The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 420 Lance and the Thirteen Ethnic Groups

Chapter 420 Lance and the Thirteen Ethnic Groups

The gate of the castle opened, and the scene that appeared in front of everyone made everyone instantly alert!

Behind the gate is the hall of the ancient castle. The space of the hall is much larger than the horizontal distance of the gate. The light from the LED spotlight on Bucky's shoulder reflected from the gate into the hall, dispelling the darkness of the castle hall.

The architectural style in the hall completely inherits the European medieval castle style. From the candlesticks to the murals hanging on the wall, the style and details are full of the atmosphere of ancient European aristocrats.

At this time, the candle has been lit on the candlestick, and the candle emits a faint light, especially under the contrast of the light of the LED spotlight, the candle light of the candle is almost none.

It wasn't the candlesticks that made everyone nervous.

It was a dining table with candlesticks.

To be precise, it is the "person" sitting at the table.

The table was already filled with all kinds of dishes, and an old man with gray temples was sitting at the head of the table, looking at them with a smile, as if he had been waiting for them here for a long time!

The old man was wearing an elegant tuxedo, which made people feel at first glance that this man must be a polite gentleman with a very charming personality.

This feeling is particularly inexplicable.

"Everyone be careful!" An Qiluo calmly reminded everyone.

Fortunately, everyone is not an ordinary person without the power to restrain a chicken. After An Qiluo's reminder, everyone immediately sensed the situation and stared at the gray-haired old man vigilantly.

where is this

This is underground, and it is the lair of those vampires!

How could a well-mannered gentleman appear in such a place safely?

There is no doubt that this old man is definitely not an ordinary person even if he is not a vampire. Coupled with the inexplicable affection for the person in front of them just now, everyone understood the abnormality in their hearts.

Something is wrong with this old man!

The old gentleman sat at the dining table, looking at everyone who had recovered so quickly, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Young man, I didn't expect you to recover from my influence so quickly." The old gentleman said to Angelo with a smile, "You can call me Lance, I have been waiting for you here for a long time, please take a seat Bar."

There was no panic at all on the old gentleman's face, but a calm and composed expression.

This is his self-confidence as the leader of this vampire clan. He is completely different from those inferior species on the ground. He is a pure-blooded vampire whose bloodline continues from the first generation transformed by the God of Darkness Sithorn thousands of years ago. vampire.

Only pure-blooded vampires like them can live in this underground castle, and those inferior transformed vampires can only live on the ground.

Therefore, his strength is also exceptionally strong, far surpassing other vampires, and even ranks among the top among the patriarchs of the thirteen branches of the entire vampire clan.

What powerful power brings to Lance is strong self-confidence.

Vampires are nocturnal and nocturnal is a characteristic of this species that is engraved in the DNA. Even with Lance's strength, he cannot avoid the habit of this gene. Although he can also appear during the day, if it is not necessary, he will still choose Crawled out of the coffin at night.

Just now in his sleep, he was awakened by the movement in the tavern on the ground. He thought it was the crusaders of the church or some archbishops, so he got a little nervous and climbed out of the coffin to meet the enemy.

But after he saw through various means that the people who came to make trouble were a group of "ordinary people", he immediately felt relieved.

Except for the clergy of the Holy See who caused a major blow to the vampires hundreds of years ago, he is confident that no one is inferior. Even the clergy of the Holy See at the time hit the vampires hard because of their huge number and limited number. believer.

Lance looked at Angelo and the others in front of him, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

This is just a group of ordinary people, maybe a few of them have mastered some extraordinary power, but I can feel the extraordinary power in them, which is incomparable to any pure blood vampire.

Don't even compare yourself.

After these people have finished their last supper, they will be sent on the road. I don't know if the blood of these people is as good as the blood of the mountain people.

Being strong for a long time made Lance lose his vigilance, especially after learning that the Crusades of the Holy See had already been disbanded. kill their own people.

Even if there is, as long as you hide in the ground for decades, you can kill you if you can't beat it.

Competing lifespan with an immortal vampire is completely wishful thinking.

He had long forgotten that the part of an iceberg exposed to the sea is often the smallest part, and the truly frightening truth is often hidden below the sea level.

Mages like Ancient One and Strange, who came from the orthodox class of Kama Taj, can more or less hide some of their mana fluctuations. Lance is not a professional mage, he only relied on his racial talent to wreak havoc on ordinary people for so long.

In this kind of detailed operation, professional hanging beats non-professional.

And An Qiluo, because Lance's current strength can't tell the depth at all, that's why he regards An Qiluo as an ordinary person...

As for Dr. Banner, Steve, or Frank...

They really do not have extraordinary power. Whether it is the strengthening potion, Dr. Banner's transformation, or Frank's killing three thousand, they are all means that Lance has never seen before being sealed for hundreds of years. Naturally, he cannot understand ...

Lance, who is blindly confident, does not know that in front of him is the strongest mage on earth, the strongest single combat power, the strongest physical fighter, and Frank, the cruelest executioner.


Angelo actually saw the strength of Lance.

To him, this old vampire was indeed stronger than those flashy vampires above, but his strength was extremely limited.

However, he still doesn't know the reality of this castle and the vampire family so far, and he would mind lying with the other party to let him live a little longer. Maybe he can get some information from this old vampire.

If these vampires were hiding underground like this vampire, and they didn't do anything at all, the earth is so big, he would have nowhere to look for it.

The vampires in this place alone have caused enough harm to humans. He hopes to solve these vampires as soon as possible. After all, he was the one who asked Imerton to read "The Book of Darkness". It stands to reason that he needs to deal with these vampires. Human beings who died because of this are responsible.

No matter how bad it is, stop the loss in time.

This is the most fundamental reason why An Qiluo's expression was so heavy when he saw the tragic situation in the tavern just now.

"Lance, right?" Angelo walked to the chair at the dining table calmly, pulled the chair out and sat in, "My name is Nick Fury."

Ancient One Mage: "..."

Frank: "..."

Steve: "..."

Angelo, who has a cautious personality, will naturally not report his real name. Who knows if these vampires have any means to cast a curse on him, there is no big mistake in being careful, so the vest of 'Nick Fury' was naturally taken again come out.

Moreover, out of prudence, An Qiluo put a layer of bone armor on himself before sitting on the chair to prevent Lance from doing any tricks on the chair.

However, An Qiluo obviously thought too much about this point, he sat on the chair and did not trigger any mechanism.

Lance sat at the head of the dining table and looked at the "thin" armor on Angelo's body. He was stunned, and then laughed.

"Your name is Nick Fury? You don't have to be so careful at all. I don't need to be so cautious when dealing with you. The traps of organs have no effect on the strong."

Afterwards, Lance looked at the people who were standing there and didn't move at all, and said with a light smile, "Come over and eat together, the food is not poisonous. Don't you humans have the habit of letting people eat a full meal before dying?" ?”

The other people who came with An Qiluo didn't move at all.

Just looking at the old vampire named Lance in front of him with somewhat surprised eyes.

Especially Mage Ancient One, who looked at Lance with pity in his eyes.

Good guy, even the god king of Asgard dare not speak such wild words to Angelo, how dare you, a vampire, be so crazy?

Moreover, do you really think that the three thousand dollars in Frank's hand next to you is just a display? Or a child's toy?

Regarding Angelo's plan, Master Gu Yi also guessed a thing or two, so she didn't say anything to break Lance's self-improvement, but looked at Lance with pity in the crowd.

As for Thor and Hela...

These two arrogant second-generation gods have more or less been tortured by Angelo, and now they see a little vampire who is even crazier than they were before, and their eyes reveal a look of gloating.

I can't wait to fast forward to a moment when Lance is beaten by the iron fist of society and tell him what it means-old man, times have changed.

After Lance saw that he was persuading him, not only did everyone not move, but they looked at him with strange eyes, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

This kind of look reminded him of the scene when he met the elders of the previous generation of blood clan when he was an inferior and weak human being. Fortunately, he was later transformed into a blood clan and took the position of the patriarch of this clan step by step. ...

"So, Lance, are you determined to eat us?"

An Qiluo sat on the chair, and he was not polite, picked up the cutlery on the table and started to work on the food.

Not to mention, although these blood-sucking monsters are not doing anything, the taste of the food they make is already very good compared to the craftsmanship of ordinary people.

He also discovered a strange phenomenon. These tableware are all made of gold, not the traditional silver tableware of European nobles.

This made him think about some rumors and at the same time generate some conjectures.

"Otherwise?" Lance gracefully raised the red wine glass in his hand, and the red liquid was rippling in the glass, "Do you think that if you can control a little bit of magical energy, you can pose a threat to the noble blood race?"

"Blood race?" Angelo didn't bother to argue with him, he just sneered, "You blood-sucking monsters can still become noble?"

Speaking of this, it seemed to prick Lance's heart.

He looked at Angelo seriously.

"The blood-sucking monsters you saw just now are just the lowest blood servants in the blood clan. Such inferior creatures cannot be called noble blood servants at all. Among the thirteen ethnic groups, there are countless such inferior blood servants .”

"Only pure-blooded blood like us are noble."

"The blood servant is different from the blood clan. The blood servant only surpasses the inferior species of human beings in terms of physical fitness, while the blood clan has mastered more extraordinary powers. Each of the thirteen branches has different extraordinary powers..."

Lance seemed to be touched by the G-spot of a woman, he couldn't even ask, so he kept talking.

Almost leaked the bottom of the thirteen vampire families.

Fortunately, before he almost revealed the extraordinary power he possessed, he shut his mouth in time.

After Lance closed his mouth, he smiled, raised his glass and said to himself, "Why am I telling you this, anyway, you are going to die soon."

Angelo nodded thoughtfully, "Well, you're right, so is this wine glass filled with blood? Is there a drink or water? I'm choking a bit."

Lance: "..."

"Do you think I'm one of those inferior blood slaves above? I don't drink all kinds of blood, and the blood of imperfect virgins has a stench that can't be concealed!"

"The glass is filled with good wine from hundreds of years ago. Inferior humans like you must have never drank it. Before you die, let you drink a glass, and I will do my best."

After finishing speaking, Lance shook his head to himself, as if he was sighing for his kindness. He looked at the clothes on Angelo's body, but they were just the most common clothes, and he might not be able to drink them in his whole life. Serve this fine wine.

But he didn't notice the mocking eyes of others.

And the wine that Angelo couldn't afford?

With the redemption mobile phone under the influence of the Stark Group, the sales are gradually spreading all over the world, and now Anqiluo may be comparable to the Stark Group in wealth. There is nothing that can be bought with money in the world. Angelo couldn't afford it.

Something that cannot be bought with money, Angelo's force is not a display...

Now the eyes of everyone looking at Lance are full of pity. It has been sealed for hundreds of years. It is estimated that the word seal for this old vampire is stupid.

Angelo didn't care about Lance's implied contempt, he didn't need to argue with a dying ghost, and although the clothes on his body were cheap, they were really comfortable.

He doesn't need those so-called luxuries to support his worth. Thanks to the Pentagon, where he is now, he is a legend.

This is better than any luxury effect.

Angelo picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip of the wine in it, but found that he really couldn't enjoy this kind of elegant wine tasting.

A sour taste on the tip of the tongue, it's not as good as the wine that the little bone dragon used to take a bath at home.

Resisting the urge to spit it out, An Qiluo swallowed the wine, as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, that's right. Lance, this is indeed the first time I drink this kind of wine. You should have a drink too. If nothing else happens, this will be the last time you drink this kind of wine in your life."

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