The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 138 Margaret’s useful teaching! (asking for monthly ticket)

Official post house, second hall.

In front of a stained glass window, a dark shadow clung to the inner glass surface. Through a red or blue filter, he could see some of the outside world.

Eli looked at the scenery outside blankly and boredly.

The summer sun shines on an unexpected oak tree in the courtyard, forming a circle of shade on the dusty stone pavement.

A gentle breeze blew.

A leaf swayed on the branch, like a person stretching.

The little black cat watched for a long time.

Then he couldn't help but yawn.

He rested his head on the window sill, one ear pressed against the glass, and quietly felt the unique tranquility of the summer afternoon.

"It seems good to be a kitten."

Eli thought so.

It's not that he can't leave, it's that he lacks the urge to leave.

Ever since he woke up, he knew that he had once again taken advantage of Matthew——

This time.

He went straight into the realm of the oak tree and traveled a long, long way into it, arriving at the introductory stage in one fell swoop.

He gained three permanent abilities.

Such a generous gift would be a miracle for any druid.

But Eli couldn't be happy at all.

He knows that his legendary path lies in Matthew. In fact, he can always gain some benefits by following Matthew.

"If the essence of power is to exchange for unhappiness, then I would rather not have it."

He thought somewhat angrily.


He was at peace with himself again.

There is nothing wrong with strength in itself. You have been injured, so don't let it go in vain.

But he still doesn't want to be human again.

It seems pretty good to just be a little black cat like this, find a creek to drink water when it's thirsty, eat leftovers when it's hungry, and then take a nap when it's bored.

And he feels that being a little cat has natural advantages.

Because he is a high-level Druid who has no other abilities but is very capable of starvation.

"Even if I'm locked up in a place like this, I can starve for more than ten days and I'll be fine."

Eli thought with some pride.

"Sleep, wait until Matthew comes to me."

He couldn't help but lick the furry claws, then closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

Just at this time.

There was a creaking sound outside the window!

There are rats!

Eli became a little more energetic. He pressed against the window glass and looked outside——

Under the shade.

A surprisingly fat mouse scurried past.

A white cat is chasing after it!

Eli watched silently for a while, then yawned out of boredom again.

"Only the most retarded cat would think of catching a mouse."

"And this white cat is such a good food, I didn't even catch it for a long time."

He commented sharply in his mind.

The white cat's skills really made people anxious. She almost caught the mouse several times, but was cunningly thrown away by the latter.

Shortly after.

The mouse burrowed into the grass and squeaked away towards the east.

The white cat chased after him, and the two disappeared from Eli's sight.

The scene in front of me became static again.

Eli felt sleepier.

He felt that his eyelids were so heavy that he would fall asleep immediately.

But he just took a nap not long ago.

The harsh squeaking sound came again!

Eli slapped his hand on the glass in annoyance.


The white cat appeared in his field of vision again.

But to Eli's surprise, the fat mouse actually called for help!

Under the shade of the tree, an extremely absurd scene happened.

There were five or six fat mice in total, chasing the white cat in a gang!

These mice were very large, almost 2/3 the size of the white cat. At this time, they had a numerical advantage and completely overwhelmed the poor little white cat in terms of momentum.

The latter was cornered by the rats.

In the end, he could only "meow" twice and jumped helplessly to the tree.

But those fat mice are also good at climbing trees!

They chased the white cat viciously and bit it.

The white cat dodges pitifully, like a weak woman in danger, being chased by a group of black and fat men.


The exhausted white cat hurriedly jumped on the branch and jumped in the direction of the glass window.


She landed gracefully on the other side of the window sill, illuminating Eli behind the glass mirror.

The white cat was startled by the black charcoal head behind the glass.

She paces restlessly on the windowsill.

The mice were still in pursuit. They quickly climbed onto the window sill and launched a final siege on the little white cat.

The little white cat shivered against the glass.

Her forelimbs slapped the enemy on the window sill indiscriminately, but unfortunately she was outnumbered.

The mice are about to complete the last step.


A low meow came from inside the glass window.

The mice all trembled when they heard this. They looked at the black charcoal head in the stained glass in horror, and all jumped off the window sill with a bang, and fled in all directions!

The white cat stood blankly on the windowsill.

"no need to thank me."

Hei Tantou raised his arrogant chin.

He was waiting for the little white cat's reaction.

But who knew, the white cat just glanced at him and then jumped away without saying a word.

The last scene left for him.

It's a tail wagging wildly.

"She may have been too panicked and frightened by me."

Eli comforted himself like this.

After the white cat left, the scene in front of him became static again.

He wanted to continue sleeping soundly, but found that he couldn't fall asleep.

The originally dead but peaceful heart seemed to have a touch of impetuousness.

Black Tantou once again looked at the scenery outside boredly.

Just this time.

He was vaguely looking forward to something in his heart.

Ten minutes later.

A figure hurriedly appeared in front of the glass window.

It didn't take long.

The door to the locker room was opened.

"Sorry, Eli, I'm in a hurry. You were in the comprehension field at the time, so..."

Matthew explained sheepishly.

Eli listened quietly, and his reaction was very flat:

"It doesn't matter."

Matthew looked at the little black cat:

"How about you change back and we leave?"

Eli said firmly:

"I don't."

Matthew was surprised and said:


Eli thought for a moment:

“I wanted to experience what it’s like to be a cat, it would be great for my way into the wilderness.”

"I will be here during this period and I won't go anywhere. If it's convenient for you, just open a crack in the glass window for me, just a small crack."

Matthew rolled his eyes:

"Okay, but do you need something to eat?"

Eli shook his head:

"It doesn't matter, I'm very resistant to hunger."

Matthew took out various foods from his luggage:

"I have some emergency food, what would you like to eat?"

Eli replied calmly:

"You're too polite. As long as you have something to eat, I'm not picky about food."

Matthew asked directly:

"Water or milk?"

Eli said decisively:

"Milk bar."

Matthew asked again:

"I also have some biscuits and sausages, which one do you want?"

Eli is no longer reserved:

"Let's go ahead and save some sausage. I love it."

After confirming that Eli was safe and sound, Matthew left with peace of mind.

The young man is still very capable of resisting blows.

Matthew vaguely felt that he seemed to have recovered from the depression of falling in love with a man, which was good news.

As for turning into an animal to experience life, that's not unusual for druids.

Matthew didn't pay attention.

Second half of the day.

He still planted trees and built graves, and also took the time to look at the black warriors in the tank. The results of the negative energy infusion were quite good, and it was expected that they would be able to come out of the tank smoothly in a few days.

The next morning.

Matthew arrived at Suriel's magic classroom ten minutes early.

Unexpectedly, Margaret came earlier.

"Very good. It seems that you at least have the consciousness of being a student, so let's start early."

Today, Margaret changed into a black silk pajamas. This kind of clothes is very loose, and when she moves her hands and feet, large swaths of snow are swaying.

The nail polish was changed to dark green, which made Matthew feel a little old-fashioned, but he couldn't help but think that she still looked good despite her good foundation.

Matthew's attention only drifted for a few seconds. As soon as Margaret opened her mouth, he was instantly focused on her teaching content:

"What I'm going to tell you today is all real information. You must keep every one of them in mind. They may save your life in the future."

"First of all, continuing yesterday's topic, besides wealth, how should we measure the combat effectiveness of an enemy?

Frankly speaking, there is no universal standard, it depends on your vision and experience.

But some rules can be summarized. The most basic way is through the environment or feedback from others.

for example.

You met a mage with mediocre magic power in a dangerous place near Purgatory. He was accompanied by several beautiful elven maids.

He looked like he had some money, but not rich enough to qualify for the fee-capital series of spells.

It's dangerous if you feel that this mage is not worthy of the wealth and women he has.

I mean you are in danger.

According to historical experience, with the exception of a few exceptions, most characters who seem unworthy of their wealth or women are often truly ruthless characters!

This is like being in the alliance and suddenly a mediocre mage is promoted rapidly.

You may feel unbalanced when you hear this news, but there is a high probability that you will not actually target him.

Because you know that there is a logic behind everything in the world.

The mage who got promoted might be the illegitimate son of some big shot.

Many seemingly illogical phenomena may just be someone hiding their logic.

Same reason.

The old man and the child adventuring alone in the underground city, the seemingly weak and beautiful woman appearing in the wilderness, the shackled ascetic who is unable to walk but has pious eyes...

These may be hidden masters.

Surface information does not have enough logic to support their power, just because you have not dug into deeper information——

The lone old man and child may be the incarnation of a certain god, but that is not the point. The fact that they can adventure in the dungeon all year round without becoming the food of the monsters shows their strength.

The same is true for the woman who appears in the wilderness.

As for the ascetics, they were exploring another path.

The abundance of psychic energy allows them to burst out with incredible power at any time, which may transcend levels and realms.

To sum it up in one sentence——

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Therefore, I advise you that when observing the enemy, in addition to superficial information, try to understand the deep information hidden by the enemy.

This is certainly not an easy thing, but as long as you understand this, you will at least greatly reduce the probability of messing with the boss. "

Speaking of which.

Margaret paused:

"Did you write it down?"

Matthew nodded.

He also placed a recording crystal ball next to it.

Margaret domineeringly stuffed the crystal ball back into Matthew's bag:

“Filming is not allowed in my class!”

"You can only review the content of the class through your own memory, let's continue!"

“After measuring the enemy’s combat effectiveness and confirming that you have not offended the rich or hidden bosses, the real battle begins.

My fighting rules are very simple to say, the core concept is just one——

play hard!

If you can defeat the few with more, you will never fight alone;

If you can sneak up on someone secretly, don’t show up in advance;

Don’t play with fireballs if you can poison;

If you can curse, then refuse to play head-on;

Don’t waste your own mana if you can use the props;

If you can bluff, don't go into a head-on confrontation.

There is only one purpose in fighting.

That's winning!

The means to win are just tools, and there is no distinction between high and low tools.

You should treat all means of victory equally, this is the mentality a battle mage should have.

Using the most efficient method to kill your enemy is also the greatest respect a battle mage has for his enemy. "

Matthew nodded excitedly.

Margaret's ideas actually coincided with his.

As a pragmatist, he found that he was actually quite suitable to become a battle mage.

"Very good. It seems that you do not reject my point of view. Now that we have finished talking about the false and empty concept, let's talk about some real details."

Margaret gushed:

“The strategy of unscrupulous combat can be divided into four areas.

First, strategy.

Strategy includes conspiracy and scheming. I don’t care what method you use, whether it’s borrowing a knife to kill someone, or whether it’s a fox pretending to be a tiger’s power, a strategy that can kill the enemy is a good strategy.

I won't go into details on this aspect, because I am not good at strategy. I prefer hard work with real swords and guns.

Second, assassination.

There are many methods of assassination, the most common being hired assassins, poisoning, or curses.

This method is very effective when there is mental arithmetic but no intention.

But if the enemy takes precautions, the success rate of the assassination will be greatly reduced.

At this point, I must mention an unconventional method of assassination.

This involves the "Transfiguration Paradox", I don't know if you have previewed it in advance. "

Matthew nodded:

"I know some of the so-called transformation spells, which temporarily transform the target into a special magical form through a fixed medium.

This form does not mean that the target has actually turned into a sheep or stone. The material properties of the target are actually unchanged. Therefore, rather than deforming, it is better to say that they are trapped in a special medium. Transfiguration The strength and otherwise determine the stability of the medium.

The so-called transfiguration paradox is if you turn a person into a frog and then swallow it into your belly.

The frog was damaged by gastric acid corrosion in your stomach, and was knocked back to its original form due to lack of stability.

Logically speaking, that person should have appeared in my stomach.

But that is not the case, he will only appear in a random place next to me intact.

It's not like he's going to blow me up.

This phenomenon is the paradox itself. "

Margaret nodded approvingly:

"This is a common problem with all transfiguration spells, as it does not change the basic properties of the substance.

This is true even for the druid's wild form, they are just more stable and more realistic.

But there is one type of spell that is an exception -

That is "Real Transformation"!

True Transfiguration can break through the Transfiguration Paradox to kill people.

You can turn into a sugar cube and suddenly cancel the spell when your enemy swallows you.

At this time his head will definitely be exploded by you.

I'm quite accomplished in True Transfiguration, and I've killed a lot of people with it.

I can responsibly tell you that if you have the ability to learn true transformation, don't hesitate, no matter what the target of transformation is, you have to win it.

This is the one with the highest success rate of all assassination methods.

Definitely not to be missed! "

Matthew's face turned slightly blue after hearing this.

He felt a little regretful.

If he had come to Margaret's class a few days earlier, he might have chosen true transformation among his abilities in the field of transformation.

Although it seems difficult for the enemy to swallow him if he turns into stone, he can also stuff stones into bread or something?

Margaret gave a lot of information in class.

Not waiting for Matthew to digest.

She continued speaking vigorously:

“Third, take the initiative.

If there must be a spell duel, it is very important to go first. I suggest you buy a "Dragon Fire Talisman" on you. This thing can break all spell countermeasures and is an essential tool for a stress-free first move.

The fourth piece of content is also related to spell duels, which is gaming, or feints.

please remember! ! !

You can predict the enemy's actions, but don't predict too much!

I'm not questioning your IQ, but my teacher taught me a sentence a long time ago, which has been fully tested in my combat career -

"Rookies die by feints, and masters die by prediction."

Any game with more than three levels is a fool's errand.

That kind of "I've predicted your prediction" battle only exists in the scripts of third-rate bards.

It looks great, but it's actually putting itself in danger.

It's no joke that a master dies in anticipation. This sentence is the essence extracted from countless corpses.

I'm not telling you to reject prejudgment completely.

But you must recognize a fact——

Too much prejudgment will definitely do more harm than good!

In my case, there are only two levels of the game. The first level is fraud, which is feinting, or feinting.

The second level is double fraud, which is anti-psychology.

After that it was gone.

When you try to use games above the third level to fight against the enemy, it means that you are already at an extreme disadvantage.

The enemy can completely reject your game this time and crush him head-on.

You have the time to play lasagna with others, so you might as well think about a better way to escape.

And if your strength is far greater than that of your enemy and you want to play with the enemy like a cat and mouse through prejudgment, then your arrogance will most likely cost you your life. "

Swish, brush, brush!

The only sound left in the classroom was the sound of Matthew writing furiously.

Margaret's story is simple, clear and to the point.

In fact, Matthew is not completely ignorant of these principles.

But there is no clear concept and system formed in his mind.

After Margaret's suggestion, he felt enlightened.

When he was reading online novels in his previous life, he especially liked to watch this kind of plot with twists and turns and found it very enjoyable.

Now he suddenly felt it.

In reality, these plots are unnecessary.

Margaret made herself a cup of black tea again.

She said while drinking:

"After talking about theory, let me tell you a practical case."

She was sitting on the desk with half her buttocks and her little feet swaying.

The floating staff is a little empty.

The scene around them began to change. Matthew and she seemed to be in the forest, and a scene of two mages dueling appeared in front of them.

One of them is Margaret wearing a fiery red mage robe.

Her opponent was a black-robed mage whose level seemed to be quite high, either fourth or fifth level.

"This was an actual battle that took place last year. My enemy was a senior mage who defected from the alliance and joined the Cult of Hades. He is good at evocation spells. He is better at fireballs and force fields than anyone else."

"I tracked him for three days and three nights, and the confrontation with him lasted more than forty minutes. I was suppressed and beaten by him at one point, but in the end, I succeeded in killing him. Do you know how I did it? ?”

Margaret asked calmly.

Matthew guessed:

"True Transfiguration?"

Margaret showed a gentle smile, and gently tapped Matthew's head with her staff:

"Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward."

"Then let's go straight to the last scene, in slow motion, please watch carefully.

Because fifteen minutes ago, I just finished a fight with him. He used the portal to escape, and I secretly chased him.

I knew that I might not be his opponent in a head-on confrontation, so I planned to use my signature true transformation technique to complete the assassination.

Before taking action, I attracted a swarm of bees to cover me.

Then I turned into a mosquito and mixed in with the swarm trying to get closer to him.

But the enemy is also very vigilant. Look, here, he used the spell "Detect Micro Life".

It seemed like he knew my tricks, so he was taking precautions.

In order to prevent me from flying into his nostrils, mouth, ears or even eyes.

He used "bubble technique" to protect his head.

Once a creature breaks in, the bubble will burst, and at that time he will use all-round resistance spells regardless of friend or foe.

He's really smart, in addition to his bubble spell, he's also using spells to quickly repel swarms.

You see, by the end, there was actually no flying creature around him. "

Under Margaret's explanation.

Matthew stared intently at the ultra-clear picture that was comparable to VR.

The next second.

The black-robed mage's body suddenly exploded, and a large amount of blood clots and pieces of flesh splashed onto the nearby trees.

The picture is very bloody and terrifying.

"Wait, how did he die?"

Matthew was very shocked:

"Are you in?"

Margaret said leisurely:

"Of course I went in."

Matthew hesitated and said:

"But hasn't he already..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly got stuck.

Margaret said calmly:

"It's the anus."

"If you look more carefully, you will find that I used mosquitoes to fly onto his mage's robe, and then turned into fleas and got into his anus while he was driving away the swarm."

"I blew up his lower body just like that."

"Margaret's combat spells are so simple and unpretentious. There is no throwing fireballs back and forth, and there is no need for a game of prediction and counter-prediction.

As long as you learn two or three true transformation techniques and then use them properly, you can kill almost everyone you want to kill! "

"Okay, that's it for today's class. The homework is "If you were this black-robed mage and it was known that the enemy was good at real transformation and could turn into mosquitoes and fleas, how would you deal with it?"

"By the way, there is also yesterday's homework, give it to me to take a look at."

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