The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 543 Battle with the Vatican!

Chapter 543 Battle with the Vatican!

After Angelo summoned the spaces.

Representatives from various countries present and people who could see this place in the camps of various countries were all amazed at this giant space gate that covered the sky and the sun!

However, it is at this moment that everyone is looking forward to.

Suddenly, an ethereal hymn came from the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone looked back.

All I saw was a bit of dazzling holy light shining from the sky.

In the holy light, a group of ascetic monks in tattered robes came from a distance under the leadership of a man in gorgeous robes.

The headed man in gorgeous robes is the Pope of the Vatican.

The Pope in the Vatican...

The seemingly unintentional appearance of the Vatican, however, eliminated the power of Angelo's just summoned giant portal.

It's hard to say that the Vatican didn't do it on purpose.

Angelo naturally also saw the "grand debut" of the Vatican.

Tsk tsk, good guy, the appearance of this group of guys is really grand!

Sure enough, there is something real about this group of magic sticks who rely on fooling people to survive!

However, it was his mental strength that went before Angelo's sight.

Angelo's mental power keenly sensed a different aura from a person from the Vatican.

This white light of rumors... seems to be not completely empty!

There is still something!

Because Angelo not only sensed the breath of magic from this piece of holy light, but also a breath of ears that he had felt from Odin, Hela, and Thor.

It's divine power!

That's right, it's divine power, not divinity!

Divinity and divinity are not the same thing. Compared with the rare divinity, Angelo has only seen it in Lady Death.

But the divine power is different. The gods of Asgard such as Odin, Hela, and Thor also have similar powers. Even Sithorn, a worker who just joined the Avengers, can feel the divine power. breath.

The nature of various divine powers is different, and the divine powers of Thor and Odin are more like the breath of lightning.

Divine power is more like the promotion of power like magic power.

The divine power that Angelo feels from these ascetic monks in the Vatican is a kind of very warm feeling at first, but if you feel it in detail, it will make people feel full of endless bursting and scorching heat.

The face project is really good.

Angelo somewhat understands why the Holy See has been passed down from ancient times to the present.

However, Angelo didn't care about the mighty and menacing Holy See.

Although the aura of holy light on these ascetic monks is extremely strong to ordinary people, it is to Angelo who has even faced Lady Death directly.

That's it.


Angelo thought about it, he felt that he could not lose his momentum from the front

So using the connection between himself and the summoned creatures, Angelo summoned all the summoned creatures he brought to the African prairie.

Just now, in order to avoid the huge skeletal dragon and the two steel stone demons from causing riots in the various countries' garrisons, Angelo simply left those summoned creatures in the command center.

Anyway, I don't need the protection of other people, and these summoned creatures are basically just used to support the scene.

After An Qiluo gave the order, he was not in a hurry, and just waited for these ascetic monks from the Vatican to come here.

The head Pope also looked at Angelo from the air, the eyes of the two collided together, and sparks bloomed.

The Pope couldn't help but snorted in his heart, pretend, pretend!

See how long you can hold it!

This time we Vatican paid such a big price and sacrificed so many ascetics to call God.

Don't wait until you're about to die before you know how to beg for mercy!

The Pope and other members of the Vatican rushed to the African savannah early, and have been hiding next to the stations of nearby countries.

Of course, it is said to be hiding, but it is actually waiting for An Qiluo to arrive!

At the same time, he was waiting for Angelo to make a move.

The pope endured his heartache, and now he has made a decision.

He decided to give An Qiluo some color today, and even if he couldn't kill him, he had to teach him a lesson he would never forget.

At the same time, take this opportunity to revive the prestige of the Holy See, so that one day in the future the flag of the Crusaders can fly over the earth again!

As a result, after Angelo finally arrived, what the Pope and the archbishops of the Holy See did not expect was that Angelo did not look for them at all, but directly opened a space door that almost blocked the sky.

Seeing that the turmoil caused by the space gate is getting bigger and bigger, there is even a tendency to push An Qiluo's power to a higher level.

Now the pope and the archbishops in red couldn't sit still. After a very short discussion, the pope and the archbishops finally decided to start the ceremony immediately!

An Qiluo's power must be contained, and there will be a fight soon. If Angelo's power is allowed to snowball to the extreme, the battle between the two sides may become more difficult in the end.

After all, according to common sense, the factors that finally determine the battle will inevitably have some imposing reasons.

It's a pity that neither the Pope nor the cardinals in the Vatican could have imagined that Angelo, the priest of hell, could be guessed with common sense?

Such fancy things as imposing manner are of no use to An Qiluo at all!

Unfortunately, the Pope does not know.

He is still presiding over the ceremony now, and a group of ascetic monks and he can walk in the void, which is because of the sacrificial ceremony.

Although the sacrificial ceremony cannot be stopped once it starts, the speed of the sacrificial ceremony can be controlled.

The pope has now controlled the speed of the sacrificial ceremony to the slowest, trying to bring psychological pressure to Angelo in this way.


In the command center, all Angelo's summoned creatures also received Angelo's summoning command at the same time.

These summoned creatures, such as the two steel stone goblins and the little bone who can't speak, left the command center directly by taking steps or spreading their wings.

The summoned creatures like Imerton and the Winter Soldier, who were originally resurrected human beings, told the others about the general situation before leaving the finger center.

Others in the church also learned what happened through their mouths.

Angelo now summoned the space door, and now people from the Vatican came to the door.

The people in the church also glanced at each other, and followed them collectively.


When everyone followed one of Angelo's summoned creatures to find Angelo.

The first thing I saw was the huge space door behind An Qiluo. Standing close and looking at it, the whole space door seemed to be like a blue giant blade that split the sky in two.

Inside the space door, there is a blue light curtain, and it is impossible to see what is in it.

Then, the second thing I noticed was the Vatican Holy See and others walking slowly from the distant sky under the envelope of holy light.

"Hey! Stark, why are you here?"

After An Qiluo joined his summoned creature, he naturally saw Tony Stark and others following him.

"Angelo! We are friends!"

Tony Stark said with some displeasure. "Besides, I don't believe in a real God!"

Angelo shrugged.

He knew that the reason Tony Stark said was completely nonsense, it was just an excuse to face the enemy with him!

If you don’t believe in the existence of God, then what about God King Odin who has not only appeared in the church once, and even Thor and Hela who are standing not far behind you now?

Angelo knew that now was not the time to argue with Tony Stark, anyway, he would be able to solve this so-called God alone in a while.

The big deal is to let Tony Stark and the others watch from the sidelines.

For the people in the church to "support", although Angelo didn't think there was anything, he even felt a little dumbfounded.

But in the eyes of others, especially the Pope, it is different...

Just the arrival of An Qiluo's bone dragon and those two huge "mechas" completely wiped out the aura that the Holy See had just accumulated.

After all, no matter when, a big body will always look more imposing and oppressive.

As for Tony Stark, Ancient One Mage, and other current Avengers who also followed.

The large number of people and the strange ways of traveling have even wiped out the only advantage of the Holy See in terms of numbers, and even have a disadvantage in terms of momentum...

Not only the people present and the representatives of various countries are paying attention to this battle, the military bases of various countries, as well as the headquarters of each country, are paying attention to the picture here in various ways.

The white light all over the sky on the African prairie and the huge blue space gate can be seen even with satellites with less precision!

Of course, the first point of attention of these people must be Angelo's side.

Although An Qiluo didn't care about the bells and whistles of momentum, he had to admit that Angelo's side won the battle in terms of momentum!

The Pope saw Angelo stepping on a huge bone dragon, and there were two huge "mechas" standing under him, and he was also aware of this problem.

He seemed to be able to feel the clown-like eyes cast on him from all directions on the African savannah.

Of course, this was an illusion created in the pope's mind.

At least until the battle between the Holy See and Angelo is decided, no country or individual dares to provoke the Holy See at this time.

After all, the sky full of white light and ethereal chants do look bluffing, very programmatic.

No one knows what these things do.

However, the Pope has nothing to do now, the Holy See has exhausted its current means, and if it can't overwhelm Angelo's side in terms of momentum, it can't overwhelm it!

In order to avoid further embarrassment, the pope had no choice but to speed up his movement and landed from the sky with a group of ascetic monks.

It landed not far from Angelo.

"Angelo!" The Pope shouted to Angelo from the air, "We are here! Don't you want to see the existence of God? As soon as possible!"

The pope knew what was going on in his heart. There was a reason why he didn't break away from the ascetic phalanx.

This sacrificial ceremony...

Although you can't actively interrupt, you can passively interrupt!

As long as there is an external force during the sacrificial ceremony, someone shoots and kills the person presiding over the ceremony—that is, the Pope. Without the person presiding over the ceremony, the ceremony will naturally fail!

However, even if the ceremony was stopped in this way, the ascetic monks who participated in the ceremony could not be brought down.

Therefore, when the Pope shouted to Angelo from the air just now, he was always on guard.

Angelo twitched his lips.

His mental strength naturally felt the mental fluctuations of the pope, and he could also feel the extremely nervous mental fluctuations of the pope standing in front of him.

Although Angelo couldn't guess what the Pope was afraid of, he could probably make a good guess.

Now, it should be the time when the Vatican's phalanx is at its weakest!

But An Qiluo has no intention of making a move now.

If you want to win, you must win in an open and aboveboard manner!

Because this battle, after a month of fermentation, is no longer just a dispute between him and the Vatican.

At the same time, it is also the first head-to-head confrontation between the human race and the so-called "gods"!

humans, gods...

Angelo doesn't need to guess, this battle will definitely attract the attention of all countries in the world and even all mankind.

You must win, and you must win in an aboveboard manner!

Angelo, as the ceiling of combat power of a single human being, has to be proved to everyone, as well as to the members of the Hell Expeditionary Army.

Don't be intimidated by the power of the gods in myths and legends.

Gods are only powerful to a certain extent!

Human beings have the ability to face the gods and even defeat the gods!

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day..." An Qiluo looked around for a week, and scanned the surrounding open space, "Then just stay here."

The pope was overjoyed when he heard Angelo's reply.

Although he looked calm and full of confidence, he could only feel this overwhelming oppressive force when he stood in the hostile position of Angelo and faced Angelo directly.

Moreover, the sacrificial ceremony he presided over could not be dragged on forever.

Since An Qiluo wanted to choose this place for the battle, it couldn't be better.

"Okay! Here it is!"

As the Pope said, holding the scepter in his hand, he paused fiercely on the ground, and suddenly a magic wand shining with white light spread out from under his feet.

"An Qiluo! Let me show you today, what is the majesty of a god that cannot be profaned!"

The magic that shone with white light was instantly engulfing all the ascetic monks!

Then, many ascetic monks looked solemn, and the volume of the originally ethereal hymn became louder.

And the white holy light that originally surrounded the Vatican square became even more dazzling.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that the battle between Angelo and the Vatican was about to begin.

Although the representatives of various countries are very curious, they even want to see what God looks like in their hearts.

However, for the sake of their own lives, they still took off-road vehicles from various countries and left here at the fastest speed.

As for the scene at the scene, it’s a big deal to watch the live broadcast. Now Eddie is carrying a camera to broadcast live at close range, which can be seen on the official website of the Avengers.

As the holy light became more intense and the hymns became louder, a "gate of heaven" gradually opened in the sky...

"May the Lord come to the world and help your humble believers to eliminate the evil in front of them..."

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