The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 512: Here Comes Jia Ying!

Chapter 512: Here Comes Jia Ying!

The Prophet and that teleporting weirdo!

Angelo recognized the two at a glance.

Of course, the two also recognized Angelo.

When they saw An Qiluo's eyes sweeping over, they couldn't help shrinking their necks.

They're in the "afterlife" of the Inhumans, and they really don't have contact with the outside world.

But that doesn't mean they're stupid!

Coming out of the "afterlife" and logging onto the Internet, they found Angelo's information, and naturally saw Angelo's "feat" of beating the Hulk Hulk on the top of the Empire State Building.

After the prophet watched the video, he analyzed the fighting power of the Hulk and Angelo.

They all understood the same thing.

That was the person An Qiluo didn't attack in the Inhuman Temple, and he was the scariest person among the group of people at that time.

If An Qiluo had made a move at that time, they wouldn't even have a chance to teleport away! When the other party swung down his staff, he died immediately and couldn't die any more.

Not to mention, according to netizens on Fuckbook, An Qiluo is actually a mage...

He still has the ability of a mage, and the main attack method of a mage is naturally spells.

Adding spells, their entire "afterlife" tied together might not be able to beat Angelo...

Therefore, Jia Ying did not bring Lincoln with her when she came to Hell's Kitchen this time. Lincoln only has outstanding combat ability, and has no other strengths other than that.

She only brought two people, the Prophet and the Teleporter.

The Prophet can predict before An Qiluo is about to attack them, and the teleporter can use this time difference to take them away.

Jia Ying dared to come to the church to "negotiate" with Angelo only after her safety was ensured and she had a perfect plan.

Jia Ying and a group of alien races had a good plan.

In theory, there is nothing wrong with their plan.

But the problem lies in their so-called information channels. Among the information that can be found on the Internet, there is no mention that Angelo's church is also weird!

Not to mention that these melon-eating netizens on the Internet don't know, even the major intelligence agencies on the planet don't know.

The church is Angelo's domain!

All supernatural powers can only be displayed normally with An Qiluo's permission here.

The so-called superpowers of the Inhumans are no exception, and God's Domain's suppression of supernatural powers comes from the level of rules.

Therefore, the moment Jia Ying brought the prophet and the teleporter into the church, the so-called superpowers of the Inhuman race in them were suppressed in their bodies by the rules of God's Domain.

It doesn't disappear, but is suppressed in the body, it can only affect one's own body, and it will be invalid if it leaves the body.

Jia Ying can still maintain immortality, but she is not immortal.

A prophet can only predict his own physical condition.

The teleporter is simply useless, and can only teleport in place...

Jia Ying and the other three Inhumans naturally also noticed this, and secretly thought it was bad.

They wanted to turn around and leave the church, but at this moment, the eyes of everyone in the church had already looked over.

Leaving at this time undoubtedly showed that the identities of the others were different.

Therefore, as the leader, Jia Ying could only bite the bullet and say.

"Hello, is Father Angelo here?" Jia Ying scanned the church hall, "If not, we'll leave first and come back later."

After all, Jia Ying was about to turn around and leave the church.

"Wait!" An Qiluo said suddenly, "I am An Qiluo, what do you want me for?"

Jia Ying, the prophet and the teleporter turned their heads stiffly and looked at An Qiluo.

With a forced smile on his face, "Father Angelo, we came to you for confession. We heard your name. If you are inconvenient now, we can come back another day."

An Qiluo hugged his shoulders and looked at the three of them with interest, the corner of his mouth couldn't help a smile.

Not only Angelo laughed, but also other people in the church, and even the group of four who squatted on the ground and "thought hard" about the chicken and rabbit cage problem laughed.

Ask Angelo, the priest, to confess?


Can you find a better excuse? I'm afraid this excuse can't even fool little Jiali!

You are definitely here to seek death!

Who doesn't know that the priest An Qiluo is not a serious priest at all?

Not to mention the confessional, even the church was almost turned into a restaurant by him!

The Inhuman trio also wanted to cry, and they didn't want to use such a lame excuse!

In fact, before they came, they were not prepared to make excuses at all. Not only that, they also came aggressively.

Although they can't beat An Qiluo, they can run away!

This is the basis for their negotiations.

But what they didn't expect was that one wrong step, from the moment they stepped into the church, things went beyond their original expectations.

"It's convenient for me, don't you want to repent? Let's start! Do something bad and bring it on quickly."

Angelo pulled a stool from the side without changing the place, and sat directly in front of the church door, in front of the three of them.

Jia Ying: ...

Prophet: ...

Teleporter: ...


Confession a wool!

Simply, An Qiluo also knew their true identities. Although he had never met Jia Ying, he was an old acquaintance with the Prophet and the Teleporter.

Angelo didn't bother to act with them anymore, the group of four was still "thinking hard".

"Okay, tell me, what's your name?" Angelo looked at Jia Ying, who was the leader. "I know both of the latter two, one can teleport, the other can prophesy, they are both from the Inhuman Race, you are also from the Inhuman Race, right?"

The veins on Jia Ying's forehead twitched, she was not used to being condescending in such a conversation.

But there is no way now, the situation is stronger than others, they really can't beat An Qiluo, and they can't escape...

"Jia Ying!"

After Jia Ying was silent for a moment, she spoke.

When Jia Ying said her name, there was a moment of silence in the hall of the church.

Immediately fell into a strange atmosphere.

Everyone looked at Jia Ying with strange eyes, and then the strange eyes shifted to Skye, and finally to An Qiluo.

Repeatedly, everyone's eyes seemed to say something, but they didn't seem to say anything.

Since Mr. Hyde was "forced" to join the church's research team for the sake of his daughter and making money to treat his mental illness, everyone in the church also learned about this man's story.

Skye's biological father, a miserable man, spent the first half of his life avenging his wife and daughter.


Now my daughter has found...

Jia Ying...

Isn't this the dead wife Mr. Hyde was talking about?

The daughter is not dead, and neither is the wife.

So Mr. Hyde's so-called revenge in the first half of his life...recovered his loneliness?

Also, if this Jia Ying is really that Jia Ying, that is to say, this woman is Skye's biological mother.

Apart from Angelo himself, everyone else knew Skye's attitude towards Angelo.

Although no one will get involved in the fight between the two women, Skye and Hela, in a sense, is Jia Ying Angelo's mother-in-law?

Talking to the mother-in-law like this... Everyone still couldn't help but gasp in their hearts.

Skye also froze in place.

Mr. Hyde is also her own father, and he also told her that her mother's name is Jiaying...Jiaying...Jiaying...

This woman is his biological mother? But according to what Mr. Hyde and Dr. Whitehall said, wasn't his biological mother already killed by Whitehall?

Even the ability to live forever was transferred to him by Dr. Whitehall.

Skye didn't know how he should feel now.

Should he be thankful that his biological mother is not dead, or should he blame his biological mother for neglecting him for so many years, but the most important thing now is to go to the laboratory, find Mr. Hyde, and confirm the identity of the woman in front of him.

Is she really her own mother...

An Qiluo was also numb from everyone's almost simultaneous strange eyes. Of course, even if there were no strange eyes from everyone, An Qiluo still felt a little tingling.

It is impossible for him to be so forgetful after dealing with Mr. Hyde for a few days.

This woman is Skye's real mother?

An Qiluo suddenly had a headache. He originally planned to kill the three people if they were useless after asking for information.

After all, in the Inhuman Temple at that time, the prophet, the teleporter, and the young man who could discharge electricity, shot himself and others at the slightest disagreement.

But now if this woman were Skye's own mother, it would not be appropriate to do so.

Who would kill a friend's mother...

Angelo turned his head and glanced at Skye, and Skye also happened to look at Angelo at this time.

In an instant, Angelo and Skye understood what the other was thinking.

Angelo nodded to Skye.


Skye also nodded, got up and walked towards the underground laboratory.

Looking at Skye's back, Jia Ying couldn't help frowning.

Is this girl the one that the prophet said would affect the life and death of the Inhumans?

But why, she will give a very special feeling.

Wait until Skye turns to go to the underground laboratory.

Angelo also has new moves.

He got up and found a table to sit down casually, then pointed to the seat opposite him, and said to Jia Ying, "Come and sit here. Don't stand."

The three Inhumans looked at each other in surprise.

Once again, things went beyond their expectations.

Why did Angelo's attitude change so much after he asked Jia Ying's leader's name?

Could it be that he knew leader Jia Ying?

But it shouldn't be. In their impression, since Leader Jia Ying founded "Afterlife", he almost rarely leaves the village, let alone New York, which is far away on the other side of the ocean.

At this time, the prophet's ability was suppressed again, and there was no way to predict.

But no matter what An Qiluo asked them to do now, as long as they didn't want to die, they couldn't refuse.

Besides, letting them sit down and talk is not something unacceptable...

The three Inhumans could only bite the bullet and walk to the dining table where An Qiluo was.

When the prophet and teleporter were about to sit down, Angelo gave them a sideways glance.

"Are you allowed to sit? You two are the same as them over there, go squat and do the questions together!"

Angelo looked at Jia Ying again, "Ms. Jia Ying, please sit down."

Seeing Skye's face for a while, An Qiluo would not kill the three of them, and even be a little more polite to Jia Ying, but that didn't mean that An Qiluo didn't hold grudges.

Prophets and teleporters have nothing to do with Skye!

Prophet: ...

Teleporter: ...

Then we go?

Group of four: O(∩_∩)O!

Finally someone came to accompany us again!

Jia Ying frowned, she couldn't figure out what the hell An Qiluo was going to do.

But now these three Inhumans have no room to negotiate conditions at all, Jia Ying can only nod to the prophet and the teleporter, and said softly, "Go..."

If you can't do it now, it's better not to do it as much as possible.

When they make a move, they don't even have the strength to resist...

The prophet and the teleporter could only walk to the group of four in desperation, squat down, and ended up with a math problem in the hands of the group of four.

And the group of four is very enthusiastic about this pair of suffering brothers and sisters who have encountered themselves and others.

Not only did he take the initiative to tell them the correct answer, he also told them Angelo's rules.

After the prophet and the teleporter knew about Angelo's so-called rules, they looked aggrieved.

This priest Angelo must be suffering from some serious illness!

Let people do the questions, don't want the correct answer, but the wrong answer?

What the hell is this!

However, the two of them only dared to whisper BB in their hearts. They would never dare to say this out loud!

There is no such thing as looking for death. An Qiluo has no intention of killing them for the time being, so let's be more honest.


However, compared with the resentment on the faces of the prophet and the teleporter, the atmosphere on Angelo's side is much weirder.

An Qiluo and Jia Ying sat at opposite ends of the table facing each other.

No one spoke.

Angelo didn't know what to say. Now Jia Ying's identity has changed, from a simple alien to Skye's real mother.

This change of identity made An Qiluo not know how to address her and what attitude to take towards Jia Ying.


It seems inappropriate, the atmosphere is here now, and Jia Ying's identity has not been confirmed.

But just call her name Jia Ying?

It doesn't seem appropriate, how can anyone directly call a friend's mother by her first name...

As for Jia Ying's reticence, it was entirely because she couldn't figure out what the hell An Qiluo was up to.

Based on the principle of saying too much and making mistakes, Jia Ying waited for An Qiluo to take the initiative to speak.

Angelo: ...

Jia Ying: ...

Angelo: ...

Jia Ying: ...

Everyone in the hall: ...


In the end, An Qiluo couldn't bear this awkward atmosphere, and spoke up on his own initiative.

"That... I heard that you are from the 'afterlife', where is the 'afterlife'?"

Jia Ying frowned. The purpose of her establishment of "Afterlife" was to provide a safe haven for those Inhumans who were persecuted by the world. Before "Afterlife", she had never set foot in the outside world. It just doesn't bring people out of the 'afterlife' into Hell's Kitchen.

She wanted to refuse to answer Angelo's question, but she was worried that Angelo would become angry.

He could only answer vaguely, "The 'afterlife' is in the deep mountains of Huaguo on the other side of the ocean."

An Qiluo nodded, he himself didn't particularly care about this question, he just found some topics to ease the embarrassment.

Just when An Qiluo was about to continue looking for something to talk about, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the main side of the underground laboratory.

"Jia Ying is here? Jia Ying is still alive? Let me be healthy..."

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