The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 456 Stark's death scene

Chapter 456 Stark's death scene

"Dude, are you at home now, or if you say where you are, I can just go find you."

"Okay, I'm at home, Pepper went to the company for a meeting today."

In the end, after hearing Stark's grievances, Angelo decided to go to Stark to help him with his psychological construction.

After all, the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear.

Angelo really liked the little Morgan in the movie who said he loved you three thousand times.

He would be very sad and regretful if such a cute little girl was killed by a human cub belching operation because of the problems between Stark and Pepper.

Moreover, after little Morgan was born, he could still play with little Jiali.

A little girl playmate is always more reassuring to a father than a little boy ear playmate.


When An Qiluo put down the phone, he felt countless eyes in the hall watching him.

"What's wrong with everyone?" Angelo scratched his head.

"Pepper is pregnant?" Uncle Long asked An Qiluo with five parts happy, three parts apprehensive, and two parts tentative.

Although this traditional Chinese old man has spent most of his life overseas, the blond-haired and blue-eyed living environment has not changed the traditional concepts in his heart.

Especially after coming to the church, I feel like home in the church, watching Angelo and other younger generations grow up slowly, and even get married and have children in the future.

This made Uncle Long, who had lost his daughter, feel very relieved.

But he never thought that happiness would come so suddenly.

"Yes, Uncle Long, Pepper is pregnant, and Stark is going crazy." Angelo also found it funny when he said it.

In the movie of the previous life, as the most sincere father in the Avengers, now he feels confused about the upcoming little Morgan?

Moreover, a well-known playboy would feel crazy because Pepper doesn't want to marry him for the time being?

I have to say, it was a magical experience.

"Pepper is pregnant, is it Stark's?" Uncle Long asked with some uncertainty.

Angelo laughed dumbfoundedly.

"Hey! Uncle Long! What are you talking about! If Stark hears your words, I'm afraid you will be responsible for making baby meals for his children every day in the future!"

Uncle Long reached out to touch his gray hair, and laughed a few times, with a sense of happiness flowing on his face.

"That's good, that's good. Didn't I see that the atmosphere abroad is too open, I just ask, ask..."

"When Pepper gives birth to the baby, let alone baby food, as long as I'm still alive, I can give it to Stark's baby in church every day. Whatever he wants, Grandpa Long will make it for him..."

Uncle Long, an extraordinary old man, was like an ordinary old man at this time, because he was too happy, talking non-stop by himself.

Even Uncle Long has started talking about what children should eat and what not to eat...

Little Jiali raised her face and said coquettishly: "Grandpa Long, what about me! I want to eat pot buns!"

Uncle Long quickly squatted down, touched Xiao Jiali's purple hair from the ground, and said with a smile, "Eat! The same is true for Xiao Jiali, today we will eat pot-packed meat!"

"I want to eat it every day!"

"Okay, then let's cook pot-packed meat every day!"

Angelo shook his head and smiled, not interrupting this warm moment.

Because he knew that little Jiali was actually acting like a baby with Uncle Long, and she didn't really want to compete with the future little Morgan.

The wandering experience before coming to the church made Xiao Jiali more mature and sensible than her peers.

"Little Jiali, do you want your godfather's future children to be boys or girls?" Angelo asked Xiao Jiali with a smile.

Little Jiali raised her head and glanced at her father in a daze, "Dad, it doesn't seem to be any different whether it's a younger brother or a younger sister. Whether it's a younger brother or a younger sister, I can take them to eat delicious food, and then Take them to be pirates!"

Angelo: ...

Good guy, forget about this one!

Co-author Morgan Jr.'s future career is decided now? Be a happy pirate?

"That's right!" Little Jiali seemed to have thought of something, she squeezed her little fist, and said viciously, "If someone bullies the godfather's child, I will take Tachibana and Little Bone Dragon to avenge her!"

Angelo had now begun to pray for Stark.

If little Morgan is taken by little Jiali after she is born, she might become a violent woman, right?

Loving you three thousand times has become hitting you three thousand times?

Well, maybe when the time comes, you can give the three thousand that will kill you to Xiao Jiali, which happens to be in the three thousand series.

Girls, protect yourself.

Angelo stroked his chin, thinking about it.

It has to be said that although Xiao Jiali and Angelo are not biological father and son, their brain circuits seem to be the same.

"Okay, little Jiali, you go to Uncle Long to eat pot-packed meat first, and Dad is going to find your godfather. He needs Dad's help now."

Angelo comforted little Jiali.

"Guobao right..." Little Jiali bit her finger, her little face was full of confusion, but soon she seemed to have made a decision, "Dad, I'm going too! I won't eat Guobao first, um... Grandpa Long, can you do it after I come back?"

"Okay, okay~ I'll do it when the little princess comes back!" Uncle Long replied with a smile.

Angelo looked at little Jiali in surprise, this was the first time he saw little Jiali give up food for one thing!

"Me too!" Skye interrupted suddenly.

"And me." Hela also said, "I hope that stinky guy can give birth to a daughter like him."

" about I go too..." This was Thor, he weakly raised his hand under the coercion of his sister Hela.


When Angelo called just now, he didn't shy away from them. Naturally, everyone who was preparing to have breakfast in the church hall heard it.

Now they are clamoring to go.

Even Uncle Long became an accomplice.

"An Qiluo, you go together, I can do it after you come back."

Angelo: ...

He obviously went to help Stark solve the problems between him and Pepper, and by the way, he was an amateur psychiatrist.

Why is it now a group day trip?

I don't know how Stark will react when he sees so many people going to see him together.

Maybe today is Stark's death day?

An Qiluo was also full of evil thoughts in his heart.

certainly. , no matter what everyone says, everyone is Stark's friend, and Pepper's friend.

Naturally, it is impossible to have any malice.

They just wanted to have fun while helping Stark.


Angelo called the small bone dragon in the backyard.

The small bone dragon returned to its original size, and everyone was able to stand on it.

This time, except for the Fighting Sisters and Uncle Long, all the people who did not travel in the church came, even Dr. Ethan, who was recently obsessed with vampire research.

Of course, Angelo's other summons, such as the clay golem and the steel goblin, did not come, but were guarding the house in the church.

The small bone dragon soared into the sky, drew a phantom over New York, and headed towards Stark Manor.

The New Yorkers walking through the city's busy traffic did not cause any panic when they saw the huge figure flashing across the sky. At most, some citizens took out their mobile phones to take a photo and sent it to Fuckbook.

Occasionally, outsiders who take a taxi in New York are curious about the shadows in the sky, and the taxi driver will be very proud to tell them.

"That is the bone dragon, the mount of the priest of hell, the only one in the world."

Now the reputation of Priest Hell is at the top of the sky in New York. Although it is rare on weekdays, the citizens of New York firmly believe that as long as Angelo is in this city for a day, this city will be safe.

Of course, Angelo didn't know about these stories that happened among the market, nor was he interested.

He stood on the body of the small bone dragon and rushed to Stark Manor.

At the same time, in the heavy news this morning, he completely forgot that Nick Fury also called him more than 50 times last night.


Under the flying speed of the small bone dragon, everyone soon arrived at Stark Manor.

Because he had already greeted Stark in advance, and as soon as everyone arrived, the small bone dragon landed directly in the center of the manor.

"Mr. Angelo, welcome, Mr. Stark is waiting for you." Jarvis's mechanical voice sounded from the hidden speaker on the lawn, and he suddenly became a little hesitant, "Mr. Stark didn't tell me so Many people will come together..."

"Hey! Jarvis, don't pay attention to these questions, they are all friends, just like we are friends. They just want to surprise Stark."

Angelo waved his hand and said with a smile.

"This..." Jarvis hesitated for a while, "Well, Mr. Angelo, you are right, we are friends."

So, Angelo led the gossiping people to the laboratory of Stark Manor under the guidance of Jarvis.

Stark was there waiting for him.

When he arrived at the door of the laboratory, he didn't need to say hello to Stark. Angelo had already had the right to enter and exit the laboratory freely.

Walked in with everyone.

"Hey! Stark! Dude! Here I come!" Angelo shouted to the empty laboratory.


After hanging up Angelo's phone, Stark was still anxious and restless.

This playboy tycoon is actually a very insecure person, otherwise he would not have developed a steel armor, a weapon that wraps itself in a tin can.

Although everyone says that Iron Armor protects Iron Man, Iron Man protects the world.

But Stark is just insecure.

Stark has seen the dangers of this world, and for a new life that may be coming, Stark can feel that there are dangers everywhere.

In addition, he has lacked communication and companionship with his father, Old Stark, since he was a child, and he has no way of giving birth to a child, which makes him feel at a loss.

At a loss and a sense of crisis filled Stark's heart with anxiety.

Fortunately, he already has experience because of his previous experience. When he was anxious, he made some mechanical equipment...

As Stark gradually devoted his mind to manufacturing mechanical equipment, the anxiety in his heart gradually dissipated.

Gradually Stark also understood a part of his heart.

Of course, only part of it.

"Hey! Stark, buddy..."

Angelo's voice came from outside.

Stark was shaken, but now he needs someone to discuss with, and Angelo, the father of little Gali, is the best candidate.

He felt that An Qiluo should give him some advice on how to be a good father.

But... After the sloppy-dressed Stark walked out of the laboratory, he froze in place.

It wasn't Angelo who came by himself, but everyone in the church came, even holding a mobile phone in their hands, and the screen of the mobile phone was showing that Angelo was having a video call with Frank.

And Stark at this time.

Because the medical examination found that Pepper was pregnant, she stayed up all night. At this time, her eyes were red, her beard was unshaven, and her face looked tired...

For Stark, who has always had a good face, this is simply the scene of social death.

However, after Dr. Ethan spoke, Stark felt that it was too early to talk about the death scene of the society...

"Stark, I heard that Pepper is pregnant? You are going to be a father! Congratulations!"

"Yes! Stark, have you thought about what your child's name will be in the future?"

"When will your wedding with Pepper be held? I think Asgard is actually a good place..."

"Godfather, is your child a brother or a sister?"


Everyone has different opinions.

Stark: ...

name? wedding? boy or girl?

He hasn't had time to think about this, and even now the main problem is not him, but Pepper!

The things that Pepper doesn't want to solve for the time being have not been solved yet!

How come everyone knows this.

Fortunately, Angelo rescued Stark who was in trouble in time.

"Ahem, everyone..." An Qiluo coughed twice, and he just took a look at Stark's embarrassment, there is no need to force him to death, "Calm down, everyone, I think Stark is now There must be a lot of things to say to me, and everyone will ask him later."

Stark glanced at Angelo gratefully.

Angelo followed Stark to the inner room of the laboratory. Before stepping into the inner room, Angelo thought about it and said to Hela and Skye who were standing outside.

"Skye, Hella, come over here too."

As Stark told him on the phone, Angelo not only needs to solve Stark's psychological construction problem, but also solves Pepper's temporary reluctance to marry him.

Why Pepper doesn't want to marry Stark for the time being, Angelo wants to understand now.

Pepper is obviously a person who has no resistance to Stark, otherwise she would not have been silently by Stark's side for so many years, helping him with various and personal matters.

He even helped Stark wipe off his romantic debts, but now that he has children, why doesn't he want to get married?

It's better to ask Skye and Hela, who are both women and goddesses.

Maybe they can give an answer.

"Stark, please rephrase your question. I think maybe Skye and Hella can give you a different answer..."

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