The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 499 Eddie and his love

Chapter 499 Eddie and his love

"Now we can talk, Venom."

When Angelo sat in front of Venom and said these words, Venom's first reaction was trembling and fear.

It wanted to say something, but couldn't.

With the layer of glass made of special materials just now, the venom did not sense the aura of An Qiluo's body.

But it's different now.

An Qiluo was sitting in front of it, and it could intuitively feel the terrifying aura of An Qiluo's aura.

As a cosmic race, the symbionts can travel anywhere in the universe. Although they also need to use various means of transportation, Venom has truly seen all kinds of powerful people in the universe.

For the first time, the venom felt that the aura of the man in front of him far surpassed any strong man it had ever seen.

Whether it is Ronan, the accuser of the Cree, or the Skrulls who have now become an exiled civilization, or even the Sovereign star who has always been neutral...

Especially the breath of death on An Qiluo made Venom completely incapacitated.

But Venom couldn't figure it out. As a symbiont, his own racial talent has a high resistance to various negative states. Why this man can make himself incapacitated by just relying on his aura!


An Qiluo sat in front of Venom, watching Venom's liquid body trembling on the ground.

But Venom just didn't speak, which made Angelo frown.

"What? Still stubbornly resisting?" An Qiluo frowned and said. "Did not say?"

Seeing that the venom still had no response other than trembling, An Qiluo took out his phone and said into the phone.


"Sir, I'm here."

Angelo's phone screen lit up, and Jarvis' voice rang through the speakerphone.

"Help me increase the frequency of this machine by 20%. I want to see how long this alien creature can resist!"

"Okay, sir."

Although An Qiluo has already gone through the experience of watching movies in his previous life, he knows that the combination of Venom and Eddie is actually a loser and a funny ratio.

But who knows if the real situation will be the same, especially when facing alien life of an unconfirmed camp, An Qiluo will not be soft-hearted.

Jarvis didn't make any fuss about this, but helped Angelo increase the frequency of the nuclear magnetic resonance machine according to Angelo's request.

Venom's liquid body trembled on the ground even more severely.

"Not yet? Jarvis, continue to turn up the volume for me!"

"Yes, sir!"


Eddie, who was thrown out of the inner room by Angelo early, was still in a coma at this time.

Temple, who was in the NMR room, led him out of the radiology department by the collar and went to the inpatient department.

As for the monster in the MRI room, Temple was very relieved and left it to Angelo to deal with, otherwise Angelo couldn't deal with it, and she stayed here to deliver food.

This tough black female nurse picked up Eddie like a chick...

According to Temple's preliminary diagnosis, this guy named Eddie was simply in a coma caused by malnutrition, and his malnutrition was still very serious. According to Temple's experience, this level of malnutrition would take at least half a month to recover. Have a meal.

But is there still half a month without food in New York?

There is no Hell's Kitchen, let alone New York. Even in Hell's Kitchen, Alexei's gang committees, the former bosses, are now united to distribute a certain amount of relief food to the homeless on the street every day, enough to make Those homeless people will not starve to death on the streets.

What's more, Hell's Kitchen is full of opportunities now, not to mention guaranteed success, but at least it's easy to find a job that won't starve to death, such as moving bricks to build a building at the nearby construction site, according to Dr. Staranch What is that building called the Avengers Building...

Temple walked out of the MRI room with Eddie in a coma. She didn't forget, and closed the outermost metal door of the MRI room.

Although the metal gate is broken, and it may not be able to block Angelo and the monster inside, at least it can rent the sight of the outside.

But when Temple closed the door with Eddie, he turned his head and saw a group of heads lying at the corner of the corridor, peeking here...

It was the patients who had fled in a panic before.

As soon as Temple's face turned dark, he subconsciously waved the object in his hand and shouted at the group of guys, "What are you looking at, I've never seen a beautiful woman!"

These guys!

Or a gang member!

Why doesn't he have any vicious gangster spirit on him!

She runs faster than this woman herself!

Although all the patients shrank their heads guiltily in the face of the furious black shrew, they still did not leave in despair.

A bald-headed gangster patient forced himself to be pushed out by his companions and asked.

"Miss Temple, may I ask, is the priest in the room? We ran to the church just now, and Uncle Long said that the priest has already left the house..." Seeing Temple's unfriendly expression, the bald man hurriedly continued He explained, "I saw that figure in the room just now looked like the back of Mr. Priest..."

These gangsters are really afraid of the black female nurse Temple. After all, when seeing a doctor, Temple can make them scream in pain. This is the experience gained by countless gangsters through blood and tears.

Temple heard that these guys went to the church to find Angelo just now, and his face softened a little.

"Mr. priest, where did the monster come from? It's nothing! You misread it just now, and I'll kill you if you ask me again! Go away!"

With that said, Temple waved Eddie in his hand again.

Eddie: ...

Hearing what Temple said, those gangsters understood that this matter was settled, and Mr. Father must be in the room.

Now the various affairs of Hell's Kitchen have been paid attention to by various forces and the media. The news of monsters appearing in the hospital must not be spread!

These gangsters showed understanding expressions, said nothing more, agreed to keep their mouths shut, and left together.

Temple also carried Eddie to the inpatient department.

As for the matter of wielding Eddie as a weapon just now...

Eddie wasn't awake anyway, and he didn't know, so what did it matter?

I have to say that Temple, a black female nurse, is also black when cut from it...


Actually, Eddie woke up.

Or rather, woke up.

Eddie woke up with Temple's first swing.

Since he was fired from the company, he has been living on the streets. Not only that, he was also possessed by that strange creature.

After the initial tug-of-war with this alien creature, he finally reached a consensus with this alien creature and knew the name of this alien creature.

It's called Venom.

Like him, he is also a loser on an alien planet.

The consensus reached by the two parties is that the venom must not devour human brains without authorization, but only devours the brains of wicked people—human brains contain the nutrients needed by the symbionts.

Usually, Eddie provides the venom with the substances it needs to survive.

Originally, Hell's Kitchen, a place full of villains, was the perfect hunting ground for Eddie and Venom.

But after coming here, Eddie realized that the villains here seemed to have become rare animals. At least the villains who met his criteria for judging villains were pitifully small in number, and could even be called protected animals.

The gangsters are all good!

It's been a long time since the gang didn't even kill...

Is there any reason for this?

Therefore, according to the agreement, the number of brains that the venom can devour is pitifully small, and it usually attaches to Eddie's body to absorb nutrients.

This caused Eddie's severe malnutrition.

After all, his stomach capacity is limited as to how much he can eat.

In addition, Eddie's family was broken, and he didn't have enough money to buy food. He even went through the trash can and picked up food that others didn't want...

He's tried everything except eating shit.

As for eating shit... that thing can't be swallowed at all.

He would have died of malnutrition if the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen hadn't opened up a relief meal.

So, when Nataga General Hospital opened, Eddie came here to register for the first time.

He didn't dare to go to other hospitals at all, for fear of being used as specimen material for research.

Of course, you don't have to worry about this when you come to Nataga Hospital. After all, as the dean, An Qiluo is the one who should not be studied...

But Eddie's fate cannot be said to be generally miserable.

It is simply very miserable, so miserable!

He registered at Nataga General Hospital, but he thought that there were only ten treatment places open every day at that time, and with the large number of registered people, Eddie had already been ranked behind thousands of people.

After much difficulty, the recruitment of medical staff from Nataga General Hospital came up, and the quota for treatment was released, and finally it was Eddie's turn.

The venom did separate from his body!

Nataga General Hospital is really not in vain.

Eddie had never felt so refreshed all over his body. After a moment of mental relaxation, coupled with malnutrition, he passed out.

When he was swung by Tapper as a weapon, he woke up and opened his eyes weakly.

Through his weak eyes, Eddie felt dizzy all over, and his ears were ringing. He could only hear a very strong black female nurse, like a soldier, waving her hands and looking at a group of people in the distance. It was a terrible burly man who went crazy.

And those burly men all had fear on their faces.

Is this a sense of security?

Eddie thought in a daze.

He had been suffering from the venom lately, but he now felt safe in Temple's hands.

Eddie feels as if he's in love again since his ex-girlfriend left before passing out again...


And in the MRI room, An Qiluo had just hung up the phone.

It was a call from the church just now, saying that a group of gangsters ran to the church and said that they were looking for themselves, and there were monsters in the hospital.

Only then did Uncle Long call and ask An Qiluo where he was.

An Qiluo naturally told Uncle Long that he was dealing with matters in the hospital and told everyone not to worry.

After putting away the phone, An Qiluo looked helplessly at the small lump of venom the size of a palm.

"Venom, why don't you tell me?"

He had asked Jarvis to crank the MRI machine up to max.

But Venom just doesn't say a word.

Now he doesn't seem to have anything else to do, unless he kills Venom.

Venom is really tough!

Angelo sighed in his heart.

But Venom, who is on the other side, doesn't think so.

It is roaring wildly in my heart now.

Boss! You always ask me if I should say it, if I should say it! You are asking!

And, if you really want to talk to me, you turn off the damn MRI machine!

With this damn instrument on, let alone let me speak, I can't even do the condensed form now!

Venom felt like his soul was about to be shaken into pieces!

At the beginning just now, An Qiluo said that when talking to him, although Venom's body was also destabilized by the powerful ultrasonic vibration of MRI, but Venom can still talk if he is willing to pay part of his body as a price.

At that time, the bad thing was that Venom was stunned for a moment when he heard An Qiluo revealing its details.

It is curious how this human being knows.

But just for a moment, Venom never had a chance.

In order to give the venom a taste of the earthlings' "offensive power", An Qiluo gradually increased the frequency of the nuclear magnetic resonance.

Venom had no chance to condense his body, let alone "chat" with An Qiluo.

It wasn't until this time that Venom found out.

Hell's aura... Well, although An Qiluo's aura is indeed scary.

But what makes the venom unable to move and lose its ability to move is the ultrasonic wave brought by the MRI machine when it is running!

Unfortunately, it was too late.

If nothing else, Venom is about to.

The current venom misses Eddie, the human loser, even though Eddie, the loser, doesn't let it eat human brains, and never feeds it some rotten garbage.

But at least that loser won't kill himself if he doesn't agree with each other!

Venom: Eddie, where are you, come and save me! I swear, I will no longer argue about eating human brains! This demon is really terrible!

Desperate Venom watched his remaining body getting smaller and smaller under the vibration of ultrasonic waves, and his heart was full of despair!

I might persist for the last three minutes, if within three minutes, this damn machine doesn't stop. I will definitely die without a whole body...

A minute passed.

At this time, Eddie had already carried Temple to the ward of the inpatient department and threw him on the hospital bed...

Two minutes passed.

Temple had already prescribed glucose injections and some nutritional supplements to Eddie. Just as Temple was about to leave the ward, she hesitated for a while, thought about it, and turned back again.

I asked for a job advertisement from the other gangsters in the corridor, and placed it gently on the bedside table next to Eddie's hospital bed.

Two minutes and thirty seconds passed.

Just when Venom was desperate, the door of the MRI room was suddenly pushed open.


The heavy metal gate slammed against the end of the track with a thud.

"Angelo! I heard there is a monster here, where is it, let me be healthy..."

Dr. Ethan's voice resounded, reviving hope in Venom's heart!

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