The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 193 Mother of Desire and Eagle-Faced Guard

Margaret's news was shocking.

On the one hand, Matthew was surprised by her powerful fighting power, actually fighting a real legend with a fifth-level body;

On the other hand, Matthew also admires her stubbornness.

It stands to reason.

With the magic ability displayed by Margaret, the fight was really uncomfortable, so escaping was definitely not a problem.

But the result was that she was beaten to the point where she fell into a river of blood.

This shows that she didn't want to run away at all.

From the beginning.

She just wanted Luticia to be a stepping stone for her to advance to legend.

It's a pity that the legend of the Blood Flag family is not a water legend.

After fighting on the territory of the Blood Flag Kingdom, both sides suffered losses. In a sense, Margaret had won, but the risks she faced would be much greater next.

Matthew was quite concerned about Margaret's situation.

He was caressing the dice unconsciously in his hand.

suddenly think of:

"Should I try the prophecy spell?"

"Anyway, you can use dice in advance to determine the success rate of the prophecy spell."

Just do what comes to mind.

Matthew threw the prophecy dice to the ground.

The uneven muddy ground quickly gave the answer——

1 o'clock.

Matthew's face darkened.

"It must be because the ground is uneven!"

So he took out a piece of cardboard from his bag, placed it on the ground, and threw it again.

This time the dice spun on the cardboard for a long time before gradually stopping.

Yet the results are as real as ever.

Still 1 o'clock.

"Forget it, it seems that the purpose of this dice is to tell me that the prophecy spell has no chance for me."

Matthew smiled bitterly and put everything away.

Next he chatted with the burrowing owl couple in the cave for a while.

Seeing Matthew's kind attitude and gentle tone, the two little guys dared to talk to him near the cave entrance.

Matthew soon learned that the names of the burrowing owl couple were Gugu and Chiji.

The husband is Gugu and the wife is Jiji.

And not long after.

Matthew also realized that these two timid cute creatures and the nest of eggs were the first species to move into the oak forest.

Even earlier than Mr. Grouse.

And when Matthew asked why they came here.

Mr. Burrowing Owl replied:

"We heard that there was an oak forest in the north. It was a safe and vast forest with no scary predators and had countless uninhabited small caves, so we moved here with the idea of ​​giving it a try."

Matthew asked curiously:

"Heard? Who said it?"

Mr Burrowing Owl said:

"Falling leaves and wind, we don't know when we have been able to hear the whispers of falling leaves and wind. They can always bring us news from afar."

Matthew instantly realized that these two burrowing owls were not simple.

Being able to read the messages brought by fallen leaves and wind means that they have the innate potential to become the soul of nature.

There is so much spirituality in them.

Much more powerful than the grouse.

"That's right. If you don't have enough spirituality, you won't be attracted to the Sanctuary of Life so early."

"In fact, the proportion of small animals attracted to the Sanctuary of Life in the early stages will be very high in spirituality."

Thinking of this, Matthew became more cautious.

He and the Burrowing Owl couple started a lively conversation.

But in the process.

Matthew also found that the Burrowing Owl's wife seemed reluctant to talk to him.

On the contrary, Mr. Burrowing Owl particularly loves sharing all kinds of experiences with him.

The two talked freely for a long time.

When Matthew left the entrance of the Burrowing Owl Cave, words like this appeared on the data column——

"Tip: You and Mr. Gugu the Burrowing Owl are quite in tune. After this conversation, you became true friends.

You gain an animal companion.

Your tauren element +1. "

"Can we add tauren to this too?"

Matthew wondered.

The burrowing owl's wife's chirping angrily came from the cave:

"I told you I was hungry a long time ago, but you still talked to that man for a long time without knowing anything about it!"

"Do you still have me in your heart?"

Then there was a flurry of excitement.

Gugu emerged from the hole in a panic, jumping and looking for food with funny movements.

Matthew smiled dumbly.

In his opinion, the spirituality of the Burrowing Owl's wife, Jiji, may be stronger.

But it seems difficult to get along with.

There is only one quota for the Soul of Nature.

Let’s see who it is given to later.

Night falls.

A drow warrior carrying a large bag walked out of the Moonwood.

When she came to the cemetery, she was startled by the lively scene in the cemetery.

For a moment, Laila even suspected that she was in the wrong place!

But I saw zombies one after another, under the guidance of Miaosaki, the mother of coolies, who were vigorously reclaiming the ground.

And next to them were the corpses.

Every time a hole is dug.

The zombies clumsily stuffed the bodies in and hurriedly filled them up.

This process is actually not easy, but fortunately, the zombies work hard and are generally competent.

Zombies bury their dead.

This scene was bizarre enough.

However, when Laila passed by the workshop area carrying the luggage she brought back from Cordo City.

I was even more stunned by the lively working atmosphere inside.

But I saw that the prisoners were making hot glue very consciously.

In the blink of an eye, the raw materials running like an assembly line turned into bottles of semi-finished products in their hands.

After being processed by those arsonists, it became a perfect blazing glue.

Their movements are very skillful, and it can be seen that they are already skilled workers.

What struck Leila most was their work ethic.

"As expected of Lord Matthew, these evil criminals under his command are willing to change their ways and work hard to make progress."

Laila was very emotional.

Inadvertently, she bumped into the ghosts salivating next door and the black warrior Argus who was patrolling and longing for the bodies of the arsonists.

She seemed to understand something.

Until midnight.

Only then did Matthew lead another group of deceased people to the cemetery from the golden fertile village.

After handing over the new deceased to Myosaki.

Matthew was pleasantly surprised to find the Shadowsworn, the president of the Oak Chamber of Commerce, waiting quietly.

"How about it?"

Matthew said hello.

Laila smiled shyly:

"It went pretty well."

Then she handed Matthew the goods in the large and small bags, the underwater breathing potion in the storage items, as well as the payment and account book from the trip to Cordo City to receive the goods.

Matthew was in no hurry to check these.

Instead, he took Laila to sit in his studio for a while.

The two chatted about her experiences during her trip to the south.

"So, most of the rainforest is closed?"

Matthew handed over a glass of milk.

Laila took the milk but didn't drink it:

"Yes, at least three-quarters of the rainforest we passed through was blocked.

I guess it should be the self-protection measure of the Rainforest Soul——

Large tracts of thorns surround the rainforest, and only a very small number of indigenous people can cross these thorns.

As I passed by, I noticed some outsiders.

They come from Zeshui City or some small settlements in the northwest,

These people all showed severe symptoms of the voodoo curse when they approached the rainforest. I suspect that something happened in the rainforest recently, which forced the soul of the rainforest to use more extreme measures to counterattack.

Fortunately, I was not targeted by the Rainforest Soul and arrived at the Gold Coast relatively smoothly.

As for Cordo City, a lot has happened since we left.

I inquired secretly, and one of the biggest things was that Yu Yan united many forces inside and outside the city to force the original lord of Kordo City to step down. After that, he himself became the new lord of Kordo City.

During this period, Cordo City experienced several turmoils, and the Oak Chamber of Commerce shops were forced to close for a long time.

Fortunately, our products are indeed in hot demand on the Gold Coast, and they started selling like hotcakes not long after they were put on the shelves.

Sulfur essence is the fastest selling;

Followed by Ice Storm Scroll and Apparition Dust;

Herbal remedies are general;

The most unmarketable thing is the sword oil you forced on me. "

Matthew smiled helplessly and did not explain much about the origin of the sword oil.

"Yu Lian became the lord of Kordo City? That fat guy didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

he asks.

Laila shook her head:

"Yu Lian still respects you on the surface, and the operations of the Oak Chamber of Commerce have not been affected.

But secretly, I still felt something was wrong, so I fired the clerk he had recruited for us.

After that, I hired two mixed Jango people to temporarily take charge of the security and sales of the store.

Their abilities may not be as strong as those introduced by Yu Lian, but they are more reliable.

I thought about it carefully and realized that our products don’t actually require sophisticated promotion techniques. The scarcity itself is enough to attract a large number of customers.

Most of the time our shelves are empty.

Instead of opening every day, it would be better to open regularly. "

Speaking of which.

She said with some anxiety:

"I'm sorry that I replaced the clerk without reporting it to you."

Matthew shook his head:

"You are the president of the Oak Chamber of Commerce. I promised you before that your salary will be highly related to the profits of the Chamber of Commerce. I believe that you will do your best and make decisions that are in the interests of the Chamber of Commerce."

"Yu Lian is indeed not that easy to deal with. He is an out-and-out careerist and conspirator. It is normal to be wary of him. I would have done the same thing. You have done a great job. In addition, you can think of more The appropriate business strategy also impresses me.”

Facing Matthew's naked compliment, Laila seemed a little overwhelmed.

He just pursed his lips and tried not to show a smile that was obvious.

Then Matthew counted the accounts and cash.

During this trip, Laila brought back 6,000 gold coins in cash, underwater breathing potions purchased with 30,000 gold coins, and some souvenirs from Cordo City.

This batch of underwater breathing medicine is to be sold at the trading station. If everything goes well, it is expected to bring back about 240,000 gold coins!

In addition, there are goods with a market value of about 12,000 that are being sold slowly in the shops in Cordo City.

According to the current cycle speed.

Just two or three more trips for Laila.

The assets on the books of the Oak Chamber of Commerce will quickly expand to over one million!


Matthew also knew that this rate of expansion was unsustainable.

In fact, this batch of underwater breathing medicine is enough for the southern market to digest for a long time.

If it is cleared all at once, the price will be driven down quickly. After all, the market demand and purchasing power are there.

But Matthew wasn’t in a hurry.

The framework of the Oak Chamber of Commerce has been set up, and we can try other varieties of reselling next.

It even gets involved in the operation of some products with low profits but larger volumes.

In this case, you may need to build your own caravan.

As long as Matthew didn't completely fall out with Moonlight Goddess.

This pattern can continue.

This is a unique advantage of the Oak Tree Chamber of Commerce.

Laila also reported some of the business difficulties she foresees:

"When I purchased this batch of underwater breathing agents, I had already triggered an increase in the price of underwater breathing agents in Cordo City."

"Coupled with the fact that the Naga civil war is not over yet, underwater breathing agents on the Gold Coast will be in very short supply in the next period. Unless we can find a more stable source of supply, the cost of future purchases may increase exponentially."

Matthew nodded.

This is the dilemma of second-hand dealers. It is easy to make quick profits in the early stage. The difficulty lies in how to maintain this profit efficiency.

Matthew was certainly well prepared for this.

In terms of demand, he plans to send advertisements to Rapid City, Jade Cangting, White Rock City and even Deep Blue Harbor.

Especially on the east coast, the demand for high-quality underwater breathing agents is higher there.

As long as the reputation is established, there will naturally be no worries about a stable source of customers.

In terms of procurement, Matthew only plans to make Leila visit a few more cities on the Gold Coast to make up for this.

If he wanted to fundamentally solve the problem, he would have to make another trip to the Gold Coast and seek in-depth cooperation with Naga.

But business is not his main business.

It would be great to ensure that the Oak Chamber of Commerce can continue to operate healthily and provide a certain amount of financial guarantee for its tree planting business.

What is more important to him right now is studying and planting trees.

Look at the numbers that keep rolling up on the books.

Matthew suddenly felt a little emotional.

"In three months at most, the number above will exceed 200,000. I wonder what Lumiere will think when he sees this?"

"I don't know where he has gone north now. I hope he won't be tricked into mining again."

After a preliminary inventory of goods and cash.

Matthew told Laila to rest.

He arranged a long vacation for Laila - the market needs time to digest these high-level magic items, and people also need time to rest.

Matthew had no intention of using Lyla as a donkey.

Traveling back and forth three to four times a year was the limit he expected.

The only thing Matthew felt a little embarrassed about was.

Laila came back late at night and had to live in a house in the town. The cemetery was too crowded.

Although Lyra had no problem with that.

Matthew also felt that it was time to expand the cemetery a second time!

After just two or three hours of rest.

Early the next morning.

Matthew went to the crucible room with sleepy eyes.

Then teleported to Suriel's Crystal Palace.

The result left him somewhat disappointed.

Outside the Crystal Palace he was rejected.

It seems that Suriel did not exaggerate before, and the divine mage is indeed not something you can see if you want to.

Matthew originally wanted to use the excuse of repayment to talk to Suriel and inquire about Margaret's situation, but now it seems impossible.

When he tries to bring up that he needs more reinforcement.

The cat in charge of reception told him coldly:

"Prepare more than one million gold coins, and I will make an appointment for you."

Matthew had to leave silently.

But on the way back to the Crucible House, Matthew received some good news.

David, the mechanical gnome, told him that the second group of visiting mages would arrive in Rolling Stone at the end of August.

At that time, he could make a lot of money again.

But at the same time, this also means that it is getting closer and closer to the official launch of the S-class project that Matthew uses to draw the pie.

In order to comprehensively solve the cancer of the Mark of the Dead.

Matthew must work intensively to improve his strength while taking into account professional topics.

This made Matthew's burden even heavier.

the next period of time.

Matthew's daily three items have been upgraded to six daily items, and the new items are--

drive away corpses;

Basic skills and evil (including learning spells);

Further research on Mark of the Dead;


Matthew also has two major events on his schedule for July. The first one is the "Potato Dog Fighting Contest" on July 17th.

This is Rolling Stone's only traditional summer event.

As the name suggests.

The content of the event is dog fighting.

Any family with a fierce dog in Rolling Stone Town can sign up to participate.

The event got its name because the winner of the first dog fighting competition was rewarded with a cart full of potatoes.

The rewards for winners in subsequent editions have become increasingly generous.

Except for the essential potatoes.

The town hall also produces trophies and distributes bonuses.

Matthew had no intention of participating in a dog fighting contest.

Instead, Rhaegar placed the annual awarding of outstanding citizens before the dog fighting competition.

It's just that in the past few years, no truly outstanding citizens were born in Rolling Stone Town.

This year is different.

Matthew will be the first substantial recipient of this award since its inception.

This link was actually Rhaegar's attempt to dispel the residents' rumors and various stereotypes about Matthew.

Of course, Matthew couldn't neglect it.

At the very least, the residents should feel reassured.

And another thing happened in late July.

That was the time when the heat was at its most unbearable.

Rolling Stone will celebrate Sif's sixteenth birthday, which is also her coming-of-age ceremony.

And about the selection of Sif's birthday gift.

Matthew has been having a lot of headaches lately.

And that's just the big deal.

A series of small things were written densely on the calendar, and Matthew's days were naturally very fulfilling.

Time passed like water.

In mid-July, the entire town of Rolling Stone seemed to be on top of an oven, and every oak tree rolled up under the sun.

Only the cemetery is always refreshing.

Sif's awakening was already coming to an end, and it stands to reason that Rhaegar should be planning to move back.

But judging from his tone in the past few days, he didn't mention this matter at all.

Matthew was happy to see this happen.

After all, Rhaega has to pay to stay here for a long time. Matthew can get a discount on the accommodation fee, but the catering fee——

Paige has the final say!

After dinner this day.

Matthew went for a walk in the oak forest. Ollie, who was always shy and kept away from others, leaned close to his shoulder and rubbed Matthew's cheek with her soft mane from time to time.

The forest breeze at night is still extremely hot.

Can be vaguely between.

Matthew smelled a strong smell in the wind.

The flavor is quite strong, clearly identifiable and subtly pungent.

Matthew put a hand on Ollie's body and slowed his pace.

He closed his eyes and quietly felt the source of the smell.

But I was surprised to find that it came from all directions.

A familiar feeling came over me.

Matthew closed his eyes seasonedly.

That moment.

He saw two frogs hugging each other in a small puddle three hundred meters away;

Crickets were chirping loudly in the grass on the left;

In the oak forest, there are fireflies rising up. The male fireflies strive to show their light and send out a strong courtship signal;

Five hundred meters away, Mr. Grouse was riding another smaller bird of the same species. The scene was full of vitality!


All the visions gathered in Matthew's mind instantly.

A slight throbbing tugged at his heartstrings.

on the data column.

"Tip: Your ritual site "Sanctuary of Life" has recruited another batch of species to settle in. The current species prosperity of the oak forest is 13.

In early summer, an amazing reproduction song is going on in your domain of oak. With your accumulation in the oak domain, you not only get the third opportunity to explore the oak domain, but also enter another sub-domain of nature. "Reproduce".

In return for getting involved in the field, you will gain one of the following three abilities -

1. Full of vitality (you can slightly increase the mating rhythm of animals in the area and increase the reproduction speed of the corresponding species)

2. Mother of Desire (you can make a target temporarily blinded by desire and turn into a beast that only knows how to reproduce and estrus. It can be used three times a day)

3. Cut off descendants (you can make a target permanently lose the ability to reproduce; you can use this ability on up to ten targets)."

area of ​​reproduction.

This is a rather special subfield, it is the intersection of the natural realm and the life realm.

Matthew also didn't expect that he could actually control the field of reproduction horizontally through the oak field.

This is a very valuable leap.

And among the three abilities.

Matthew first ruled out vitality. The effect of this ability is relatively average. The Sanctuary of Life itself has such an effect.

To force a certain area to flourish is, to a certain extent, against the will of nature.

Therefore, this ability is actually relatively useless.

As for cutting off children and grandchildren.

It looks pretty bluffing, but when you think about it, it's actually just like that, equivalent to a curse with very low returns.

Matthew is not the kind of guy who likes to hurt people in secret.

So he finally chose the Mother of Desire.

This ability can be used completely as a control ability, similar to the effect of the Coughing Staff.

But just after he made his choice.

This ability has undergone new changes.

"Tip: You have gained a new ability "Mother of Desire".

The effect of the spell Confusion and Confusion (from the spell book Red Pink Chapter) you master has been increased to three times its original value!

In return for dabbling in the realm, you also gain the permanent status "Reproductive Penetration."

Reproductive Penetration: Your genetic material has powerful penetrating properties. When engaging in reproduction activities with different species, you will gain the ability to break through reproductive barriers.

That is, you can create a series of races of your own. "

This permanent state.

Matthew could only say a few words.

He's not a giant dragon, why is he always thinking about creating his own race?

And after withdrawing from the field of reproduction.

Matthew was then inspired by another force.

At the moment, he adjusted his spirit and allowed that force to pull his soul, entering the mysterious and vast world.

After a few seconds.

As soon as Matthew opened his eyes, he saw the annoying face of the hawk-faced man.

He stared at Matthew indifferently:

"You can't enter here..."

But he wasn't done yet.

Matthew then slammed towards him:

"Fuck you!"

"Hint: You have entered the "Oak Realm" for the third time!

You had a violent conflict with the domain guardian "Eagle Faced Guard"..."

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