The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 201 World Peace and Formation Breakers

Chapter 201 "World Peace" and the Form Breakers

The cloud elf's drop capsule was approaching menacingly, and Matthew quickly awakened the oak guards and prepared for confrontation.

However, when it was about five hundred meters above the ground, the descent speed of the drop capsule suddenly slowed down.

A faint blue light lit up from the bottom of the delivery cabin.

Matthew could recognize that as the symbol of Featherfall.

With the blessing of Feather Falling Technique.

The drop pod ultimately did not slam into the oak forest.

Instead, it landed lightly on a clearing in the north of the oak forest.

Matthew quickly greeted him.

Obest and others followed closely behind.

When they reached the edge of the drop capsule, the hatch had opened, and a very slender humanoid creature was walking out of it.

She was wearing a set of armor that looked thin and reflected the sheen of fish scales.

Her figure is taller and thinner than the Dusk Elf.

Viewed from the side.

Her whole body was as thin as a piece of paper, as if it would fly when the wind blew.

no doubt.

This is a cloud elf.

"I am Emilia, the captain of the Thirteenth Team of World Warfare. I am here under the entrustment of Ms. Bobo Wilkins. You must be Mr. Matthew."

Yun Elf's voice is very ethereal and sweet, giving people a delicate feeling, which is in obvious contrast with her capable appearance.

"I am."

Matthew nodded and asked Emilia’s origins with his eyes.

Amelia walked up to Matthew generously and stretched out a palm.

Matthew shook hands with her and found that her palms were extremely cold, as if she had just come out of an ice cave.

When the cloud elf is walking, her body is different from that of normal creatures. She seems to be floating or jumping.

Gravity seemed to have no effect on them.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Matthew."

Emilia said with a smile:

"Ms. Bobo is undergoing the assessment of the Wisdom Palace. If nothing unexpected happens, she will become one of the most potential magicians. After receiving your letter, she originally planned to come here in person, but we have tried hard to persuade her to come here. Sorry, the project she is currently working on is very critical, so she cannot come in person, I hope you can understand."

Matthew waved his hand:

"If there is something more important, just let me know. There is no need to mobilize forces like this."

Emilia said with a smile in her eyes:

"No, no, no, Ms. Bobo still attaches great importance to your request for help. Unfortunately, the war secret order of the Seven Saints Alliance has been officially disclosed. Due to some of the ancillary agreements of this secret order, my World War Troops cannot directly participate. The war on the surface, finally, after my discussion with Ms. Bobo, I decided to come in a private capacity to help you complete certain combat missions."

The sorrow of the world?

Seemingly noticing the confusion in Matthew's eyes, Amelia enthusiastically introduced:

"World's Sorrow is the most powerful air force in Cloud City. Based on the cloud elves deploying a large number of air bases and outer orbits in the sky of Irondor, members of World's Sorrow can descend anywhere in the world at the first time. corner.

This force is a key cooperation project between Cyber ​​Dragon and Cloud City.

Unfortunately, since the incident in Yunshang Ruins broke out, some conflicts have arisen between Cyber ​​Dragon and Yunduan City, and the cooperation projects between the two parties have also been terminated one by one.

Although World War II still maintains its independence, many projects in the army have been forced to disband.

Otherwise, as long as Ms. Bobo nods, I can mobilize at least three sky teams to help in the battle. "

Matthew secretly clicked his tongue inwardly.

He had known for a long time that the civilization in Cloud City was extraordinary - the cloud elves had shown incredible technological levels when they were hunting Loland.

But he didn't expect to see him for a few days.

Bobo has actually become an important figure in Yunduan City?

Matthew asked curiously:

"Isn't Bobo the weapon master of Cyber ​​Dragon?"

"Why did you join your Cloud City again?"

Emilia explained:

“I just said that World War is a joint project between Cyber ​​Dragon and Cloud City.

Ms. Bobo did not become a person in Cloud City, she just worked for World War.

The current deputy leader of World War is Ms. Holkins, the president of the Huo Sisters.

It was under the arrangement of Ms. Holkins that Ms. Bobo entered Cybertron to study.

Now it’s time to return to Ms. Holkins. "

Matthew nodded and did not continue to inquire.

Regardless of whether what the other party said was true or not, at least the cloud elf's attitude was very good.

Matthew had no reason to shut it out.

And the next moment.

When the cloud elf took out a pitch black suitcase from the drop bin and handed it to Matthew.

He basically believed what Emilia said.

The suitcase was heavy.

A huge sense of crisis came from inside the box.

That moment.

Matthew's hair stood on end.

"This is "World Peace" No. 1, Ms. Bobo's latest work. "

"It is equivalent to the superimposed burst effect of ten fifth-level spells of the evocation system. This is the remote control. Please be sure to keep it."

"By the way, this world peace bomb comes with an additional voice-activated spell. The moment you press the remote control, be sure to shout the word 'world peace', otherwise the bomb may become unstable."

Silently feeling the familiar smell.

Matthew's arms couldn't help but tremble.

He had a lot to say in his heart, so he couldn't help but ask:

"What do you mean by unstable situation?"

"Won't the bomb explode?"

Emilia replied cautiously:

"I don't know, but from what I know about the artificers, this may push the bomb's power beyond the limit - that is, it will explode more powerfully."

Matthew thought that the power of world peace to restrain bombs was reasonable.

So he couldn't help but ask a second question:

"With such a bomb, you dare to ride directly in the delivery capsule close to the ground? What if the deceleration effect of the capsule is not satisfactory?"

Emilia smiled slightly:

"We cloud elves have always been bold and like adventure and excitement. If something has a 50% success rate, even if it contains a lot of risks, we are willing to try it."

"If I am really that unlucky and fail when landing, then this must be God's will, and I will happily accept this result."

What a god’s will!

Matthew secretly sweated.

Fortunately, the scene he imagined did not happen, otherwise after the explosion of world peace, at least a large oak forest would be affected.

At the moment, he chatted with Amelia for a few more words.

Matthew found that the cloud elves were not as difficult to get along with as he thought.

But some of the concepts Emilia displayed in her speech were really unacceptable.

The cloud elves seem to be a race that likes to seek death. The reason why they are not extinct is entirely due to black technology that transcends the background of the times.

This is in sharp contrast to other conservative elves.

No wonder he can compete with Cyber ​​Dragon in the sky.

After chatting for a while.

Emilia entrusted Matthew to help put the drop capsule away.

And she climbed up an oak tree, then spread her hands and flew into the sky like a bird.

She found a cloud in the sky and got into it.

"I will stay in Rolling Stone Town to support you during the next period of time. If you want to find me, just shout my name loudly."

Emilia's ethereal voice came down from the sky.

Matthew looked up curiously at the cloud in the sky.

After a while.

A somewhat embarrassed voice sounded in his heart:

"Can you please stop reading, Mr. Matthew?"

Matthew quickly lowered his head and left the surface with World Peace in hand.

Although Bobo did not come in person.

But the heavy world peace still made Matthew feel her sincerity.

With this bomb, Matthew has another trump card.

As for how much role Emilia, a cloud elf, can play in the war.

Matthew was completely hopeless.

But what surprised him a little was.

over the next week.

Except for Bobo, the other five people had no news at all.

This made Matthew a little disappointed.

Fortunately, in the meantime.

Li Weiqi returned to Rolling Stone Town from Gaoye Ling as planned.

After learning about the Black Dragon Lord's sneak attack on Rolling Stone Town.

This powerful monk said on the spot that he wanted to help.

Two days later.

The battle application and combat plan formulated by Rega and Zeller were quickly released.

About these contents.

Matthew was also involved.

However, he focused more on preparations related to dragon slaying.

It's late July.

The application list for the battle in Rolling Stone Town has entered the final stage of formulation.

What gave Rhaegar a headache.

There are serious signs of partiality in Rolling Stone's army - on the one hand, they have extremely good cavalry, and on the other hand, they have infantry composed of garrison members with little combat experience.

Of course, there is no need to say much about the cavalry. They all came back from Escana.

However, the weakness of the infantry is not good news for a battle that is mainly frontal.

After repeated discussions among the three people.

In the end, they decided to introduce a famous mercenary group to make up for the shortcomings of the front line.

This mercenary group called the Formation Breakers arrived in Rolling Stone Town on the afternoon of July 22nd.

They had previously been active in the country north of the Helen Mountains, and it was said that they had fought several battles with the Troll Kingdom.

After that, the head of the mercenary group received some news and believed that the southern battlefield was more profitable.

So they took a boat south and reached the east coast.

It happened that this regiment leader had an old relationship with Rhaegar's father, and the two sides started to have a relationship after going back and forth.

The morning of July 23rd.

The entrance to the Lord's Mansion.

Standing was a line of Northland warriors wearing heavy armor and having thick beards and hair.

However, the most eye-catching thing is the mammoth that almost makes the entire street extremely crowded!

That is the mount of the regiment leader Donovan, and it is also the greatest asset of this rare mercenary regiment whose main business is town garrison and local warfare.

At this moment.

The heavily armored warriors from the Formbreaker mercenary group blocked the main road leading to the Lord's Hall.

Obviously an outsider.

The chilling aura on their bodies outshone the members of the garrison who had never seen blood.


They seem to have a taste of being anti-customer.

In the reception hall, which is only ten meters away from the door.

Rega looked at the situation outside the corridor with an unkind expression:

"Donovan, what do you mean?"

Donovan the Breaker is a rugged-looking northerner.

But at this moment, there was an obvious cunning look in his small eyes:

"Oh, little Rhaegar, don't get me wrong. My people are used to seeing blood and sand. Sometimes they can't control their nervousness. But don't worry, I'm here to discuss business. They only respect you. ,No other meaning."

"After all, I am your father's old friend. I hugged you when you were a child."

This old man was clearly in his sixties, but his voice was full of energy and his movements were powerful, as if he was in his prime.

Matthew speculated that Donovan should have barbarian blood.

I heard the other party's tone of relying on one's elders.

Matthew and Zeller looked at each other.

They all realized that this guy was here to take advantage of the situation.


The mercenary group originally made war profits.

It would be strange for people like them not to challenge Rega at this time.


Rhaegar frowned and negotiated with the other party for a while.

Donovan quickly rejected the previously negotiated price.

And it tripled on this basis!

"My people came here specially from the north to support the territorial construction of Rolling Stone Town. Although we have old friendships, we must give each code one code, and you must give us enough money, otherwise I will not be able to do it. Brothers, please explain."

Donovan's tone was gentle.

He sat relaxedly on the chair opposite Rhaegar, as if he was the master of this place.

Rhaegar responded unceremoniously:

"You are taking advantage of the situation!"

"You know my strength, don't play with fire, Donovan!"

Donovan said calmly:

“I know your people are strong, your barracks is next door, and there are many strong knights there;

I also know that there is a legendary thief, a high-level warlock, and a necromancer in this town?

I admit that you are very strong.

But you also have to admit -

you need me.

You need us.

121 members of the Formation Breakers Mercenary Group——

There are 70 heavily armored warriors, 29 archers, 11 scouts, 6 shield guards, 2 mages, and 2 priests.

And I.

Donovan, the Breaker King, and my friend Harley, the Mammoth King.

If you want to fight a battle with the territory next door, you need my people to withstand the frontal battlefield for you.

What's more, what we are about to face is a black dragon!

I've fought dragons.

Know how difficult they are.

How many mercenary groups in the entire south are willing to face the dragon?


You have to admit this.

The portion higher than the previously agreed price is a reward for our courage! "

Rega's face turned pale:

"The price I gave you is already three times the normal market price!"

Donovan said lazily:

"Extraordinary times are extremely expensive. To be honest, in addition to you, we have also received invitations from other territories."

"If you are unwilling to pay this price, then our people will leave quickly. Don't worry, I am here to do business, not to ruin the place."

"I just hope you can make a relatively rational decision. After all, you also see my strength."

"To put it bluntly, my people are guarding the door now. Who else but the legendary thief can break in?"

Donovan's arrogance was infuriating.

Matthew and Zeller looked at each other, intending to teach each other a lesson.

But at this time.

There was a sudden commotion at the door.

Everyone looked outside.

It seemed that two people wanted to enter the Lord's Mansion, but were stopped by the heavily armored soldiers of the mercenary group.

Moreover, the mammoth was blocking the entrance and refused to move.

The two men who were stopped looked very dissatisfied.

Donovan smiled with satisfaction.

He even took the initiative to show his hands towards Rega.

But the next second.

A low chant suddenly came from the door.

But I saw a light green light coming from one of the female Druids.

The light fell faintly on the mammoth.

The latter staggered back a few steps.

His eyelids seemed to weigh as much as a thousand pounds.

It actually closed in a matter of seconds!

Two of the heavily armored warriors immediately rushed forward to capture the druid.

But at this time.

A burst of pure white swords and swords erupted from beside them.

Onlookers could barely see what was happening.

I heard bursts of ding-ding-dong-dong sounds!

And when the dust has settled.

Everyone was surprised to find that the leg armor of the two heavily armored warriors had all been cut off to the ground!

Their lower bodies suddenly changed from fully armored to naked.

Only a pair of underwear and dense leg hair were left shivering in the air.

In the horrified eyes of the heavily armored warriors.

The orc sword master slowly inserted the weapon back into the scabbard behind his back.

Mild confusion breaks out at the door.

Take advantage of this moment.

The two quickly passed through the guards at the door and came to the reception hall.

Just as the members of the defense team inside were about to stop him, Matthew stood up:

"They came to see me."

"Long time no see, Samantha, Craig."

He greeted the two women in a friendly way.

Samantha nodded lightly.

But Clegg showed joy from the bottom of his heart:

"I heard that you were in a little trouble. Samantha and I just finished a matter at hand and rushed over immediately."

"Hmm? Is he your enemy?"

Craig stared at Donovan on the chair, his eyes gradually becoming unkind.

Donovan looked at Clegg with a solemn expression:

"The way of the sword master?"

Craig suddenly put on a frosty expression.

She didn't answer.

Matthew took advantage of the situation and put the two girls aside and asked them to wait for a while.

During this process.

Donovan looked at Matthew suspiciously.

The end.

He frowned and said:

"The inheritor of the Sword Saint, Moonlight Druid, I admit that your friend has some strength, but this does not affect the content of our negotiations. I always think that my men and I are worth so much money."

The words just fell.

A loud roar erupted from the doorway.

Everyone hurriedly looked outside again.

But among the heavily armored warriors, a strong young man appeared.

He pushed his way to the side of the mammoth, as if trying to get in.


Matthew exclaimed.

The appearance of the future King of the Rainforest has not changed much from before, except that his skin is much darker!

He looked up and saw Matthew and said happily:

"Matthew! Why is there an elephant at your door?"

"I can't get in with him standing here. Can I move him?"

Donovan saw this and sneered:

"Young people who don't know how to be brave are talking nonsense?"

"I asked Harley to stay where she is. If you can move ten steps...fuck!"

Donovan wasn't finished yet.

In the horrified eyes of everyone.

The young man who was as black as coal actually pushed the mammoth in the opposite direction.

Immediately afterwards.

He raised his hands and actually touched the mammoth's waist, lifting it in place.

"Give one, give one, give one!"

In that urgent cry.

Lumiere held the mammoth and ran out of the town.

In a flash, no one disappeared.

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