The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 575 Hell's Kitchen Construction Team? Hell construction team?

Chapter 575 Hell's Kitchen Construction Team? Hell construction team?

"As long as my laboratory equipment is delivered, I can start the experiment..."

Tony Stark deserves to be Tony Stark, one of the largest suppliers of technological weapons in the original Avengers....

He even thought of the solution to the problem before Angelo raised the problem, but it was only because of his scientifically rigorous attitude that Tony Stark needed to conduct a large number of professional experiments to give him a solution. The results.

Instead of just slapping your head and taking it for granted to give a seemingly feasible solution.

If that is the case, it is irresponsible to the millions of fighters on the front line of the Hell Expeditionary Army today.

You know, as long as there is any mistake in the actual operation of the theoretical method he proposed, it will cause tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Therefore, what real science talks about is inevitability. Even after thousands of experiments, the methods he provided are still effective.

Instead of succeeding once by chance, he finally used actual losses to verify the failure of his theory.

As for another weapons supplier - the Kingdom of Wakanda.

It is still one of the largest suppliers of Avengers technology weapons. However, compared with the Zhenjin technology products provided in the original book, Wakanda, as a national unit, under the guidance of Angelo, what they do is Things that drive technological progress for all of humanity...

Hearing Tony Stark's answer, Angelo nodded.

Neither accident nor surprise, Tony Stark is Tony Stark.

At this moment, the communicator built into Tony Stark's armor rang.

Tony Stark put his mask back on and picked up the communication.

This body of Gold Devourer Armor is good everywhere, whether it is in terms of defense power or the portability of being close to the nanometer level.

But the only bad point is this.

The first point, there is no doubt that it is very difficult to change the color of this armor, which has caused Tony Stark to re-spray the color of the armor every time he restarts the armor if conditions permit.

The second is now this point.

Because the gold devouring nano armor is half biological, half metal.

This directly led to Tony Stark's reluctance to put the headsets derived from these gold-eater simulations into his ears.

That would give Tony Stark the illusion that his brain was drilled into a bug.

So every time Tony Stark needs to use the communication function, he needs to cover the mask again.

"Hello? I'm Tony Stark..."


"Uh... ok, I see."


"Okay, you guys come in directly, after passing through the space gate, just come to the highest point of the mountain range to find me."


After hanging up the phone, Tony Stark turned his head and shrugged at Angelo.

"Guys, I think the Avengers need a bigger camp. Our supplies are here! I'll pick them up first!"

After speaking, Tony Stark flew away excitedly.

Angelo: ...

Although Tony Stark didn't say it clearly, Angelo could almost guess what the so-called logistics were from the excited look on his face.

In addition to the equipment needed for scientific research, there may be a lot of living materials, which are still the kind of enjoyment.

Never underestimate money ability, especially money ability in a civilized society.

Although the forefront of the Hell Expeditionary Army is not a completely civilized society.

But the earth, which is only one door away from the space gate, is still a civilized society!

Especially now that all the countries on the earth are concentrating on hell exploration and colonization. The earth is almost in the most peaceful era in the past hundred years, and even some areas that have been in the war-torn zone are all within the borders of the five major powers. Under the struggle, the war was mediated.

Angelo guessed right.

Not far from the space gate of the African prairie on Earth, there is a long dragon-like convoy moving steadily towards the space gate of hell.

This convoy is uniformly engraved with a logo - the logo of the Stark Group.

In addition to their large size, these fleets are also full of sense of technology. Anyway, most of the equipment loaded in the fleet cannot understand what it is for.

Only some experts in scientific research will show excitement when they see the equipment on the car.

Obviously, these scientific research experts understood the high-tech equipment loaded on the vehicle.

In addition, there are some ordinary trucks in the convoy. This time, the items loaded on the trucks are much simpler, just some construction equipment and building materials.

Of course, to say that it is ordinary is only in comparison with those high-tech scientific research equipment.

Even if these construction equipment and building materials are placed on the earth, they are also the top batch.

At least in terms of sturdiness, it is the top batch.

At the end of the convoy were a group of pickup trucks transporting construction workers.

It is said that they are construction workers, but in fact, others look more like a group of gangsters disguised as a decoration construction team...

In particular, these construction workers are not carrying tools such as shovels on their backs, but carbines or AK47s, or even Thompson submachine guns known as "Chicago Typewriters".

Even on the pickup trucks of the transportation construction team, each pickup truck has a Gatling cannon comparable to Metal Storm...

This firepower, if compared with units of the same squad level, is even more ferocious than the firepower of armies sent by many small countries...

You told me this is the construction team?

What construction projects are being constructed?

Do you want to build a grave?

After killing directly, even killing and burying, have you dealt with it?

In fact, what these people slandered in their hearts was not wrong. These construction workers and even the entire construction team were all former Hell's Kitchen gangsters who had changed jobs after they went ashore and became good.

If there is a related business need, it may not be impossible to take it after Mr. Priest's approval.

Killing and burying is the conscience of the industry!


Although the actual situation was similar to Angelo's guess, Angelo wronged Tony Stark in this matter.

He didn't take the initiative to ask to build a prison view villa in the mountains at his feet for enjoyment.

After dealing with all the things in hell, can't he go back to earth and enjoy it?

In this convoy, apart from transporting scientific research equipment, none of the vehicles were found by Tony Stark.

After Pepper learned that Tony needed scientific research equipment, he took the initiative to find it for Tony.

Ordinary construction teams will not pick up projects going to hell.

They just want to make money, not kill their lives!

As for the Hell's Kitchen construction team, they want to risk their lives and make money!

When it was learned that the construction task of the Stark Group this time was to go to the plane of hell for construction, the members of the Hell's Kitchen construction team, headed by Alexei, immediately showed unprecedented enthusiasm.

In addition, the Stark Group has always maintained a good cooperative relationship with the construction team of Hell's Kitchen, so the two hit it off!

It was quickly decided that this time the construction work in Hell would be undertaken by the Hell's Kitchen construction team.

Pepper not only offered a price that the Hell's Kitchen construction team could not refuse on behalf of the Stark Group, but also provided a private jet for all members of their construction team.

Not only can it add some excitement to the increasingly dull life of the members of the Hell's Kitchen construction team, but it can also experience a private jet, and it can also make money at the same time!

In the eyes of these former gang members, this is simply a good thing that kills three birds with one stone!

What's more, they also know that Angelo, the priest of hell, is also in hell.

For those who have not long transformed from gangsters to construction companies, the place where Mr. Priest is present is the safest.

As long as you don't die, you will never die!

Feel the excitement without life-threatening...

And Alexey, as the spokesperson of the Hell's Kitchen construction team, is also the director of the Hell's Kitchen Black Committee.

There is such a good thing that kills three birds with one stone, so naturally I am not stingy.

He not only provided the Hell's Kitchen construction team with an all-terrain off-road pickup suitable for various muddy roads, but also provided some "insignificant" self-defense weapons for the Hell's Kitchen construction team.

After all, that is the hell in myths and legends.

There are demons there, and there must be danger everywhere.

Therefore, the self-defense firepower is slightly stronger, is there a problem?

Surely no problem.

As for if the Hell's Kitchen construction team really encounters a demon in hell, then I don't know which side is the demon...

Hmm...they're thugs in suits, and the ex-gang members of Hell's Kitchen Construction are construction thugs.

As long as you stop their construction, kill them all!


Soon, the Stark Group's convoy came to the space gate.

At this time, in front of the space gate, except for the continuous transport of the wounded to Hell, as well as the transport convoys of various countries to replenish logistical supplies and soldiers.

There are also guard teams dispatched by various countries in the Hell Expeditionary Army in private.

It is specially used to guard the space gate.

These teams will not prevent any normal member of the Hell Expeditionary Force from entering Hell, nor do they have the right to do so.

They have only one role here, and that is to prevent the space gate from being damaged by other forces with ulterior motives or hell.

It's not that the members of the Hell Expeditionary Army can't see their position clearly.

The location of the space gate is very critical, and in a strategic sense, it even far surpasses any country, any historical throat pass.

As long as the space gate is blocked, if you want to prevent the millions of soldiers of the Hell Expeditionary Army from returning to the earth, you only need to send tens of thousands of people here to build fortifications, and you can easily block them in hell.

Such an important strategic position, without Angelo's instruction or approval, no country would dare to have any careful thoughts.

Although millions of soldiers are in hell, don't forget that their own country is still on earth!

Missiles and the army will not agree, not to mention those countries with big mushrooms.

I'm afraid they will not hesitate to use the big mushroom directly!

In fact, before the countries wanted to send out guard teams, they had asked Angelo for instructions.

The space gate is such an important throat, and it is difficult for them to feel at ease without their own people guarding it.

In case the space gate is destroyed or blown up...

Those frontline fighters they sent will never come back!

However, although these "ordinary humans" have high status and weight, they still cannot imagine the power of the infinite gems and the Horadric Cube.

Don't say it's a hot weapon for ordinary humans.

An Qiluo had experimented before, and even he couldn't completely destroy the space door.

In other words, after the space gem in the infinite gem collides with the Horadric cube and undergoes a chemical reaction, the summoned space gate has an indestructible attribute.

If it is attacked by supernatural means, at least with an attack intensity above the level of the heavenly father, the space anchor of the space gate will be disturbed and passively retracted.

However, even in this case, as long as An Qiluo feels it and moves his mind, the space door will still appear at the original position of the space door, reconnecting the space.

Leaving aside the current and current Heavenly Father level and above, they are either An Qiluo's allies, or they have no reason to attack an immovable space door.

Even after the space gate is temporarily destroyed, the space gate will reappear in a blink of an eye, it's just useless.

Therefore, when the high-level diplomats of various countries raised this doubt about Angelo, Angelo just smiled and said that he did not want to intervene in this matter, and let them decide for themselves.

In the end, all the countries participating in the Hell Expedition, regardless of whether they are big or small, have sent their own fighters here to guard the space gate.

It can be regarded as mutual supervision...

And now, the joint team responsible for guarding the space gate has already been greeted by Tony Stark at this time.

Know that the Stark Industries convoy is coming.

After the routine inspection, the Stark Industries convoy was allowed to enter the space gate.

For Tony Stark, these joint teams are as full of admiration for him as the Hell Expeditionary Army fighters who have just joined the battle.

Although these combined teams did not participate in the battle just now, they already knew the battle that just happened behind the space gate from the wounded who had just been transported out.

They won't, and they don't dare to embarrass the people of the Stark Group.

But when the convoy reached the end and it was about to be the turn of the Hell's Kitchen construction team to enter the space gate, an accident happened.

"Eh? Who are you? Are you also from the Stark Group?"

The members of the joint team watched vigilantly the members of the Hell's Kitchen construction team who were standing in the back of the pickup truck with a swollen face and a thick cigar in their mouths.

No wonder the members of these combined teams are sensitive.

It's because the looks and demeanor of the members of the Hell's Kitchen construction team are so oppressive...

Those who enter hell now are either gentle or slightly neurotic scientists, or tough soldiers.

There is no such temperament as the ex-gang members of the Hell's Kitchen Construction Team.

There is a saying that goes well, even if a hen flies up a plane tree, it cannot become a phoenix.

Even after the cleansing, the desperado temperament of these former gangsters will not change for a while.

Moreover, there is a vicious Vulcan cannon on the body of each pickup truck, it is really difficult to make the members of these joint teams not vigilant.

This firepower is stronger than that of the joint guard team present...

"We..." Alexei took another puff of thick cigar and grinned, "We are also part of the Stark Group, but people from the Stark Group invited us to Let's build a house!"

At this time, the person in charge of the Stark Group team also noticed the movement here, and hurried over to testify to Alexei's words.

"Brother, they were indeed invited by our Stark Group for construction. Don't think that Alexei looks fierce, but he is actually a good man..."

The members of the joint guard team were at a loss for words.

A team member pointed to Alexei in disbelief, and spoke in slightly blunt English.

"Good guy?"


Then he pointed to the Vulcan cannon on the pickup truck, and continued to speak in blunt English.

"Construction? Construction team?"


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