The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 573 Damn dog licking!

Chapter 573 Damn dog licking!

Angelo brought Mephisto Diablo, who had just taken office, to the front of the defense line of the Hell Expeditionary Army.

Along with Angelo, in addition to Mephisto Diablo, there are also Ancient One Mage and King Odin.

The Big Three came down from the top of the mountain.

Of course, those who walked with An Qiluo naturally also included the ancient evil god Imerton who turned into a dog's leg...


At this time, the troops of the Hell Expeditionary Army have not withdrawn from the line of defense and are being ordered to clean up the battlefield.

Although they 'won' a victory just now, for these front-line soldiers, this victory came simply inexplicably.

They had just fought to the death with those ferocious and terrifying hell creatures, and they were about to fall into a deadlock. As ordinary soldiers on the defense line, they really couldn't pay attention to the situation on other lines of defense when they were facing the enemy.

But that doesn't mean they're blind...

The huge fireball sky that flew from a distance just now, I am afraid anyone who is not blind can see it!

As a result, a gigantic monster suddenly stood up, and after a roar, not only the sky filled with fireballs disappeared, but even the hell creatures that attacked were scared and retreated!

It's real fart and urine flow.

Some hell creatures with extremely weak psychological endurance are now incontinent, lying on the ground and being slaughtered.

What they now call the task of clearing the battlefield.

On the one hand, it is to collect and transport the corpses of those dead hell creatures and the organs that have been broken into parts.

On the other hand, it is to capture those hell creatures who are still alive but have lost the ability to resist.

The roles of predator and prey are instantly reversed.

This filled the hearts of these ordinary soldiers who were still fighting on the defense line with a sense of unreality.

They couldn't understand what had just happened.

Shouldn't that 100-meter-high giant beast surrounded by flames also be some kind of hell creature or existence in hell?

Why did you lend a helping hand when the defense line of the Hell Expeditionary Army was in crisis?

Perhaps only the commanders on the front lines of these lines of defense had guesses in their minds.

Because of their positions, they naturally focused on An Qiluo.

Angelo hadn't appeared since the hell creatures had just attacked, which didn't conform to the intelligence summaries of all countries in the world.

After the analysis of countless psychological profile masters, although An Qiluo's character is more Buddhist, he is not too willing to meddle in other people's business.

But in fact, with his character, it is impossible to watch the human alliance fall into crisis. This analysis is also one of the reasons why countries in the world dare to send troops into hell for the first time...

Coincidentally, that hellish creature with a height of 100 meters appeared just when the defense line of the human alliance was about to break through.

have to say.

The commanders on these front lines of defense still have something.

Although the actual situation is slightly different from what they guessed, the actual situation is not much different from what they guessed.

Just when the soldiers on the defense lines of various countries were racing against time to collect "trophies" as quickly as possible.

An Qiluo riding a bone dragon appeared above the defense line.

Beside him, there are Odin God King who is riding eight groups of steeds under his crotch, as well as the ancient one mage and the ancient evil god Imerton who are levitating out of thin air. For these two powerful mages, levitation and flight are nothing. Difficult.

Followed at the end is Mephisto Diablo, who has shrunk in size but has not yet turned into a human form.

An Qiluo stood on top of the small bone dragon, looking down at the Hell Expeditionary Army on the defense line below.

At his current height, the soldiers of the Hell Expeditionary Army below are like a nest of ants.

Because the camouflage patterns used on the camouflage uniforms of various countries in the world are not the same, so now the Hell Expeditionary Army on a section of defense line is like a nest of ants painted with different colors of camouflage.

Seeing An Qiluo stop the bone dragon under his feet.

The ancient evil god Imerton took the initiative to cast a loudspeaker magic for Angelo to ensure that his voice could reach the ears of everyone present.

Then, Imerton thought for a moment, and then cast a projection magic on Angelo, projecting Angelo's image into the air.

Suddenly, a huge light and shadow appeared above the originally gloomy hell above the mountains.

Covering an area of ​​thousands of meters!

What is shown in the light and shadow is exactly the scene on the back of the bone dragon.

This projection spell is a small spell invented by Emerton himself while conducting research. In the ignorant ancient times, it was very suitable for playing tricks.

I didn't expect it to come in handy now.

The little bone dragon carrying Angelo couldn't help but roll his eyes at Imerton.

Damn it! This bastard!

There is no dignity!

It's so licking!

Moreover, the most excessive thing is that the technique of licking dogs is still so good!

This makes it how to lick the master!

An Qiluo knew what Xiaogulong was thinking like the back of his hand, but he didn't care, he just laughed it off.

Now An Qiluo's attention was more attracted by the huge light and shadow magic in the sky.

This huge projection magic has won An Qiluo's heart, so it is much more practical than just having amplifying magic!

Angelo gave Imerton a satisfied look.

A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on Imerton's face, and he didn't care about the little bone dragon's contempt.

What does this bone dragon know!

This is sophistication!

In the future, if you spend your days under An Qiluo's subordinates, how can the treatment be worse?


All in all, Imerton was right. Angelo had already decided that if there were no accidents in the future, he would bring Imerton with him and let him act as a human projector and human speaker...

Angelo looked at the huge projection magic in the sky, and tried to adjust his posture as if facing a camera.

Then Angelo coughed lightly and cleared his throat.


Angelo's voice resounded over the defense line of the Hell Expeditionary Army.

At this time, most of the frontline soldiers had already seen Angelo in the huge image in the sky.

An Qiluo coughed lightly again, and the loud noise also attracted the attention of the other part of the soldiers who lowered their heads and seriously sorted out the spoils.

An Qiluo saw that almost all the attention of the others had been attracted, so he didn't make a fuss and spoke directly.

"Well... First of all, I would like to congratulate all the soldiers of the Hell Expeditionary Army for surviving the first hell creature attack..."

While talking, An Qiluo suddenly felt something was wrong.

What he said, why is it so like the big boss behind the attack of hell creatures...

Because he didn't prepare the draft in advance this time, it was all his impromptu performance.

Angelo cleared his throat again and considered his words.

"Ahem, I would like to express my deep condolences to the soldiers who died in this fight against the attack of hell creatures..."

Borrowed, Angelo said a lot of words without any nutrition.

Some of these words were what An Qiluo had seen on the TV news before, and some of them were sent out of his feelings.

Although there is no nutrition and dry goods, but for the frontline fighters of the Hell Expeditionary Army at this time, it is not all nonsense.

Although the expeditionary soldiers who could hear Angelo's words were still alive, they either had injuries left on their bodies, or their close comrades died in the battle just now.

Their hearts inevitably fell into grief.

At this moment, An Qiluo's words seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Some front-line soldiers began to cry silently, and even sobbed softly.

The soldiers of these expeditionary forces are also human beings, and they also have feelings.

never a robot...

An Qiluo stood on top of the small bone dragon, using his mental strength to feel the turmoil and low emotions that gradually began to expand in the defense line below.

Angelo also felt a little sad.

Maybe when he found those incoming hell creatures, he took action or didn't stop God King Odin and Ancient One Mage.

Anyone who makes a move can resolve this battle unscathed.

But he can't do that.

He can't protect humans forever.

In particular, it is absolutely impossible for human beings to be limited to hell and the earth.

This is the helplessness of being a decision-maker and a guide.

Originally, the casualties of the human coalition forces sent by these countries did not need the Avengers to be responsible.

Now that you have enjoyed the benefits of exploring the hell planet, you must also bear the damage caused by exploring the hell planet.

But Angelo saw the scene in front of him and felt that he had to do something.

Otherwise he would be uneasy.

"Soldiers, for the warriors who died in this battle, we cannot allow their blood to be shed in vain. It is their sacrifice that has taken the first step for human beings on the way to explore extraterrestrial planets... "

"Now, as the first chairman of the Avengers Alliance, I promise that if a soldier died in this battle, his family members can receive a large sum of money from the Avengers Alliance every month."

"If the disabled soldiers left in this battle, they can get free medical services provided by the Avengers after they go back and go through the review of professionals, and even have the opportunity to get metal prosthetics provided by the Stark Group ..."

As Angelo's voice fell, the turmoil and depression on the defense line of the Hell Expeditionary Army below gradually calmed down.

Regardless, life must go on.

These pension policies that Angelo just proposed are real benefits.

At least those soldiers who died in the battle have no worries, and the future life of their relatives and family members has the most basic guarantee.

Moreover, the remaining disabled soldiers also have hope again. The medical technology of the Avengers (Hell's Kitchen Hospital) is obvious to all. return.

Even the prosthetics from the Stark Group make these fighters not necessarily useless in the future.

You know, not all countries have special treatment for those soldiers who are disabled due to war!

More, just give a small sum of money, and then let it fend for itself.

Of course, An Qiluo didn't say enough.

There is a prerequisite for these pension policies to be implemented.

That is, through the review of professionals, some people or forces who want to fish in troubled waters and achieve some special purposes through post-war pensions will not be able to get in at all.

As for whether the Stark Group will provide him with metal prosthetic support as he said.

On this point, Angelo is fully sure.

As long as the Stark Group has such technology, Tony Stark will definitely support his decision.

Moreover, this is also a great opportunity to promote the Stark Group, which is much more meaningful than charitable activities such as donating money!

It just so happens that the Stark Group has already had this technology.

The black female police officer Misty in Hell's Kitchen, she had already installed a metal prosthesis on her arm, which belonged to the Stark Group.


An Qiluo watched the mood of the human alliance finally improve.

Gently tugged the corner of his mouth.

These soldiers on the front line are too easy to be satisfied.

"Everyone, although we can't forget the dead and need to remember them, but I think it's time for us to get back to business."

Angelo brought the topic back to the main topic.

"Next, I want to announce one thing. That is about what happened at the end of the battle just now..."

"Just at the end of this battle, it was the current Lord of Hell, Mephisto, who took the initiative to drive away the incoming hell creatures. The incoming hell creatures were not ordered by Mr. Mephisto, but It was an instigation from the previous Lord of Hell..."

"And the current Lord of Hell, Mr. Mephisto, is a member of our Hell Expeditionary Army..."

The current Lord of Hell...

Former Lord of Hell...

The current Lord of Hell, Mephisto, is a member of the Hell Expedition...

Is this the emperor's rebellion?

The frontline soldiers of the expeditionary force listened in a daze.

Although I don't understand it well, I think it seems to be very powerful.

As for those frontline commanders, because they have relatively more information in their hands, after hearing Angelo's explanation, their first reaction is that there is something tricky!

What is the current master of hell, the former master of hell.

The actual situation is definitely not as simple as An Qiluo said.

Otherwise, why didn't the current Lord of Hell isolate those hell creatures from the mountains from the very beginning?

It has to be said that they almost guessed part of it right again.

But An Qiluo didn't have the heart to explain it to them. An Qiluo stood up now to announce this matter.

He felt the mental fluctuations of the expeditionary army below, adjusted his position compared with the image on the projection magic, and called Mephisto behind him.

"Now I would like to introduce you officially. This is the current Lord of Hell, Mr. Mephisto..."

In Angelo's introduction to Mephisto, he did not mention the current state of Mephisto Diablo's weakness.

For unnecessary trouble, and to prevent unrealistic fantasies in the minds of people in some countries who are still not clear-headed.

"Although Mr. Mephisto is only the Lord of Hell, in the following time, Mr. Mephisto will not directly help the Hell Expeditionary Army to explore hell. Only when the Hell Expeditionary Army is facing an unsolvable danger, Mr. Mephisto will take action..."

Angelo gave a reasonable rationale for Mephisto Darkness being actually a show for the time being.

"So, please be vigilant when you are exploring the hell..."

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