Chapter 465

"Oh, Madfak! Damn God! You finally answered the phone! Angelo, I thought you were dead..."

As soon as Nick Fury picked up the phone, there was a burst of "telegraphing" on the other side of the phone.

But fortunately, Nick Fury cursed and cursed, the anger in his heart was about to ignite his black bald head, but he was still very measured.

Tell a joke, scold God, scold the president, but you can't scold Angelo.

Because An Qiluo has never been used to his problems...

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Angelo interrupted Nick Fury's complaints, "Hey, I'm not your subordinate. If you want to talk any more, I'll hang up! What's the matter with you harassing me? ?”

Hit people without slapping them in the face, and curse people without revealing their faults...

Nick Fury: ...

"Hmm... Angelo, did you do the loss of the space carrier?" Nick Fury didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point, "Where did you get that thing?"

"Now the intelligence agencies of various countries have gone crazy!"

"You can't slander me!" George leaned back on the chair on the phone.

"First of all, it's called 'Fan Tian Yin', it's not some kind of space carrier,

Second, that's my boat! my property!

Finally, why would I steal my own property? I don't know why I lost it! "

Nick Fury was unable to complain about George's explanation of the name and ownership, but he obviously didn't believe that George didn't know the whereabouts of the "Shattering Seal".

What he said was still light, such a heavy weapon that could not be found and could not be defended disappeared from sight, these intelligence agencies were not just crazy!

Moreover, I feel that if Nick Fury's understanding of George is really lost, this iron cock must turn the entire United States and even the earth upside down?

"Really?" The suspicion in Nick Fury's voice almost popped out of the receiver, "Really? I don't believe it. Now the intelligence agencies of various countries are still suspecting that you are the most suspected of losing you on the 'Fantian Seal'."

George first praised these intelligence agencies for nothing.

Then he said in the most sincere voice in his life, "Really, don't say you don't believe it, I don't believe it myself, but I really lost it."

"However, what you said reminded me. I think your S.H.I.E.D.

Before Angelo could finish speaking, Nick Fury hung up the phone.

He has given Angelo the space carrier, there is no doubt about it.

He called this time only because, as the former owner of the space carrier, he was forced by those countries in the Security Council.

He doesn't look like he was beaten up by An Qiluo, who knows what else this guy can say next, if he doesn't do it well, he can make himself pay him another space carrier!

Nick Fury firmly believes that Angelo can definitely do this kind of thing!

However, through this phone call, although Nick Fury has no evidence, he already has 90% certainty in his heart that the "Tian Tian Yin" should be "lost" on purpose by Angelo!


After hanging up the phone, Angelo smiled silently at the phone.

He naturally knew what Nick Fury meant by calling.

If not, when Nick Fury called, there were people from the Security Council listening.

As for Nick Fury, what do you think? George reckoned that he was probably sure that the 'Flipping the Sky Seal' was still in his hands.

But so what?

Don't say there is no evidence, even if there is evidence, is it possible that he can still come to Hell's Kitchen, and he can't grab it under his nose?

These so-called intelligence agencies of various countries are really the same.

Never worry about powerful weapons that are not in your hands.

But that's good too, I have a "Sword of Damocles" in my hand.

Angelo did not put down the phone, but made a video call to Frank.

"Hello, Frank."

"Well, it's me."

When he answered the phone, Frank wasn't on the 'Fan Tian Yin'. Looking at the background of the video, he seemed to be in a bar?

"How are you doing over there?"

"There are already some clues. According to the information of SHIELD, there have been many reports of missing persons in this bar recently."

As Frank said, he picked up his phone and took a picture of the surrounding bars.

It's really a dance of demons.

Angelo had always been unimpressed with places like bars, so he soon lost interest. He just gave Frank a quick word.

"Okay, as long as you have a clue, be careful yourself, if you can't beat it, don't hold on, I can go through the door."

"Well, I see."

Angelo is not a person who is good at talking awkwardly, and neither is Frank.

In addition, the old cowboy was not there, and the video chat between the two fell into embarrassment again.

But fortunately, this time Angelo came to Frank to ask Frank about hunting vampires, he had another matter.

"Frank, we are at Stark Manor today, and we have discussed to form the Avengers Alliance, and I plan to add you to it..."

Then, An Qiluo told Frank about the new system of the Avengers Alliance that was probably discussed today.

Frank was silent for a moment, and after probably absorbing all the news, he nodded.

"I have no opinion, but I think I should hunt enough vampires before I can go back."

"No problem, anyway, according to the plan, everyone is basically just a name."


While Angelo was having an awkward chat with Frank, an unexpected person appeared in the video.

Still a woman.

Troubled woman!

"Angelo, long time no see! Are you going to form an Avengers Alliance?"

Natasha's face squeezed in from the side and appeared on the video chat interface.

Angelo couldn't help frowning when he saw Natasha's face, this is a troublesome woman.

Not to mention she's also an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Angelo knew it a long time ago.

"Frank, what's going on here, do you know her identity?" Angelo frowned. "Why is she with you?"

"I know." Frank nodded, and glanced at Natasha with indifferent eyes. "The Black Widow of S.H.I.E.L.D., she is in charge of intelligence on the Houston side."

Now, Angelo had nothing to say.

This must have been written by Nick Fury. Most likely, Natasha was transferred to Houston recently. He needed the intelligence system of S.H.I.E.L.D. to support hunting vampires, so he transferred Natasha there.

It's very Nick Fury.

Natasha showed off her beautiful appearance in the camera of her mobile phone, and wanted to say something to Angelo.

But Angelo wasn't interested in listening.

He hung up the phone at the speed of light and left a piece of advice for Frank before hanging up.

"Frank, there's a lot of gossip at the widow's door, you can't grasp it..."


The next morning, An Qiluo woke up early.

It's not that he couldn't fall asleep, but that he was bombarded by a "sweet bomb" from Xiao Jiali.

"Dad, Dad! You're on TV!"

Little Jiali jumped up and down on Angelo's bed, her face full of excitement.

On TV?

What TV?

I really want to do something big recently, but I haven't done it yet. What can these media report?

Angelo came to the hall with the excited little Jiali in his arms.

It just so happened that when he came down at this time, the news about him was playing on the TV in the hall.

To be precise, it's a talk show.

Or last night's replay.

"What do you think about Father Angelo's plan to establish the world's first and only magic school?"

On TV, the host asked a question to a talk show actor who seemed famous but Angelo didn't know him.

"I think the priest of hell, Angelo, is picking on our worldview..."

As for what to say later, An Qiluo didn't continue to pay attention. These talk show actors are especially capable of sensationalizing, and they also rely on various weird remarks to gain people's attention.

On the other hand, Uncle Long, who got up early, watched with relish.

An Qiluo remembered the information he posted on Fuckbook yesterday after seeing this program.

I know that this message has caught everyone's attention.

Is this a warmup?

Angelo was a little bit dumbfounded.

However, out of curiosity, he took out his phone and logged in to his account.

As a result, after logging in to his account, An Qiluo saw that the acquired information of his account had become 999+.

It seems that the effect of publicity is very good?

Angelo read some comments and private messages casually.

Some people say that Angelo, the priest of hell, is trying to flatter the public, trying to insult everyone's IQ with this completely unscientific thing...

But it didn't take long for this kind of cleverness to be dismissed by the majority of netizens.

"It's obvious that you are insulting everyone's IQ. Anyone who pays attention to the Internet knows that Father Hell really knows magic!"

This is one of the most liked comments.

Of course, there are more than a hundred people, of all kinds.

What's more, whether it's the fans who followed An Qiluo or the melon eaters who heard the news and found An Qiluo's homepage, there were more than a hundred people.

In the comment area, at least a million people gathered.

Naturally, there are all kinds of sayings.

Some said that they were not optimistic about the magic school named "Blue Fly" that Angelo was going to open. They might not even be able to apply for a permit. After all, there was no school that taught magic before this, let alone a school that taught School of magic.

Others said that Lanxiang School of Magic will definitely become famous all over the world, and become Cambridge and Fudan among schools that teach magic.

Some people also said that even if Angelo's magic school was opened, it was only a stunt at best, and Angelo would not teach others any useful magic at all.

Of course, there are also some smart people who directly private messaged An Qiluo, sent their resumes, and said that they would enroll in the magic school now.

In any case, at least Angelo once again rushed to the top of the hot news list.

The propaganda about the magic school was also spread.

An Qiluo scratched his head, looking at the resume in the background, he felt a little headache.

Not to mention that the magic school has not been built yet, even if it is established, I don't plan to participate in these trivial matters such as enrollment.

An Qiluo had no choice but to post another message on the homepage.

"Thank you for your attention, but Lanxiang Magic School has not officially opened yet, and is applying for relevant qualifications. After the school opens, it will start recruiting students..."

After posting the news, Angelo quit Fuckbook. After thinking about it, he called Pepper again.

Pepper also got up, and she also knew that the news of the magic school rushed to the hot news again.

Angelo simply asked Jarvis to dump all the resumes received in the background message to Pepper.

Let her and Jarvis select the first batch of students of the Magic Academy from among them.

At least he had a clean background, and he didn't want any secret service organization to be mixed into his magic school.

As for the qualification issue at that time, just leave it to Imerton.

Anyway, if magic is not enough, there are superpowers and technology majors, and if not, there are human body strengthening potions.

As long as his background is clean, even if he is a pig, the School of Magic can turn him into a superman!

After finishing this, everyone in the church also got up.

Uncle Long also finished watching the talk show, and went to cook with a smile.

"Angelo..." Skye walked over.

"Good morning, Skye." Angelo smiled at her.

"Angelo, don't you want to set up a magic academy in Hell's Kitchen right away? Can I also learn magic?" Skye asked with a worried expression.

Last night, when I came back from Stark Manor, it was already very late.

After all, Skye is still an ordinary person, she will be tired and sleepy. After a day of tossing around, she went upstairs to rest and did not study the 084 items that were thrown in the basement.

After waking up this morning, the news attracted my attention again.

Of course, she also paid attention to An Qiluo's Fuckbook account. Seeing the comments of those netizens, she thought that maybe she could go to the Magic Academy for further study.

Angelo laughed dumbfoundedly.

"Of course I can. In fact, if you want to learn, I don't need the School of Magic. I can let Imerton teach you now."


Angelo said with some embarrassment, "Learning magic requires talent. I'll call Emerton first to see if you have talent."

Skye nodded.

Angelo called Imerton.

As a result, Imerton stared at Skye for a long time, and finally shook his head regretfully.

"No, Skye has no talent for learning magic..."

Skye: ...

It would be a lie to say that she was not lost, she learned magic to narrow the gap with An Qiluo.

But now it is found that he has no talent for learning magic...

But Skye didn't complain, and forced a smile, "It's okay, as expected."

She knew that the School of Magic had more than one major.

Technology, superpowers, strengthening potions...

But she is not interested in science and technology majors, and has no foundation, so it is difficult to become a person like Stark.

Not to mention super powers, she is just a hacker, if she has super powers, why should she be so inferior.

As for the strengthening potion, she never thought about it.

She has seen all the experiments on strengthening potions in the church. The strengthening potions developed now are not the kind of super soldier potions injected by Steve. They can make people more perfect. Weird humanoid species.

Skye has already made up his mind, and he will go to the basement to study the 084 items of S.H.I.E.L.D. later.

She felt that the thing that was calling her in the dark might be able to bring her a different life...

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