The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 336 The Undersea Know-It-All and the Sea Snake Lady

Wherever there is civilization, there will be a cemetery.

The same is true for the underwater world.

Before setting off on this trip, Matthew had done enough research on Naga information.

He even had an in-depth understanding of Naga’s funeral customs——

Generally speaking.

After a Naga dies, his body is stored in a special shell.

The shells often secrete a corrosive mucus.

Under the influence of mucus.

Naga's corpse will be constantly corroded, and eventually only a small amount of white bones will remain.

After a while.

Naga's relatives will open the shell. At this time, in addition to the white bones that have not been corroded, they can also harvest a pearl mixed with the flesh and blood of Naga's corpse.

This pearl is often worn by close relatives.

Until he too died.

Therefore, I want to know whether the family of a Naga has a long history.

Just look at the number of pearls hanging around his neck.

These pearls are not only traces of the existence of the Naga ancestors, but also have a slight spirituality. Some of them are spiritually powerful and can be used as magic items.


There are also many Nagas who treasure these pearls and do not show them to others easily on weekdays. They will only take out these pearls one by one when major festivals require sacrificial rituals.

While studying these materials.

Matthew had already realized why the Dark Primarch Holy Cult gradually lost control of Naga.

On the one hand, of course, the blood of the original body Naga is constantly being diluted, and the top brass of Naga are no longer directly controlled by the twin snakes of destruction, Bruchi;

On the other hand, it is also because of the ancestor worship implicit in Naga culture.

This special funeral ceremony and ancestor worship satisfy the worship needs of this undersea intelligent race in a sense.

There are many similar examples in Irondor's history.

Age of Enlightenment.

The gods found it difficult to enforce their beliefs among tribes that worshiped their ancestors.

Because those they call uncivilized people are more willing to worship their ancestors.

Rather than a superior god.

In comparison.

After death, most of the elves will reincarnate through the Light Pool and go to the Sea of ​​Trees.

Therefore ancestor worship does not exist among most elves.

So from an objective point of view.

The need for worship among the elves is also consistent with common sense.

Matthew just felt a little emotional when comparing the two races.

Compared to the wood elves who pride themselves on being kind and elegant.

The evil and vulgar Naga seems to be better at resisting the infiltration of evil gods.

This is still based on the fact that Naga is a race created by Bruqi, the creature of dusk.

It is precisely because of this.

Matthew actually has a lot of changes towards Naga.

But a change is a change.

I still have to visit the cemetery——

If a necromancer has no interest in your race's cemetery.

That is the greatest disrespect!

"You want to go to the cemetery with them?"

Sumi's voice was slightly hesitant.

Matthew said very calmly:

"I have never seen a cemetery under the sea. I want to go and have a look."

"After all, I am also a necromancer."

Sumi seemed even more hesitant:

"You'll make me look like I'm blaspheming my ancestors..."

Matthew quietly activated the holy authority.

Everything he said seemed to be extremely reasonable:

"Are you or the ancestors of your tribe buried in the cemetery they went to?"

"If so, I don't have to go."

A strange look flashed in Qingpi Naga's eyes.

She said hesitantly:

"The cemetery they are going to now should be the one near Wuyan City."

"That place originally belonged to the Red Scale Tribe and has nothing to do with our Yongye Tribe."

"The cemetery at the back was occupied by the Holy Cult of the Dark Primarch. Since Xina became king, all the Naga tribes have been dispersed. There are only three classes left in the current Naga society -

original nobility;

A member of the Cult of the Dark Primarch;

There are also ordinary Naga warriors. "

Matthew snorted slightly.

He did not continue to persuade, but just waited for Sumi's decision.

"Speaking of which, before the infiltration of the Dark Primarch Holy Cult, the Red Scale Tribe and our Eternal Night Tribe were actually deadly enemies..."

Speaking of which.

Sumi seemed to have found an excuse for herself:

"If you really want to go, it seems okay if I take you there."

Matthew skillfully tied it around her waist:

"Then let's go!"


A burst of electric sparks traveled through Sumi's upper body, rushing up from her waist to her fair and flawless neck.


Sumi's neck turned slightly red, and she complained in a trembling voice:

"You shocked me again!"

"It's not safe for us to just follow the past. There must be experts in the team that takes the big shot's body to the cemetery."

"And the route they take will circle around Wuyan City. This process is very time-consuming. Well, I know there is a small road that can directly reach that kind of cemetery..."

While talking.

Sumi quickly twisted the powerful snake tail.

She led Matthew to swim flexibly in the underwater world.

Sometimes it appears among the white sand and coral.

Sometimes I walk through dark, narrow streets.

Sometimes it continues to climb along the rapidly rising seabed.

Sometimes he escaped the sudden eruption of a small submarine volcano.

During this process.

Matthew discovered that Naga is actually quite close to the image of a mermaid in people's minds.

Set aside a small amount of scales.

They have beautiful faces, seaweed-like long hair, slender to exaggerated waists, and tails that make people imagine——

It's just the difference between a snake's tail and a fish's tail.

But Matthew also knew it.

Beauty is just a disguise for Naga's cruel nature.

He pressed tightly against Qingpi Naga's waist and could feel the cold blood flowing under his skin and muscles.

Nagas are naturally cold-blooded animals.

They inherited the cold nature of the twin snakes of destruction.

Don't look at Sumi acting so well-behaved in front of him.

On the one hand, it is indeed because the Yongye tribe is having a difficult time now.

On the other hand, it was Matthew's super charisma and holy authority that had an effect.

Replace it with an ordinary person.

Maybe in the alleys of Cordo City, you will be unreasonably attacked by Qingpi Naga and his men.

If you are less skilled.

Death on the spot may be the best way to die.

Being captured by these cold-blooded monsters and tortured to death is the real normal state of dealing with Naga.

Matthew reminded himself secretly in his heart.

Although the world under the sea is extremely beautiful, it is also full of dangers.

The same is true for the Naga race.

And just when Sumi was concentrating on her way.

Matthew noticed a narrow channel of current forming behind her tail.

This ocean current channel seems to help some underwater creatures save a lot of energy when swimming.

At first, there were only small fish and shrimps following the tail of Qingpi Naga.

But soon.

While passing by a coral seabed.

A group of palm-sized starfish followed quietly.

Sumi was unaware of all this.

She was still concentrating on finding her way.

"It's so cool!"

"I got a ride again!"

A rather thin voice suddenly appeared in Matthew's ears.

A bit like the eunuchs in ancient times.

"Stop being ink-stained, keep up, keep up!"

“You won’t be able to reach the waterfall if you’re too late!”

“If you want to eat fresh crabs and oysters, don’t be left behind!”

Matthew looked back.

After a few seconds of blurred vision, he successfully locked onto the person speaking.

It was a starfish with a bright yellow appearance!

His size is slightly larger than that of an ordinary starfish.

The limbs also look stronger and more powerful.

In the undercurrent formed by Sumi's rapid flow, this starfish followed closely!

"Tip: Your ability "Animal Talk" is now in effect!"

Matthew suddenly understood.

It turns out that my ability can not only communicate with animals on land, but also understand the conversations of spiritual animals on the seabed!

At that moment his ears pricked up.

Not all starfish in this group appear to be spiritual.

Except for the bright yellow starfish, there is only one small reddish-brown starfish that seems to say a few words.

"Be careful, don't let that Naga find us rubbing her ass..."

Starfish said while swimming hard:

"Naga is the stingiest intelligent race in the world, bar none!"

“While it’s nice to know that they don’t include starfish in their diet, other than that, they’re full of flaws!”

"Look, have you seen that silly electric eel? I'm afraid this guy will be eaten alive by Naga when he goes back..."

The rest of the starfish struggled to keep up.

Little Starfish asked in a sweet voice:

"But the skin color of that electric eel is similar to yours!"

Starfish said disdainfully:

"That's the saddest part."

"We obviously have the same skin, but the soul hidden in the body is different."

"Look, the way that electric eel looks at me is really a bit demented..."

Little Starfish's tone revealed a hint of uncertainty:


"But why do I feel like he can understand our conversation?"

Starfish laughed loudly:

"Don't make such a joke, it's really illogical."

"The electric eel is a recognized representative of the deep-sea races whose muscles have grown into the brain. Even ocean druids will not choose the deep-sea electric eel as a clone because they are worried that it will affect their IQ..."

"Instead of believing that an electric eel has a brain, it is better to believe that Kraken spewed out so many crabs in the waterfall because he was losing weight recently..."

Little Starfish was about to answer something.

However, at this moment a faint voice sounded:

"Are you talking about the Kraken?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Starfish's skillful swimming movements suddenly became chaotic, and his tentacles were tangled together as if they were knotted.

This completely disrupted the original ocean current.

The starfish behind them collided with each other one after another.

The situation was a mess.

Hear Matthew speak.

Qingpi Naga also involuntarily slowed down her progress.

She turned around curiously:

"who are you talking to?"

Matthew took the initiative to swim towards the group of starfish:

"Hi, hello, my name is Matthew and I am a mage."

After the big star got over the initial shock, he suddenly grabbed hold of a life-saving straw and shouted:

"I had already guessed that he couldn't be an electric eel!"

"The look in his eyes just now was clearly so wise."

"If he were a mage, it would all make sense."

The little starfish was silent.

The other starfish were a little frightened and burrowed into the sand nearby.

"I pretended not to hear what you just said, but I want to know what you were discussing - Great Falls and Kraken."

Matthew asked with a smile.

He never cares too much about small animals.

Otherwise, the black peacock would have been steamed, fried, stir-fried or braised...

"Are you talking to them?"

"Aren't you a necromancer?"

Qingpi Naga's eyes were also full of surprise.

She couldn't understand Starfish's conversation at all, and could only hear Matthew's voice.

Matthew smiled and explained to her:

"Necromancers will also master some part-time skills."

Sumi nodded thoughtfully.

The look he looked at Matthew became gentler.


The bright yellow starfish laughed again:

"This Naga is so stupid. Why does she believe whatever you say?"

"You can understand our conversation. You must be a mage who is proficient in the field of life or nature. He may even be a druid part-time. How could he be a necromancer?"

"You are really good and bad!"

"But it was Naga you lied to, and I like that about you."

Compared to the unscrupulousness of Starfish.

The little starfish, which makes a milky sound, seems to be more cautious.

He quickly answered Matthew’s questions:

"The Kraken we just talked about is indeed the most powerful sea monster in the Arunan Sea."

"He usually lives in a bottomless trench."

"Every three months, Kraken will go out to forage, and when he is full, his body will expand infinitely due to swallowing a large amount of seawater. At this time, he will lazily return to his Home.”

“However, his body size at this time is often no longer able to squeeze into the narrow trench, so during this process, Kraken will lie quietly in the trench and discharge the excess seawater from his body——

This process will form a spectacle called a waterfall on the seabed dozens of kilometers away from the trench.

Every time Kraken makes a waterfall, it's a feast.

Because with the currents come an amazing amount of fish, shrimp, crabs and oysters.

No intelligent race dares to approach the waterfall.

Because the Kraken will be after them.

But little starfish like us are fine.

Kraken doesn't care about our comings and goings.

As long as we stay too close to the trench and don't get sucked into the whirlpool or undercurrent formed by the waterfall..."

Little Starfish said it in quite detail.

Matthew was extremely satisfied.

As if because he felt that the little starfish was stealing the spotlight, the bright yellow starfish took the initiative to squeeze in front of Matthew:

"Everything Duoduo just said is right."

"But if you want to know more, you have to ask me - I'm Jimmy the Undersea Know-It-All."

"For the sake of my rude remarks just now, feel free to ask me if you have any questions. There is nothing in the Naga Kingdom or even near the Arunne Sea that I don't know about!"

Matthew immediately asked:

"Then is there any way to enter the Darkless City silently - or even get close to the headquarters of the Dark Primarch Holy Cult?"

Jimmy exclaimed:

"Brother, you're not going to assassinate the queen, are you?!"

Matthew smiled:

"You can think of me as a tourist."

Jimmy and Dodo were quiet for a while.

A long while.

The former said cautiously:

"I know there is a way."

"But the risk is too high, and assassinating the queen itself is a very scary thing. Even though I hate Naga, I will not encourage you to seek your own death."

"A few days ago, there was an assassin from Shengji Island who tried to assassinate Queen Naga. As a result, he didn't even touch the queen's side and died inexplicably outside the city. I heard about this from Clam Girl. The recent high level of martial law in Dark City is also due to this assassination incident..."

"Anyway, listen to my advice, be your mage, and don't get involved in things at the bottom of the sea. The water here is very deep!"

Matthew was a little surprised when he heard this.

Is there really a way?

So he used the provoking method:

"Is there no way to enter Wuhan City at all?"

"You are just deliberately hiding the nature of your inability to answer."

"It seems like there are things you don't know about Undersea Know-It-All. This title might just be your self-bragging."

I have dealt with small animals a lot.

Matthew understands the characteristics of these animals very well——

Because they have less spirituality than complex creatures like humans, small animals often only have a single trait, and this trait can easily be exploited by humans.

as expected.

Jimmy immediately became anxious when he heard this:

“How could there be something that the Undersea Know-It-All doesn’t know?”

"At the shipwreck, in the hands of the smuggler couple, there is a teleportation array leading to the old noble area of ​​Wuyan City."

"That teleportation array has not been discovered by the Dark Primarch Holy Cult so far. In theory, it can be sneaked in silently!"

Shipwreck place?

Matthew heard a familiar term.

Isn't that the coordinate mentioned in Xuan Kunzi's voice?

So he couldn't wait to continue asking.

Jimmy also said cheerfully:

"The shipwreck is located between the Naga Cemetery and the Great Falls. It was also the habitat of a sea monster. The sea monster especially liked to attack passing ships, so the seabed of that generation was covered with the remains of sunken ships."

"The sea monster has been dead for many years, and the shipwreck has become a mixed place of fish and dragons in the underwater world."

"General intelligent races on the seabed will not approach that place easily, because they may be killed at any time!"

"The smuggler couple I just mentioned are two notorious sea snakes. They are more hateful and dangerous than Naga!"

"The male sea snake among them is out all year round looking for undersea treasures that can be delivered to the Naga Kingdom area. The sea snake lady runs a tavern on the surface, but secretly controls the only smuggling route in Wuhan City."

"She is a very evil person, and she especially likes to eat starfish and sea cucumbers. We hate her, but there is nothing we can do to her."

"You must be extremely careful if you want to deal with her!"

"If you're not careful, you'll be eaten alive!"

Speaking of which.

Jimmy still advised:

"Don't go to the shipwreck, and don't think about the Naga Queen. Come with me to the Great Falls. I'll take you there quietly. Kraken won't notice."

"I'll treat you to a seafood dinner!"

Matthew smiled and declined Jimmy's invitation.

Now he asked for some more details.

After that, he and Sumi continued on the road. Of course, this ride must be for the starfish to ride to the end.

After that, we swam for about half an hour.

The two parties broke up in front of an extremely complicated sea cave.

According to the introduction of Dahai Xing.

This sea cave extends in all directions, with two main directions, one is the Naga Cemetery, and the other is the Great Falls.

These two locations plus the wreck site.

It basically constitutes the more famous landmark combination of the underwater world Wuyan City in this area.

After sending away the starfish.

Sumi took Matthew and swam into the other side of the cave.

She couldn't help but ask:

"What were you talking about?"

"I thought I heard the Kraken and the Shipwreck?"

Matthew then repeated what he just said.

Su Mi's eyes were filled with surprise:

"Is there such a thing?"

"It's not like he made it up on the spur of the moment to lie to you, right?"

But she soon calmed down:

"But I have indeed heard about that sea snake couple. They have some background behind them. Even the top leaders of the Dark Primarch Holy Cult dare not do anything to them."

Matthew's heart moved:

"What background?"

Su Mi showed a hint of fear:

"I don't know what it is specifically."

"But it seems to be a great being on the same level as the one who created us."

An existence on the same level as Bruchy?

Another creature of dusk?

Matthew shook his head secretly.

He must try this clue, but if the sea snake couple is really supported by dusk creations of the same level.

Matthew will have to change his tough strategy.

"If it really doesn't work..."

"The yellow starfish just now seems to have said that only Mrs. Sea Snake controls the teleportation array. Her husband is not at home all year round..."

He thought silently as he looked at the ability of the Wife Killer.

It took more than twenty minutes.

The two came to the complex underwater cave.

Ahead appeared an extremely flat white seabed.

The seabed ends in a narrow valley.

There are huge underwater stone statues on both sides of the valley. The stone statues are half human and half snake, which are somewhat different from ordinary Nagas.

It is said that this was built based on the images of the two original primarchs, Naga.

"It's right in front. The cemetery's guards are relatively loose, so you should be able to get in easily."

Sumi pointed to the canyon and said:

"But you must also pay attention to safety. Maybe the Dark Primarch Holy Cult has placed new guards in the cemetery."

"This is for you. If you need to contact me, just blow it three times."

"I won't go in, take care."

She handed Matthew a rather delicate conch.

During this process.

She also very thoughtfully threw a bubble technique for Matthew.

This allowed Matthew to calmly transform back into a human body and put the conch into his luggage.

Finally, he changed to an electric eel ring and circled a small half circle around the edge of the canyon.

It didn't take long.

Matthew found a warm gap.

Get in comfortably.

"Tip: You have arrived at "Naga Cemetery (Red Scale Tribe and Primarch Naga)"

Your tomb realm automatically activates!

You are getting all the information about the tomb..."

Hot and humid currents.

Warm ditch.

Beautiful shells.

Soft sandy beach.

Matthew wandered around that family's cemetery, and it felt like he was back home!

All the atmosphere here made him feel extremely comfortable.

Especially the negative energy that is almost gushing out!

"How many Naga corpses are piled up here?"

"Yes, although the shell can transform Naga's body into pearls, the negative energy cannot find a channel to vent."

"Over the years, the concentration of negative energy here is almost comparable to the negative energy plane!"

Matthew was secretly shocked.

However, he did not see any undead creatures during his visit to the cemetery.


This is because ordinary cemeteries lack the natural conditions to transform undead creatures——

The bodies were digested by the shells.

A few bones are nothing to worry about.

The souls of the Nagas will probably be recycled by Bruchi, so naturally they cannot form ghost-like creatures.


"The reason why the Nagas retain the custom of ancestor worship is precisely because they know that their souls will return to Bruch's hands after death, so they leave most of their spirituality in the pearls in this way. This is also a kind of Ways to avoid eternal torture after death..."

Matthew's reaction was quick.

In an instant, I discovered the logic hidden deeper!

That's why.

The Naga cemetery is almost covered with shells.

It's hard to find a decent skeleton.

Of course he had already guessed this.

The reason why he insisted on coming was because he knew that the Naga civil war ended not long ago.

During the Civil War.

A large number of Nagas were killed.

This means that many Naga corpses in the cemetery were recently buried in shells, and it takes a relatively long time for the shells to digest the corpses.

Matthew just had to pry the shells apart.

You can get fresh casting materials.

If you have a hard enough shovel.

This thing is actually no different from opening a coffin.

Just do what comes to mind.

Matthew added a bubble spell to himself and returned to his human form.

He carried the shovel and wanted to do something big.

But at this time.

The sudden surge of water told him that there was a new guest in the cemetery——

It's the group of original Nagas who just left the city!

"Didn't Su Mi say that they would have to wander around for a long time before coming in?"

Matthew was confused.

He drank a bottle of invisibility potion, and his body suddenly became transparent, hiding next to a rock not far from the entrance to the cemetery.

It didn't take long.

The group of original Nagas carried a huge shell to the middle of the cemetery.

They chattered some words.

Matthew didn't catch the specific content.

Can be followed immediately.

A shocking scene appeared——

The huge shell slowly opened, and more primal Naga soldiers sprang out from inside!

They held special shovels in their hands.

As soon as he came out, he started frantically attacking other shells in the cemetery!

Bang bang bang!

A lot of shells were opened.

The mutilated Naga corpses were ruthlessly pulled out by the original Nagas!

Matthew hid aside and witnessed the whole process.

After the initial doubts, he understood everything——

Since the traditional funeral rituals of Naga are to prevent the souls of loved ones from suffering the torture of Bruch.

So of course, the original body Naga, as a supporter of Bruch, cannot allow this custom to continue!

They entered the cemetery disguised as a funeral procession.

I'm afraid it's just a cover-up.

After all, there are still many ordinary Nagas in Wuhan City!

Their purpose is to prevent the shell from digesting the Naga's body and prevent their spiritual being from being stored on the pearl that is about to be formed.


The souls of these Naga warriors will return to Bruch's arms!

After figuring it all out jointly.

Matthew laughed at himself:

"I thought I bumped into my colleague..."

He felt a little regretful in his heart.

I arrived a little late and couldn't take away a few Naga's bones.

He didn't want to alert the enemy.

Therefore, there is no need to conflict with this group of Primarch Nagas.

But at this time.

New text appeared on the data column.

"Tip: You have obtained a new side quest "Rescuing the Soul of Naga"!

Save the Souls of Nagas: In order to prevent the souls of Nagas from becoming the tools of Bruch, the creation of dusk, please hunt down the original Nagas as much as possible!

Primary Objective: Kill all Primarch Nagas in the Necropolis!

Primary reward: A lot of XP \u0026 Wilderness Form (Deep Sea Dragon Turtle)"

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