The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 508 An illegitimate child, but not entirely an illegitimate child

Chapter 508 An illegitimate child, but not entirely an illegitimate child

"Angelo, Steve's paternity test has come out, come over and have a look..."

Stark leaned close to Angelo's ear and whispered in a dignified voice.

Angelo turned his head and glanced at Stark, his eyes full of emotions.

When Stark said this, Angelo was neither surprised nor surprised.

Although Angelo hasn't seen the so-called paternity test results yet, he can probably guess it.

The results may not prove that Johnny, Susan and Steve are related by blood.

Otherwise, Stark would not have performed this way.

Needless to say, when Angelo was surprised, Johnny had the chance to collect blood only after Steve completely subdued him.

But not Susan!

When Susan's blood was collected, Susan hadn't awakened her superpowers yet!

Could it be that Susan's genes had already changed before she awakened her superpowers?

Or, Johnny and Susan really have no blood relationship with Steve, they just happen to look exactly the same.

The main reason for this still depends on when the genes of Susan and Johnny mutated.

An Qiluo didn't know about this kind of thing, and the movies of his previous life didn't explain it in detail.

But it's not a big problem, as long as you carefully study the results of the genetic analysis.

An Qiluo handed over the job of interrogating these few people to Hela.

The ruthless Hela and Thor, who just awakened to a new hobby, cooperate with each other. After that, the treatment of the four people is obviously not easy.

Angelo himself and Stark came to a corner of the distant factory.

"Stark, tell me, what's going on?"

Angelo asked Stark.

Stark's face was a little complicated, and he handed over his mobile phone.

"Angelo, Johnny and Susan are not related to Steve in any way."

Although these two people have no blood relationship with Steve, and have no essential relationship with Stark or anyone else, but as friends, Angelo and Stark both understand.

Steve actually wanted to have a home of his own in his heart.

An Qiluo was not discouraged, but calmly looked down at the genetic analysis results on the phone.

The results of the analysis were comprehensive, and even showed what diseases Johnny and Susan might suffer from in the future.

But other than that, it's all a variety of professional terms.

Angelo can't understand...

But fortunately, he doesn't need to be able to understand, there are people who can understand.

Angelo glanced at the three genetic analysis results, and then returned the phone to Stark.

"Stark, I'm done."

There was something complicated on Stark's face.

"Man, what do we do now? Tell Steve the truth or..."

Angelo shook his head slightly.

"Hey! Dude, don't worry, help me find out the difference between Johnny and Susan's genetic analysis."

Now it was Stark's turn to be confused.

"Different places? But aren't all the different places already here?"

Angelo: ...

"Dude, I can't read it! I'm a dropout in high school! Can you show me this?" An Qiluo's face was filled with displeasure.

Stark: ...

"Hahahaha..." Stark couldn't help laughing a few times, but he quickly regained his seriousness, obviously it's not the time to laugh, "Dude, Susan and Johnny's genes, here, here, And here, there are some gaps..."

Angelo watched Stark pointing on the phone screen and frowned.

"Stark, that's not what I'm talking about, um... how should I put it..." Angelo scratched his head, and after thinking for a while, he rephrased, "I mean the genetic comparison between Susan and Johnny , do they look like a bunch of brothers and sisters?"

"Of course, aren't they brothers and sisters?" Stark was a little confused, "Is there any problem?"

An Qiluo immediately regained his spirits!

Any questions?

Big problem!

Susan's blood was collected before she awakened her superpowers! But Johnny's blood was indeed collected after he awakened his superpowers!

Although one after the other, there is not much time in between.

But they are two different states!

Today's test results are brothers and sisters, which proves at least one problem.

That is, the genetic mutation in the group of four did not mutate after awakening their superpowers!

It happened earlier!

It is very likely that when they encountered a solar particle storm in space, they had already mutated.

As for why it took so long for super powers to awaken, it is very likely that super powers will only awaken when they are emotional or in some emergency situations.

After all, isn’t this the same routine in movies and TV shows~

Since the mutation had occurred before the genetic identification, the current paternity identification could not explain any problems.

After all, the genes have already mutated, who knows what the original paternity test results of Johnny and Susan will be!

Angelo roughly explained his thoughts to Stark.

After hearing this, Stark fell into deep thought.

What An Qiluo said is not completely unreasonable. For a paternity test, at least the test specimens must be collected correctly, right?

Otherwise, wouldn't it be an identification of loneliness.

Since what he collected was the mutated gene when he collected it, then this paternity test can't prove anything at all.

But now a new problem has emerged.

That's where to get Johnny and Susan's unmutated genes.

There are two ways.

The first way is to find the original genes of the two people before going into space, and then compare them with Steve's genes for personal identification.

As for why Steve didn't have to find his genetic samples before he was injected with super soldier serum...

Before Steve was injected with the super soldier serum, not to mention the possibility of leaving an illegitimate child, he didn't even have a woman's edge, and he didn't even have a woman's reason to talk to the short and thin Steve...

This method obviously doesn't work!

Because before recovering the space capsule, Stark had collected and searched for the genetic samples of Johnny and Susan, but for various reasons, he did not find them.

Otherwise, there is no need to wait for the recovery of the space capsule and the return of Reed, the white-eyed wolf, before conducting gene collection.

If there were genetic samples, Stark would have conducted a paternity test long ago!

There is a second way.

That is to find a way to restore the genetic samples of Johnny and Susan to before the mutation.

In other words, it is correct to use original genetic samples for paternity testing before they went into space.

But in this way, the super powers of Johnny and Susan may disappear, and the two may not be willing.

Moreover, even without talking about the consequences of the disappearance of super powers, this kind of genetic technology does not exist for the time being. Up to now, the genetic technology on the earth is still only at the most basic level of cloning.

Not even gene editing!

So far, the blood god gauntlet with gene editing ability seized from Lance's old vampire's lair is still thrown in the basement as a display?

However, this seemingly impossible path is so far the only way to obtain the original genes of Johnny and Susan.

The current method is to activate the banknote ability.

Not just the super power of Stark alone, but also the super power of the four groups of Angelo, Rand Group, and Osborne Group.

Angelo doesn't mind using the influence of the Avengers if necessary.

Stark and Angelo discussed countermeasures in a corner of the factory in a low voice.

Is it worth it to go to such great lengths just for a sample of Johnny and Susan's native genes?

If Johnny and Susan are just the identity of the white-eyed wolf four, even if the white-eyed wolf four becomes the Fantastic Four, Angelo and Stark will definitely not be like this.

But if Johnny and Susan's identity is added to the identity of the suspected illegitimate son of Steve, the two people will be different.

Steve is their friend, and Steve's biggest wish is to have a normal family and enjoy the life he missed in the glacier.

As friends, to help Steve realize his's worth it!

Angelo and Stark quickly discussed the countermeasures.

Super power, it's very simple to activate...

Angelo and Stark returned to the crowd.

At this moment, Thor was removing his feet from Reed's buttocks, with a look of relief on his face.

Only Reed, still twitching, was left lying on the ground.

Except for Thor, everyone else turned their heads to look at Angelo and Stark.

Just now that An Qiluo was called away by Stark, everyone had already entertained some guesses in their hearts.

It is very likely that the results of the paternity test came out. After all, almost all the people in the church were dispatched today just to watch the scene where Steve recognized his son.


Angelo coughed twice, drawing everyone's attention to himself.

"The paternity test results are out."

When An Qiluo said these words, although everyone present had guessed in their hearts, the whole scene remained silent.

Angelo's eyes swept over the faces of Susan, Johnny and Steve one by one.

Susan and Johnny had complicated expressions on their faces, maybe they themselves couldn't figure out what mood they were in now.

look forward to? perturbed? Or resist.

Possibly both, and even more complicated.

After all, they all grew up listening to the stories of Captain America. Who wouldn't want to have a superhero dad when they were young?

What's more, if Steve is really their biological father, and Steve is obviously friends with the demon Angelo, then it's not easy for the demon Angelo to continue torturing his friend's child.

But at the same time, Susan and Johnny didn't want Steve to be their biological father. After all, they were brought up by the Stones, and they didn't make any difference between them and their biological parents. .

But no matter what the result of the paternity test is, the determined result will not change in any way because of their psychological changes.

When Angelo's eyes fell on Steve's face, the emotion Angelo saw on Steve's face was much simpler.

There is only hope.

Steve hoped that the results of the paternity test would prove that the two children were his own.

Although the two rebellious sons are both problem children, to Steve, having two rebellious sons is better than being alone!

Seeing Steve's expectant eyes, Angelo shook his head secretly.

It seems that today may disappoint Steve.

"Okay, I won't be a fool!" Angelo shook his phone at the crowd, "The paternity test shows that so far, Johnny and Susan have no blood relationship with Steve..."

Following An Qiluo's words, the field fell silent again.

Angelo could clearly sense that both Johnny and Susan sighed in disappointment, while Steve bowed his head in disappointment.

"...However, the current paternity test results do not represent the final results, because the samples we collected from Susan and Johnny are not their native genetic samples..."

Angelo re-tells everyone the theory he just discussed with Stark.

Although Steve didn't understand genes, mutations, these things, he believed that Angelo would not lie to him, so his heart was full of hope again.

As for Johnny and Susan, even if these two people are not scientists, they often hang out with scientists.

Therefore, regarding the genetic mutation that An Qiluo said, and the fact that the paternity test at this time is invalid, I can still understand it!

But it was precisely because of this that the mentality that they had just calmed down once made waves...

To put it simply, An Qiluo's words messed with their mentality...

It's like the weird chop at noon at the mouth of the vegetable market. The cut to the neck hurts, but it's just a pain.

On the contrary, it is the most tormenting state of mind while waiting, especially when the executioner's beheading sword is hanging above the head, and it is the most disturbing state of mind when it has not fallen for a long time...

Now Susan and Johnny's hearts are similar...

However, when George proposed that the "money ability" will be activated next to find a way to restore the gene to its original state, Johnny was completely stunned.

"An Qiluo! What do you mean! Do you want to lock us all up? Until you find a way to restore the genes? Or do you want to wipe out all the superpowers in us!"

No wonder Johnny couldn't hold his breath, even Susan frowned and looked at Angelo.

Hmm... Maybe, if Dr. Reed was still awake, he probably had the same reaction.

Among the four people, except for Ben, these three people can control their superpowers freely, and they are actually not very disgusted with their own superpowers.

After all, ever since Tony Stark became Iron Man, the world has become a riot of demons.

Magic, abilities, superpowers, transforming people, strengthening people emerge in endlessly...

Obtaining superpowers can allow them to live better in this world, and even the path they can choose in the future is not limited to scientific research.

Who doesn't have a dream of becoming a superhero?

On the contrary, the old stone man, his eyes lit up when he heard that An Qiluo was willing to mention the news that they were looking for a way to restore their genetic status.

Angelo was astonished when he heard Johnny's question.

"How could I be that kind of person! It's just to cooperate with Stark Group's scientific research, and it's written in the contract, but..." An Qiluo twitched his lips, "Did I ask your opinion just now?"

"Thor, kick him!"

"Okay~" Thor grinned ferociously, and lightning flashed on his feet again...

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