"You used the ability 'Insight'——

Judging by its size and style, it originally belonged to a woman or a small man;

The blood on the clothes had long since dried, from at least a few days ago;

There is a series of messy footprints nearby that lead deeper into the cave. They are very large and definitely not left by kobolds or jackals. The owners of the footprints are more likely to be humans, bugbears or orcs..."

Make a note of this information.

Matthew put on his gloves meticulously and took away the bloody clothes.

Then he was ready to leave.

The terrain of the underground cave is extremely complicated, and it is not something that a small necromancer like him can explore alone.

Although the bone dragon is fierce.

But the size doesn't fit.

The passage in front of Matthew could barely accommodate two people.

Xiao Fei definitely couldn't get through.

Plus it obviously happened a few days ago.

Matthew believed that handing over the blood coat to the security office was the best option - the Blood Banner family was one of the few nobles who attached great importance to the security of their territory, and this was well-known among the major human kingdoms.

If someone really goes missing recently, the Sheriff's Office will not sit idly by and ignore it.

Leave the cave.

Matthew hurried back to the city.

Along the way.

He found that the main mission had changed.

"Main mission: Planting trees

Progress: Achieve primary goal

Follow-up task 1: Keep up the good work!

Description: Please continue to expand the planting scale of the oak forest in Rolling Stone Town, with a target of 3,000 trees!

Reward: 10XP/1 living oak tree

Follow-up task 2: Maintenance is also important!

Description: A new forest can easily be destroyed by an accident. Please protect your forest.

Reward: Each time the guardian is successful, you will receive different rewards."

Each oak tree gives 10 experience points?

Matthew's eyes lit up.

Isn't this more exciting than fighting and killing?

There is no risk in planting trees!

As for maintenance.

Matthew didn't pay much attention.

Since the extinction of the kobolds, the security in Rolling Stone Town has been very good.

The bloody clothes in the cave must be an accident, probably related to those restless adventurers.

"My oak forest is planted on private land. No one should dare to cut down trees secretly, right?"

Matthew thought.

Except for the two subsequent tasks.

Matthew discovered that at some point, there was a Tai Chi-like symbol at the bottom of the taskbar.

The symbol is divided into left and right sides. The shape of both sides is exactly the same. They are both uppercase and transparent three-dimensional commas.

The difference lies in the color of the light spots surging inside——

The left side is gray, with only a trace of sediment deposited at the very bottom;

The right side is green, with a large number of light spots rolling in it, and has accumulated to about half.

What's this?

Matthew stared for a moment.

He found that the green light spots were slowly increasing, especially when he was passing through the oak forest, the light spots seemed to be increasing faster!

The gray light on the left is barely moving.

Although the taskbar is not labeled.

But he guessed that this might be related to the two professions of Necromancer and Druid respectively.

"What happens when the light spot is full?"

"There are many green spots because I planted many trees?"

"If I summon a few more undead or use negative energy spells, can I increase the gray light spots?"

Along the way.

Matthew studied it with relish.

But when we were almost near the town.

The appearance of an uninvited guest interrupted his thoughts.


A laugh similar to that of a human little girl sounded.

Matthew's eyes lit up with a faint white light.

He stood firm.

A girl-like elf the size of a thumb, with wings on its back, flew out of the white light.

She flew around Matthew enthusiastically three times, and then the mini flower basket in her hand shook.

A large handful of fresh fruit fell into Matthew's arms.

Then there was a flash of white light.

The other party disappeared without a trace.

"Your ability 'Nature's Gift' is taking effect——

You’ve got a big handful of raspberries!

Raspberry: A sweet, crunchy and nutritious fruit with the blessing of fairies. After eating, it can increase your energy and have a slight purifying effect."

"I'm lucky today."

After seeing what was in his arms clearly, Matthew's slightly nervous expression temporarily relaxed.

This is the Oak Fairy.

They are the companions of the oak forest.

Ever since the size of the oak forest reached 500 trees, goblins appeared.

In order to express their gratitude and love for Matthew, they would send things over every now and then.

Most of the fruits presented by the oak fairies are of extraordinary quality, but the problem is that these little fairies are naughty in nature, and mischief is almost engraved in their blood.

The last time I gave something to Matthew.

He is still in class.

The result was in front of a dozen children.

A naughty oak leprechaun threw him some pairs of women's underwear! !

This almost left Matthew speechless.

He can't tell his students that this is a 'gift from nature', right?

Fortunately, most of the time the goblins stick to their duties.

Matthew didn't bother with them.

Chewing on sweet raspberries.

He quickened his pace.

At the intersection two blocks from the Sheriff's Office.

He ran into Brad, who looked anxious.

This is a burly, bearded young man.

"Matthew, I was going to find you!"

Brad bumped into Matthew, his face full of joy.

Matthew's heart moved:

"problem occurs?"

Brad nodded quickly:

"The farmers in the east found that a merchant was intercepted and killed on the road. The body has just been delivered to the town. I need your help."

Matthew said nothing:


The two of them rushed towards the police station in a hurry.

Brad is the captain of the security guard.

He is also one of the few people in Rolling Stone who knows Matthew's career.

In order to save money for his tree planting business, Matthew not only applied for a job as a history teacher at Silver Public School, but also worked part-time as a cadaver consultant at the Sheriff's Department——

As we all know, 'Call of the Dead' is the most basic necromancy spell. It can capture the souls of the recently deceased for interrogation and judgment.

With Matthew's strong support, the police station's crime detection rate has skyrocketed.

It’s been a long time.

The residents in the territory all know that Brad from the Sheriff's Office is an expert in solving crimes, so he rarely causes trouble.

It can be seen that Matthew is indeed indispensable for Rolling Stone Town to have the current security environment.

After a while.

In the Sheriff's morgue.

In front of Matthew stood a ghost with a reserved look and a blank expression.

"Who killed you?"

Brad asked expertly.

The ghost muses:

"He is a man, with disheveled hair, very tall..."

Brad frowned:

"Why did he want to kill you?"

The ghost shook his head:

"I don't know either. I came back from Rapids City that day to purchase goods. I drank some wine and took the wrong path. When I woke up, I was near Hag Po Castle. I saw a group of people singing and dancing there, and there were many Ghosts were flying over their heads..."

"It was a terrible scene, those ghosts!"

As he spoke, his whole body started to tremble.

It seemed that even the spirit form could no longer be maintained.

Matthew quickly interrupted to remind:

"Don't be afraid, you are a ghost now too."

The ghost said dullly:


"Do you remember anything else? Any suspicious information?"

Brad took the opportunity to continue asking.

The ghost shook his head:

"I don't know either. I came back from Rapid City to purchase goods that day..."

"It was a terrible scene, those ghosts!"

Brad and Matthew looked at each other, slightly helpless.

Ghosts are like this. Most of them can only have a small amount of memories from their lifetimes, and they are usually memories with strong emotional colors.

Except these.

No matter what questions you ask him, he will only answer some memory fragments repeatedly. This is also the limitation of 'Call of the Dead'.

Brad tried asking other questions.

After confirming that there is no way to pry more useful information from the ghost's mouth.

He motioned with his eyes to Matthew to lift the spell.

Before Matthew could take action.

The ghost actually looked over:

"Wait, am I really dead?"

Brad said sympathetically:

"I'm very sorry."

The ghost sighed and said:

"What a pity... I haven't bought a cemetery for myself yet. After I die, my wife will definitely take away the family property, take the children and find a businessman to marry. I'm afraid she won't carefully choose a suitable burial place for me. ."

Brad didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Can you bury my body in the oak forest in the north of the town? No need for a coffin, just bury it directly. I quite like oak trees. The last time I passed by, I seemed to hear the quarrels of little girls. According to According to my grandma, I might have bumped into the flower fairy..."

"This is my only wish."


His spirit gradually faded away.

Before Brad could speak, Matthew agreed:


"Thank you!"

The ghost disappears.

Brad looked at Matthew hesitantly.

Matthew spread his hands: "Master Ronan won't mind."

Brad touched his head:

"Okay, okay, it's up to you. It's your forest anyway. But the body will have to wait until tomorrow to be handed over to you. There are still some necessary inspections and procedures tonight."

Matthew nodded.

Taking this opportunity, he told Brad what he had discovered in the underground cave.

Brad looked extremely serious after hearing this.

"I understand, we will arrange for someone to inquire. You should also pay attention, Matthew, and don't wander around alone outside the town in the future. I have always felt a little uneasy recently."

"Oh, by the way, remember to get your allowance this month. I applied for double it for you."

Matthew's eyes suddenly narrowed when he heard this: "I like hearing this."

The main dish tonight is matsutake pilaf.

The side dish was cabbage egg soup and a few slices of bacon.

It tastes great.

Matthew licked the bottom of the bowl clean.

The end.

He couldn't help but praise and said:

"Peggy, your craftsmanship is so great! Even among living people, it is second to none! To use a saying from my hometown, the person who marries you is blessed."

The Minotaur Skeleton was a little embarrassed by the praise:

"No way, people just do it casually."

"And I'm already dead, so I can't get married."

After a while.

She saw that Matthew was still immersed in the delicious food.

So I boldly asked:

"Matthew, look at what I've done so well, are you going to give me a salary increase?"

Matthew wiped his mouth skillfully and stood up:

"Definitely next time."

His figure quickly disappeared into the basement passage.

"Damn the Necromancer!"

The minotaur skeleton roared angrily.

Matthew just pretended not to hear.

He came to the basement and instead of starting his daily meditation, he took out a crystal ball that was about to turn gray from the cabinet in the next room.

Bloody clothes in the cave.

Merchant who was intercepted and killed.

Ghostly descriptions of the unusual people lingering in Hagborg.

Same with Brad.

Matthew also felt a little uneasy.

So tonight.

He plans to perform a divination!

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