The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 480 About the Re-employment of the Demon God

Chapter 480 About the Re-employment of the Demon God

Steak entry.

Angelo's eyes lit up immediately.

A scorched and tender taste erupted in the mouth. Although no seasoning was added, there was not even a trace of fishy smell or blood.

There is only the purest aroma of beef itself in the whole mouth!

It cannot be said that it is not as good as the steak grilled by Uncle Long, but it cannot be said to be better than the steak grilled by Uncle Long.

If one must compare, Angelo can only say that the steak grilled by Mephisto and the steak grilled by Uncle Long are two completely different things.

Although the raw materials used by Mephisto and Uncle Long are the same, they are all steaks produced by the cows in Guanzhong.

But they are two completely different flavors.

The steak Mephisto grilled has no seasoning added, but the flame used is the flame magic associated with Mephisto, like an arm command.

In terms of fire control, Mephisto is invincible!

But Uncle Long's grilled steak is better than the perfect fusion of seasoning and steak. One more is too much, and one less is too little.

This is the feel that Uncle Long has summed up with decades of kitchen experience. The materials used for each steak are individually tailored for him.

Anyone else, even with the same ingredients, can't achieve the same taste as Uncle Long.

blah blah...

After An Qiluo turned the three bites of steak in his hand into two bites, he pondered for a while and took out a box of seasonings from his spatial backpack.

This was prepared by Uncle Long for him before they set off, in case of emergency.

Originally, An Qiluo thought that he might not be able to use it in a short time, but he never thought that he would use it so soon!

"Hey! Old Mo, continue!"

Angelo threw the seasoning box in his hand to Mephisto.

"Try this, this is the seasoning, can you use it?"

Mephisto was still a little confused holding the seasoning box in his hand. After all, when he was in the world of Sanctuary, he was in hell, let alone seasoning, and he didn't even think about using flame magic to grill meat.

After all, nephalem adventurers come to fight from time to time, and when there is that time, besides, other demons or demon gods around him will probably laugh at him to death when they see that he is imitating human habits.

Mephisto will probably become the laughing stock of all hell creatures.

When Tachibana saw the seasoning box thrown by Angelo, his huge cat's eyes lit up.


Angelo couldn't understand Tachibana's words, but it didn't mean that Mephisto couldn't understand Tachibana's words either.

"Tachibana said, this is seasoning, take out the powder in it and sprinkle it on the steak, it will be more fragrant when grilled!"

While sticking to her job as a royal translator, little Jiali kept swallowing her saliva as she watched the steak being flipped over on the simple oven.

After Tachibana's explanation, Mephisto finally understood the function of the small box in his hand.

In front of Mephisto's huge size, the seasoning box is like a children's toy.

It carefully opened the box, poured some seasoning powder from it, and then used magic to evenly sprinkle it on the steak.

When the magic of the fire in the humble oven meets the seasoning on the steak.

With a "boom", it was like pouring a whole barrel of gasoline into the fire, and the magic flames soared to a height of more than one meter!

The visual effects are simply stunning!

As the magic flame subsided after the surge, a tempting aroma came out from the steak.


Mephisto's magical accompanying flame actually has the effect of catalyzing the fragrance of the seasoning and promoting the absorption of the seasoning!

Angelo sniffled, smelling the aroma in the air, and thought that Mephisto would be blind if he didn't become a chef with his talent!

In terms of visual effects, Mephisto just used a simple stone oven to completely crush those gaudy teppanyaki.

When it comes to heat and aroma, Mephisto is a chef born in Rome by nature, and the ability to master fire is self-taught.

When it comes to cooking, the emphasis is on the same color, fragrance and taste.

Now that the color and aroma have almost reached their peak, the only thing left now is the taste.

If the taste is acceptable, I am afraid that this barbecue alone can easily rival the executive chef of any high-end hotel in the world!

It's not just An Qiluo, Tachibana, Xiaojiali... Any creature who smells this fragrance can't help but take a note and swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Even Mephisto himself, his eyes lit up!

However, Mephisto took out the steak very sensiblely, put it on a plate and handed it to Angelo.

"Dad, can I have a taste?" Little Jiali whispered.

Angelo smiled and took the steak.


Now that he has confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the steak, he naturally won't let little Jiali eat it.

Angelo took out a table knife from his space backpack, and divided the steak on the plate into two portions, one for Xiao Jiali and one for himself.

As for the orange seat...

Wait for a while, Mephisto has already started to bake the next pot, with the help of the magic flame, it will be ready soon.

Little Jiali and An Qiluo put the steak into their mouths at the same time.

The eyes of the father and daughter are bright at the same time!

With the seasoning configured by Uncle Long, Mephisto, who can perfectly control the heat, wins!

Although Mephisto, who has just entered the chef's profession, cannot have the same touch as Uncle Long, but the perfect fire control is enough to make up for it.


"This is the best steak I've ever eaten!" Little Jiali finished the steak in two mouthfuls, "Mephisto, although you are ugly, you cook deliciously! Hmm... just like What Uncle Long cooked was so delicious."

Mephisto: ...are you polite?

It's not that Little Jiali has forgotten Uncle Long's care for her. What she said is indeed the truth, and Uncle Long won't care.

After all, although Uncle Long was once a master of martial arts, he was still in the category of human beings after all, and Mephisto was pulling his hips in front of An Qiluo, and he was essentially a hell demon god!

He is still a hell demon god accompanied by flames!

Although Mephisto has some complaints about being called ugly by Xiao Jiali, after all, Xiao Jiali is Angelo's strong and foul nephalem——Angelo's daughter.

Therefore, Mephisto chose to forget what little Jiali said.

And when it saw the performance of the two diners An Qiluo and Xiao Jiali, it actually felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in its heart.

Until this moment, Mephisto suddenly felt that things like destroying the world and bringing chaos to the world didn't seem to be that important anymore.

Those things that cause destruction, how can you feel the sense of accomplishment when you look at the satisfied faces of your diners!

Anyone can destroy the world, it is not difficult, but satisfying the diners is much more difficult than destroying the world!

So, Mephisto baked even more vigorously.

It even got distracted and used magic to make two ovens, arranging a special oven for Tachibana, An Qiluo, and Xiao Jiali to barbecue!


Angelo was full again.

Only the two "bottomless pits", Xiaojiali and Tachibana, were still eating the newly served steaks.

Fortunately, Mephisto is not an ordinary person, and the efficiency of the magic flame barbecue is also ridiculously fast, which is more than enough to supply these two bottomless pits.

While roasting the meat, Mephisto peeked at An Qiluo distractedly.

Seeing that Angelo had finished eating, Mephisto spoke cautiously.

"Angelo, I..." Mephisto hesitated, "I have something I want to discuss with you..."

Angelo squinted at it.

"If you want me to let you out just because of a barbecue, you should go hands-free!"

"If I let you go out, if someone dies because of you, I have an unshirkable responsibility."

The action of Mephisto's barbecue was stagnant, but he recovered immediately.

"No, no..." Mephisto waved his hands while distractedly controlling the magic flame in the oven, "Angelo, you misunderstood, I don't want to destroy the world and bring chaos to the world anymore, I found something more meaningful."

At this moment, An Qiluo actually saw an emotion called joy in Mephisto's face?

"Then what are you thinking?" Angelo was a little puzzled.

His spiritual power has been covering Murphys since Mephisto spoke just now.

Didn't Mephisto actually tell a lie?

This is outrageous?

The dream of a big boss in a dark world is not to destroy the world and plunge the world into chaos?

Is it possible that Mephisto's dream can still be world peace?

Mephisto's old face turned red. Fortunately, its skin color was black and red, so it was not discovered.

"I want to open... a restaurant, I see that's what it said on the tablet." Mephisto pointed to the tablet in front of Tachibana.

An Qiluo almost hit his chin on his feet in shock.

Open a restaurant?

You, a demon god from hell, actually dream of opening a restaurant?

What do you make those nephalem who regard you as a target in the dark world think?

What do you make the Rogs in the Rog camp think?

What do you make your good brothers Baal and Diablo think?

Are you sure you are cooking food for diners? Instead of eating diners who go to your restaurant?

"You want to be laid off and re-employed?" An Qiluo looked at Mephisto in disbelief.

Although Mephisto has never heard of this word, he can probably guess what it means.

"Well... I think it seems that being a chef is more interesting than being a demon who destroys the world." Mephisto said with some uncertainty.

Angelo's face was even more strange.

The main job is the chef, and the side job is the devil of hell?

Do you think you are Teacher Da Sima Ma?

The main job is a gold medal chef, and the side job is a game anchor?

Thinking of Master Sima Ma, An Qiluo couldn't help but associate Ma's face with Mephisto...


Sure enough, it is worthy of the average human face!

No, everything should be given an even face, even if An Qiluo thought of putting Teacher Ma's face on Mephisto's body, it was surprisingly harmonious!

"Ahem..." An Qiluo choked on his own saliva, and after calming down a little, he said, "This... I can't promise you for the time being, but if I have a chance in the future, I will consider you of this proposal."

Mephisto looked disappointed.

But when Mephisto's eyes fell on Xiao Jiali and Tachibana again, seeing the wolf gobbling up for the diners, Mephisto's hideous face showed a smile again.

Although An Qiluo didn't agree to his request today, didn't he also refuse?

Maybe one day in the future, I really have the opportunity to realize my dream.

As for before that, let's practice with Tachibana and Xiaojiali, and concentrate on serving these two customers!

Let Angelo see his persistence!

Thinking of this, Mephisto began to work harder on the steak...

Angelo looked at "Master Mo" who was seriously flipping the roast beef, and fell into deep thought.


Soon, little Jiali also finished eating.

Children are always full of energy, and little Jiali ran to play with her 3,000 "crew" again.

Angelo looked at the back of little Jiali leaving with a smile.

When he saw the three thousand bone ghosts, he suddenly remembered the blue gemstone he had seized in Atlantis before.

"Hey, Mephisto, do you know this thing?"

Angelo took out the blue gem from his pocket.

Originally, he was just holding the attitude of giving it a try, wanting to try his luck.

Although Mephisto was not a "local demon" in the Marvel Universe at all before, but he was a demon god of hell after all, and he had an inseparable relationship with these gods and gods. What if he knew him?

But what Angelo didn't expect, Mephisto actually knew him!

Mephisto looked at the blue gemstone in Angelo's hand, with a look of bewilderment on his face, and there was a sense of deja vu in the bewilderment.

After thinking for a few seconds, Mephisto said with some uncertainty.

"This thing seems to be a godhead?"

Mephisto turned over the steak in his hand, sprinkled it with seasoning, and his tone was full of doubts.

"The angels in the heaven over there in the sanctuary all have such a thing in their minds. They call this thing the godhead. Angels rely on this thing to be able to resurrect after death."

"However, Angelo, the stone in your hand is very similar to a godhead, but it is a little different. I have seen the godheads of angels many times. Angels have their own soul imprints in their godheads. The stone in your hand I don't feel any soul fluctuations in this stone."

The angels in heaven and the demons in hell in the sanctuary can all be resurrected, relying on the soul imprint.

If the imprint of the soul is not destroyed, it can always be resurrected.

Unless there are some extremely special circumstances, the soul imprint can only be erased.

Although the methods used by heaven and hell to preserve soul imprints are different.

But the one who knows you best is often your opponent.

Mephisto has been an old opponent of Heaven for tens of thousands of years, and he also understands Heaven's methods very well. The soul imprints of those angels are preserved in the godhead.

The soul imprint is integrated with the godhead, and if you want to destroy the soul imprint, you must destroy the godhead.

And the sturdiness of the godhead, even he is difficult to destroy.

If the blue stone in Angelo's hand is a godhead, regardless of the color difference, this is the first time Mephisto has seen such a "blank" godhead without a soul imprint.

But An Qiluo was shocked in his heart.

Nine times this thing is a godhead! The Godhead of Poseidon!

As for the imprint of the soul, it was naturally Poseidon's own death, driving his soul into Angelo's spiritual sea, and then being ruthlessly killed by Angelo!

So, the stones on the ten rings that I seized from the Ten Rings Gang are all godheads without soul imprints?

What happened between those ancient sword fairies and many gods?

When An Qiluo was contemplating, trying to find out the historical truth from the clues, suddenly a cat meow came from his ear, and at the same time he felt a fat spherical object jumping onto his shoulder.


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