The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 561 A mortal body can also slaughter a god!

Chapter 561 A mortal body can also slaughter a god!

In the Hell Expeditionary Force on the African continent.

The video on the official website of the Avengers has just been released, and it spread quickly.

Even the speed of transmission was so fast that even the generals of the garrisons of various countries did not have time to stop it.

Seeing Angelo's crushing posture when facing Jehovah in the video, Angelo's reputation rapidly increased among the coalition forces.

These low-level soldiers and non-commissioned officers are not as fancy as the upper-level officers of the coalition forces and the high-level officials.

They only know that An Qiluo is on the human side, the top leader of the Hell Expeditionary Army, and they are with them!

They are about to set off to hell and face never-before-seen hell creatures.

It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous.

Even though this time the army is equipped with all kinds of firepower except nuclear bombs, the soldiers still feel nervous when facing unknown creatures from hell.

However, now seeing Angelo's posture of crushing Jehovah by force, the nervousness and anxiety in the hearts of the soldiers were swept away, and the morale was high!

Now, the top generals of the Hell Expeditionary Army have no idea how to suppress Angelo's reputation...

Angelo didn't think so, he just wanted to slap the alliance countries headed by the beautiful country in the face by releasing the video.

What he should have arranged has already been arranged, and he is waiting for the countries of the beautiful country to enter hell next, and then teach them an unforgettable lesson.

In addition to those countries that were slapped in the face, there is another thing that has attracted the attention of all countries and some smart people.

That is the kitten that Angelo and the Avengers have almost always had after they came out of heaven.

Those who often follow Angelo's church know that there are no normal creatures in that terrifying church, and even the fat orange cat in the church is not a normal cat.

Now in the video, the orange cat takes the place of the God Jehovah, and these Avengers have almost one orange cat, it is hard not to remind people that it is the cub of the fat cat...

That fat cat is not a normal cat, so can these little oranges be normal cats?

Obviously unlikely.

It is a pity that after many investigations by the intelligence agencies of these countries, nothing was found until the lower expeditionary force set off.

No way, who made all the adopters of Xiaoju now full-fledged members of the Avengers? In just three hours, it is difficult for news to flow out.

However, the information about Xiaoju has been listed as the first important task by the world's major intelligence organizations.

It's outrageous!

Those intelligence agencies on the earth that are enough to scare ordinary people are actually paying attention to a cat's information...


Three hours later.

The large forces of various countries have all assembled.

Angelo brought a group of official avengers to the open space reserved in advance.

The troops from Asgard have been staying here because they have no intention of stationing there.

At this time, in this open space, in addition to the space reserved for the space door, a high platform for speeches was also built in advance.

According to the usual practice, Angelo, as the commander-in-chief of the Hell Expeditionary Corps, needs to give a speech before the army sets off.

Angelo temporarily separated from the other members of the Avengers, rode on the small bone dragon and flew to the podium.

The podium was very high, otherwise it would be difficult to be seen by those standing behind in this army of millions. An Qiluo would not be able to go up without riding a small bone dragon!

However, Angelo's move aroused the cheers of millions of troops and Asgardian troops.

Asgard's tradition since ancient times is to worship the strong.

The scene where Angelo had just fought the Lord was enough to earn the respect from the hearts of the Asgardians.

As for the millions of human coalition forces...

Seeing Angelo gave them a sense of security.

Angelo stood on the podium, looked at the millions of human coalition forces below, and waved his hands unnaturally.

Immediately, another series of mountain roars and tsunamis were triggered.

Angelo looked at the discriminating coalition forces, and the tension in his heart disappeared inexplicably.

Humanity, the future can be expected!

Although there are bad people in the crowd, most of the bases are good!

Today is the first day for human beings to step out of the earth and step into the sea of ​​stars!

An Qiluo waved his hand at the reserved position next to him, and greeted him out of the space door again.

The space door that covered the sky and the sun reappeared in the open space again, and its scale was at least twice as large as the last time!

Seeing this scene, a sense of urgency arose in the hearts of all the country representatives, as well as the country's top officials who were watching behind the satellite.

It seems that the speed of developing spaceships capable of traveling in space is about to accelerate.

The priest of hell, Angelo, can summon and cancel the space gate at will. If you think about it in a darker way, after the hell expeditionary army enters hell, Angelo cancels the space gate, which means that these expeditionary forces entering hell will have to go no reply.

However, the speed of research and development of spaceships in various countries in the world is not enough to produce spaceships that can travel in the universe now!

Not only the problem of materials, but also a series of problems that cannot be solved in a short period of time, such as the life support system, weapon system, and spaceship navigation (star map)!

In fact, long before Angelo announced the existence of hell, even before Thor appeared on the earth, those big countries on the earth had already been researching the technology of space flight in private.

It's just a pity that the space flight technology is too far behind the current technology on the earth. In a short period of time, if the finished spacecraft is not used as a research sample, there is no way to quickly improve the research progress!

The current situation is that the life and death of these coalition forces are in Angelo's hands.

Originally, under such circumstances, these big countries would never take such a risk to send a large army into hell.

But helpless, they have to come.

The stakes in colonizing alien planets are too great!

Moreover, if one of the countries does not participate, who can guarantee that all countries will not participate?

The benefits brought by the colonization of alien planets are enough to make an ordinary small country become one of the top countries in the world!

They can only bet that An Qiluo will not make an anti-human decision!

Fortunately, however, they bet right.

Although Angelo has always been at odds with those countries in the beautiful country camp, Angelo is still crazy enough to backstab the human camp.

I just want to change the top leaders of these countries...

An Qiluo summoned the space gate. Not surprisingly, An Qiluo once received cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

He could even feel that among the millions of troops below, a small group of fanatics had appeared, and at this moment, a steady stream of power of faith had begun to be transmitted to him.

An Qiluo looked curiously at the direction where the power of faith was transmitted the most, and exclaimed in his heart that it was outrageous!

This is not only outrageous, it is simply outrageous!

The direction where the power of faith is transmitted the most is actually the camp of the beautiful country?

But haven't I always been at odds with the beautiful country, especially the military of the beautiful country?

As a result, among so many countries, the country with the largest number of fanatics in his army is actually the beautiful country?

Angelo was speechless for a moment.

What should I say, it really deserves to be a beautiful country?

Angelo shook off these complicated thoughts from his mind, he did not forget the business he had to do.

"Be quiet, before the army sets out..." Angelo stood on the podium and said loudly. Strange next to him cooperated very well with a loudspeaker spell, allowing Angelo's voice to spread across the entire world. All of these millions of troops heard clearly.

The army of millions quickly fell silent.

Eddie has already continued to broadcast live on the official website of the Avengers.

"...Before the army sets out, let me say a few words."

"The first thing is that starting today, the Avengers will open up the aircraft technology to all countries participating in the Hell Expeditionary Force. The aircraft that can fly in the universe is completely free! But the time guided by the technicians needs to be redeemed with points! "

The first news released by An Qiluo shocked all the countries and forces on the earth!

The Avengers already have the technology to fly in the universe?

Are they that many steps ahead?

However, afterward, the top officials of these forces and the country were blindsided.

Now that the technology of the Avengers is leading, it doesn't matter, anyway, they won't be able to beat it for the time being.

But as long as the country and power you are in get the technology of the aircraft before others!

The principle of step by step, step by step is applicable at any time!

An Qiluo just said that points can be redeemed...

The high-level leaders of all countries watched Angelo on the screen intently.

An Qiluo paused for a moment, giving those decision-makers some time to react, and then continued to speak.

"In the future, the Avengers will release some tasks, such as collecting information on the plane of hell, exploring areas, drawing maps, and collecting certain materials. The rewards are points. For specific information, please refer to the task section of the official website of the Avengers. "

After Angelo finished speaking, he listened to Jarvis' report in the earphone, with a smile on his face.

At that moment, the number of visits to the task section of the Avengers' official website soared again. According to Jarvis's reverse investigation, the visit IPs are all important departments of various countries...

It seems that the allure of spacecraft technology is really not small.

Enough to make these countries willing to work for the Avengers.

"The second thing is that starting today, the Kingdom of Wakanda accepts the asylum of the Avengers and prohibits countries participating in the Hell Expeditionary Army from invading the Kingdom of Wakanda. All the instructors of spacecraft technology are all from Wakanda Kingdom offers!"

Various countries on the earth are still a little curious, what is the origin of this kingdom of Wakanda, so that Angelo can declare it asylum before the expeditionary force sets off to hell.

After all, before this, the Kingdom of Wakanda had always been unknown, and it was only pretending to be a backward agricultural country to the outside world.

Many people have never even heard of this country.

But after hearing Angelo's last words, everyone suddenly realized.

The Kingdom of Wakanda is using aircraft technology as a bargaining chip to obtain the asylum of the Avengers.

Although all countries in the world are greedy for the aircraft technology of the Kingdom of Wakanda, no one rises up to invade it to plunder the aircraft technology without opening their eyes.

After all, so far, Angelo's force is unsolvable on Earth for the time being, and no country wants to ask for trouble.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Wakanda provides aircraft technology. The countries that use these technologies are theoretically in debt to the Kingdom of Wakanda. If some countries do not open their eyes, these countries that owe favors do not mind using other countries. Losses to repay favors.

On the one hand, there is the threat of Anqiluo's force value and the possible attack from other countries. On the other hand, it is the technology that can be exchanged for as long as you complete the task and accumulate points.

The lesser of two evils, a fool knows which one to choose.

This is what Angelo and Wakanda have agreed to.

As the heir to the throne of Wakanda, T'Challa the Black Panther is very righteous. Since he participated in the Avengers press conference, his eyes are not only on the earth.

Wakanda possesses technology far superior to other countries on Earth, and it is true that it is not afraid of attacks from other countries, but this is tantamount to a kind of internal friction.

Take out a part of the aircraft technology and teach it to countries all over the world. On the one hand, it will help improve the technological level of the earth. On the other hand, it was also exchanged for the asylum of the Avengers.

Now that the Avengers are in full swing, absolutely no country will risk the anger of the Avengers to attack Wakanda.

And the Kingdom of Wakanda can also take advantage of this opportunity to step onto the world stage in a fair manner.

At the same time, the Avengers can also use these technologies to allow the Hell Expeditionary Forces of various countries to collect intelligence in hell for the Avengers.

Collecting intelligence requires a huge base.

This is the weakness of the Avengers and the absolute advantage of the army!

Win for the Avengers and Wakanda.

Maybe the only unhappy group is the politicians of certain countries who have a grudge against Angelo and the Avengers, such as the beautiful country...

Angelo announced this news almost in front of the whole world.

This news is enough to prove An Qiluo's contribution to mankind. If they want to use dirty tricks against An Qiluo and the Avengers in the future.

I'm afraid public opinion is enough to trigger a riot!

This caused the politicians with grievances in the camps of those countries to suffer an unprecedented blow. In almost the next day, all the politicians with grievances were replaced and replaced by those who were close to the Avengers and Angelo. card people!

Never any different sounds again!

This is the trend!

Of course, this is something.

An Qiluo scanned the millions of troops below with his mental power, feeling the different mental fluctuations emanating from these millions of people, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"The last thing is about the fact that I killed a god before that."

Angelo shrugged, "Yes, I killed it. I admit it."

Immediately, the army of millions cheered again! The cheers far surpassed before, reaching an unprecedented volume!

The cries of millions of people even shook the clouds in the sky!

Angelo looked at the red-faced soldiers below, but shook his head.

"I'm bringing this up again now, not because I want to show off my force, but because I want to tell you that gods are not scary, and gods can bleed!"

"Why should mortals believe in those so-called gods? Human beings should strive for self-improvement!"

"The body of a mortal can also kill a god!"

As An Qiluo's voice fell, the soldiers present felt as if an electric current was transmitted from the soles of their feet to the tips of their hair, and the pores all over their bodies opened involuntarily.

The audience gradually quieted down, but the soldiers present looked at An Qiluo even more frantically!

"Soldiers, you will enter hell next. It is a planet that has never been explored by humans. What you will face are hell creatures that have never been seen before..."

"Maybe you'll get hurt, maybe you'll die in hell..."

"However, you will leave a strong mark in the history of mankind! This is the first step for mankind to set foot on the sea of ​​stars!"

"As those who took the first step, you will be remembered by future generations and even all mankind!"

"Let's go!"

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