Chapter 454


Immediately, the port fell into an atmosphere of despair again. These agents only spoke after confirming that the faces of Johnny, the old cowboy, and Frank were indeed their own.

"Mr. Priest, we just rushed here after hearing the noise from here."

"Yeah, what just happened?"

"That's right, where's the big boat here? Lost it? Can this thing be lost?"


The agents have different opinions and different opinions, but one thing is the same, that is, these agents all pretend to be innocent.

A completely irrelevant expression and rhetoric are surprisingly consistent.

Some agents even imitated the tone of the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, calling Angelo Mr. Priest.

An Qiluo looked at the agents in front of him, his face remained unmoved, and he even wanted to laugh a little in his heart.

Because from the beginning to the end, although he sent the three of Johnny to this side and then left, Angelo kept his mental power shrouded in the port pier, observing the progress of the three of Johnny and preventing anything from happening. Accident.

He saw everything that happened on the port pier.

The original superb acting skills of the agents now looked particularly clumsy in Angelo's eyes.

Well, besides that, Johnny, the Vengeful Ghost Rider, also heard every word of his swearing along the way.

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you in Hell's Kitchen?" Angelo suppressed a smile, put on a puzzled pose, and shifted the focus to these agents.

"I am, I am a worker at the port!"

"Ah, I also went to the city to work."

"Yes, we are all, we came together."


The agents hurriedly explained that they were afraid that An Qiluo would kill them if they felt suspicious.

This is why Angelo didn't know to send the three of Johnny to the "Fantian Seal", but let them take the "Fantian Seal" away in a fair way.

He needed these witnesses who were there.

The testimony of these witnesses is enough to dispel some of the suspicions of those forces who were secretly observing him. Although it cannot make them give up completely, it is also enough to save themselves a lot of trouble.

You must know that sometimes, the troubles from these forces are not battles on the surface, and the troubles that cannot be solved by fists are the most difficult to solve!

An Qiluo looked at the agents in front of him with a smile, and felt funny in his heart. Suddenly his eyes rolled, and a bad taste suddenly rose in his heart.

He didn't expose these agents, but made an expression of sudden realization.

"Are you here to work in Hell's Kitchen? Have you found a job yet?"

The agents looked at each other, confused.

Didn't we just talk about that big ship? Why are you talking about work all of a sudden now? Did we digress?


They are agents! What job are you looking for!

The so-called migrant workers just now are just an excuse, not really working in Hell's Kitchen!

"No..." I don't know which agent bit the bullet and answered.

"Yeah, we haven't found a job here yet."

"Jobs in Hell's Kitchen are really hard to find."

Angelo suddenly smiled and patted Alexei on the shoulder beside him, "Come on, that's just right, let me introduce someone to you, this one, Mr. Alexei, a successful businessman and investor in Hell's Kitchen."

"The fact that you didn't find a job may be due to the wrong way of finding a job. Now that Alexey is here, it's absolutely fine to ask him to arrange a job for you."

"Aren't you right, Alexei, isn't Hell's Kitchen building infrastructure recently? I think bricks need to be imported from outside. Why don't you open a brick kiln? These are ready-made workers, and they are good workers who can endure hardship. "

As Angelo said, he patted Alexei's shoulder vigorously, waking up the drowsy Alexei.

Ever since he heard Angelo praise him as a successful businessman and investor in Hell's Kitchen, Alexei has been dazed by the series of compliments.

When did he, the boss of a gang who smuggled arms, actually enjoy such an honor?

In particular, these words of praise came from the mouth of Angelo, the priest of hell. The gold content and the bragging between the bosses of their gangsters are completely different.

He was dazed by the sudden happiness, and he didn't notice the increasingly weird atmosphere on the port pier at this time.

The gangsters built their own brick kilns, referred to as black brick kilns.

The agents refused to say that they were sent to the black brick kiln with just a few words.

"Well, Mr. Father..." One of the agents reminded kindly, "We don't need to trouble you about finding a job, isn't the most important thing now is the loss of your big ship?"

"Yeah, yeah, just looking for a job, the loss is nothing compared to the loss of a big ship."

"Yes! Mr. Priest, we appreciate your kindness. We can find the work ourselves, as long as you find your lost big ship."

The agents still had hope, hoping that Father Hell could find the big ship by himself, maybe he still had some backhands on board.

As long as you know the "Fantian Seal", you can avoid punishment after waiting for someone to go back. Isn't this much better than working in a black brick kiln?


Angelo put on a displeased expression.

"It's just a boat. It's worth a few dollars. If you lose it, just lose it. It's not as important as helping you solve your work problems."

"Hell's Kitchen just needs the injection of fresh blood from you. On behalf of Hell's Kitchen, I welcome you to join us."

Angelo looked kindly: "It's okay to have a lower salary. It's better than not being able to find a job. I'll leave them to you, Alexei. You must 'take care' of them."

At this time, Alexei also woke up from happiness, and his face full of flesh was full of determination.

"Don't worry! Mr. Priest! I will definitely take care of them!"

What a wonderful scene of poverty alleviation, it would be even more perfect if the faces of these agents didn't have expressions like eating shit.

The agents were frantic.

Is this worth the money?

This is a horrible weapon lost!

The seriousness of the matter is no less than the loss of nuclear weapons of the five permanent members! It's going to turn upside down!

However, now in front of An Qiluo, it is difficult for them to say anything more. Their identities are not visible, and they have already rejected it just now, and if they refuse again, it will easily arouse An Qiluo's suspicion.

These agents are not afraid of death, but they don't want to die so worthlessly.

Especially when he died with the shame of mission failure.

Instead, he might as well hide his identity by going to work in a brick kiln, and continue to investigate whether the robbing of the "Fan Tian Yin" has something to do with An Qiluo.

At the same time, they were "forced" not to return to their mission and to accept the punishment of mission failure.

Therefore, after all the agents on the port pier figured this out, although they were quite critical of going to work in the black brick kiln, and their faces were reluctant, they all obediently followed the younger brother sent by Alexei and left. .

"Mr. Priest, what should we do now?" Alexey rushed over as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, "I'll go back and arrange people to start investigating in the nearby sea?"

Angelo looked at the big bald head with a smile.

"What are you looking for? My ship can fly, I guess it would have flown away long ago! It's no wonder you found it nearby!" Angelo shook his head, pointing to the place where he was leading the agents in the distance. The migrant team said, "You don't have to worry about the boat. I can do it myself. You'd better go back and take care of these 'workers'."

"I'm afraid they might run away. Send someone to watch. Now is the time when construction materials are needed. The brick kiln cannot be short of people."

"As for the salary... Well, you can pay it as you see it, it doesn't need to be too high, after all, we are not rich in Hell's Kitchen~"

Angelo was very "kind" and didn't tell Alexei the real identities of these "workers". After all, if they knew their real identities, Alexei might not be able to sleep at night.

"Okay, I see, Mr. Priest."

Alexei didn't ask too much, which was also one of his strengths. He never inquired too much about extraneous matters, and he just did what Angelo asked him to do.

Anyway, when the sky fell, there was a tall one to support it.

Angelo was the tallest in that Hell's Kitchen.

"Oh, that's right. Alexey, you will send someone to set up a recruitment office at the port pier later. Anyone who comes to Hell's Kitchen and can't find a job will be recruited to your brick kiln."

Angelo seemed to have just remembered, and shouted to Alexei's back.

"Okay, I see, Mr. Priest."

On the contrary, the group of agents who were taken away staggered when they heard this, and made up their minds that they must inform the organization when they have a chance later, and they should not send anyone again. Closer to the lives of migrant workers in black brick kilns.


After Alexei left, Steve came over with a painful expression on his face.

Well, the painful expression is because he wants to laugh, but he can only suppress it.

"Angelo, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Everyone in the church present had the same expression of suppressed laughter.

Because An Qiluo had previously notified them of what was going to happen tonight one by one in order to prevent an oolong.

As insiders, watching the big drama just now, it was really hard to hold back their laughter.

Especially these groups of spies were finally sent to work in black brick kilns by An Qiluo...

An Qiluo looked around for a while, and winked at everyone.

"Let's go back and talk about it."

Then a staff of beast spirits appeared in his hand, and he cast the spell of "Resurrection Skeleton" on the pier port, summoning the corpses of those agents killed by Frank, and cleaning up the pier.

After doing all this, Angelo returned to the church with everyone.

Of course, "Johnny, Old Cowboy, and Frank" returned to the church together.


After everyone returned to the church and closed the door, they finally couldn't help bursting into laughter.



Angelo laughed, and he could even imagine the mentality of those agents at this time.

It must be very, very good.

After the laughter, Steve asked with some concern, "Angelo, if we do this, will it really not cause the rebound of those intelligence agencies or stop them from sending people?"

An Qiluo nodded confidently: "Yes, definitely! And they don't want to completely fight Hell's Kitchen or us."

Angelo's actions today can be regarded as a flash of inspiration.

It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

An Qiluo has always known that there are as many spies in Hell's Kitchen as a cow's hair, and has never taken action to deal with them.

After all, not to mention the fact that there are so many superheroes and superpowers gathered in his church, the "Fan Tian Yin" parked at the port terminal alone represents a huge benefit.

In the face of interests, do you want these intelligence agencies to give up Hell's Kitchen?

It's just a dream.

If there is a possibility of robbing, these intelligence agencies will send people to rob the "Fantian Seal" even if they use the method of killing people.

"Fan Tian Yin" represents the highest military technology and weapons so far!

Coincidentally, tonight, the "Fantian Seal" was "robbed", and it had nothing to do with An Qiluo, so many agents present were witnesses.

And the spies in Hell's Kitchen were also taken away by Alexei to the black brick kiln.

Instead of killing them, they were integrated into Hell's Kitchen in another way.

For the intelligence organizations behind them, there is absolutely no need to send people. These agents who have integrated into Hell's Kitchen in an alternative way are the best sources of intelligence.

For Angelo and the entire Hell's Kitchen, it is also beneficial and harmless. What he told Alexei is true, and Hell's Kitchen really needs a lot of building materials now.

The construction of the dungeon used to accommodate three thousand bone ghosts has already begun, and the contractor is the construction team of Hell's Kitchen.

These agents only need to pay a small amount of wages to survive, and the organization behind them will also order them to stay in the black brick kiln.

Labor costs are reduced to the extreme.

Angelo even came up with another way. When Hell's Kitchen needs a lot of low-cost labor again in the future, he can make something up, and then lure these agents and spies over and send them to the black factory ( gangster factory).

These agents who want to get information will not appeal for human rights and salary increases for themselves! It can also gather these spies together.

As for intelligence?

Don't even think about it, entering Alexei's heavily guarded black factory, unless they are willing to reveal their identities, they will never get out in this life.

Food and lodging included, what else do you need to go out for?

What? You mean annual leave? When did that thing exist? The factory is busy recently, so overcome it, at worst, I will give you three times the salary.

Anyway, my basic salary is already low enough, and I can still earn more than half of my salary~

After listening to An Qiluo's thoughts, all the insiders in the church looked at An Qiluo as if they had seen a ghost.

What kind of thinking is this!

This way of thinking, I am afraid that capitalists will call them experts when they come to see it!

But if these agents are exploited in this way, these agents will not protest, but will bear it silently.


As Mission: Impossible, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Koenig, he was immediately glad that Director Fury did not continue to send agents to Hell's Kitchen after he successfully integrated into the church.

Otherwise, maybe the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have already burned bricks in the black brick kiln...

However, after hearing Angelo's thinking, Koenig had already made a decision in his heart, which side he should stand on.

"Ahem, Mr. Priest, how should I report to the chief about what happened tonight..." Agent Koenig sniffed and asked Angelo cautiously.

He doesn't want to go to the black brick kiln to burn bricks!

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