The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 418 Unlucky Mephitos

Chapter 418 Unlucky Mephitos

The cow is closed.

In a space fold that Tachibana couldn't see, a ferocious demon was hiding here.

The dark red muscles on his body were exposed, and there were six horns on his head. The whole demon looked very ferocious.

It's just that the cautious smile on his face at this time and the dagger stuck in his forehead ruined this fierce temperament, making him look very funny.

Like the Mephitos who was discovered by the Ancient One mage outside the cow pass, he is also called Mephitos.

But he is not the Lord of Hell here. This Mephitos comes from the world of Diablo. He is called the Lord of Hatred, the Wings of Hatred by the nephalem of Sanctuary.

Just a few days ago, Mephitos was patrolling his territory as usual, and by the way, he was killed by the nephalem on a daily basis.

He suddenly sensed that something was wrong in the milk cow pass.

The Milk Cow Pass is a space that suddenly appeared outside the world, heaven, and hell. However, after the exploration of the Three Demon Gods, they found that the Milk Cow Pass was worthless except for the frantic ones, so they stopped paying attention.

This time, he noticed the abnormality of the cow pass, and Mephitos, who had already been numb to the nephalem, naturally ran to the cow pass, avoiding the nephalem by the way, seeking a moment of peace.

But who knows, when he came like this...

I can't go back...

Mephitos was trapped in this space, the space passage he used to get from his domain to the cow pass was closed, and there was no possibility of going back at all.

He couldn't even feel the breath of his own territory anymore.

After meditating, Mephitos originally wanted to find an opportunity to get out of the cow gate. As long as someone opened the portal or space channel leading to the cow gate, he would have a chance to escape.

But Mephitos finally waited for someone who opened the space portal.

In the end, he discovered to his horror that the person who called the space portal was also a Nephalem!

What is a nephalem? The nephalem are the descendants of the combination of angels and demons. The natural potential is very huge, even surpassing the two races of angels and demons. To talk about the specific content, we have to start from the history of the dark world ...

It was these nephalem who kept harassing Mephitos in the past.

But the nephalem who opened the cow gate was different from the nephalem who usually harassed him or tried to kill him.

This nephalem who opened the milk cow gate is extraordinarily powerful!

Even stronger than all the nephalem he'd ever seen!

If placed in the dark world, the powerful behind-the-scenes boss is comparable to heaven!

This is completely unreasonable! You must know that potential is not equal to strength. To turn potential into strength, in addition to talent, you need various training and adventures.

Even the first batch of nephalem Mephitos had seen had never been so powerful!

This is a limitation of time and history. The time of Nephalem's appearance is still too short for the existence time of various gods and demons in heaven and hell.

Although Mephitos has also been killed many times by those ordinary Nephalem, but because he can be resurrected, he just refuses to accept...

However, Mephitos could feel the super danger from this nephalem, just looking at this nephalem who opened the space door made his eyelids twitch wildly.

He had a hunch that if he was killed by this nephalem, he might never be able to resurrect again!

His original power hidden in the soul stone may also be directly wiped out across the space.

This premonition made Mephitos's heart beat wildly, so he could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​escaping, and planned to find an opportunity to wait for the next person who opened the space portal to come in before escaping.

However, Mephitos is very clear that he seems to be no longer in the original world. He can vaguely sense that the breath of the world behind the space door seems to be somewhat different from his original world.

Could it be that this world has also been invaded by Nephalem?

Fortunately, the space rules in Cow Pass are completely different from any other places, and Mephitos itself has a very powerful hidden ability.

Therefore, he was able to hide himself in the folds of space in front of An Qiluo until An Qiluo and Gu Yi left.

This is when Angelo first enters the Cow Level through the Horadric Cube.

After Angelo left, although Mephitos had given up on escaping this time, driven by curiosity, he still wanted to see the world behind it through the space gate.

Find out some information about the world behind the space gate, so that you can make early plans for escaping in the future.


As soon as he leaned his head towards the space door, a short sword flew out from the space door and directly stuck in his forehead...

Not to mention how unlucky it is!

What's more, for unknown reasons, the dagger couldn't be pulled out of his forehead at all.

Mephitos panicked even more.

He is the majestic king of hatred! Wings of Hate! Not only was he injured by such a small dagger, but he couldn't pull the dagger off his forehead?

Mephitos became more cautious. The world behind this space door must be very terrifying. Next time, if he is not fully sure, he will not act rashly. The most important thing is to hide himself to ensure safety.

Next, Mephitos hid in the cow pass with peace of mind. Fortunately, there are these cow monsters in the cow pass. Although these cow monsters are not very useful, they are enough to replenish energy.

Until today, An Qiluo opened the portal again and stepped into the cow pass.

Mephitos, who was hiding in the folds of space, discovered that the bald mage didn't show up this time, and it was a fat orange cat and...a little girl who entered the cow pass with Angelo?

Mephitos became even more terrified and desperate when he saw little Gali, and he sensed the personality of this little girl in this little girl.

The strength of nephalem is calculated according to level, and the strength level of demons and angels is calculated according to personality.

The natural strength of demons and angels has been fixed, and Mephitos himself is a demon of Pierce level.

But in this little girl, he actually sensed the aura of the same level as the Holy Demon King Satan!

This means that when this little girl was born, she was a powerhouse at the same level as Satan! From birth, the two levels of Mephitos have been crushed in terms of personality.

Mephitos was completely desperate, thinking that he might have to spend the rest of his life in the cow gate...

An outrageously strong nephalem, a little girl on the same level as Satan, the outside world is so dangerous, he dare not mess with either of these two people.

Mephitos also witnessed the sight of Xiao Jiali flattening a large circle of cow monsters with one cannonball. He was not sure if he could withstand the bombardment. He was at least 70% sure that he would not be able to resist... …

When Mephitos was in despair, he saw Angelo leaving with little Jiali, leaving the fat orange cat, which looked easy to mess with, alone in the cow pass.

Mephitos was thinking about how to use the fat orange cat's body to escape from the cow gate.

This damn cow off! This damned short sword!


On the other side, An Qiluo and the others continued to walk through the Wangeda Mountains.

Under the leadership of Emerton and Master Strange, they walked through forests and roads.

Fortunately, there are no ordinary people who are powerless to come here this time. Even Dr. Banner, who came with him, has exercised his body enough to support him in the process of becoming the Hulk again and again. This is the extent of the hike.

Angelo once suggested to let Dr. Strange or Ancient One open the portal directly according to the location of the breath.

But it was unanimously rejected by the two orthodox mages.

It is okay to open the portal, but according to the position where the breath is vague, no one knows where the portal will open.

If there are only enemies, it's okay to say, if the portal is opened into the mountains or some dangerous place.

Except for An Qiluo and some people, I am afraid that passing through such a portal will be dangerous.

It was also the first time for An Qiluo to know that the seemingly incomparably convenient space portal actually has such a risk. No wonder the ancient mage opened the portal every time he opened it in a place he had been to.

Everyone crossed the last road and finally arrived at the place where they felt the strange smell just now.

What appeared in front of them was a tavern standing on the edge of a cliff.

The location is great and if it's high season maybe the bistro will do well.

But now let alone tourists, even the residents who originally lived in the mountains have disappeared and do not know where they went.

So, even though it was midday, this stylish bistro was closed and not open for business.

Angelo scanned the tavern in front of him with his mental power, and his face became a little ugly.

He originally thought that the number of blood-sucking monsters mentioned in the Hydra information would not be too many, at best it would not exceed the number of one hand.

But he used his mental power to scan just now, and he discovered that under the seemingly calm appearance of the tavern, the whole tavern was emitting this bloody stench.

The number of vampires lurking in this tavern far exceeded Angelo's imagination.

Angelo finally understood what happened to the empty houses he saw along the way and the mountain people who originally lived here!

The humans in the entire mountain are within the hunting range of these blood-sucking monsters!

Angelo's ugly face was not because of how difficult these vampires were to deal with, but because he hated these vampires who preyed on fellow human beings.

Most human beings cannot witness these tragedies with peace of mind.

"This is the lair of those blood-sucking monsters." Angelo said coldly, "Everyone, be prepared and be careful not to be hurt by these monsters. The tragedy inside is beyond our imagination."

Seeing Angelo's expression, the other people who came with him in the church probably had some guesses in their hearts.

It seems that the situation here is worse than they expected.

Everyone didn't ask too much, and each prepared their weapons.

Frank said he wanted you to kill three thousand, and fired a shot at the door of the tavern with no expression on his face!


After a sound that seemed to be shelling, the wooden door of the tavern shattered.

At the same time, there were also a group of low-level vampires lying on the ground sleeping behind the tavern gate!

The midday sun poured into the tavern through the broken wooden door.

The tavern was suddenly flooded with eyes, and the vampires who had escaped just now were immediately caught by the noon sun!

Immediately, there was a lot of howling in the tavern, and at the same time, there was a cloud of smoke accompanying the howling!

Under the sunlight, these low-level vampires were quickly corroded like human beings were splashed with ultra-high concentration sulfuric acid on their skin.

In the end, there was only a puddle of blood left on the ground!

The other people in the church looked at this scene, and their eyes immediately lit up. These vampires are afraid of the sun!

The weapon in his hand was not polite, and he violently bombarded the building of the tavern.

The movement of Frank breaking the door of the tavern and the vampires being exposed to sunlight just now also attracted the attention of the remaining vampires.

These sleeping vampires got up from the ground and started screaming at the church crowd.

Angelo looked at these vampires. These vampires had obvious characteristics of Western race. At the same time, because of the vampires themselves, their faces were as pale as snow. When they roared, Angelo could see See, the two pairs of fangs exposed in their mouths!

However, unlike what Angelo expected or folklore, these vampires were not as elegant as British gentlemen, and the clothes on their bodies made Angelo, a straight man, a little hard to explain.

Punk? Or is it street gangster style?

To be reasonable, the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen don't wear such flamboyant clothes anymore, and they all change into black suits or brown suits.

When these vampires faced the invading enemy, they showed a fierce aura, showing their fangs, roaring, and cursing at the same time.

But it's a pity that low-level vampires can't survive in the sun at all, as long as they are exposed to the sun, they will be wiped out.

Therefore, they could only hide in the remnants of the building and scream continuously, unable to rage.

The people in the church ignored the trash talk from these trash mouths, and continued to attack the remaining buildings of the tavern with their heads sullen, squeezing the remaining space of the remaining vampires.

The people in the church all used long-range weapons, and they didn't give these vampires a chance to get close. There was obviously only a thin line between the sun and the shadowed place, but in the eyes of the vampires, it was the difference between heaven and hell. .

Dr. Banner wanted to transform into Hulk and help everyone demolish the house together, but Angelo stopped him.

After all, although Hulk is fierce and suitable for demolition, his attack method is close combat. Who knows if there is any infectious virus or curse on the teeth of these vampires, if Hulk is infected, Angelo can There is something to do!

Didn't you see that Steve is now carrying a gun and attacking the wooden building of the tavern from a distance?

Therefore, Angelo would never use the Hulk lightly if he had no other choice.

Under the siege of the crowd, the wooden tavern was quickly destroyed, and the vampires in the tavern also turned into fly ash and a pool of blood under the sunlight.

After the tavern was destroyed, in addition to a huge hole on the ground that seemed to be bottomless, the situation in the tavern was also clearly exposed, being carried out in the sun and exposed to the sun!

When everyone saw the situation on the floor of the tavern lobby, their faces were all gloomy.

Even Frank, who was expressionless, had uncontrollable anger in his eyes...

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