The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 505 This kid is going to be miserable!

Chapter 505 This kid is going to be miserable!


Just after Stark collected Susan's blood, he planned to collect Johnny's blood again.

The sudden change!

Johnny's body burst into flames out of thin air!

The high temperature of the flame distorted and deformed the air around his body, and the high temperature even raised the temperature in the entire Stark factory warehouse by a few degrees!

At the same time, because the suddenly ignited flame consumed the surrounding oxygen, a shock wave was born around Johnny.

Stark was caught off guard, and he was also taken aback by the sudden flames in front of him, so he couldn't help but take two steps back.

But soon, Stark reacted and stopped backing.

The high temperature on Johnny's body will not cause any trouble to the steel armor on Stark's body.

Stark's armor material is authentic aviation material, enough to support space flight, and the high temperature in atmospheric flight is naturally the norm.

Although the high temperature does not cause any trouble.

But at this time, the high temperature and flames appeared on Johnny's body, which made Stark panic.

It has not yet been verified whether Johnny and Susan are Steve's children!

If the two of them were Steve's children...

If Johnny was burned to death because of "spontaneous human combustion", how should he explain to Steve?

Obviously, Stark took the inexplicable flames that appeared on Johnny's body as a phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion.

Stark was not the only one panicking at this moment.

Johnny himself was also terrified by the flames that suddenly ignited on his body. He screamed and slapped the flames on his body.

But as he kept slapping the flames on his body.

Not only did this flame not extinguish in any way, but it burned more and more vigorously!

Soon, Johnny's whole body was set on fire! Even the hair and eyes on top of his head were no exception, all turned into blazing flames!

Johnny panicked even more.

He gave up the action of flapping the flames, and instead called for help from others.

"Help me! Save me! Help me put out the fire!"

Under this "life and death crisis", Johnny could only let go of his stubbornness just now, and called for help to Stark!

Seeing that the fire on Johnny's body was getting stronger and stronger, Stark didn't care about Johnny's opinion, and started the liquid nitrogen jet in the steel armor.

Two lines of liquid nitrogen sprayed out from the armor of the steel armor and covered Johnny's body.

The extremely low temperature of liquid nitrogen did work, but it only worked for a moment, and soon, the place where the flame was extinguished due to the injection of liquid nitrogen soon burned again!

Steve, who had been watching silently, now had a hint of anxiety on his face.

Although there is still no concrete evidence to prove that the siblings are the children of himself and Peggy, he is more inclined to be so.


The calculation is not, and the moral sense in Steve's heart cannot allow him to stand by and watch a human being be burned alive, even if this person is an annoying spirit without the slightest spirit of contract and has a very annoying personality.

Steve looked around, rushed to the fire hydrant in the factory, picked up the shield, smashed the glass, turned on the water valve, and pulled the water hose from the fire hydrant.

The jet of water jetted out rapidly, just rushing towards Johnny.

But it is a pity that the addition of the water column cannot contain the fire on Johnny's body, and even amplifies the fire on him.

The flame temperature on Johnny's body was extremely high, and before the water column touched him, it was gradually evaporated into water vapor on the way.

The water vapor may be ignited again by the fire on Johnny's body, and in this way, it will only increase the fire on Johnny's body.

The fire is rising!

Not only Stark and Steve launched a "rescue", but Johnny's two teammates, Susan and Ben, were also very anxious about this.

They didn't know why Johnny's body would spontaneously ignite flames!

But they are different from Stark and Steve, they are just ordinary people, not to mention helping, they can't even get close to Johnny!

He could only stand in the distance and watch anxiously.

But these two people didn't notice that their bodies were also changing silently with the fluctuation of their mentality...

As for the other teammate in the quartet, Dr. Reed?

This time lying in a coma by the wall of the factory!

Being kicked by An Qiluo is not so pleasant!


The moment the flames ignited on Johnny's body, Angelo reacted.

He naturally knew what was going on.

These four people definitely developed according to the original plot. They encountered a solar particle storm in space and their bodies mutated.

Unexpectedly, after returning, the mutation did not occur until now.

Seeing Steve holding a water gun, pouring Johnny on the field, and helping him put out the fire, the scene of "a loving father and a filial son", the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching twice.

If he remembers correctly, Johnny's ability as the Human Torch is not really the embodiment of flames, but the ability to create flames.

In other words, Johnny is just wrapped in a layer of high-temperature flames outside his body, and he is still a mortal body in essence.

Moreover, the flame on Johnny's body also has a fatal flaw, that is, it needs oxygen, and without oxygen, the flame will not be able to burn.

Of course, these flames will also be extinguished when they encounter a large amount of water.

However, the so-called large amount of water refers to pressing Johnny into the pool or the sea water of the river, which is obviously not comparable to the amount of water in the water pipe in Steve's hand.

"An Qiluo, think of a way and help put out the fire!"

In his busy schedule, Steve yelled at Angelo.

Angelo's mouth twitched twice, "Steve, are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Steve yelled.

Now Angelo is fine, since Johnny his "wild father" asked for it, he can naturally help.

(Wild father: The father who is suspected to be his own father... When Angelo saw the flames burning on Johnny, he no longer had any hope for the paternity test results. After all, the solar particle storm changed the genes of the group of four, Paternity testing techniques may not necessarily restore the pre-alteration gene.)

"Imorton, give him an ice spell."

Angelo shouted to Imerton who was standing behind watching the excitement.

Now that An Qiluo had spoken, Imerton naturally obeyed the order.

As Imerton waved his arm, he pointed at the burning Johnny.

A icy armor with a blue halo suddenly emerged from the void. Following Imerton's command, it was dispersed into various parts and buckled towards Johnny's body.

With the slight sound of "cracking" several ice cubes collided, the ice armor tightly wrapped Johnny's body in it, without a single gap.

Even Johnny's face was also covered in ice armor!

Rather than saying that this is a pair of ice armor, it is better to say that this is a pair of human-shaped ice coffins!

Imerton's life essence is actually a mutated skeleton mage, a skeleton mage with various magical attributes, and the attributes enjoy the bonus of Angelo's attributes.

Naturally, the spells he fired were definitely not ordinary ones.

Although the temperature of the flame on Johnny's body was high, it couldn't do anything to the human-shaped ice coffin summoned by Imerton.

Soon, as the ice coffin was covered, the high temperature dropped rapidly, and the oxygen in the ice armor was also cut off.

The flame on Johnny's body could only flicker a few times unwillingly, and finally disappeared helplessly.

Only Johnny, who was wrapped in the ice armor, fell heavily to the ground.

The flame on Johnny's body was extinguished, but he didn't lose consciousness. He could still feel the bone-chilling low temperature from the icy armor on his body.

Just when Johnny felt strange, Susan and Ben, two teammates saw that the flame on Johnny's body was finally extinguished, and rushed up quickly.

All they could see was Johnny's expressionless face inside his ice armor, and his motionless eyelids.

Looking at her younger brother who "will not die with peace in his eyes", Susan lost her mind in an instant.

She shouted excitedly at Stark, "Stark, it must be you! What did you do to kill my brother!"

Stark: ...

"Miss Susan, I helped your brother put out the fire just now!"

Only now did Stark know what it meant to be bitten by a dog, and this inexplicable crime was immediately placed on his head!

It's not easy to kill Johnny. Whether it's spending money on the black market, or wearing a steel suit, it won't take much to kill Johnny or just screw Johnny's head off!

Johnny was just a normal guy after all.

This crime, neither for himself nor for Steve, can admit it!

"You helped Johnny put out the fire, you must have acted for us!" Susan, who lost her mind, was even more unreasonable.

Stark: ...

Susan managed to be the first pretty woman Stark hated.

"Susan Stone..." Angelo spoke in time, and relieved Stark, "Do you want to see the integrity of your brother's body?"

"Or, you can see that his clothes are not burning, do you really think he is dead, or do you hope he is already dead?"

As Angelo's words fell, not only Susan looked at Johnny, but everyone present looked at Johnny.

When they saw the undamaged clothes on Johnny's body, everyone was taken aback!

They didn't pay attention just now, but now with An Qiluo's reminder, they finally noticed.

The clothes on Johnny's body were intact, not only that, there was no burn on any skin on Johnny's body.

Could it be that the flame they saw just now was fake, but the high temperature in the factory that has not been completely reduced tells everyone that this is not an illusion.

It is precisely because of this that everyone will find it even more strange!

"This..." Both Susan and Ben looked at Johnny who was frozen in the ice armor in shock, with disbelief on his face.

Angelo shrugged.

"Susan, Ben, Johnny is fine. Instead of caring about Johnny's current state, you two should care about yourself."

An Qiluo pointed at the bodies of the two people full of wickedness.

Originally, he wanted to tell everyone the reason directly, but after seeing Susan's unreasonable appearance, he immediately lost his temper.

In this four-person group, it is really like fish looking for fish, shrimp looking for shrimp, and toad looking for frog.

Not only Reed's character is annoying, but Johnny's shameless logic is also annoying. In the end, even Susan is equally unreasonable when she is emotional.

Hmm... maybe the simple and honest fat man was an exception among the four.

But who told Ben to be their friend? Angelo naturally included Ben in the ranks of the four, so you can only blame yourself for being unlucky.

"Ah!" Susan was reminded by An Qiluo, looked down at her body, and immediately let out a scream!

Because her body is fading away!

Little by little, inch by inch, it started from her arms and spread towards her torso.

Susan was panicked, but she didn't realize that her own body still had feelings, and the so-called disappearance was just a disappearance in the world.

As for Honest Ben, under his gaze, his body was gradually occupied by reddish-brown stones, and spread to the whole body.

Ben also shouted in panic, "What the hell is going on!"

Angelo smiled and said nothing.

After half a minute, Susan had completely disappeared into the air, leaving only a set of clothes floating in the air, which could prove Susan's position.

Ben has also completely turned into a stone man, the surface of his skin is completely covered by stones with rushing cracks, even his face is no exception.

Ben Zheng touched his face with the palm of the stone with a terrified expression.

Angelo waved his hand, "Imorton, let Johnny out."

Imerton didn't say anything else, and instantly lifted the ice armor on Johnny.

As soon as Johnny came out, he panted heavily with a purple face.

The ice armor just now cut off the oxygen and extinguished the flames on Johnny's body. Naturally, he couldn't breathe, and he was almost suffocated in the ice armor!

After finally waiting for Johnny to catch his breath, he also saw Susan's clothes floating in the air and Ben who had completely turned into a stone man...

While Johnny's face was a little shocked, he was actually a little happy!

He didn't say anything, but lowered his head and spread out his palm, silently staring at his palm, thinking silently:

Burn up! Burn up!

Since he was in the ice armor just now, Johnny has been thinking about the changes in his body. He is not self-igniting, and the flames on his body are definitely produced out of thin air.

A word came to his mind.

That solar ion storm!


After all, as Angelo and the people in the church were exposed on the Internet, words such as superpowers, magic, and so on are no longer just fantasies.

But at the time, Johnny was just guessing.

However, when he was released from the ice armor, he saw the invisible Susan and Ben turned into a stone man.

His conjecture is getting closer and closer to reality!

If he had superpowers...


At this time, everyone in the field has also discovered that things are unusual. After all, things like superpowers and mutations are not a rare thing in churches.

At this time, the invisible girl Susan and Shi Renben can already explain many problems.

Stark also looked at the three people in front of him with interest. He remembered what Angelo asked him yesterday, did the group of four encounter any emergencies in outer space?

As the flames reignite, Johnny becomes Pyro again!

The Fantastic Four, here we come!

Well...except for Dr. Reed who is still in a coma...

Johnny felt the temperature of the flame in his palm, his feet gradually rose into the air, and he let out a wild laugh.

"Super power! It's super power!"

"Tony Stark! I now have superpowers! Even if I don't give you the research results, what can you do with me?"

All the people in the field looked at the ecstatic Johnny silently, and did not speak quietly.

Only Steve looked at the silly boy with some concern.

Who gave you courage, boy?

Superpowers... This thing can almost be weighed in the church!

Moreover, there is still an immortal superpower lying in the underground laboratory...

Seeing Angelo smiling and taking out the staff of the beast spirit, Steve felt very bad.

This child is going to be miserable!

"Angelo, wait..."

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