you want to die, don't come to me, you can commit suicide yourself!"

Bucky Barnes looked up at Stark and nodded slightly.

He actually raised his metal left arm and was about to hit his throat hard!

"Enough!" Stark raised his arm, and a palm shot smashed Bucky's metal arm. "Suicide cannot offset your sins, you have to live to atone for your sins!"

When Steve saw Bucky's metal arm being crooked by Stark's palm cannon, he breathed a sigh of relief and gave Stark a grateful look.

If Bucky, the only friend of his own age, disappeared from his side again, he didn't know how he would feel.

But Stark turned a blind eye to Steve's grateful gaze and didn't look at him at all.

"How can I atone for my sins in order to obtain your forgiveness?"

"How to redeem?" Stark sneered, "It just so happens that the last vibranium storage of Stark Enterprises was given to your old boyfriend Steve, so you can go to the African continent to find vibranium, if you can bring If Zhenjin comes back alive, I will forgive you!"

"Stark, there aren't many metals like vibranium in the world, how could Bucky find it by himself..." Steve said urgently.

"Only by bringing Zhenjin back can I forgive him!" Stark finally looked at Steve, and said in a cold voice, "If you don't trust him, you can go with him to find him! Until you find Zhenjin Kim is back!"

"Then I'll give you back the shield..."

"Okay, Steve, needless to say, I agree." Bucky stopped Steve's attempt to return the shield, "Mr. Stark, I don't need Steve's help. I will find it myself. If I can really find Zhenjin, I hope you can forgive my sins."

From the perspective of an outsider, Bucky can see it more clearly.

Except for things like vibrating gold that were originally collected in the Stark family and all museums, the rest have only appeared in legends.

Wanting to find Zhenjin is tantamount to dreaming.

Stark asked him to find Zhenjin to atone for his sins, which was nothing more than an excuse that he never wanted to see him again. Bucky understood very well, after all, he killed Stark's parents with his own hands.

This is already the biggest concession Stark can make.

Naturally, Bucky wouldn't drag Steve into the water.

"But, Bucky, it's almost impossible to find Zhenjin by yourself..." Steve frowned and said, "Are you going to die of old age in a place like Africa, now Hydra has been wiped out... ..."

"Steve, you're wrong. The me I am now won't die of old age." Bucky smiled and comforted Steve, then looked at Angelo and saluted, "Thank you, Mr. Priest, for your resurrection." kindness."

Angelo nodded, without speaking, he could feel Bucky's inner activities clearly.

It's not appropriate for him to say anything now, and he still has a doubt.

He knows that Zhenjin is really on the African continent, and it's actually not particularly difficult to find, just in Wakanda, or a whole mine!

But why would Stark send Bucky to Viking?

Zhenjin only made Steve's shield. If Stark wanted a armor with the same defensive power, he had already given him a "Sade" rune.

The "Sade" rune can completely replace the function of vibrating gold. It is also indestructible, and no matter what material it is, it can have this feature. For Stark, it is much stronger than vibrating gold.

Angelo planned to ask Stark later.

He felt that Stark should have some plan that must use vibration gold.

"And us." After hearing that Bucky was going to Africa to find Zhenjin, the rest of the Thinking Winter Soldier looked at each other and also stood up. "We're going to atone with Bucky."

Now Bucky Ear, the bitter Lord Stark, is standing in front of them, but where is their bitter Lord? I'm afraid they have killed the whole family long ago!

Even if they didn't kill the whole family, they couldn't find anyone to atone for their crimes.

It would be better for the five of them to embark on a journey of redemption with Bucky, so that they can feel better...

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