The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 493 Run away if you can't beat it?

Chapter 493 Run away if you can't beat it?

Maybe it's because of luck.

Stark and Hela's chosen opponents - the Prophet and the Teleporter.

The superpowers of the two Inhumans are actually very powerful, but they are restrained by Stark and Hella respectively.

Stark's firepower suppression and Hella's Meow Hammer lock both made the two of them exhausted, but they still couldn't attack for a long time, and could only roll the balance of victory to their side little by little.

And the breakthrough appeared on Mr. Hyde's side.

Mr. Hyde finds Lincoln who can control lightning. Lincoln's lightning attack is simply the nemesis of all carbon-based organisms and even non-insulators.

Even Hyde, according to Mr. Hyde's physique, was shocked by the electricity.

But the bad is also bad in Lincoln's ability to control electricity.

Mr. Hyde obtained the enhancement by injecting the strengthening potion. Apart from the time limit, this kind of strengthening potion has another disadvantage, that is, it will infinitely magnify the beast personality in Mr. Hyde's heart.

Make him like a beast.

At the same time, it will also allow Mr. Hyde to acquire a natural keen perception of danger and an innate fighting ability like a wild beast.

Although Mr. Hyde can usually control his animal nature.

But at this moment, the fierce battle had left him no time to take this into consideration, and his bestiality broke out in full force.

Lincoln can also be said to be a fighting genius.

In the battle between him and Mr. Hyde, he keenly discovered that his enemy was not so much an enemy as a wild beast.

Moreover, as the battle progressed, Mr. Hyde became more and more beastly, and less and less human.

Lincoln finally thought of a quick win.

As long as he wins quickly, he can support Prophet and Gordon.

As for Angelo, who has never done anything, he ignored it, because "afterlife" does not advocate contact with the outside world, so Lincoln didn't know about this "famous" priest of hell.

In the nature of beasts, are they naturally afraid of thunder and lightning? Lincoln intensified the intensity of the battle, and then frantically created thunder and lightning to shock Mr. Hyde.

Mr. Hyde did, as he expected, twitch crazily after being struck by lightning.

Even gradually, when Mr. Hyde saw the light of lightning appearing in his hands, Mr. Hyde began to dodge subconsciously before the lightning hit him.

At last the bestiality took full hold of Mr. Hyde's mind.

The corners of Lincoln's mouth curled up slightly, the battle was doomed at this moment.

But in the next second...

Mr. Hyde actually resisted his lightning attack and charged forward.

He punched Lincoln hard in the face, knocked out one of his back molars, and was sent flying with great force.

When Lincoln was knocked into the air, his face was full of puzzlement.

Why did Mr. Hyde, who was obviously as helpless as a wild beast just now, suddenly dare to rush up against the thunder and lightning as if he had been beaten with chicken blood!

Could it be that the animal nature of fearing thunder and lightning has been eaten by you? ? ?

This is Lincoln's negligence, or it may be that he has stayed in the "afterlife" for too long, and his thinking has become a little rigid.

Even if everything that dominates Mr. Hyde at this time is animal personality, the nature of fear of thunder and lightning is not wrong.

But in essence, the so-called animal "personality"!

The premise is that only a person can have such a thing as personality!

Mr. Hyde is a human being!

He is still a highly educated person. Although he is an expert in biopharmaceuticals, his major may not be as suitable as Stark's, but no matter how wrong he is, he also knows what the essence of thunder and lightning is.

This kind of knowledge will not disappear because of animal personality.

Therefore, Mr. Hyde forcibly overcame the beast's nature of being afraid of thunder and lightning, and resisted the lightning and knocked Lincoln to the ground with a fist.

At the same time, because of his bestial personality, Mr. Hyde's punch almost killed Lincoln, whose physical fitness was only slightly stronger than ordinary people.

Although Lincoln did not die in the end, he passed out.

Mr. Hyde first twitched twice, but then rushed towards Lincoln again.


The teleporter Gordon and the Prophet, who were not far away, all changed their faces and looked dignified when they saw this scene.

Gordon, was simply worried about Lincoln.

But the prophet is different. When he saw Mr. Hyde continue to attack the fainting Lincoln, he had already foreseen the result.

Mr. Hyde would have ripped a comatose Lincoln in half with his hands!

No second result!

"Gordon! Take us back to the 'afterlife'!" The prophet shouted with all his might during Stark's attack. "Can't beat!"

Although the Prophet has tried his best to avoid Stark's fire coverage.

But still because of the distraction just now, it was locked by a miniature rocket on Stark's shoulder cannon!

Seeing that this miniature rocket is about to hit the prophet.

A figure suddenly flashed beside the prophet.

It was Gordon the Teleporter!

Immediately afterwards, the two figures disappeared at the same time.

When the two figures reappeared, they had already appeared beside Lincoln who had fainted on the ground. The prophet and the teleporter Gordon, each of them grabbed one of Lincoln's arms, flashed again, and the three of them together Disappeared!

The whole process was very slow to say, but less than a second had passed from when Gordon took the prophet away to when the three disappeared.

Obviously, Gordon's speed is much faster than when he appeared before. He should have used some kind of secret method to reduce the cooling speed.

And at this time, Mr. Hyde's fist was belatedly coming, and it hit heavily on the spot where Lin Keng was just now!



There were two bangs in succession.

The first sound was the sound of Stark's shoulder cannon hitting the ground, and the second sound was the sound of Mr. Hyde's fist hitting the ground.

Although Stark has developed a device to counter abilities such as teleportation or portals, that set of equipment is too large, and it takes time to deploy.

In addition, the three of Gordon appeared suddenly just now, and Stark did not arrange it.

Obviously, the three of them have now run away.

Compared with Mr. Hyde and Stark, Hyde is much understatement.

The Meow Hammer also lost its target because of the teleportation of Gordon and the others, but the Meow Hammer did not hit any other objects. Hela waved her hand, and the Meow Hammer automatically returned to her hand .

"It's okay, just run away, they won't survive if they run away." Angelo's voice suddenly sounded, "Stark, Hela, why don't you come and see Skye first..."

Angelo didn't seem to make a move just now, and has been guarding beside Skye's statue.

He really didn't make a shot at the beginning, and chose to believe that Stark, Hella, and Mr. Hyde could take these three people down.

After all, now An Qiluo's move is a killer move!

Now there are finally three Inhumans, and it seems that there are still organized Inhumans emerging. Angelo has many questions that he wants to know from their mouths.

Where do they come from, where are they going, what are they doing...

But I didn't expect that these three people could not beat them, so they wanted to run away!

There is no way, Angelo can only throw a curse spell at each of the three people before the last three people disappear - aging.

Maybe after they get out of the underground palace, they can find cases of abnormal deaths, and then follow the clues to find the location of these Inhumans.

Following Angelo's words, everyone looked like Skye.

When everyone saw the statue Skye transformed into...


A roar came from Mr. Hyde's mouth.

The current Mr. Hyde is dominated by animal nature. After the main enemy disappeared, he naturally wanted to attack other people.

An Qiluo helped his forehead helplessly, and waved a "Dark Vision" curse on him.

To deal with this kind of reckless fighter, "Dark Vision" is enough, you can't see anything, how do you fight?

As Angelo expected, Mr. Hyde could only circle around in a daze.

Now that Skye has turned into a statue, he is not dead, but is slowly becoming stronger and awakening abilities, which means that what Mr. Hyde just said has a 99% chance of being true.

Skye has the blood of the Inhuman Race, and Mr. Hyde is indeed Skye's father...

Although it is still unknown whether Skye recognizes this father, as a friend, it is really not good for him to kill his father now...

I'm afraid no friends have to do it.

After dismissing Mr. Hyde, whose mind was controlled by animal nature, everyone gathered around the statue of Skye.

At this time, Skye still had a look of astonishment on the face of the statue.

Obviously, all this was beyond her expectation.

Whether Mr. Hyde's Inhumans' prophecy came true, or he came into contact with the Terrigen Mist, Skye was caught off guard.

Stark stood beside the statue of Skye, shot a red ray from the arm of his steel armor, and then scanned the entire "statue".

"How is it? Dude?" Angelo was a little worried, "What should we do now?"

Stark shook his head slightly.

"I don't know either. According to my scan results, Skye still maintains her vital signs and is undergoing a process similar to evolution or genetic mutation, but I'm afraid we can't help her..."

"Why don't we smash this statue? Wouldn't Skye come out?" Angelo said impatiently.

It's not that Angelo is impatient.

He had also carefully examined Skye's statue just now, and it was still a full-body scan done with mental power.

He also knew that Skye was indeed alive.

But the problem now is that the statue has wrapped Skye's entire body.

Three hundred and sixty degrees without dead angle, airtight.

Inhumans are human too, who knows if they can live without oxygen!

It has been five minutes since Skye turned into a statue, who knows if Skye will suffocate due to lack of oxygen in the next second.

"No!" Hela said hurriedly.

"Although I haven't heard of this kind of Inhuman race, in the universe, there are not no races with superpowers. Generally, during the process of awakening superpowers, they cannot be interrupted."

"If this process is interrupted, not only will it cause her failure to awaken her super power, but it may also cause her death!"

Angelo sighed.

He didn't doubt Hella's words.

Although Hela and Skye don't like each other, Hela never loses the chain when it comes to business.

"Then what can we do, wait..."

Angelo had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​helping Skye break his shell violently.

After confirming the safety of Pepper and the two children, Stark returned to Angelo's side.

He suddenly seemed to think of something, his expression changed, and he spoke.

"By the way, buddy, Skye's state was caused by the fog just now, right?"

Angelo nodded, "That's right."

He saw with his own eyes that Skye was transformed into a statue after coming into contact with the mist.

"Isn't that obelisk also turned into a statue after contact? Do you think the obelisk and the mist are the same thing?"

"Probably not..." Angelo hesitated for a moment, and glanced at the obelisk that was being placed on the stone pillar in the center of the room.

Walking over, his hands were covered with a layer of bone armor, and he picked up the obelisk.

"The fog just now should have been caused by the crystals that fell from the three Inhuman boxes. This obelisk is obviously made of metal."

Stark is also a little confused.

Angelo simply put the obelisk back into the metal box and put it back into the space backpack.

"By the way, I also collected a part of those fogs. After I go back, I can take it to the laboratory to study the ingredients."

Stark was taken aback.

"Dude, where did you collect it?"

"Cow in Guanzhong." An Qiluo shrugged his shoulders without any psychological pressure.

Stark: ...

"Dude, I remember that Tachibana and another Mephisto lived in the cow pass..."

"Yeah, I know." Angelo saw the worried look on Stark's face, "Don't worry, buddy, these fogs can't affect the orange seat, it can only affect human beings, making ordinary non-heterogeneous The human beings of the human race become statues, and they have to touch the skin..."

"As for Mephisto, worrying about that Demon God is worse than worrying about the collected fog."

Stark was a little relieved.

On the other side, Pepper walked over with the two children in shock at this time, and naturally heard the conversation between Angelo and Stark.

ordinary human beings...

It seems that among this group of people, only you are an ordinary human being, right?

Pepper's face darkened, and he was the most dangerous in such a large group?

Even Stark is protected by a steel armor. Although the combat effectiveness of the steel armor is mediocre in front of non-human beings like Angelo and Hela, it wins in all aspects!

What's more, Stark is not a soldier himself, and doing scientific research and logistics work is his essential work, okay?

After this period of time, Pepper's heart became more and more agreeable to the formation of the Avengers.

She can't even wait to go back and form the Avengers.

Because as long as the formation of the Avengers is completed, according to what Angelo talked to him before, Stark can return to his family, have more time with him, and stay away from these dangers.

Even Stark can concentrate on scientific research, at least he doesn't have to face these dangers with these non-human beings!

This world is too dangerous, what are aliens, gods, superpowers, and all kinds of mutants...

Just as Pepper was thinking secretly, Skye's statue made an almost inaudible cracking sound...

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