The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 415 Tachibana Is Pregnant?

Chapter 415 Tachibana Is Pregnant?

"Angelo, come here..."

"Dad, Tachibana said he wanted to find you!"

Hela and Little Jiali stopped Angelo before he was about to open the space door.

Angelo looked at the expressionless Hela, then looked down at Little Jiali.

what happened?

How can we find something to do with ourselves?

Angelo looked at the two people, one big and one small, and finally decided to listen to little Jiali first.

He turned his head and said to the people who were standing ready, "Steve, please wait for me for a while."

Steve and Bucky were together, nodding silently, but there was gossip in the eyes of these two good friends.

Last night Steve and Bucky returned home and did not rest, but talked all night long.

There is not much to say about Bucky's affairs. Basically, after being rescued by Hydra, he was either frozen or performed Hydra's assassination mission.

But Bucky was very interested in Steve's affairs, and Steve didn't hide it. He was picked up from the North Pole by SHIELD, and then he settled down in Hell's Kitchen. Until he rescues Bucky.

Steve naturally also talked about Angelo and Hela's gossip, um, this is what Steve heard from Xiao Jiali...

By the way, Bucky learned of An Qiluo's troubles with the vampire this morning, and he insisted on following him to help, hoping to repay some of An Qiluo's kindness for rescuing him.

Angelo followed Xiao Jiali to a corner of the hall, and Xiao Jiali carried Tachibana over from the side.

An Qiluo and Tachibana, one person and one cat, stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, both of them were puzzled, not understanding why Xiao Jiali called them all here.

"Tachibana, didn't you say that you need to find your father?"


Angelo glanced at little Jiali suspiciously, "Is Tachibana looking for me? What did it say?"

"It said it was going to have a baby."

Angelo: "???"

"Isn't Juzuo a male cat? Or is it looking for a kitten outside?"


"Tachibana said it's not a cat, and their race doesn't have...the inferior gender distinction of two-legged beasts like humans, which don't need the cooperation of females..."

Angelo: "!!!"

Angelo felt that Xiao Jiali must be very competent to play the role of translator, translating Tachibana's words verbatim.

He clearly saw the contempt revealed in those cat eyes when Tachibana was meowing.

An Qiluo did not get angry because of Tachibana's contempt, but looked at Tachibana with a strange face.

You still say you are not a cat?

Isn't that what cats do? To respect the old and love the young is to look down on those in the middle.

An Qiluo shook his head slightly, driving away these complicated thoughts from his mind.

Of course he knew that Juzuo was no longer a cat, but a beast, but the appearance of Juzuo was really hard for people to connect with the cosmic beast.

"So, what do you want from me?" Angelo looked at Tachibana, "Do you need me to buy you a cat litter? Or do you need me to find you a veterinarian who will take care of you?"

"Hurr~" Tachibana let out a threatening low growl in his throat, obviously dissatisfied with An Qiluo treating it like a pet cat.

As a noble Yuan Devourer, how could it need those stupid pet doctors to take care of it!

Little Jiali looked at her father, then at Tachibana, her little face was full of tangled expressions, after a while, she explained, "Dad, Tachibana needs energy supplement... "

"Hmm...a lot of energy replenishment." As she spoke, Xiao Jiali opened her hands and made a very exaggerated movement.

Angelo was immediately amused by the cute movements of little Jiali, he smiled and patted little Jiali's head.

"What does the Tachibana mean? What does it need? If I can help it, I will definitely help it." Angelo said generously.

"Meow! Meow! Meow~"

Before Little Jiali could speak, Tachibana called out first, and at the same time, its eyes looked around An Qiluo's wrist.

"Dad, Tachibana said he wanted that blue box..." Little Jiali bit the bullet and translated for Tachibana.

Angelo was taken aback for a moment.

blue box?

Isn't that the cosmic Rubik's Cube that Tachibana ran out to snatch from him not long ago?

Not long ago, Tachibana tried to snatch the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from him, but he had no choice but to put the Cosmic Rubik's Cube into the Horadric Cube, which resulted in the space gem being refined by the Horadric Cube, and gained the function of the space gate and a The useless cow off...

Angelo originally planned to ask Tachibana after he finished dealing with Bucky's matter, what was going on.

In the end, because there were too many things to do, he was busy and forgot...

Now after Tachibana and Xiao Jiali reminded him, he just remembered this.

Does the orange constellation really have something to do with the Rubik's Cube or the Space Gem? An Qiluo did remember the plot of the Yuan Devourer swallowing the Rubik's Cube in the universe in the previous movie, but didn't it spit it out later?

Moreover, isn't the Devouring Beast swallowing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube because the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is shiny? Just like the lizard dragons in western legends like shiny treasures.

Could it be that there is something else hidden here?

Now that the matter involved the Infinity Stones, An Qiluo's expression became more serious, he knelt down in front of Ju Zuo, and said seriously.

"Orange seat, what's going on? Now the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the blue cube you wanted to grab that day, is gone."

Tachibana is still quite afraid of Angelo, especially after it witnessed the scene where Angelo pasted runes on the big revolver of Little Gali, it directly pulled Angelo's sense of fear in the heart of Tachibana. full.

Now that An Qiluo mentioned that he wanted to snatch the Rubik's Cube that day, Tachibana was even more worried, for fear that An Qiluo had come to settle accounts with him.

An Qiluo stretched out his hand to hold the struggling Tachibana, preventing him from escaping.

Tachibana watched An Qiluo extend his magic palm to him, resisted but did not dare to resist, after all, he couldn't beat him, so he could only meow and explain in a panic...

Of course, An Qiluo couldn't understand Juizuo's cat star language, and he could only understand Juizuo's words with the help of Xiao Jiali's translation.

"Tachia said that when it went to grab the Rubik's Cube, it had no consciousness at all..."

After Xiao Jiali's explanation, Angelo gradually understood what was going on.

As a family of devouring beasts, Tachibana does not need the other half to reproduce itself. According to Tachibana, this is a characteristic of advanced life forms in the universe, but in Angelo's view.

Isn't this the reproduction mode of Flammulina velutipes?

Although the Yuan Devourer is a well-known fierce beast in the universe, it has not yet reached the level of infinite gems.

Therefore, the self-division of Orange still needs the supply of energy.

Although the steaks that the church prepares for Tachibana on weekdays are all high-powered steaks, but only enough for Tachibana's daily consumption, and at the same time, there is only a trace of abundant energy coming out. Want to have a baby? But it is far from enough.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube contains infinite energy, and the children in Zodiac Orange's stomach have an increasing demand for energy...

This is the real reason why Ju Zuo uncontrollably shot to snatch the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!

After all, it is the instinct of a creature to eat, survive and reproduce.

"Orange seat, but now I can't give you the Cosmic Rubik's Cube." Angelo spread his hands regretfully.

Now that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, that is, the Space Gem, has been refined by the Horadric Cube, naturally there is no way to hand it over to Tachibana, and even if he wants to hand Horadric to Tachibana, let it be used to have children.

Angelo can't do it either. Although the Horadric Cube belongs to Angelo in name, Angelo can only use the space storage ability and space gate of the Horadric Cube, and all other functions are out of his control. .

But now Tachibana's childbirth has reached this point again.

Wouldn't Tachibana go to have an abortion because he couldn't afford to eat?

Although the child in Tachibana's belly was not his own, An Qiluo thought he couldn't do such a thing.

If you want to rely solely on eating the steaks from Cow Pass in the church, you will have to eat all the time to make up for the energy consumption. The church's reserves obviously can't keep up...

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Angelo's mind!

Can't stop eating!

Cows off!

There is absolutely no way to kill all the cow monsters there, and no matter how many you kill, they can be respawned...

These cow monsters can also burst out high-energy steaks, isn't this just suitable for Tachibana's needs?

But now the last question is whether Tachibana can beat those cow monsters. If he wants to eat steak at that time, but is killed by the cow monster, it will be a joke.

And still with more than one dead body.

An Qiluo summoned the portal of milk gate to appease the frightened Tachibana.

"Behind this space door is the cow gate. Don't worry, Tachibana, I will accompany you in this time. If you can defeat the monster inside, your problem of having a baby will be solved."

As soon as she heard that she was going to fight monsters, Xiao Jiali's eyes lit up and she shouted.

"Dad, I want to go too!"

Angelo watched helplessly as little Jiali took out the filial son sword and the big revolver at once.

When did this girl become so violent? She was so cute when she first came to the church!

Could it be that he learned badly in church?

Angelo immediately dismissed this idea.

Impossible, absolutely impossible, it must be that little Jiali and hell's kitchen gang bastards have learned badly by their ears and eyes!

See what a bad influence they have had on little Galley's physical and mental health!

It seems that I will talk to these bastards of the gangsters about the price increase of the confession fee!

However, this time, An Qiluo did not reject Xiao Jiali. After all, in the matter of educating children, one cannot just refuse blindly.

Angelo knew the strength of the monsters in the milk cow pass, and he was taking care of it, so little Jiali would never have an accident.

So, An Qiluo stepped into the space door with the anxious Tachibana and the excited little Jiali.

"Hey!" Thor saw Angelo stepping into the cow pass, and he seemed to have just remembered something, and quickly shouted, "Loki's weapon!"

It's a pity that he was still one step too late, and An Qiluo didn't hear his words.

Tuoer could only sigh helplessly. He was the one who threw his younger brother's weapon into the portal last time. He was naturally responsible for finding it out. Usually he would not dare to let An Qiluo go to the cow pass to get it. It was easy to bring out Loki's weapon.

Hela glanced at the younger brother contemptuously. Is it worth reusing just that broken weapon? How poor is Asgard?

Hela casually summoned a black dagger in her hand, and stuffed it into Thor's hand, "I'll give it to you, pick it up, don't embarrass Asgard."

Thor: "..."

Conscience of heaven and earth, he just thinks that a soldier should not throw away his weapon, he just wants to find the weapon for his brother!


In the other half, An Qiluo took Xiao Jiali and Tachibana into the cow pass again.

It was not much different from last time. They were two people and one cat. Not long after they entered, they were attacked by a large number of cow monsters.

An Qiluo originally wanted to see if Tachibana could deal with these cow monsters. When Tachibana saw these monsters that he had never seen before but smelled familiar, Dou Da's eyes showed vigilance.

But before the cow monsters rushed to Tachibana, they heard a deafening gunshot ringing in the ears of one person and one cat.


There was a loud noise like the explosion of high explosives.

Angelo looked behind him in a daze. Little Jiali had inserted Frostmourne back into his back, holding the terrifying big revolver in his hand.

Curly green smoke was still rising from the big revolver, and the loud noise just now came from this revolver.

But among the cow monsters, it was even more terrifying.

The location where this wave of cow monsters was just now seemed to be a plain that had been bombed by dozens of intercontinental missiles.

A large pit appeared on the ground, and the brilliance of rune magic was still shining in the large pit.

This is the power of Rune Iron Plate.

Not to mention the cow monster on the ground, even the steak that should have exploded from the cow monster was gone.

Seeing the terrifying attack power of this revolver, Tachibana was immediately frightened and moved from Xiaojiali's body to her side.

Who knows if little Jiali can slip her hand and shoot herself in a while.

I can't handle it with my small body!

Although this big revolver is not a piece of equipment in Diablo, after Angelo put the rune patch on it, it already has some of the characteristics of Diablo equipment. At least the power of the rune patch is increased by a percentage.

In addition, little Jiali herself is a juvenile body of Galactus, and her life level is high enough.

Galactus, that is one of the top five gods in the entire universe!

This is what created such a terrifying power.

Angelo walked up to little Jiali, and reluctantly took the big revolver from her hand.

"Little Jiali, the main purpose of our visit this time is to help Tachibana find ingredients..."

Seeing her 'results', the excited little Jiali froze immediately.

Some sullenly also put away the big revolver.

Ju Zuo and An Qilu, one person and one cat, breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Let's not talk about whether it's okay to be beaten, no one wants to be bombarded for no reason...

The big movement just now naturally attracted the attention of other cow monsters. There was no need for An Qiluo and the others to move. In the map of the cow pass, a large number of cow monsters are coming from all directions towards their position...

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