The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 427 Eliminate hidden dangers of civil war

Chapter 427 Eliminate hidden dangers of civil war

The ambiguous atmosphere between Skye and Angelo did not last long.

Soon, Norman Osborn was hurried over.

Norman Osborn hurried into the church from the car in front of the church, still shouting Angelo's name loudly.

"Angelo! Angelo!"

The usual calm here, the gentle and refined old man lost his composure today.

It's all because vampires and gene editing technology are too tempting for him.

Angelo, who was drowsily asleep, was awakened by his shouting.

Angelo stood up from the chair in a daze, and looked towards the door of the church in a daze.

Even the way Hela looked at Norman Osborn was much more pleasing to the eye.

This mortal appeared at the right time, if there is a suitable opportunity in the future, you can do him a favor and return the favor.


"Norman, you're here." Angelo stood up from his chair and welcomed Norman Osborne into the church. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his face fiercely, "Sorry, just now Fell asleep."

At this time, Norman Osborn's mind was full of legendary vampires and gene editing technology, so he didn't have the heart to greet Angelo.

"Let's go, An Qiluo, take me to see where the vampire is."

After Norman Osborn finished speaking, he followed up, "Is it in the underground laboratory, hurry up."

Saying that, he pulled Angelo up and headed for the underground laboratory.

"Don't worry, don't worry, Norman, don't worry, the vampire is locked up below, and he can't escape."

Angelo was a little bit dumbfounded.

Is this his church or Norman Osborn's church? Why is this old guy more familiar than himself?

However, Angelo didn't care, and he dragged Norman Osborn to the door of the underground laboratory for his pretentious behavior.

"Welcome, Mr. Angelo."

Friday's mechanical chime sounded.

While waiting for the door to open, George complained, "Norman, I didn't mean you. You are a vampire. This guy can't run away. What are you in a hurry for?"

"Even if he can't escape, didn't you tell me on the phone that this guy is being experimented by Ethan and Banner? If you accidentally kill him during the experiment, you know how precious it will be lost." Is it the experimental material?"

Angelo: "..."

Good guy, you have to be professional.

In the eyes of others, the old vampire Lance is not just an experimental material, they will more or less regard him as an intelligent life similar to human beings.

It was only because of the conflict of the stance of being a human being and the abnormality of Frank that he had such a cruel hand on Lance.

Normally, no one in the church would experiment with humans, that would be anti-human.

But in the eyes of Norman Osborn, the old vampire Lance is just a simple experimental material. He never considers that this guy was originally a human being, and now he has the same intelligence as a human being.

Experimental materials like mice and rabbits.

This kind of numbness towards life from the bottom of his heart made An Qiluo secretly startled. He really deserved to be engaged in biochemical experiments.

At the same time, Angelo actually felt a little pitiful for what happened to the old vampire Lance next.

In the hands of Norman Osborn, perhaps Lance's life would be guaranteed.

But Angelo was sure that it would not be a pleasant experience for Lance.


Angelo brought the impatient Norman Osborn to the laboratory.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Norman Osborn saw the operation process of Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner who were conducting "cruel" experiments, and his face changed drastically.

He hurried over to stop them.

The old vampire Lance was already a little desperate, but when he saw Angelo bringing an old human man over, he stopped the experiment.

Although he didn't know why the other party wanted to stop the experiment, there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

However, what happened next extinguished the glimmer of hope in Lance's heart again.

After Norman Osborn stopped the experiment, he carried out a series of extremely professional operations, which attracted everyone's attention.

Well, he did this to ensure the survival of the experimental materials to the maximum extent and reduce external interference.

Avoid the death of experimental materials due to bacterial infection or external factors.

There are ready-made equipment and other laboratories. The laboratory that Stark prepared for the church was the most comprehensive laboratory, and he could do it if he wanted to rub a nuclear bomb here.

"Okay, now we can continue the experiment." Norman Osborn clapped his hands, but then his tone turned to complaining again, "Guys, I don't think we can do experiments blindly without a clue, we An experimental plan is needed."

"Why don't we start researching from this vampire's kidney..."

After Angelo saw that everything was ready, he threw himself into Norman Osborn in the laboratory.

He smiled helplessly at Stark beside him, and the two met each other.

This may be the common problem of these scientific geniuses. Facing a new topic, they always devote themselves to it fanatically.

Now in the basement, it is faintly divided into three scientific groups, each studying different directions.

Emerton and Strange had no interest in dissecting this bloody research method, and they didn't know much about biotechnology, so the two of them cooperated to study the various magic and strange abilities of the vampire family.

Although Stark understands biotechnology, he is not very interested in dissecting this kind of research. He is more interested in the strange gauntlet. He studies the gauntlet and the gene editing technology on it alone, trying to find inspiration from it .

Of course, Stark also has his own assistant, and his Jarvis program has been downloaded again in the laboratory, and Angelo has no objection to this.

I don't know when it started, Angelo seems to have accepted Jarvis, a good-tempered old man.

As for the last three people, except for Dr. Banner as an assistant, the remaining Dr. Ethan and Norman Osborn are completely fanatical scientists.

Norman Osborn, biotechnology itself is his old profession, so it goes without saying how enthusiastic he is.

Dr. Ethan, after being resurrected by Angelo and transformed into an undead creature, the gentle and gentle doctor disappeared at some point, and now he looks more and more like a lich...

Just after being transformed into an undead creature, Dr. Ethan can use himself as an experimental material to conduct experiments, and he can also record the experiment log without any fluctuations.

This is a more ruthless ruthless person...

Angelo watched for a while, he, a scientific idiot, only understood the experimental plan and listed the dissection of all parts of the vampire Lance's body and the gene editing technology on the agenda, and all the remaining operations, no matter He couldn't understand which group's operation it was.

Well, the twin idiots of magic and technology.

However, considering Norman Osborn's crazy character, Angelo still solemnly emphasized to him several times what to pay attention to.

First, don't touch that blood god gauntlet with your own hands.

Second, don't use any strange parts of the vampire's body to make any strange potions.

Third, do not use gene editing technology to synthesize any strange and dangerous creatures without authorization.

This crazy scientist, in the original plot, was a dangerous person who could study the Green Goblin by himself. Even if Angelo intervened, the original Green Goblin had also researched the Dragon Demon Potion, and was able to use it early. Gained the ability to transform into a dragon.

Angelo didn't give up until Norman Osborn reassured and was a little impatient with Angelo's annoyance.

However, Angelo still asked the two artificial intelligence programs Jarvis and Friday to switch the focus from Stark to Norman Osborn. If there is anything wrong, immediately Inform yourself.

Finally, the bored Angelo returned to the hall of the church alone.


After returning to the lobby.

At this time, Angelo wanted to ask Skye to continue the massage, which was obviously inappropriate, and he was embarrassed to ask Skye if he liked him in full view.

But Angelo always felt that Hela looked at him strangely, and he didn't know if it was his psychological effect. He always felt that the atmosphere between Hella and Skye was very strange.

In the end, An Qiluo really couldn't bear this oppressive atmosphere, and planned to go to talk to Steve.

However, the current Steve is obviously absent-minded when chatting, and he keeps his head down and fiddles with the phone while chatting.

Angelo leaned over to take a look, and found that Steve had been sending messages on his cell phone.

It was Bucky who communicated with him on the other end of the phone.

"Dude, I think you and Bucky are true love, why don't I pay for your wedding." Angelo couldn't help complaining. "I think your previous girlfriends will cry when they know the news."

Steve: "..."

Steve had a worried expression on his face. At this moment, he was very worried about his good friend, and he was not in the mood to joke with Angelo.

"Angelo, I always feel that Bucky and the others are very unsafe in Africa. Why don't we take them back? I'll go to Stark and tell him that no matter what conditions he proposes, I will agree."

Angelo gave Steve a funny look.

"Dude, you wanna get Bucky back?"


"But, have you considered Stark's feelings? To be honest, if I were Stark, Bucky and the others would never have the chance to be resurrected, even if Bucky was killed by Hydra at the time." Stark's parents."

"But..." Comrade Shi Dadun wanted to say something else.

"Stark has already made a big concession, because he regards you as his friend, his father's friend, and also his uncle." Angelo shook his head slightly, and decided to solve it, Steve The conflict between Hughes and Stark.

"Bucky is your friend, but isn't Stark your friend?"

"Although Stark's mouth is usually stinky and it is easy to offend people, have you forgotten that Stark mobilized the entire Stark Group's lawyer team to demand compensation from the Pentagon for you?"

Angelo's every word punished his heart, and Steve, who had always been determined, fell into a tangle.

Angelo shook his head slightly. He actually didn't blame Steve for thinking this way. After all, Bucky was the brother who had been by his side since he hadn't risen, and Steve was only concerned about it.

People in the world always say that you can't have your cake and eat it too, but Angelobi doesn't think so, at least the things in Bucky are not so absolute.

"Steve, have you really considered Bucky's thoughts?"

"He agreed to go to Africa to find Zhenjin, not only to avoid meeting Stark, but also to atone for his sins, otherwise the other four Winter Soldier didn't participate in Bucky's original operation, why did they go with Bucky Africa."

"Finding Zhenjin is the only way they can reconcile with Stark and themselves."

"However, Bucky and the others are only five people in total. Vibrating gold is a metal that all the countries and forces in the world covet..."

Steve was still a little worried.

Angelo patted his shoulder funny.

"In terms of safety, I think you should be more worried about those who want to attack Bucky and the others. Bucky and the others are Winter Soldier, and they are best at fighting in small groups. Moreover, they are now undead creatures, just like Dr. Ethan. There is no such thing as a weakness."

"What's more, I can feel their state at any time. If it is really dangerous, I will take action."

Steve suddenly came to his senses.


Now Bucky is no weaker than himself alone, not to mention he has four teammates who cooperate with each other tacitly.

Steve has experienced the power of undead creatures. He once competed with Dr. Ethan in terms of physical fitness. In terms of physical fitness, Dr. Ethan is much stronger than him.

If Dr. Ethan had the same combat experience as him, maybe he might not lose, but he definitely couldn't win.

50-50 at most.

Now there are five people with such strong physical fitness as Dr. Ethan, and all five of them are killing machines with extremely rich combat experience.

Seeing the expression on Steve's face, Angelo knew he wanted to understand.

"Okay, buddy, stop worrying about Bucky when you figure it out. I think what you should worry about now is how to restore your friendship with Stark."

Angelo left the last sentence, leaving space for Steve to think for himself.


As for himself, he found Xiao Jiali, intending to take Xiao Jiali to visit the pregnant woman who is preparing for pregnancy when he is not busy now - Tachibana.

I don't know if a cat in Tachibana is doing well in the cow pass.

"Father, do we still have to go to the milk cow pass?" Little Jiali looked at An Qiluo with bright eyes.

"Well, yes, little princess!" Angelo smiled and patted Little Jiali's head, "Let's go and see Tachibana."

"Okay! Dad! Just wait for me!" Little Jiali immediately left Nick behind, turned around and ran upstairs.

Nick: "..."

"Nick, do you want to go? If you want to go, you can go and have fun together." Angelo touched Nick's head with some distress,

Nick's hair is short, but with some curly hair, so it doesn't hurt.

The fate of this child is very rough, and I hope that the people in the scientific research team can find a solution to Frank's problem.

"Really?" Nick's eyes lit up, he had just heard from Xiaojiali that the cow pass is a very interesting place.

"Well, of course it's true." Angelo nodded.

Soon, little Jiali ran down from upstairs again, she was still holding the filial son sword and the exaggerated cherry blossom powder revolver in her hand.

Angelo:? ? ?

Are you sure we are going to visit the pregnant woman Tachibana? Instead of aborting it?

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