The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 534: Chapter 533 Wanda and Pietro

Chapter 534: Chapter 533 Wanda and Pietro

During this month, the Avengers Academy also opened its doors.

Completely bid farewell to the previous mode of supplementary classes or small workshops.

In addition to Skye and Little Spider who are studying in the academy, the Avengers Academy has also begun to recruit students from the outside world.

Angelo doesn't need to worry about these things. As the actual operation officer of the Avengers, Pepper has already considered all the matters in place, and has recruited managers of various departments for the school early on.

The enrollment of the school is divided into two parts: online and offline.

Online, through the email contact information left on the official website of the Avengers, select qualified candidates from among the many resumes, and then send out invitations, reimburse travel expenses, and conduct interviews.

But because there are too many people who sent their resumes through the mailbox, even after the Avengers announced their mailboxes, they were overwhelmed by countless emails.

Fortunately, Jarvis and Friday are here.

Under the leadership of Jarvis, the two artificial intelligences began to screen the resumes in the mailbox.

As for the filter criteria...

The first condition, of course, is that the resume has already actively written the talents with superpowers. This is the basis for admission to other colleges of the superpower department. If you don’t even have superpowers, why come here.

The Department of Science, on the other hand, is based on the consensus of many scientists, and finally gave a screening criterion, sorted by IQ, and selected the best for admission.

After all, the expected standard of the science department is that all students can be turned into high-tech fighters like Tony Stark.

Although it is not possible to train all the students to be scientific geeks like Tony Stark, at least they must have the ability to independently develop high technology.

Now the resumes received in the mailbox of the Avengers Academy have already piled up like a mountain. It is no exaggeration to say that the current Avengers Academy holds the most information on ordinary people and superpowers in the world.

As long as it is sorted out a little, the Avengers will collect countless supernatural information, even specific to the names and appearances of superpowers mastered in various countries.

There is also the strengthening department. Norman Osborn and Steve are the most vocal. Both of them are people who have been strengthened by pure medicine to obtain abilities beyond normal human beings.

There is only one condition for the two people to screen for the strengthening system-that is, the xinxing must pass the test.

After all, both of them have experienced that kind of test of heart, good people will become better, and bad people will become worse.

The courses in the strengthening department are mainly about the control of one's own mind and fighting skills.

The last thing is which kind of potion is suitable. After all, such things as combat power can be fully compensated by strengthening potions.

With so many materials of superpowers in hand, it is too easy for the Avengers Academy to find people who meet the admission criteria. Even if it is a tall one, it can reach thousands of people.

Besides, it's not really tall.

Some wild superpowers, their superpowers are really terrifying!

There were even a few superpowers whose terrifying degree even alarmed An Qiluo.

I am afraid that even the SHIELD system may not be able to grasp such detailed information. After all, there are more than 7 billion people in the world, and it is completely impossible to completely find out the hidden superpowers among the more than 7 billion people. One possible thing.

The population base is too large.

Of course, what the Avengers have also obtained is not all information about superpowers.

There are also some superpowers who want to hide themselves and the information of some superpowers held by governments of various countries, which did not appear in the mailbox of the Avengers Academy.

Of course, although these two departments have stricter admission requirements, they still have standard screening criteria after all.

But in the last magic department, the selection criteria seemed to be more fantasy.

There are no selection criteria at all, only one sentence, if you think you have magical talent, you can go offline to the Avengers Academy for a test.

Of course, at your own expense.

Both the science department and the superpower department will reimburse the round trip expenses, but only the magic department will not reimburse the travel expenses.

This is not to say that the magic department was born by a stepmother and is not welcome.

It's because magic talent is not as obvious or has a corresponding detection method as superpowers and IQ.

There is only one way, and that is to pass a magic test of the mages. Even the supreme mage Gu Yi can't tell what specific characteristics it will have.

Just like Dr. Strange, before entering Karma Taj, he was just a surgeon. Who can see that Dr. Strange can actually become the successor of the ancient one?

The magic department is the most valued by the Avengers and Angelo, and even Angelo offers the students who can be selected for the magic department, in addition to food and housing, a treatment that is close to that of an executive of a listed company. Certain real money!

It can be called the best paid department in the Avengers Academy!

Because as long as there is magic talent, whether it is in terms of logistics support or frontal combat, compared with superpowers and science departments with single functions, magicians can be called all-rounders.

In particular, learning the portal magic from Kama Taj has become a compulsory course in the magic department, and it is the talent that the Avengers urgently need now.

Because the magic department’s detection of the Avengers will not reimburse the round-trip travel expenses, so in the past month, most of the people who have come to the Avengers offline are near New York, and the farthest is only from the border of the beautiful country. small town.

If it weren't for my own full confidence, no one would travel across the ocean to Hell's Kitchen. If after testing, there is no magic talent, the Avengers will not reimburse the travel expenses!

In addition, there are people from all over the world sent for testing. For the country as a unit, it is just a mere toll, a small problem.

The staff of the Avengers Alliance strictly followed the relevant regulations of the Avengers Alliance, and all arranged for testing.

After all, the nature that An Qiluo set for the Avengers is a global organization, not a subordinate force of a certain country or a certain force.

But unfortunately, none of the people who came here for the test were found to have any magical talent.

In short, a bunch of Muggles.

But among those wild offline testers, Angelo and Ancient One were pleasantly surprised.

Among these New York local inspectors, after all, a few children with magical talents were found.

Although it is not a top-level talent, it is enough to cross the threshold for ordinary people to become magicians.

Wanting to enroll students in the magic department is not something that can be rushed.

A month passed quickly.

Angelo originally thought that the harvest before the expeditionary force set off was limited to this.

But what Angelo didn't expect was that before the final expeditionary force assembled and set off, two people completely unexpected appeared in the admission list of the Avengers Academy!

Wanda Django Maximoff! Entrance student of magic department.

Pietro Peter Maximov! A student of the super energy department.

When An Qiluo was looking at the latest admission list of the Avengers Academy as usual, he suddenly saw these two names on the list!

Wanda and Pietro!

When An Qiluo saw these two names, even he couldn't help being stunned.

Of course he has heard of the names of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

The siblings are born with terrifying supernatural powers.

The Scarlet Witch, Wanda Django Maximoff, was born with chaos magic—this kind of magic is also called reality magic, and as the name suggests, it is to modify reality!

At the same time, it also has the superpower of modifying the probability.

When Wanda's super power is combined with the magic she has mastered in reality, a chemical reaction of 1+1=2 will be produced!

It can directly modify the results of reality through the extremely small or even almost impossible probability of occurrence!

Even if mastered to a high level, Wanda can even be comparable to some great gods at the level of a single universe!

It can even be said that it is not weaker than the current Angelo.

After all, besides fighting, Angelo's only ability to affect reality or the rules of the universe is the ability to resurrect the undead.

But Wanda is different. After combining her superpower with chaos magic, she can affect all the rules of the universe!

As long as there is a slight possibility that cannot be any weaker, Wanda can change this probability to 100%, and finally become a fact that has already happened.

Almost a bug!

Of course, all the above mentioned are just Wanda's potential, not Wanda's current strength. Now Wanda's strength is still far from that level!

As for Quicksilver...

Wanda's younger brother, only has super powers, and the super power is super high speed.

It sounds simple, but in fact, the simpler the ability, the more bugs!

Pietro, like his sister, is almost a bug.

You know, his super high speed is not only the speed of movement, but also super high speed in all aspects, the speed of brain operation, the speed of body recovery...

This ability comes close to approaching time.

When he moves at super speed, time is almost completely stagnant, and even if he can go faster, it is not impossible to travel through time!

When An Qiluo made a movie in his previous life, he saw that Pietro would be killed by a bullet, and An Qiluo felt that his IQ was insulted...

These two siblings are as buggy as infinite gems.

One can modify reality, and its ability is even comparable to the reality gem.

When moving at a super high speed, it can almost stop time except itself, comparable to a time gem.

These two people can pass the test of the Avengers Academy of Magic, which is not what An Qiluo expected.

If even Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver can't pass the academy test, I'm afraid the Avengers can directly recruit multiverse-level powerhouses like Galactus into the academy...

But now that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver appeared in Hell's Kitchen, Angelo was a little unexpected.

According to his memory, the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver at this stage should be in the hands of Hydra.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to let the Avengers let go of such two great powers.

Therefore, the first task released by the Avengers - to clear the Hydra.

In addition to giving Hydra's intelligence and stronghold location and key personnel information, Angelo also specially released a side mission to bring back all the experimental subjects captured by Hydra.

But I didn't expect that there was no way out, and there was another village.

So easy, Wanda and Pietro showed up in Hell's Kitchen by themselves.

An Qiluo looked at the test report, which said SSS+ in the column about the talents of the two people.

After contemplating for a moment, An Qiluo took out his cell phone and called Imerton.

"Imorton, did two talented SSS+ kids get admitted today?"

"Yes! Boss!" Imerton said respectfully on the other side of the phone, full of praise for Wanda and Pietro, "You are talking about Wanda and Pietro, right? SSS+ is written in the talent column because The upper limit of talent level we set before is SSS+, but this is not the upper limit of their talent..."

He is now equipped with a telephone. After all, the Avengers Academy has officially opened. As the principal and head of the magic department, Imerton is usually busy with a lot of things.

"Well, I see. Are these two children in Hell's Kitchen now? If so, bring them to see me. I plan to have a chat with them."

"Yes, boss, they are in Hell's Kitchen now, and they have already moved into the school's apartment. I will take the two of them to see you later!"

Emerton fully agreed.

Even the remaining students who came to test their magical talents were ignored.

Testing magic talents can be done by other Karma Taj mages, but now it is related to the future of the two children!

Imerton has been in modern society for a while, and he has naturally figured out the rules of modern society.

His boss, An Qiluo, can be said to be the top group of people on the planet.

After becoming the dean of the Avengers Alliance Academy, Imerton found his own career. He regarded all the children who could enter the academy through various screenings as his own children.

Although he is no different from normal people in all aspects, there is only one thing that he cannot violate the laws of nature. He is an undead creature and cannot give birth to his own child with Diana.

Therefore, he poured all his feelings for his children into these children.

If Wanda and Kuaiyin, two gifted children, can gain the attention of their boss at the same time, the beginning of this life will be Wang Bo!

It has to be said that Imerton has now completely brought himself into the role of a father.

The future of the "children" was considered early on.

Imerton came to the college dormitory and found the two children.

When Wanda's and Kuaiyin heard Dean Imerton say that Father Angelo wanted to see them, surprise flashed across their faces, and then nervously agreed.

Imerton didn't think too much about it, he just thought that the two children were excited and nervous because they were going to see the priest of hell soon.

But what he didn't know was that Wanda and Kuaiyin were nervous but not this. Their original plan was to kill An Qiluo to "revenge" their parents after they learned their skills in the academy.

At this time, An Qiluo, the "enemy", suddenly asked to see them, so it was hard not to be nervous.

And Imerton thought that Angelo wanted to meet Wanda and Kuaiyin only because of their high talents.

After all, geniuses are treated favorably wherever they are.

But in fact, An Qiluo wanted to see their siblings, but he was more interested in the story behind them, and wanted to see where the deviation from the original plot came from.

Angelo, Imerton, and Wanda siblings.

There are three groups of people, only Dean Imerton is kept in the dark...

When Angelo saw Imogen coming in through the church gate with a pair of siblings, Angelo raised his eyebrows with interest.

After the Wanda siblings sat down opposite him, An Qiluo asked suspiciously.

"Wanda, Pietro, you want to kill me?"

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