The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 339 Carmela Fortress and Vice Dean Matthew

Chapter 339 Carmela Fortress and "Vice Dean Matthew"

Matthew quickly asked:

"Is Carmela a last name?"

Mayer thought for a moment:

"Maybe, not sure. When we discovered this fortress, it was already named Carmela."

"Someone once traced the name back, but couldn't find the origin."

"Like other legacies of the Aether Society, the origins of Carmela Fortress are also full of mysterious factors."

"You may not believe it, but this fortress flew from the sky. Suddenly one day it appeared in the world of Irondor. It passed through many dimensional barriers, reached the peak of eternity, and finally hit the At the top of the highest mountain, this incident also triggered mudslides, landslides, and avalanches in many mountains of Eternal Peak, and many living things nearby were affected at that time."

"However, it didn't take long for the fortress to rise from the ruins and hover above the Eternal Peak."

"This has attracted many people to explore. It was the ignorant age of Irondor, and it was also what people call the dark age——"

"At that time, humans had just multiplied on this land, the troll empire ruled the sky and the earth, the gods had not yet risen, and the south where the Eternal Peak is located was regarded as a barbaric land!"

"It is precisely because of the sudden arrival of Carmela Fortress that many people climbed the dangerous mountains one after another. The creatures on the land were so eager for things in the sky that in just a hundred years, more than 100,000 people were added to the eternal peak. Thousands of remains.”

"But death can never stop living beings from exploring the unknown. Two hundred years after the arrival of Carmela Fortress, the first intelligent life successfully walked out of the fortress. Her body was filled with the terrifying power of ether. As soon as her front feet left the fortress, her back feet Successfully relied on the power of ether to condense the divine personality and ascend to the throne of God."

"She is the goddess of magic who created the magic system of an era, Ye Li."

Did the goddess of magic come out of this fortress?

Isn’t it said that the gods of Tianlun Palace are a group of creatures born and raised on earth?

Matthew was startled.

Seeing his disbelief, Mayer spoke eloquently:

"There are many theories about the origin of Ye Li in history. In fact, the same goes for other gods -

Some believe they are native gods.

But I think they are just as alien as the creatures that later arrived in this world.

To know.

Irondor in the Dark Ages is shrouded in the fog of the unknown.

The world is filled with incredible life energy.

All it takes is a little flame.

It can ignite the terrifying fire of life.

Most of the fires of life are ignited by rays and meteors from the astral realm.

at that age.

Since the natural barriers of the material plane have not yet been consolidated, the number of meteors encountered by Irondor every year is trillions of times higher than now!

Those meteors are constantly impacting the world.

At that time, the world of Irondor was like a huge womb pregnant with countless eggs, and the foreign substances carried on the meteors were sperm that completed the puzzle of life.

in this case.

I believe that most living beings originate from alien worlds.

So does the magic goddess Ye Li.

Perhaps He himself was born in Irondor.

But the power that ignited her initial fire of life must come from elsewhere..."

Matthew was heartbroken when he heard:

"Cosmic womb?"

At this time, Mayer's face had relatively complete flesh and skin.

He looks like a gentle, middle-aged researcher.

There was a hint of approval on Mayer's face:

"The name is very apt."

"The original world of Irondor was a cosmic womb. It passively accepted alien genetic material and constantly ignited all kinds of fires of life."

"Until a certain day, after this space has bred enough species and types, its function as the cosmic womb will degrade on its own. Some of its power will be hidden in the star core of the material world, and some of its power will transform. For the earth, plane and barrier that holds everything.”

"This is the origin of our world, or in other words, this is the origin of all the worlds in the multiverse. The knowledge I inherited from the Aether Society points out that Iondor is not alone. Similar worlds are in the multiverse or parallel worlds. Hundreds and thousands of rounds of evolution have occurred.”

"When you think about it this way, do you feel that you are very small?"

Mayer asked Matthew with a smile.

Matthew nodded:


"But what I want to know is that after the cosmic womb breeds a sufficient number of lives, it will form a world?"

Mayer shook his head:

"That's not necessarily true."

"It's a matter of probability and it depends on whether the world is lucky at the right time."

“Have you noticed—we haven’t figured out the origin of the cosmic womb.

My guess is that deep in the star realm, or elsewhere in the multiverse, there are some very transcendent beings who can cross the vast sea of ​​​​stars and set their sights on the birthplace of the womb of the universe.

Some of them can even overlook our starry sky from a higher dimension!

And once you notice that a cosmic womb is about to form somewhere.

Those transcendent beings will project their power from very far away.

These forces fall into the womb of the universe in the form of meteorites, thereby affecting the process of the birth of life.

We trace history.

You will find that the so-called ancient gods of darkness, the gods of Tianlun Palace, dusk creations, abyss mother bodies, the original evil spirits, the roots of purgatory, and the cornerstones of the underworld, all of these things may have been put into our world by transcendent beings.

They come into this world following a certain intention and purpose.

The wonderful wars and stories between them.

Maybe it's just a random game played by some transcendent beings on a higher-dimensional chessboard..."

Matthew fell into a long silence after listening.

However, Mayer still smiled cheerfully and said:

"Of course, my speculation may not be accurate. It may just be wishful thinking and a conspiracy theory."

"But one day I will know the truth behind all this."

"Look, this is the benefit of becoming an immortal. As long as you live long enough, you will always have the opportunity to satisfy your thirst for knowledge."

"When I was young, I often wondered, what will it be like after the world is destroyed? Will a new world be born? Or will it enter another state and turn into eternal nothingness like the star realm?"

"Now I won't think about these problems at all, because I just need to wait slowly for that moment to come."

"But not before that."

"I'd better pray that this world won't be destroyed so quickly. At least let me catch fish for a century, right?"

Matthew smiled silently.

The information Mayer had just told flashed through his mind.

Have to admit.

This eternal man who calls himself the loyal servant of Death and the old dog of the underworld is quite knowledgeable.

Whatever he said casually could make Matthew think about it for a long time.

"Carmela is the priest of the God of the First Moon, and the God of the First Moon is the patron saint of the Ether Star Alliance. If there is only the prefix of Ether, it may be a coincidence, but the place where the Ether Society is located happens to be named Carmela Fortress, the possibility of coincidence is infinitely close to zero.”

"The Aether Society is very likely to have inherited the magical legacy of the Aether Covenant - according to Mayer's description, the magic enlightenment in this world is related to the Aether Society. This can also explain the spell framework and the game background of my previous life that I am familiar with. Quite close. In other words, the so-called goddess Ye Li who 'organized the magic system of the Age of Enlightenment' is essentially a porter..."

"But what role did Mayer herself play in that era?"

Such doubts flashed through Matthew's mind.

Mayer talked freely about the dark ages in front of him, as if he had witnessed the night dawn emerging from the Carmela Fortress.

But he kept silent about himself.

About himself.

Matthew only knew that he had inherited part of the Aether Society's legacy, had been favored by the God of Death, and was Maibaron's teacher.

It seems that he has only been cultivating death orchids in the laboratory his entire life.

This is somewhat counter-intuitive.

Normally Matthew wouldn't believe it.

But Mayer's calmness swayed his suspicions.

Much of the information he mentions stands up to scrutiny.

Especially the one about the cosmic womb.

There is a discrepancy between what Mayer said and what the Traveler God told Matthew previously.

At least the latter didn't tell Matthew that Irondor itself was once a cosmic womb!


This does not mean that the Traveler God lied to Matthew.

Observations of historical information inherently contain significant biases.

Just comparing the two.

Matthew was more willing to believe Mayer.

This kind of belief seems a bit unreasonable, a bit close to intuitive trust.

"Maybe he seems sincere enough?"

Matthew thought to himself.

For him, this is actually not convincing, because intuition can also be blinded by certain forces.

"From another perspective, the fact that Mayer is truly immortal shouldn't be a big deal."

"His perspective on things is completely different from that of normal people. He is even willing to tell me all the secrets of the Eternal One. This cannot be a sign of trust in me..."

The two had just met.

Where does the trust come from?

There is only one possibility left -

Mayer is not afraid of Matthew dealing with or torturing her at all!

Don't look at him looking like he wants to fish.

Perhaps from the perspective of the Immortal, being tortured and fishing might both be a form of entertainment?

Matthew thought uncertainly.

"This fortress needs to be shared with Carmela, and her opinion can also be asked about Mayer's remarks."

And while Matthew was deep in thought.

Mayer added:

"When you take over the Death Fairy Orchid, I will transfer control of the first level of the fortress to you, but you will have to find your own way to explore the other levels."

"As far as I know, Carmela Fortress has a total of six floors, and each floor may store the legacy of the Aether Society."

"And if you want to completely control Carmela Fortress, you must obtain six secret keys passed down from generation to generation, which are -

Life, death, love, ether, fate and time.

These six secret keys correspond to the six floors of the fortress.

The first level we know now was opened by the God of Death himself who obtained the secret key to life.

Because I am in control, you can come in with the Death Token.

After I leave, you must order at least one loyal and reliable guy to become the controller of the first level, otherwise the defensive restrictions on the outer layer of the fortress will be restarted.

By then, I'm afraid you will have to find the secret key to life again before you can enter the laboratory. "

The secret key passed down from generation to generation?

Matthew was stunned again.

Why does he sound so familiar?

This highly coincides with the six secret treasures that the Traveler God told himself to be born from the womb of the universe!

The only different words are "phase" in the Traveler God's mouth and "ether" in Mayer's mouth.

But the origin of these two words is very ancient.

Maybe it was passed down from the Ether Covenant era.

In certain eras.

Maybe they represent the same thing?

Matthew couldn't help but ask:

"I once heard a god from Tianlun Palace mention the six secret treasures."

"I wonder if the secret is the secret key?"

Mayer thought for a moment:

"It is possible that it is a common phenomenon that different eras have different perceptions and naming of certain powerful items."

Intoxicated by Mayer's vast knowledge of antiquity, Matthew continued to ask:

"Where did the six secret keys come from?"

Mayer smiled helplessly:

"Sir, didn't you notice that I'm already dressed?"

"I'm not your teacher, and I'm not obligated to answer every question you have. Do you understand?"

"That's it for today's puzzle-solving session. It would be disrespectful to ask any more questions."

Only then did Matthew notice.

Mayer had completely turned into a human at this time, and the clothes he had made for himself were also worn by him.

He didn't know where he got a pair of elegant pince-nez from!

This makes him look more like a middle-aged researcher.

"Sorry, I'm just amazed at your knowledge."

Matthew said sincerely.

Mayer said mildly:

"I understand, but there's a long way to go."

"Now, please accept the Death Fairy Orchid. I don't want to stay in this laboratory for a moment anymore."

Matthew nodded.

Following Mayer's instructions, he came behind the glass enclosure.

it's here.

Matthew found that under the glass cover was a metal cabin that looked like a sleeping space for astronauts in science fiction movies.

It's just that what's lying in the cabin now is the remains of an ancient god.

There is a special nameplate under the metal cabin.

There is a containment spell engraved on it.

Matthew analyzed the spell twice using "Detect Good and Evil" and "Spell Identification" respectively. After confirming that it had no harmful effects, he quickly chanted the spell.

Click, click, click!

The metal cabin suddenly stood up from the side, and the death orchid slowly sank with the glass cover.

Along with the effect of the folding spell.

The huge metal cabin immediately became the size of a suitcase!

Matthew lifted the suitcase easily.

There is also a release spell engraved on the side of the box.

"Remember, whether it is containment or release, there is a certain number of times."

"The root cause is that we can't find the energy source and its replacement for this metal cabin. I estimate that if we fiddle with it two or three more times at most, the energy of this thing will be completely consumed, and it will be useless by then."

Mayer reminded:

"The Death Fairy Orchid cannot be kept in a state of containment for a long time. You must find a place with strong negative energy for it, which should at least be similar to the environment in the laboratory."

"That's the only way you can preserve it for the long term."

Matthew nodded.

The negative energy in the laboratory is frighteningly rich.

It is of course a fantasy to maintain this concentration in every corner of the Death Horror Cemetery, but with Matthew's current strength and financial resources, it is not difficult to maintain an ultra-high concentration in a room.

Just have to burn money.

"It seems that there are more and more money-burning projects. I don't know when the remuneration promised by Suriel will be paid. It seems to be a little stretched recently..."

Matthew lamented that money could not be spent at the same time.

He also sent his sincere thanks to Mayer:

"thank you."

"You're welcome, I'm just completing my mission."

Mayer moves quickly.

While talking.

He had already arrived at the entrance of the laboratory.

He answered Matthew while adjusting his collar:

"I have to go out and get some air. See you later, handsome young man..."

Matthew nodded subconsciously.

But it’s only halfway through.

He suddenly shouted:


However, Mayer had already passed through the barrier at the door and walked out of the laboratory.

Matthew hurriedly followed.

Through the barrier at the door.

He only saw a mixture of flesh and blood floating in the sea!

Peggy couldn't help but poked her head in:


"Is this your new murder trick?"

"It's so scary..."

A few minutes later.

In the laboratory.

Mayer, who had just grown a skull, asked Matthew quietly:

"I really want to fish."

"But who can tell me how the exit of Carmela Fortress ended up under the sea?"

"Isn't this a fortress suspended above an eternal peak?"

Matthew suppressed his laughter and apologized again and again:

"Forgot to tell you."

"The area where the Eternal Peak is located has turned into an ocean over the years."

He talked about the deeds of the natural disaster mage in passing.

Mayer was astonished:

"I know the Scourge Mage. She was the one who put Lord Death into a state close to the death of God."

"I just didn't expect that she had already taken action against the fortress where I was."

"But what you said is too exaggerated, isn't it? When the moon fell, Carmela Fortress was just hit to the bottom of the sea without any damage?"

"Well, I did feel that the laboratory was a bit shaky for a while..."

Matthew also thought about this level.

The Carmela Fortress was smashed from the top of the Eternal Peak to the depths of the trench. This was actually the work of the Scourge Mage.

The reasons recorded in history for the natural disaster mage smashing the moon are consistent with her domineering persona.

But it’s still a bit far-fetched upon closer inspection.

"She suddenly smashed the moon as soon as she arrived in Irondor. Could it be that she just wanted to use an earth-shattering event to make people forget the existence of Carmela Fortress?"

"After the arrival of the natural disaster mage, no one really cared about this fortress..."

For a while.

Matthew was thinking wildly.

After a while.

He told Mayer:

"There is sea water outside now, why don't I arrange a place for you to fish?"

Mayer thought for a while and agreed:

"But I don't like to be bothered."

Matthew said happily:


"Wait a moment, I'll be right back."

At that moment, he took out the "Forest Scepter", left a spell mark on the spot, and then used the Moonlight Woodland as a springboard to return directly to the oak forest.

A few minutes later.

In the administrative hall of the Lord's Mansion.

Several newly recruited employees looked curiously at Matthew, who was wearing clothes made of shroud material.

Matthew met their gazes with a smile and a nod.

Since the construction project of Rolling Stone City began.

Rhaegar then recruited a few more staff and civil servants, and the administrative hall no longer had the original three or two kittens.

Since it is still in the transitional period, the power system of "Lord's Mansion - Staff/Advisors" and "City Hall - Five-member Committee" of Rolling Stone Town has not been redefined and planned, so the entire office hall even seems a bit chaotic.

Chaotic, but dynamic.


In order to avoid noise, Rega's office was also set up in an inner room - Matthew seriously suspected that this was for the convenience of the other party to read newspapers and take a nap.

Matthew knocked on the door and entered the house. Rega and Zeller happened to be discussing government affairs. He found a seat and sat down relaxedly:

"Is there a good place for fishing near Rolling Stone Town?"

Rhaegar shook his head:

"What? You fell in love with fishing?"

"It's not me, it's a friend of mine who has such a need."

Matthew considered his words:

"Although he may not have much fighting ability, he has quite amazing knowledge. If I can arrange a satisfactory fishing spot for him, maybe I can convince him to stay in Rolling Stone Town for a long time."

Rhaegar and Zeller looked at each other.

The expressions of both of them became solemn.

After getting along for such a long time.

Both of them also knew the value of Matthew's friends.

After a while.

Zeller pondered:

"It's not Rolling Stone, okay? But it's nearby."

"There used to be a mountain reservoir in Gaoye Territory. It was originally an asset of the lord of Gaoye Territory. It is now under the name of Rolling Stone Town. I went to conduct on-site exploration and found that the freshwater fishery resources in it are very rich."

Matthew wondered:

"Wasn't the Gaoshan Reservoir destroyed by the Black Dragon Lord?"

Zeller nodded:

"That's right, otherwise there wouldn't be so many refugees flocking to the border before Gao Ye took the lead."

"However, we have signed many cooperation agreements with the Southern Division Division. One of the contents is to repair the Alpine Reservoir. Their actions are very prompt. At present, the repair of the Alpine Reservoir is almost completed. However, due to climate factors, part of the lake is still frozen. status……"

Matthew thought for a while:

"It sounds pretty good, can you guarantee it's quiet?"

Zeller smiled and said:

"It's not a big problem. Because of the black dragon, local residents have a natural fear of mountain reservoirs. No one will bother them in a short period of time. We can also arrange for guards to secretly patrol and protect."

Matthew clapped his hands:

"Then it will be decided at the Gaoshan Reservoir!"

Mrs. Wesley happened to come in at this time, and she handed Matthew a cup of coffee.

Matthew took a sip and felt very energetic.

Rega looked at Mrs. Wesley inexplicably:

"Isn't that my coffee?"

The latter turned around and left:

"Don't be stingy, Rega, I'll pour the rest for you right away. Matthew is busy outside every day, and it's rare to come back..."

Rhaegar couldn't help complaining:

"I worked very hard too, okay..."

Matthew coughed and asked what the two discussed——

It’s about the future planning of western urban areas.

"That's right, we plan to open a magic academy in the future."

"Due to the cooperation with the Southern Magic Legion, the dean of the Magic Academy should be Ms. Qin Wuyue. We want you to be the deputy dean. What do you think, Matthew?"

Zeller took the opportunity to ask.

Matthew, of course, had no problem with that.

He just felt a little magical - is there going to be a new magic academy in Rolling Stone Town?

Are you going to be the vice president yourself?

This is too fast...

But this world is sometimes like this. When opportunities come, your wealth and strength will expand at an incredible speed.

The foundation of Rolling Stone itself is good.

And winning the battle at Moss Green Hills gave them enough capital.

With the coordination of Matthew, he caught the attention of Qin Wuyue and Ronan.

It’s hard to even think about taking off!

Matthew could already foresee that when spring begins, under the influence of those civil mages who can create miracles, a majestic city will rise from the ground in Rolling Stone Town!

"By the way, it's time for you to recruit a few assistants or apprentices."

Zeller reminded again:

"If I'm not mistaken, you are already at level five now, right?"

"There are few fifth-level mages who live alone like you."

Matthew understood that this was a kind reminder from Zeller.

He also knew that he really needed a few living brothers to handle some things.

So he thought:

"I will seriously consider this suggestion."

"Wasn't there a necromancer who pried over from the Red Earth Mountain before?

what do you say that is?

It seems to be Henry?

Let him serve as my temporary assistant first, and I will open part of the cemetery permissions to him.

As for the woods, just ask Obest for everything, he knows how to deal with it. "

The three of them chatted for a while.

Matthew asked about Carmela's whereabouts, but unexpectedly learned from Rega that the priest of the God of the First Moon was no longer in the official post house in Rolling Stone Town.

"She went to the Northland. It is said that she wanted to resolve an unnecessary dispute. It seemed to be related to the orcs who flew to the island."

Rhaegar explained lazily.

Matthew thought for a while:

"She has orc friends?"

Rhaegar asked rhetorically:

"Don't you have friends of all races?"

Matthew was a little surprised:

"how you said that?"

Rhaegar's nose twitched slightly, his eyes full of gossip and doubts:

"You have a strong smell of sea and a naga smell..."


Matthew was even more surprised:

"How can you tell what Naga smells like?"

Rhaegar shrugged:

"You don't think you're the only one who was loved by everyone when you were young, do you?"

"Before I met Melinda, I also had a Naga friend..."

"Now that I think about it, my youthful years are really nostalgic."

After saying this, he warned Matthew:

"I know you mages have a lot of fun, but you have to remember that it's okay to play, but you must not let Sif know, otherwise she will be sad."

Matthew was speechless.

He didn't bother to explain that he and Naga were innocent, and he probably wouldn't believe Rega even if he explained.

But the two talked about Sif.

Rhaegar expressed enthusiastically that he missed his daughter a little and hoped that Matthew could help arrange a trip to the floating city in the far north.

"No problem, I just want to go to the Floating City to find some friends. Once I finish things in the sea, we can discuss the specific time."

After speaking, Matthew drank the remaining coffee in one gulp.

Then take out the Woodland Scepter and return to the Naga Cemetery.

He took Mayer to the Alpine Reservoir. The latter was quite satisfied with the environment here. Soon Matthew noticed that Zeller's people had also arrived nearby. He took Mayer to say hello to them. He left in a hurry.

A few hours later.

Shipwreck place.

Cobalt Dragon Tavern.

Matthew, who had harvested 120 extreme cold shooters and more ordinary Naga corpses from the Naga Cemetery, was satisfied and joined Sumi who was standing outside.

The two headed towards the waterfall.

It didn't take long to find the tavern that Jimmy the Know-It-All mentioned.

This is the territory of the sea snake couple.

Matthew was wrapped around Sumi's waist as always.

The two walked into the tavern.

The layout inside is very different from a tavern on land.

There are more exaggerated lighting effects and more drinkers here.

They come from different intelligent races under the sea.

In addition to Naga, there are also fishmen, crabmen, sea dragons and sea serpents.

However, Sumi had just stepped into the tavern.

Matthew's voice rang in Qingpi Naga's ears:

"Quit now!"

Su Mi was stunned for a moment.

The next second.

All the underwater races in the tavern looked at them with a faint look.

That moment.

Don't talk about Sumi.

Even Matthew felt like his scalp was numb!

"This is not a normal Cobalt Dragon Tavern..."

"This is a dead man's trick!"

Matthew's heart trembled.

on the data column.

"Warning: You have entered the "Sel's Death Realm""!


Matthew was shocked again.

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