The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 33 Silver Moon Zombie

This unique moonlight lasted for 15 seconds.

After the glory has dissipated.

Both Eli and Matthew looked shocked——

But I saw a layer of silver-gray light with a strong texture flowing on the five zombies.

The glow appears once every six seconds.

Although it is fleeting every time, it gives people a sacred meaning!

"Zombies with a sense of holiness in the moonlight? I must be crazy!"

Eli rubbed his eyes furiously.

But his perception remained unchanged from beginning to end.

And the other side.

Matthew also received the latest tip.

"Your zombies were blessed by the Moonlight Goddess when they were born. They received "Level Upgrade", "Holy Moon Armor" and "Moonlight Power".

Your zombies evolve into Silver Moon Zombies, and your Summon the Undead (Zombies) adds a new option!

Level improvement: The average level of your zombies increases by 1 level (currently LV8);

Holy Moon Armor: Under the moonlight, your zombie will acquire a layer of sacred moonlight armor (Armor +1), and possess a rather transcendent holy temperament (Charm +1/Shock +10).

Before the Holy Moon Armor is destroyed, your zombies will not receive additional damage from spells or items that suppress the undead;

Power of Moonlight: Under the moonlight, your zombie's strength +1 and movement speed +50%"

Silvermoon zombies?

Does this count as Moonlight Goddess sponsoring the naming rights?

Matthew secretly complained.

The strength of Silver Moon Zombies is significantly higher than that of ordinary zombies.

But what concerned him more was the frequent attentiveness of the Moonlight Goddess - a once-above god repeatedly showed her favor to a mortal. Either the goddess's discerning eyes saw that Matthew's future achievements would be limitless and she came to hug him in advance, or it was Him. The current situation is precarious, and may even lead to death!

Matthew guessed it was the latter.

"First he struck Ella with lightning, and then he gave me badges and blessings. Now even the zombie boys are sharing the benefits. This is definitely not something that can be matched by killing a few crazy guards."

But Matthew wasn't too worried about the goddess making any unreasonable requests.

After all, the initiative now lies in his own hands.


A Silver Moon zombie suddenly raised its head.

It faced the moon, with wisps of white air blowing out from its half-rotted lips and teeth. Coupled with its mouth full of yellow teeth and the sores on its neck, it looked particularly evil and weird.

Matthew walked over and took a closer look, his eyes constantly showing satisfaction.

In the eyes of ordinary people, zombies and skeletons may be about the same level of undead creatures.

However, in the eyes of the Necromancer.

The difference between the two is quite clear.

Zombies are much stronger than skeletons!

Don't underestimate the dozens of kilograms of rotten meat that zombies have more than skeletons. It is these rotten meat that give zombies more powerful characteristics.

The first is level.

The level of skeleton soldiers is mostly between LV3~4;

The level of zombies starts at level 5, and Matthew's Silver Moon Zombie is even more exquisite at level 8 per person. It can be absolutely crushed in terms of level alone.

The second is defense capability.

As we all know, skeleton soldiers are equal to naked defense. When others hit you, they will cut you to the bone and cause real damage. Therefore, except for a few mutants, most skeletons will easily fall into the dilemma of being broken in a fight even if they are at a high level;

Zombies are different. The specialty of zombies is rough skin and thick flesh. The characteristics of undead creatures and the buffering of carrion give ordinary zombies a defense that skeletons cannot envy. As for Silver Moon Zombies, there is no need to mention them!

Finally, there is the attack ability.

The attack power of skeleton soldiers is not low, but the attack power of zombies is higher.

Most zombies have the following two attributes at the beginning of their birth -

"Infinite Strength: The zombie's strength will not be less than 15 points;

Paralyzing poison: During the fight with zombies, living enemies will be subject to a paralysis check every 30 seconds. Once the save fails, they may enter a paralyzed state ranging from 3 to 5 seconds."

The real weaknesses of zombies are movement speed and attack speed.

The speed at which they raise their hands and walk is excruciatingly slow. If the movement speed of normal people is 10, then the movement speed of skeleton soldiers is 7, and the movement speed of zombies is only 4!

Slow mobility and slow attack speed are the reasons why Necromancers don't like zombies very much either.

But Silvermoon Zombies are different.

Thanks to the "power of the moon", Silver Zombie can move at about 6 points under the moon. Although it is still not fast, it is much faster than normal. At the same time, the increase in strength and the paralysis poison The existence also allows zombies to better capture enemies.

"I can learn one or two spells with characteristics such as control and deceleration. Well, the level 5 spell "Frost Trail" is good. It can cooperate with zombies to better surround the target. "

Matthew felt happily among the zombies.

He didn't care that Eli's tiger teeth were about to be worn out not far away.

After getting initially familiar with the attributes and abilities of the Silver Moon Zombie, Matthew's physical examination was ready to come to an end.


None of these five zombies are elite templates.

Based on Scarface's performance during his lifetime, Matthew thought he could become an elite, but he was just a blank slate after all.

However, the zombie transformed by Scarface is indeed the tallest, largest and strongest among them.

To facilitate memory.

Matthew named it "Big Zombie".

The remaining four sit in rows according to their physiques, naturally "two to five stiff".

Compared to Skeleton Soldier No. 123.

Matthew thinks he has great love for his zombie brothers.

After finishing naming.

Matthew began to drive the Silver Moon zombies into the oak forest.

He had to arrange accommodation for the new employee.

The skeleton dormitory is definitely not going to work.

Although zombies and skeletons are both undead creatures, they are naturally difficult to deal with when they meet. If no one controls the two, a war will inevitably break out, and Matthew does not want to leave any hidden dangers.

In a small circle.

Finally, he found a similar hole about 200 meters away from the skeleton dormitory.

Burrows are one-way.

It looks dark, narrow and deep.

Matthew ordered the zombies to come to the hole and jump down one by one.

They did so meticulously.

"Well, it looks like I can still stuff 5 more heads. I'll ask a carpenter to get some boards to cover the hole tomorrow. From now on, this place will be a zombie dormitory!"

Matthew was ready to pat his butt and leave.

At this time.

Eli, who had been walking all the way, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He asked angrily:

"You just hide the zombies here?"

Matthew spread his hands:

"if not?"

Eli was even more furious. If he hadn't had a strong sense of principle, he would have desperately wanted to pounce on this necromancer's handsome face and scratch it twice!

"You like to mix undead creatures with the woods so much, why not build a few cemeteries in the woods!"

He scoffed.

Matthew's eyes lit up.

I thought for a few seconds.

He pressed Eli's shoulders with both hands and praised sincerely:

"That's right Eli, you're such a genius! I should have thought of this!"

Matthew said it several times.

Then he released his hands and turned to leave.


Eli suddenly felt something bad:

"What did you think of?"

"Cemetery, build a huge cemetery in the oak forest, it may become a city of the dead in the future!"

Matthew's mind was filled with visions of the future.

In the past, his attention to undead creatures was limited to certain special objects, mainly Peggy, Xiao Fei and A Bing.

Limited by energy and neglect.

He really didn't expect to build a real cemetery for the undead to live in.

Not only does this greatly increase employee loyalty.

There are many other benefits as well.

The cost of building a cemetery is not low.

But Matthew has initially decided to build the cemetery in a hole under the forest.

At this time.

The vacant underground cities extending in all directions in the Gold Diggers Basin have become the perfect cemetery carrier.

The undead dwell underground.

Oak trees grow in the world.

What a beautiful and harmonious scene this is.

Matthew decided to go back and discuss it with Peggy.

If a cemetery is to be built, the opinion of the Minotaur Skeleton is undoubtedly the most weighty.

I have a passion for building a cemetery in my mind.

Matthew returned to the cabin and was about to record his inspiration. Unexpectedly, not long after, a tall shadow appeared outside the window of the cabin.


Matthew looked at her unexpectedly, his eyes gradually becoming nervous: "What happened?"

In his agreement with Peggy.

Only when something urgent happened that she couldn't wait for, would she leave home and come to the woods to find Matthew.

Peggy said seriously:

"Matthew, a young man who is 10 times more beautiful than you came to me. He said he would redeem me and let me follow him in the future. With the relationship between you and me, how could I agree? But he added Salary, so I thought I had to inform you before I elope with him, so I came to find you."

Matthew rolled his eyes, all nervousness gone.

"Stop joking and get to the point Paige."

He said.

Paige shrugged:

"Okay, okay, there is a beautiful young man who came to our house today, but he came to see you."

"I said you weren't here, and he said he would come again at the same time tomorrow. He has something very important to talk to you about."

Matthew heard this and asked in disbelief:

"Are you going all the way just for this? This is not in line with your style."

Peggy said shyly:

"Because that pretty young man hopes you will receive this news as soon as possible, and he even praised me for my temperament!"

Matthew was even more unbelievable:

"He didn't do you any favors?"

Peggy said displeased:

"Am I the kind of person who doesn't do anything without accepting benefits? Can't it be because it's love? To be honest Matthew, the second I saw that young man, I already thought about where I was going to elope with him! "

Matthew rubbed his temples and suddenly said:

"I know who it is!"

Peggy said in surprise:

"Did you guess it? I was just about to tell you his identity, origin and name..."


Matthew shrugged:

"The warlock in the Lord's Mansion is the one who is inseparable from Rhaegar most of the time. In the entire town of Rolling Stone, he is the only one who may be more handsome than me."

Seeing that Peggy was still acting crazy after she nodded.

Matthew couldn't help but joke:

"With his charm, there are countless women he has experienced. You can't beat him, Paige."

Unexpectedly, Peggy responded very quickly:

"Who knows? What if he hasn't played Skeleton Minotaur before and finds it new?"

Matthew was speechless for a moment and couldn't find an angle to refute.

After all, no matter how vegetarian Zeller is, there is a high probability that he has never played the Skeleton Minotaur.

The next day at 8pm.

Matthew's living room.

"Coffee or milk? We also have wine, but it's very bland."

Facing Matthew's hospitality.

Zeller casually put one thigh over the other knee.

There was a confident, calm and charming smile on his face:

"Thank you, water will do."

He was currently sitting relaxed on the sofa.

It is completely different from the tight feeling that many first-time guests always feel.

Every detail of Zeller's body showed that he was relaxed now.

Tonight he was wearing a thin purple short windbreaker. Against the black lining and long pants, the white belt looked particularly eye-catching. In the center of the belt was a silver circle, with the pattern on it starting from the beginning. Just changing:

Sheep horns, rainbows, swords, willow leaves, girls, cattle, books, killers...

There are also some cute frog dolls hanging on the right side of the belt.

They look alive and lifelike.

Matthew noticed this when he first entered the door, and he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Have to admit.

Zeller's handsomeness comes from the inside out. If his skin can only be considered above average, then his charm that goes deep into his bones is a level that can drive most intelligent creatures crazy.

This is the Warlock.

A professional who eats charm.

"This kind of charm ability feels only a little worse than Lulu's."

Matthew was secretly shocked.

the other side.

The attentive Peggy has already brought up the water ordered by Zeller.

However, Matthew felt his scalp numb after just one glance:

"Paige, why did you lift all the water tanks out of the kitchen?"

Peggy glared at him:

"What? I'm afraid Zeller baby doesn't have enough to drink."

Matthew was speechless.

Peggy was indeed an outlier among outliers. Logically speaking, undead creatures were immune to charm, but she seemed to be fascinated. But even so, Matthew still felt that she was acting.

"Are you crazy if you want a salary increase? Am I really underpaid?"

He even thought about it for a while.

There was a small quarrel between the master and the servant.

Zeller is used to it.

He conjured an empty bottle from his sleeve and filled it with water.

Then he repeated his old tricks and grabbed a few slices of ginger and sprinkled them into the cup.

"Since I woke up at the age of 13, I have only drank this."

Zeller explained with a smile.

Matthew responded twice, and finally thought of a way to push Peggy away. It wasn't until the figure of the minotaur completely disappeared in front of the two of them that Zeller suddenly sighed:

"That's why I don't want to go out and meet people."


His eyes wandered provocatively on Matthew:

"Mr. Matthew, besides Rhaegar, you are the first person to be able to completely ignore Charm when you first meet me, which is impressive."

Matthew waved his hand:

"That's too much praise. Your charisma is so impressive. Isn't there any way to curb your charisma?"

Zeller took a sip of cold ginger water:

"Yes, what you see now is that I am already trying my best to curb my charm."

Matthew was silent.

"Charisma that does not match one's own strength is often the source of disaster."

Zeller said to himself:

"I still remember that when I was 13 years old, I was sold to a big noble with a vast territory because I was too beautiful.

The middle-aged man with a big belly kept saying that he wanted to adopt me as his adopted son.

In the first week, he did a good job on the surface. He found someone to teach me how to read, taught me etiquette, and bought me a pony to ride.

I was really happy at the time, I thought I had met a good person.

Until that day, when he and I were alone in the room, he unbuckled his belt - and he asked me to do that for him. "

Matthew couldn't help but ask:

"Then what?"

Zeller smiled and said:

"Then I awakened and became a warlock."

"Of course, this is the simplest version. In fact, there are many complicated contents in the middle, but I can't explain it in a few words. This is not the reason why I came to visit you today."

Matthew nodded:

"Please say."

"First of all, I want to thank you on behalf of Xifu. I watched this child grow up. If something went wrong that night, I would be very sad."

Zeller said as he solemnly untied a frog doll hanging from his belt.

He handed it to Matthew:

"A small gift, please be sure to accept it, maybe it will bring you luck."

Matthew hesitated.

Finally I took it.

He rolled the doll in his palm and found nothing unusual.

"So even you know about it?"

Matthew asked casually.

Zeller smiled gently:

"No one really believes Brad's story about being a necromancer in White Rock City, right?"

Matthew coughed twice.

"But Rhaegar told me the true identity of the Necromancer."

Zeller added.

The next second.

His expression became serious:

“In that incident, the people who died in your hands belonged to the recently emerged evil organization, the Scourge Order, and according to our latest intelligence, the Scourge Order is not planning to stop, and they are recruiting more people to harass Rolling Stone Town. "

"Their primary target is you."

I finally had a low fever today, but after the fever went down, I felt like I was falling apart. My energy level was actually not as high as when I had a high fever, and I was not as excited and worried as I was when I had a high fever. Then sacrifice this book to change the fortune! ["Scientific Card Maker" is a new work by the veteran master Minus Ninety Degrees. His previous "Super God Card Maker" is very interesting and has good results. Friends who are interested in cards and card making can go to Kangkang]

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