The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 271 The Limits of Mortals

Faced with Suriel who made shocking remarks.

Matthew was silent for a long time before slowly shaking his head:

"Feel sorry."

"I do not want to."

Even though it was Margaret, Matthew couldn't accept it.

It’s not that he rejects the idea of ​​childbearing.

After all, after living in the continent of Irondor for many years, Matthew has become accustomed to many things under the impact of various jaw-dropping phenomena.

He himself has become more adaptable to relevant factors under a subtle influence.

A mage.

It seems more orthodox to play with a little more money.

But as a divine mage, Suriel has at least 1,000 ways to resurrect Margaret, right?

There is no need to choose such an abstract method, right?

In addition, Matthew is well aware that the process of childbirth can wreak havoc on the body.

This is not just physical damage.

Rather, it is a massive loss at the factor level

Matthew takes great care of his body.

Because he knows it very well.

Even if you can reshape your physical body after entering the legendary stage, better physical fitness means you can get higher growth in the legendary stage.

Everything he does now is to accumulate for the advancement of legend.

The extremely risky and low-return behavior of childbearing is undoubtedly contrary to this.

He couldn't bear the slightest damage to his body.

Suriel's meaning couldn't be more obvious.

She hoped that Matthew could physically deliver the embryo, during which she might be able to use reincarnation magic to inject Margaret's soul into the embryo.


He became Margaret's father, and the Evil Queen Barbatha was her mother.

As long as Suriel has a way to suppress the evil queen's mark in the embryo.

Then after reincarnation, Margaret is born a demigod and will have unlimited possibilities for growth!

This is of course the best way to handle Margaret's unexpected death.

But not so for Matthew.

Of course he was willing to help Margaret as long as he didn't hurt himself.

But if his own foundation is damaged, let Suriel use other means.

Seeing Matthew's determined eyes.

Suriel's emotions gradually calmed down, and she nodded slightly:

"You're right."

"This is so unfair to you."

"It's just this embryo, it's a bit of a pity..."

Matthew's heart moved.

He quickly asked:

"Is there any way to remove the embryo directly without actually going into labor?"

Suriel thought for a while and shook his head.

"This is not a simple curse or pollution, but a blessing of domain ability. Although we can offset this blessing through other methods, in essence, your body is already linked to this domain. From outsiders' perspective, From this point of view, it is difficult for us to dispose of this embryo for you through non-violent means - I mean a method that will not cause great harm to your body."

Suriel explained:

"In addition to normal delivery, I currently have three strategies in mind -

The first is to kill the Evil Queen Babasha.

The domain blessings on you come from the domain radiation of this alien god.

As long as she dies.

This problem is solved naturally.

The second option is for you to transform yourself into a fully undead creature.

Through radical negative energyization.

You can completely cover the blessings in the field of fertility.

There is no way to talk about the pollution caused by the evil queen.

As for the third option, that is to forcibly abort the embryo.

I said it before.

This embryo comes from your domain ability blessed by the Evil Queen.

So I'm not sure if it will continue to form after knocking it off.

And abortion itself is very harmful to the body.

Even more painful than normal childbirth..."

Matthew frowned when Suriel said something.

He originally thought that he was contaminated or cursed by the Evil Queen.

Didn’t you expect it to be a blessing?

“Can’t I give up or reject the realm of reproduction and related abilities?”

Matthew asked puzzledly:

"There is another question. If this blessing is continuously effective, is it anchored to my body or my soul?"

Suriel muttered:

"You may have had the opportunity to give up or refuse the moment the blessing took effect, but it's obvious that the Evil Queen's methods are very weird, and you failed to seize the only window period."

"According to my current observation, it is difficult for you to get rid of this ability for the time being."

"This is the second question. To be honest, I'm not sure. Baba comes from another world. Even though the field she masters overlaps with Irondor, it still has many unreasonable features. If If you want to figure this out, I'm afraid you have to do an experiment in which the soul leaves the body."

Matthew nodded slightly.

He actually thought so too.

Suriel looked at him curiously:

"What ideas have you got?"

Matthew smiled bitterly:

"I just have some weird ideas."

"If this ability is bound to my body, can my soul be directly projected onto this embryo and compete with the Evil Queen's mark for the ownership of the embryo?"

"Once I succeed, I can give birth to myself and at the same time have a demigod embryo full of divinity as a clone. Is this theoretically possible?"

Suriel looked dumbfounded.

She stared at Matthew up and down for several times, then couldn't help but bite her index finger:

"There seems to be nothing wrong with what you said."

"In the final analysis, the Evil Queen's influence on this embryo is only that much. If you are really prepared, it is not impossible to replace it."

"From your personal point of view, this is indeed a method of maximizing interests."

Matthew had now completely calmed down from the panic of sudden pregnancy.

Analyze carefully.

In fact, it’s just an extra tumor in my body!

Suriel's words made Matthew realize.

This tumor is priceless to many people!

Margaret does.

Isn’t this the case for the gods of Tianlun Palace?

He is now even beginning to worry that once the news leaks out, whether the gods of Tianlun Palace, including the God of Travelers, will line up one by one to come to his door and want to be his cheap children!

When I think of that scene.

Matthew also has a huge head.

"The specific solution may need to take into account more details. My research on human body enchantment is good, but in the field of life, I am just an apprentice."

Suriel concluded:

"The problem you have involves the mysteries of the life field, and there happens to be gaps in the alliance's research on the life field. Except for your mentor who puts himself in solitary confinement every day, no one else has done much in-depth research on the life field. "

"We can't really count on druids or elves. After the fall of the Earth Spirit, the Druid Order lacked enough experienced talents. The development of Jade Cangting was also restricted by the Mark of the Dead and stagnated. There may be some great scholars in the field of life in Yonge Forest, but they may not be willing to come and help."

"In the end, the ones who are best at this are priests or warlocks. You may have to rely on yourself in the end."

Matthew nodded.

Although Suriel's analysis does not directly solve the problem.

But it also pointed out the direction for him to deal with it.

"Since the related abilities in the fertility field are passively effective, as long as I have higher authority in the related fields, I can completely overwrite or replace this ability."

Matthew’s ideas are getting broader and broader:

"If I control the authority of the earth, then as a part of the earth domain, fertility-related abilities must be regulated by the earth's authority. I can even directly extract embryos through the power of the domain... Although this premise is a bit difficult, I have already Having gained the recognition of the earth, and having a gem like the Crown of the Earth in my hand, as long as there is enough time, it might not be impossible to do this."

"And it's not just the earth. The two fields of nature, life, and the field of fertility are either vertical or intersecting. If I can make breakthroughs in these two fields, I can also effectively control this embryo."

"Ten thousand steps back, I can go to Hussman and Dudley. They might be able to use the power of the spore field to decompose the embryo and complete reproduction and fertility in another form."

"I can also go to Huang Yulong. He must be very interested in this issue. Maybe he can also collect a spectator fee?"

The more Matthew thought about it, the more excited he became.

Look at it this way.

The Evil Queen's blessing is not a bad thing at all.

Even a huge opportunity!

He could clearly feel that all the windows that had been sealed were opening towards him.

That is a call from a higher realm!




If we say that before, Matthew only had the achievements of a field harvester in some niche areas.

So this time he had a strong premonition.

As long as I can successfully solve the embryo problem.

I will definitely take further steps in the above three major fields and become a true master in the field!

Just think of this.

He couldn't help but touch his slightly bulging belly.

His eyes were full of love.

What kind of curse is this!

It is clearly a golden mountain!

But the premise of all this is that Matthew must suppress the natural birth of the embryo before finding the perfect solution.

He obviously couldn't do it on his own.

This is true even if there are two divinities in hand.

So he asked Suriel for help:

"Is there any way to temporarily suppress the embryo's urge to give birth?"

"I need some time to find the perfect solution."

"As long as I can find a way to deal with it without harming my own body, I can also transfer this embryo to you as a container for Margaret's reincarnation."

Suriel was quite happy.

She directly threw a topaz bracelet to Matthew:

"Let's talk about Margaret for a while. It's not that I don't have other preparations. As for yourself..."

"Wearing this will prevent you from giving birth naturally within half a year, and the shape of the embryo will be suppressed to the size of a stone. It will not squeeze your internal organs. At most, it will sting occasionally."

"Of course, this bracelet is not without cost. You will lose your fertility in the next six months, and it will take a certain amount of time to recover after taking it off."

Matthew gratefully put the bracelet on.

on the data column.

“Hint: You’re wearing a birth control bracelet.

Your natural affinity is slightly reduced.

By wearing the prop, you have successfully suppressed the urge to give birth naturally, and your area of ​​self-control has been greatly improved!

You have been given more opportunities to explore, would you like to do so now? "

Because the tendency to give birth is suppressed.

So is nature dissatisfied?

Matthew laughed and shook his head.

It's just a little affinity, not a big problem.

He could feel that the embryo in his body was under effective control, and it no longer had the fatal impact on Matthew's concentration as before.

This is the best news.

As for the additional realm of moderation, Matthew certainly has no intention of exploring it now.

He quickly shifted his gaze from the data column to Suriel in front of him.

His troubles were temporarily solved.

Then it’s time to deal with Margaret’s accident.

“Should I pay anything for this bracelet?”

Matthew asked deliberately.

Suriel shook his head gently:

"No need, I came here to help you. Next, you go to Purgatory with me, and this bracelet will be given to you."

Matthew asked:

"Do you need me to do anything?"

"why me?"

Suriel quickly explained:

"Margaret's death was sudden and I was not prepared for it.

I temporarily went to purgatory to collect her body, and I also needed someone to call her soul. This person must be someone she was familiar with during her lifetime.

As far as I know, Margaret doesn’t have many friends. Before she went to Purgatory, she only had close contacts with you.

What's more, you are still a necromancer. In terms of summoning undead, this should be your specialty. "

Matthew still can't accept that Margaret died like this.

He asked somewhat sadly:

"So Margaret really died at the hands of the devil?"

Suriel's face showed a rare look of sadness.

However, she seems unwilling to expand further.

She just nodded lightly:


"She is a little greedy. She should have been promoted to legend long ago, but she just wants to pursue the limit..."

"Stop talking about it, prepare the spell for the guardian spirit, and just follow the normal undead summoning ritual for the first half."


She handed a bright yellow scroll into Matthew's hand.

Matthew unfolded it and looked at it.

The spell is not complicated.

He is indeed quite talented in the field of the undead. According to the description on the scroll, he only needs to summon Margaret's patron saint.

But such a simple act.

Why didn't Suriel come by himself?

He expressed his doubts.

Suriel said lightly:

"I have my own things to do."

"After arriving in Purgatory, I will clear a space for you, where you can summon Margaret's soul and find a way to put it into this bottle. After that, you can return to the main material world and wait for my follow-up news."

As she spoke, she threw another blue, slender-mouthed ceramic bottle to Matthew.

Matthew shook the bottle.

It seemed to be filled with water.

It's quite heavy in the hand.

"Are you ready?"

Suriel asked.

Matthew nodded.

At that moment, the former used his right hand to tear it apart, and an arched portal was instantly formed.

Hot breath gushed out from the door, and the smell of volcanic sulfur was so irritating that everyone present narrowed their eyes.

Suriel stepped in first.

Matthew followed.

"Reminder: You have arrived at the 24th floor of Purgatory, the "Island of Infinite Purgatory"!

The Island of Infinite Purgatory (Knowledge of Purgatory): This place belongs to the Morgan Purgatory of the Nine Hells, and is ruled by the legendary devil Morgan, one of the Lords of the Nine Hells, who rules the 21st to 67th floors of Purgatory.

There are a large number of devils who look like black goats living on Wujian Island, and their lord is "Herder" Consonya (Legendary/Lord/Mutated Devil)..."

Nine levels of purgatory does not mean that there are only nine levels of purgatory.

In fact.

Highly fissile folded planes like the Abyss or Purgatory have almost infinite branch planes.

These branch planes are independent of each other. Theoretically, they are not in the same interval, let alone high or low.

Just for convenience of statistics and reference.

The common method is to organize these branch planes in the order of discovery.

The layers are independent of each other.

But the area where each layer is located is generally divided.

To this day.

Purgatory is still roughly divided into 9 spaces.

Each of these 9 spaces has a powerful devil's rule, but some have completed the unification, and some are still divided and fighting internally.

According to the tradition of Purgatory.

The name of the most powerful ruler is the name of Purgatory.

Therefore, the 24th level of purgatory in front of us is a branch plane of Morgan's purgatory.

In Matthew's impression.

Morgan is the more powerful one among the Lords of Nine Hells.

A high degree of unity has been achieved within Morgan's Purgatory, and all devils must obey the command of Morgan himself.

Logically speaking, Margaret shouldn't be on this floor.

She should go to those more chaotic planes of purgatory.

I think the cause of her death may be related to this.

Look away from the data column.

The space in front of him was filled with dazzling orange-red.

Matthew looked around.

But I saw fire raining down continuously in the sky, and every drop of flame had a rain-like shape.

And the earth was covered with a sea of ​​fire.

The fire of purgatory that continues all year round sweeps across the sky and the earth.

This makes the entire space look like a giant stove or oven.

If it weren't for the protective spells blessed by Suriel.

Matthew wondered if he had disappeared from the world!

even so.

He was also a little sweaty, and even his eyebrows were covered with sweat.

Matthew wiped his eyes.

Amid the rain of fire and sea of ​​fire, pitch-black islands floated in the air.

Not so much an island.

Rather, they are fragments of the cliff.

These pieces are really tiny.

Some can only accommodate 3 to 5 people standing.

The larger ones are about 30 or 40 square meters.

On these tiny islands.

You can vaguely see the beating shadows one by one.

They were devils that looked like mountain black goats. They looked similar to black goats, except that the thighs and buttocks of their hind limbs looked a bit like humans.

This thing is like a stitched monster made of black goat and human.

Gives people a strong sense of nausea.

Suriel flew quickly in mid-air with Matthew.

They passed by countless fragmented floating islands.

And every time you pass.

All the black goats on the floating island will die silently!

Matthew couldn't even see clearly what spell Suriel used.

After a while.

They arrived at a larger island.

A magnificent palace was built on the island.

Countless black goats and little devils gathered outside the palace.

Suriel descended before the palace.

All the devils couldn't help but retreat back.

Some devils were pushed to the edge of the island, accidentally slipped and fell, and eventually fell into the sea of ​​fire and were burned alive.


Suriel's voice was filled with suppressed anger.

There was a snap.

The palace door suddenly opened.

More devils were squeezed under the island.

However, Suriel turned a blind eye to everything around him.

She just strode toward the palace.

Matthew hurried to follow.

There is a special space inside the palace.

As soon as the two entered, they saw an extremely vast square.

There are strange and inexplicable stone pillars erected in the square.

Matthew took a few quick glances.

Each stone pillar is engraved with the totem of the devil lord Morgan.

There was a strong smell of blood between the stone pillars.

The next second.

Matthew then saw an unforgettable scene——

Right in the middle of the square.

A huge black goat was gnawing at corpses of different shapes.

Next to her was a trembling little guy.

But Matthew noticed in a flash.

That so-called little guy is a legendary devil!

But under the terrifying pressure of the Black Goat.

This legendary devil also seems a bit insignificant.

"What she is eating are the corpses of legendary devils..."

"They should be the three legendary devils that Margaret just killed!"

Matthew's heart felt cold.

He suppressed the discomfort and desperately tried to find traces of Margaret among the endless flesh and blood.

But he found nothing.

It's not that Matthew's perception isn't sharp enough.

But the pile of meat in front of the Black Goat is too complicated and confusing!

Except that the corpses of the three legendary devils have a certain degree of recognition.

The remaining human corpses were served as if they were chopped into dumpling fillings.

For the devil lord in front of you to feast.

"Give me my people back."

Suriel said.

However, the black goat only knew how to eat.

While chewing, she chuckled vaguely and said:

"How can there be any reason to spit out what you have eaten?"

"You're late, let me treat you to something else!"


She threw a human leg over.

However, the man's legs were still flying in the air.

Suriel's figure disappeared from the place.

The next second.

Fierce screams came from deep inside the palace——


Accompanied by the heart-rending roar of the giant black goat.

Matthew was shocked to see a long crack opened in her belly!

He couldn't even see Suriel's shadow clearly.

After several screams.

Suriel reappeared next to Matthew intact.


A huge stomach bag landed in front of the two of them.


Suriel waved his right hand.

The stomach pouch was torn open.

More disgusting flesh and blood flowed out like a mudslide.

Suriel's expression did not change at all.

Three gold coins popped out of her right hand.

The next second.

All the excess flesh and blood disappeared.

Outside the stomach pouch.

Only a female corpse was left, with half of her body corroded.

The originally clear and bright eyes of the female corpse were widened with a dead expression.

Matthew's nose felt sore when he saw it, and he felt a little sad.

The world is indeed full of crises.

Even a powerful mage like Margaret died tragically while practicing her legendary path.

And in the long process of resisting the outer plane.

Margaret was not the only mage who fell tragically.


"I'm here to take you home."

Suriel sighed lowly.

Matthew silently put Margaret's body in a body bag.

Suriel looked at him quietly.

Suddenly he said:

"She actually envies you."


Matthew was a little surprised.

Suriel continued:

"It's not just you, Hibbert, Feliwen... there are too many young people in the league whose talents make Mary crazy with jealousy."

"Because with your talents, what you can achieve casually may be a ceiling that she can't reach no matter how hard she tries."

Matthew didn't know what to say.

in his impression.

Margaret is undoubtedly an extremely powerful kryptonian gold warrior.

But think about it.

In fact, she is also a poor person who has been rejected by the legendary way and is struggling.

In addition to the identity of the mage and the influence of Suriel.

She is no different from Li Weiqi.

"The first time I met Mary was in the actual combat arena of the Floating City. At that time, she lacked talent and was very weak, but she would never give up fighting those who looked down on her."

"I didn't pay attention to her at that time. Until many years later, every time I paid attention to the actual combat ring, I could see that she was beaten all over and still refused to admit defeat."

"Many mages at that time laughed at Mary as the best free sparring partner."

"Because she will not refuse anyone's challenge. She is eager for every battle, even if she is bruised and bruised, even if her body is broken into pieces."

"Since then, I have had some impressions of her and have secretly listened to her conversations with others."

"Someone advised her that it's good for a girl to be a mage. Taking good care of yourself and working more on body and beauty-related spells is better than anything else."

"If you can't become an excellent mage, then marrying an excellent mage is also a good choice."

"This is the true thought of many academic female mages."

"They come to the Magic Academy not to truly learn spells, but to use this platform to get to know more outstanding male mages."

"But Mary is different."

"That's not what she meant."

“She might even be more special than you think—

Some girls work desperately to prove that they are better than men.

But not Mary.

In her eyes, the objects of comparison do not distinguish between men and women.

She just wants to be better than everyone!

There was a competitiveness in her that I had never seen before.

So I made her my student.

I thought I could change her fate.

But obviously.

I overestimated myself.

Mary is a stubborn and competitive girl who is very lovable.

But she is essentially.

Still an ordinary person with mediocre talents.

She has reached the limit of what a mortal can do.

Except for hard work.

She has no other talents at all.

In fact, I already knew it.

Mary is not suitable for Fei Capital and my path, because she is a big fool who cannot make money at all;

Even the actual combat ability that she is proud of.

It was also earned through thousands of beatings.

It was really difficult for her to move forward.

Geniuses have a simple realization.

For her, she has to endure countless pains and is still not even allowed to enter.

This is the cruelty of magic.

Even if I can bring her back to life.

She is only part of Mary.

She might become more mediocre, she might reconcile with herself, she might become an ordinary person.

But it's certainly not the same person you once met.

all in all.

Mary was the worst investment in my life.

But I don’t really regret it. "

There was a rare sadness in Suriel's tone.

Matthew was also affected by her emotions.

He lowered his head slightly.

Suriel quickly adjusted his mood.

She warned:

"You use this body to summon the patron saint I left in the sand of her soul. Remember to act quickly and don't stay here for too long. If you find Mary's soul, hurry back."

Then she opened a portal to the main material world and placed an extremely powerful protective barrier near the portal.

Do it all.

Matthew watched Suriel walk out of the protective barrier.

At this time, the giant black goat in the square was still eating wildly.

Even though her stomach pouch had been removed by Suriel.

Even her chest and belly were open.

Even when she was eating, a large amount of flesh and blood would fall to the ground from her esophagus.

But she still didn't stop this crazy action.

This scene makes people look horrified.

Suriel strode over.

Every step.

A section of the black goat's body will suddenly break apart.

Take seven steps out.

The huge body of this legendary devil monarch suddenly collapsed.

The pieces of flesh all over her body turned into part of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in the square.

"It would be nice if I could have a few more bites..."

Before dying, the black goat murmured with nostalgia.

However, Suriel didn't look at her at all.

She raised her head upwards, her eyes so sharp that they seemed to have penetrated the thick ceiling, and her voice was filled with an unprecedented chilling air:


"Your death has come!"

"Warning: The divine mage Suriel has officially challenged Morgan, one of the Lords of the Nine Hells, to a duel!

To avoid death from unknown injuries.

Please leave this place as soon as possible! "

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