The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 323 Smash the moon for fun

Matthew was a little surprised.

You must know that Vasnov successfully hid it from Isabel.

Qin Wuyue didn't notice anything unusual before.

Is Ronan's perception still higher than Isabel's?

He hesitated and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Ronan circled around Vasnov, who was still looking like a drooling idiot.

Ronan pointed at the zombies:

"Look at him, first of all he doesn't look good!"

"A zombie looks ferocious and scary."

"And look at him, there are strange spots here, here, and here - I'm afraid this is because he contracted a sexually transmitted disease during his lifetime!"

"If this kind of zombie is allowed to roam in the cemetery, it might be infected with other zombies!"

"I suggest you burn it on fire!"

His tone was very casual, and what he said was outrageous.

Matthew was slightly startled.

At first, he thought this was Ronan's inherent speaking characteristic and he was just joking.

But when he looked straight into Ronan's eyes.

Matthew then realized that the key point of this passage was actually the last sentence!

Ronan discovered something unusual about Vasnov!

But for some reason, he didn't click it, but reminded Matthew in this way.

To verify this.

Matthew coughed:

"The teacher thinks he can still be saved."

This time it was Ronan's turn to be stunned.

He stayed there for a full twenty seconds, and then said angrily:

"The teacher actually allowed you to keep such a dangerous pet!"

"It's not fair!"

"Back then, when I wanted to raise an angel, she scolded me for being ridiculous!"

Matthew thought to himself.

The angel Ronan wants to raise is probably not a simple character.

But that's not the point.

Vasnov's matter is a bit sensitive, and the matter of taking in the god is contrary to Isabel's original idea.

What's more, he was also involved in Isabel's massacre in Cross City.

Isabel herself would certainly not have cared about this.

But Matthew didn't want others within the league to think against her.

This is one of the reasons why Matthew wants to temporarily conceal the existence of the God of War.

And he didn't want to be too high-profile.

So after Ronan found out.

Matthew could only point out the tacit understanding between himself and Isabel in a vague way.

Fortunately, Ronan is also one of our own.

After the former complained a few times.

This matter changed from a tacit understanding between two people to a tacit understanding between three people.

"It seems that I didn't catch up with the good times. Times have changed..."

Ronan sighed as he led Matthew to the second floor of the mage tower.

The decoration here is even more rugged.

The floor, ceiling and surrounding walls are all made of red soil, and there are even pits in some places.

It can be seen that Ronan didn't pay much attention at all.

But the items piled up on the east side of the second floor intrigued Matthew.

It was a bunch of stone statues and scrolls depicting the same woman!

The stone carvings are lifelike.

The paintings are even more beautiful.

The woman represented in these works exerted a strong attraction on Matthew.

He stared into the other person's blue pupils.

An impulse welled up in my heart.

I wish I could hold her in my arms and ravage her wantonly!

"This woman is...?"

Matthew was a little confused.

As a married man, Ronan actually dared to openly hoard other women's works of art.

Does Qin Wuyue have no objection?


The answer is revealed——

"She is Ye Li, the goddess of magic."

Ronan introduced:

"Ye Li is a very narcissistic guy. She hired sculptors and painters almost every day of her life to leave stone statues and paintings for herself."

"At that time, the priests of the Church of the Goddess of Magic did not do any serious work. They were busy learning how to improve their sculpture and painting skills all day long."

"It is said that there are hundreds of thousands of works of art depicting her appearance, and what I have collected is just a drop in the bucket."

"I learned a piece of news from the secret collection of the Goddess of Magic. It is said that there is a very precious treasure hidden in these artworks depicting her appearance. That treasure is not an entity, but the core secret spell to enter the etheric door. .”

"This secret spell is extremely hidden and requires a lot of luck to get it."

"I brought you here just to tell you that if you have something to do in the future, you can take a closer look at these works of art. Maybe you will be able to discover something..."

Matthew looked at these works carefully.

no doubt.

From an artistic point of view they are impeccable.

He did feel an attraction beyond the material itself.

But other than that, Matthew couldn't feel any magic fluctuations.

Not to mention the secret spell to enter the Aether Gate.

Behind the Ether Gate is the source of magic that has existed since the birth of the world.

Some people say that by mastering what is behind the Ether Gate, one can master the most supreme authority in the multiverse.

But this thing is too illusory.

Except after the magic goddess of the Age of Enlightenment came close to that level.

The subsequent natural disaster mages took a completely different path.

Therefore, although mages are very interested in the Ether Gate, they do not pursue it as enthusiastically as they did in the Enlightenment Age.

This may be the influence of the Scourge Mage.

"Do you need to try your luck to get the secret spell?"

Matthew pinched his nose:

"I don't think I'm very lucky."

Unexpectedly, Ronan immediately retorted:

"How can it be?"

"You may be one of the luckiest people in the world!"

"All aliens are like this!"

"Imagine it, if you didn't have extraordinary luck, how would your souls have traveled across the multiverse to get here?"

Matthew was stunned for a moment.

He really hasn't thought about this problem from this dimension.

However, Ronan's words also made Matthew realize.

The other party has long known that he is a time traveler.

I dare to be naked in front of these big guys...

He complained secretly in his mind.

Then he nodded.

Then we visited the precious information of the Magic Goddess with Ronan.

Ronan's collection is indeed rich.

In addition to stone carvings and paintings, there are also some crystal balls made of photography!

But the things stored in the crystal ball are somewhat inappropriate for children.

Matthew watched it with Ronan and exclaimed that it was an eye-opener.

"If these crystal balls are used to threaten the gods of Tianlun Palace, how much money will they spend to buy back these images?"

He couldn't help but ask Ronan.

Ronan shrugged:

"They won't pay a penny!"

"These people are now eager to have their images spread all over the world. Even though they have a dirty name, maybe they can be transformed into some power of faith."

"Don't overestimate the limits of God, Matthew!"

The two watched for about an hour.

When leaving the second floor.

Ronan yawned:

"Do you have any inspiration after reading this?"

Matthew shook his head.

Ronan was not disappointed, but comforted Matthew:

"You can't do this kind of thing deliberately. Just come over and take a look when you have time."

Matthew nodded.

He was grateful to Ronan from the bottom of his heart. These works of art can also be regarded as the secret collection of the goddess of magic.

The other party is willing to share it with me, which is already quite generous.

So he expressed his gratitude to Ronan again.

Then he said:

"Speaking of which, regarding the Silver Council—does this count as joining me?"

The Silver Council is the daily administrative organ of the Seven Saints Alliance.

Except for the Seven Saints and the Chief Mage.

Parliament controls virtually all of the Union's powers in the regular administrative sphere.

Ordinary mages need to go through a lot of procedures and accumulate enough merits to join the council.

Chen had previously promised to Matthew that he would recommend him to join the Silver Council, which seemed to Matthew to be extremely sincere.

Unexpectedly, I entered suddenly.

Ronan explained:

"You should have been a member of the Silver Council."

"The things you did in Cross City and Rapids City are enough to join as a second-level council member, not to mention you also fought a good battle in the Moss Green Hills!"

"If you had accepted Ekmund's solicitation, you would have been able to join the Council after the Cross City incident."

"If you had taken the initiative to mention it to the teacher, you would have been receiving the subsidy of the second-level council member."

"So you don't have to thank me, I just gave you a push."

Speaking of which.

Ronan complained again:

"I originally wanted you to become my student, but the teacher stopped me."

Matthew lowered his head slightly:

"Feel sorry."

Ronan put his hands on his hips:

"Don't be sorry, the teacher is indeed a mage worth learning from more than me."

"But you have to be careful. She is a lunatic sometimes. Not just her, I believe you have also felt it. There are not many mages in the entire alliance who are normal!"

"Normal people like me are very rare in the league!"

At this time, 177, who was building a magic network for the mage tower, also intervened in time:

"I agree with this."

"Just liking to run naked is already considered a virtue among Alliance mages."

"By the way, I have to remind you that in three hours, the 27th tripartite meeting on how to deal with the blood moon issue is about to begin. Do you want to make some preparations in advance?"

Are you going to the negotiating table in three hours?

Matthew didn't expect things to get so rushed.

But he was also calm.

Immediately he turned around and asked Ronan:

"So in terms of negotiations, what's the point?"

Ronan yawned:

"Nothing important."

"Just remember to be like a wolf."

Matthew was a little confused:


Ronan nodded:

“A ferocious wolf—

Of course, this is just a metaphor. If you like, dogs, leopards, tigers... as long as you can behave like a beast! "

"Don't be a gentle gentleman."

"Don't be like a submissive sheep."

"That's all I expect from you at the negotiating table."

Matthew looked thoughtful.

Ronan's eyes were unusually serious:

"Do you know what worries me most about you?"

"It's your nature!"

"You are too gentle and kind, but this is not a gentle world!"

"The negotiation field is a battlefield. You can't get everything you want gently like a gentleman!"

"You have to use whatever means you can -

He scolded his mother, slandered his father, and spread rumors that his wife had cuckolded him;

Insult his personality, belittle his appearance, spray his dick like a silkworm baby;

Don't worry about hurting him.

Because the other party will do the same thing.

You have to make sure that you are the strongest one in the negotiation field. This strength is not only your strength and background, but also your own heart and will! "

"So I say, you have to act like a wolf!"

"Because of us, the Alliance of Seven Saints, we are just a bunch of evil wolves!"

"The Scourge Mage did not conquer the world with gentleness. She is a real executioner, but no one dares to accuse her."

"After she left, Jade Cangting made such a big mistake, but blamed the cause of the Mark of the Dead on our failure to discover the sorcerer in advance, and did not reflect on whether their elf queen who was in spring all day long was blind. Which eye would you have to look at the evil god’s lackey?!”

"Don't blame me for using rude words, that's the truth."

"The teacher may want to protect you and want you to temporarily become a bloodless gentleman like other young people, but I don't agree with this."

"You have to be a ferocious beast. You can always smile, but if anyone messes with you, you can tear them into pieces immediately!"

Matthew's breathing gradually became deeper.

He knew that Ronan's words were really hurtful to him.

He also quickly realized the root cause:

"Did they kill too few people that night?"

A smile suddenly appeared on Ronan's face:

"I just like your cleverness."

"That's right, I'm not very satisfied with what you did in the Ancient Land!"

"But I can't blame you entirely for this matter. It happened in a hurry, so I didn't have time to explain it clearly to you."

"Did you know? During the time I was away, at least three groups of people secretly left the Ancient Land!"

“They entered Jewel Bay one after another to test my situation.

The first deportees plundered many children and women;

The second batch secretly spread three rounds of plague;

The third group even began to rob homes, killing many innocent people, and made them into human skin kites. "

"That's why I said, as long as you give them a chance to breathe, they will bite you unexpectedly."

"They are also wolves, just a little weaker than us."

"In the final analysis, only ferocious beasts can survive in this world. The key to survival is that we must be more ferocious and vicious than ordinary ferocious beasts!"

"Give gentleness to those who deserve it, and then be cruel to the end. This is the motto left by the natural disaster mage to the guardians of the four directions."

"I hope that one day in the future, you will succeed one of us as a guardian, or a higher divine mage."

"Now, do you understand?"

After Matthew heard this, he took a half step back without hesitation, and then bowed deeply to Ronan:


Matthew was grateful that Ronan shared his view of the world with him.

Matthew did get a lot of feelings from it.

He will keep this in mind.

But I won’t follow it blindly.

Matthew has his own knowledge and persistence.

Whether it's Ronan and Ekmund, or Isabel and Suriel.

Matthew would listen to their opinions with an open mind and consider them carefully.

These are extremely valuable assets.

But eventually.

You still have to walk your own path.

"I know what to do at the negotiating table."

Matthew solemnly promised Ronan:

"I won't let you down again."

Ronan nodded happily, and then handed a thick volume of information to Matthew:

"Here are the details related to the negotiations."

"You can look through it at will before negotiating."

Then he took out a thicker volume of information:

"This is what our alliance wants."

"You don't have to look at it at all."

Ma Xiu felt a little strange that Ronan had already strode away from the mage tower.

Matthew gave chase.

Only to find that Ronan appeared on the mound next to him again and began to rub the second mage tower with his hands!

"Don't you already have a mage tower?"

Matthew couldn't help but ask.

Ronan responded with a smile:


"It's okay anyway. As a man, you have to do something with your hands!"

As he spoke, he rubbed his hands back and forth on the surface of the earth, and soon poked out a foundation.

Matthew returned to the mage tower thoughtfully.

He put the negotiation materials aside.

Instead, he first opened the volume of information on the alliance's demands.

But to Matthew's surprise.

This seemingly thick document, but every page in it is blank!

He couldn't help but look up and look outside.

Ronan's back looked relaxed and carefree, but Matthew gradually read a hint of murderous intent in it!

The bottom of the floating city in the far north.

Beneath the vast ocean of ice.

Near a dark undersea mountain range, two lantern fish were swimming back and forth.

Their radiance illuminates the surrounding scene.

An extremely thin man was sitting on the coral stone, with a drawing board in front of him and a brush in his hand, filling in color on the drawing paper.

His facial lines are extremely feminine, and his eyes are gray and slender, resembling a fox.

He exuded a weak aura, and his facial features were delicate and gloomy, resembling a seriously ill girl.

on the drawing board.

The appearance of a giant beast lying on the bottom of the sea suddenly took shape.

But I saw that the giant beast was suppressed by shackles, and every eye was filled with the desire for freedom.

"He's pathetic, isn't he?"

The painter's voice is also extremely neutral.

He said softly to the person coming from behind.

The unexpected visitor almost scared away the two lantern fish, but with the painter's comfort, the two fish resumed their duties and wandered around in the nearby sea.

"I'm pathetic too."

"My hometown burned in the sky, and our leader was forced to tear the earth apart with his own hands. My compatriots became refugees and rushed overseas, and some of them became food for giant beasts like Leviathan."

"I was lucky to survive, but I often see those tragic images in my dreams."

"In comparison, Leviathan is just sleeping all the time. He cannot feel the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the outside world, but is happier."

Qin Wuyue still wore a deep veil.

She walked slowly to the painter's side.

The painter showed a look of pity and sighed:

"Everyone in the world is suffering..."

The words have not yet finished.

The dark mountains in the distance suddenly heard an abnormal fluctuation!

Qin Wuyue's nerves suddenly became tense.

But the painter said softly:


"You scared him."

As he spoke, he flew up from where he was, crossed several miles of sea water, and came to a complex of undersea plants.

He groped among the plants for a while, and then made a long piano out of seaweed.

His slender white fingers played lightly on the seaweed instrument.

The beautiful singing sound resounded throughout the sea area.


The abnormal fluctuations on the sea floor disappeared.

The mountains no longer shook.

"They said you were more talented than the bard, and I learned today that this wasn't flattery."

Qin Wuyue appeared next to him again:

"But what happened just now?"

"Isn't Leviathan always sleeping?"

The man said pitifully:

"He was just forced to sleep, which resulted in many incredible dreams."

"In recent years, Leviathan's dreams have gradually affected reality. Many ships on the sea have strayed into it and were almost swallowed by Leviathan in their dreams."

"And your arrival today stimulated his dreams. He became more eager than ever to wake up and to be free."

Qin Wuyue was silent for a while, then lowered his head and said:

"Feel sorry."

The man shook his head:

"this is not your fault."

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I've met you. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Qin Wuyue nodded:

"Ronan and I need your help regarding matters on the moon."

The man sighed:

"If I take action, many people will die."

Qin Wuyue said seriously:

"If you hadn't taken action, more people would have died."

The man shook his head and said:

"You can be less aggressive."

Qin Wuyue frowned and said:

"I don't think what we did was excessive."

"And if you don't take action, Ms. Isabel will take action in your place."

"You should know her better than I do."

The man still had a soft and weak tone:

"Are you going to threaten me with this?"

Qin Wuyue shook his head and said:

"I just heard that you are a very caring person."

The man smiled:

"Rumors are always wrong. I just want to make up for the mistakes my mother made."

"Go back, I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Qin Wuyue blinked:

"Do you know that Ms. Yin has been to the Eastern Continent?"

The man seemed to calmly replied:

"heard about it."

Qin Wuyue said:

"She not only left footprints on the Eastern Continent, but also left behind some very precious things. I have clues to these things in my hand."

The man was silent for three seconds and then said decisively:

"Give me the clue."

"Let me help you once."

Qin Wuyue threw a ball of light to the man with satisfaction.

"Let me know when you do it."

The man calmly gave the eviction order.

Qin Wuyue left wisely.

It wasn't until her back completely disappeared under the sea that the man couldn't wait to open the light ball.

In an instant.

The ball of light disappears.

The two lantern fish also disappeared.

The dark and oppressive depths of the sea.

Only the seaweed floating with the undercurrent can hear the sighs and sobs full of despair:


"I miss you so much..."

The floating city in the far north.

Big library.

One silhouette after another appeared.

Only this time, most of them are no longer phantoms, but real ones!

Isabel sat behind the long table as usual.

Her eyes swept across Qin Wuyue in front of her:

"Did he agree?"

Qin Wuyue nodded gently.

Standing next to her were two women, the divine mage Suriel and the guardian of the west You Ruo.

Further away are the gold coins and Ekmund who didn't know when he returned.

Isabel looked at Ekmund again:

"Is there any problem with Linde?"

Ekmund replied calmly:

"The permanent barrier can be opened at any time."

Isabel nodded.

She only said "Okay" and the whole hall fell into silence again.

"So, we just stand like this?"

You Ruo suddenly asked.

Isabel blinked:

"You can also find a stool to sit on."


You Ruo sat down unceremoniously and crossed her legs.

Suriel took a step forward:

"I'm not worried about Ronan."

"But do you really dare to leave such an important matter to Matthew?"

"What if he doesn't realize it?"

Isabel said calmly:

"He'll understand that before negotiations begin."

"The reason why Ronan, Ekmund and I jointly chose him, apart from the alien visitor and another trait, is that the most important reason is that this kid is very thoughtful."

"And even if he doesn't get it, we have enough redundancy to make up for it."

Suriel did not question it again.

Gold Coin said leisurely:

"Well, it's my first time to join forces with so many people, so I'm a little nervous."

"What if I can't aim correctly for a while?"

You Ruo smiled and said:

"Don't worry, we're here and we won't let you take the wrong photo."

Suriel patted her shoulder:

"How many times have I told you, Youruo, don't speak in a pornographic manner on such an occasion!"

"Not to mention there are men here!"

Youruo smiled and raised his hands:

"Am I not helping her relax?"

"And would you mind if you asked them?"

Ekmund quickly turned his head away, pretending he didn't exist.

Gold Coin scratched his head:

"Strictly speaking."

"I'm just a little gold coin."

You Ruo smiled and seemed to want to say something else.

But Isabel tapped the table with her index finger:


"Wait for Ronan."

The hall quickly fell into dead silence.

Why is it blank?

Matthew quickly flipped through the information of the negotiating parties, with the above question still popping up in his mind.

"The blank means that the league has no demands for this negotiation, and they don't even want to negotiate, at least not now."

"Then why do you ask me to attend the negotiation?"

"Why does Ronan want me to be more cruel?"

"Am I not here to negotiate at all?"

His heart was pounding.

If all this was not his own paranoia, then Ronan and the others must be sending him some kind of message.

And this information is very important.

It cannot be spoken.

Even hidden areas and soundproof barriers cannot guarantee the security of information.

It's like Matthew hiding the truth about Vasnov.

Ronan may be secretly planning something.

Just think of this.

Matthew couldn't help but look outside——

Ronan is still rubbing the mage tower.

And he rubbed it faster and faster.

Less than an hour.

The second mage tower has taken shape.

177 had already rushed over at this time, and seemed to be setting up a magic network for the mage tower.

Ronan has already started rubbing the third mage tower.


This is no ordinary mage tower!

"Is this... the smell of the realm?"

Matthew understood instantly.

Ronan didn't even want to negotiate with those two parties anymore!

Promising to change the candidate for negotiation is just a cover.

"Maybe my role is to attract those people's attention?"

"He plans to take action at the negotiating table?!"

"No, if we just regard those people as targets, we won't let Ronan act so covertly..."

Matthew scratched his head.

Snippets of conversations with Ronan flashed through his mind.

But no clues were ever found.

Just at this time.

He saw 177's figure busying up and down the top of the second mage tower.

Something 177 said before suddenly rang in Matthew’s ears——

"All admirers of the Scourge Mage have the urge to smash the moon for fun."

"Most Alliance mages are admirers of the Scourge Mages."

"Ronan is no exception."

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