The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 404 Guardian of the Rolling Stone Kingdom!

The appearance of the demon army did not exceed Matthew's expectations.

After all, there were already signs of this happening.

Previously, he had ordered Eugene, the son of the forest, to keep an eye on any unusual movements from Hagborg Castle to the Resting Wasteland in the northeast.

Matthew himself also rushed to the outskirts of the Ghost Castle a few days ago.

After finding the space-time rift that Eugene mentioned.

Matthew did it the old fashioned way.

All the cracks nearby were sealed with amber made from giant trees.

To be on the safe side.

He also left a small group of skeleton soldiers and two little ghost faces around the crack.

This is also to facilitate vigilance.

When he woke up in the morning, he could still sense the presence of skeleton soldiers and little grimaces.

Available now.

When Matthew used extra concentration to confirm the location of the undead, the mental signal sent out was as silent as a mud cow drowning in the sea.

There is no doubt that the giant tree amber has a sealing effect on the cracks in time and space.

Matthew could also be sure that he had left no loopholes.

But the demons still appeared.

This illustrates a very serious objective fact——

Abyssal cracks may no longer be the only means for demons to enter the main material world!

"Go over and have a look!"

Matthew took Eugene and headed north.


A large number of demons have appeared near Hag Po.

Matthew's immortality had long been dismantled by these demons.

But he ignored these ferocious creatures below.

He steered the magic carpet past the Hagborn Keep and continued eastward.

It didn't take long.

To the west of the Resting Wastes.

Matthew saw purple light pillars connecting heaven and earth.

These light pillars squirmed and twisted violently like insects.

Every twist.

There will be a lot of demons shaking out from it!

Matthew narrowed his eyes.

This is not a space-time rift at all!

This is the abyss portal!


Suddenly, a purple light arrow flew over from below.

Passed by the magic carpet.

Matthew calmly raised his height.

The demon mage below remained unyielding, throwing spells upwards crazily.

They didn't give up until Matthew hid in the clouds.

"There are many abyss mages. How did you create so many abyss portals?"

Matthew was secretly surprised.

The odd days are getting closer and the world is becoming increasingly unstable.

This became even more obvious after the awakening of the Heavenly Dragon Soul.

Originally, the abyss crack was just an opening near Wild Wolf Mountain.

And now.

This hole has a tendency to spread crazily.

Even the Stone Kingdom is threatened!

Matthew also visited the Wasteland of Rest a few days ago. At that time, there was no trace of demonic activity here.

Of course, this cannot be due to the other party's clever concealment methods.

Then there is only one answer——

"The demons seem to have mastered a stable way to enter the material world!"

Matthew bit his lower lip lightly.

Things are trickier than I thought.

If we assume the worst-case scenario, then the continent of Irondor will face endless invasions from the abyss just like the Su Kingdom did!

Demons are incredibly fertile.

This small population of the main material world is really not enough to fill the gaps in front of the billions of creatures in the countless planes of the abyss!

"The fact that they chose to open the portal today means that their target is the Kingdom of Rolling Stone. They are coming for the Alliance, just like when they attacked the Wild Wolf Mountain battlefield!"

Matthew hid in the air and observed the situation at the abyss portal below, while also analyzing the demons' motives in his mind.

After the Blood Moon Strike incident.

All creatures in the outer plane are submissive and obedient.

Even Stuluk Industries, which has always been arrogant and arrogant, temporarily lowered its head.

Demons are known for their madness.

But you wouldn’t want to hit the bullet hole at this time, right?

"Did they seize the opportunity that all the high-ranking legendary mages have entered the disappeared historical world?"

Matthew frowned.

The number of demons down there is really scary.

The key is.

This number is still increasing at an extremely terrifying growth rate!

There are hundreds of purple light pillars standing between the sky and the earth in the resting wasteland.

Every beam of light.

It's an abyss portal.

Demons walked out of the door one after another, beating their chests excitedly, or engaging in a life-and-death fight with their compatriots around them——

Matthew saw many demons that had beaten each other's brains out and guts.

People were already dying before the demon army even started.

But the number of dead demons was nothing compared to the overall sheer number.

Matthew made an estimate.

Currently, the number of demons in the Resting Wasteland and Hagba Castle has exceeded 50,000.

If this continues.

A super army with hundreds of thousands of demons may appear here!

This number is too exaggerated.

Except for his own undead natural disasters, Matthew could not imagine any mortal army that could fight against it.


Undead Scourge is not very good either.

Demons have high resistance, and wherever they go they are often protected by the bad land of the abyss.

Wherever the abyss mother body touches, it is also a natural ritual site.

Its level is much higher than the undead natural disaster.

It is not that easy to use undead natural disasters to fight against the demon army blessed by the abyss mother body.

While investigating the enemy's situation, Matthew frantically devised countermeasures.

For a moment.

He wanted to be brave enough to dismantle those abyss portals.

But the large group of abyss mages standing around the portal and the snake demons with bone spurs all over their bodies made him give up this plan.

The Abyssal Snake Demon is the mage's nemesis.

They only know one type of spell, which is silence.

The Silence of the Abyss Snake Demon not only blocks your voice, it can directly block your spellcasting ability for 3 to 8 seconds.

The effect may be better when multiple Abyss Snake Demons are superimposed.

Fortunately, the shortcomings of the snake demon are also obvious:

Short legs, short hands, poor melee combat ability, and lack of survivability.

There is no living space for snake demons in the wild abyss.

This creature will only be raised by large demon lords, which is somewhat similar to the succubus.

Except for the snake demon.

Matthew also discovered several huge, hideous-looking abyss monsters near the portal.

Although there are no legendary creatures, they are all level 20 lord templates with considerable combat power.

If you advance alone.

It’s very possible that one mistake could lead to it being gone!

"Abyss Mage, Cavalry Demon, Snake Demon, Hornet Demon, Dragon Swallowing Monster, Brazu Demon, Little Demon, Evil Spirit Demon, Great Demon Warlord..."

Matthew silently estimated the enemy's type and number of troops.

The only thing to be thankful for is.

There are no real flying units among this demonic army that threatens the Kingdom of Rolling Stone.

The only flying wasp demon can only flutter in a space no more than 5 meters above the ground.

"Let's go back and mobilize manpower first, and say hello to Rega by the way."

Matthew retreated calmly.

When retreating to the edge of the resting wasteland.

He ran into a familiar Phoenix ship head-on!

"Qin Wuyue?"

Matthew's eyes lit up.

He thought it was Qin Wuyue who had returned early.

But he didn't expect that the temporary leader of the Southern Wizard Legion on the deck was her disciple Vivian.

Vivian also seemed to be temporarily alarmed.

As one of the important partners of the Rolling Stone Kingdom, the Southern Wizard Corps also assumes certain guardian responsibilities, so it is not unusual to come and check it out.

Matthew took the initiative to say hello to Vivian, and then boarded the Phoenix ship.

Matthew shared his findings and guesses with Vivian.

A trace of doubt flashed in the latter's eyes:

"Such a large-scale invasion?"

"Aren't they afraid of the Alliance's retaliation?"

"The Seven Saints just went to the historical world to seek benefits, and it's not like they will never come back..."

Matthew shrugged:

"No one can figure out what's going on with those demons."

Vivian held one hand on the side of the ship, and her eyes looking at the surface became extremely deep:

"I'm already looking for someone to divine the culprit behind this invasion."

"With their numbers reaching this level, the overlords behind these demons at a certain level in the abyss will not be unknown people."

"Ah, I see."

"They cleverly used a relatively open space-time rift, and then used the etheric plane as a short-distance springboard, so that they could open so many portals in an instant."

"As long as the teleportation crack can be closed, these teleportation gates will collapse on their own."

Vivian said pointing in the direction of a large camp in the center of the demon army.

Matthew took a look.

He couldn't see as clearly as Vivian, but he also felt the difference in the camp.

He looked at the configuration around the camp, smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"The demons apparently understand this too."

"It seems that it is not easy to destroy that space-time rift now."

Vivian nodded slightly.

Her expression couldn't be called nervous:

"These demons are coming to the Rolling Stone Kingdom, but there are no legendary-level characters among them. It's just that the number seems shocking."

"According to the contract, the Southern Wizard Legion has certain obligations to assist in defense. We will cooperate with you to block these demons from Rolling Stone City. This will also allow these evil creatures to see what the Wall of Sighs is!"

Matthew noticed.

Although Vivian looked very calm.

But the other mages behind her seemed a little excited.

Matthew thought for a moment and then understood——

The members of the Southern Mage Corps were all trained by Qin Wuyue according to the model of the Great Wall Mage Corps of the Su Kingdom.

The Great Wall Mage Legion was established to fight against the invasion of demons.

The entire continent of Irondor.

There may be no group more adept at fighting demons than the Legion of Southern Mages.

As long as they join the war.

There are not many variables in the safety of Rolling Stone City.

Matthew secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The two sat on the magic boat and continued to observe and exchange opinions.

after awhile.

When Matthew planned to return to the cemetery to mobilize manpower.


A familiar feeling came to his heart!

"Tip: Your ability "World Events" is in effect——

World Channel: Isabel pried a "natural disaster" level artifact in the disappeared historical world, which in turn triggered huge turmoil in the historical world and its surroundings.

This turmoil resulted in a distortion of time in the historical world.

The timeline of the area affected by this turmoil will shift, and the specific recovery date is unknown..."

See here.

Matthew went numb instantly!

Then he looked at Vivian, whose expression was also full of astonishment. Apparently, she also learned about what happened in the disappeared historical world through some prophecy spells!

"The divination results are out!"

"The lord behind these demons is named Eisner. He is the lord of the Land of Despair. His physical strength is close to that of the upper legend, and he rules the three abyss levels..."

In the cabin.

A well-dressed mage hurried out.

He was also holding two burnt tortoise shells in his hands.

Matthew could smell sandalwood on him.

"Don't worry about Eisner yet!"

Vivian frowned and said:

"What was that turmoil happening near the lost historical world?"

The mage was stunned for a moment.

He hurried back to the cabin.

A full ten minutes passed.

The young mage just returned. He looked tired and his eyes were full of surprise:

"It seems that Lady Isabel pulled out some incredible weapon, and then created a power fluctuation close to the level of a natural disaster. This fluctuation caused the entire historical world to fall into a time vortex. In order to avoid the expansion of the influence of the time vortex, the material world instinctively The exclusion of it - this creates a distortion of time from the perspective of those outside us. "

"Of course this distortion will be slowly alleviated, and they will return at some point in the future, and it should not be too long, maybe three months, no more than half a year."

Matthew had a headache and rubbed his temples:

"So, the demon lord Eisner knew the news in advance? Then he raised his troops to attack the material world?"

The young fortune teller shook his head:

"It can't be in advance, because this kind of thing can never be predicted or observed."

"Eisner could only know the news at the same time as us, but he completed the observation in the abyss, and we were in the material world, affected by time distortion and compensation, even if we both received the news at the same time But when he was preparing to attack the material world in the abyss, we had just finished digesting the news..."

Speaking of which.

As if he was afraid that Matthew would not understand, the young fortune teller added an additional sentence:

"Time itself is something that can be manipulated and leveraged. Whether it is magic in the time field or other extraordinary powers, it is possible to leverage changes in time."

"If there is no supernatural power, then the properties of time are transcendent."

"But unfortunately, this is not the case in our world. Time in Irondor is just one of many areas. We only have relative time, not absolute time. Well, the impact of Tianlun Palace's Shengque on the entire history of Irondor is an excellent example. example of."

Matthew nodded slightly, indicating that he fully understood.

This time.

On the contrary, the young fortune teller showed a shy smile.

"We're in trouble, Matthew."

Vivian's expression became very serious.

She looked directly at Matthew:

"After this happened, I'm worried that other places will also be invaded by the abyss or the outer plane. All my people can't stay here to help you."

Matthew understands, too.

Qin Wuyue and Luonan's base is Gemstone Bay.

Previously, they were able to move around because no one dared to mess with the Alliance.

But once the Seven Saints were briefly exiled.

It’s hard to say whether the forces from the outer plane, which have been simmering with anger, will take the opportunity to take a bite.

She has her duties.

Naturally, Matthew couldn't blame too much.

At the moment, he can only discuss with the other party:

"I hope you can keep a group of people to help us defend against the first wave of demon invasion."

"As long as the first wave passes, I will figure out the rest."

Vivian glanced at Matthew and naturally understood what Matthew's solution was.

She then pondered:

"I'll leave half of my men with you. When you can control the situation on your own, I'll send the rest back to Gem Bay to aid you."

"If the situation in Gem Bay goes well, the remaining people can continue to stay in Rolling Stone City to help."

The two parties had a quick exchange.

It didn't take long.

Vivian flew toward the northeast in a phoenix boat with great speed.

Matthew returned to Rolling Stone City with half of the manpower and the magic ship left by Vivian.

The shadow of war is approaching.

However, ordinary residents in the city are still in the dark.

They are still celebrating the founding of the Rolling Stone Kingdom in various forms.

Blood Flag Square.

The three blocks east of the square were blocked by water.

Because the founding ceremony and various programs were held in Blood Flag Square, residents from other neighborhoods were actively flocking here.

On the street, carriages stood still.

The crowds of people on the street are even more crowded.

At the intersections of major arterial roads, there are members of the garrison directing traffic.

At the gate of the inner city.

A tall man wearing thick armor walked out carrying two donkeys and half a carriage.

Wherever the man goes.

The people next to him immediately moved out of the way.

The man placed the things in an increasingly crowded alley next to the inner city, and then shouted:

"No uninvited carriages are allowed to enter the streets near Blood Flag Square!"

"Not even a donkey cart!"

People nearby suddenly complained.

But no one dared to point fingers at the armored man.

Because he is Brad, the captain of Rolling Stone's field team.

After the expansion, the garrison has more than 500 members. They are responsible for all matters related to public security in the city, and they have great power invisibly.

Brad's status has also risen.

In addition, his reputation among the old Rolling Stones is already very good.

Therefore, his prestige among ordinary residents is very high.

Brad shouted for a while.

Finally, we persuaded those riding donkeys, those with dogs, and those holding chocobos to leave.

Then he pointed to the north and shouted:

"Today and tomorrow, lucky initials will be handed out from time to time at the door of the Craftsmen Protection Association and the Veterans Association!"

"Every three straws can be exchanged for a basket of eggs!"

“Excess initials can be directly exchanged for new Rolling Stone money newly issued by the city hall!”

As soon as this statement came out.

Immediately, many people rushed towards the north block.

The road leading to Blood Flag Square was suddenly no longer as crowded as before.

One carriage after another headed towards the inner city.

Brad's body like a door panel was stuck in the door opening, dutifully checking the origin of each carriage.


A luxury carriage slowly walked up to the scene.

The people in the carriage took the initiative to open the curtains.

Brad took a look and saw two distinguished men and a well-dressed woman sitting inside, and waved behind him:

"Inn's car."

"Let it go directly."

The man who opened the car window took the initiative to thank Brad.

Brad chuckled.

Then he was busy checking the next carriage.

The luxury carriage slowly drove into the inner city.

Got here.

The road suddenly became clearer - mainly because there were fewer horse-drawn carriages.

The man by the car window lowered the curtains.

Then he smiled and said to his two companions in the car:

"Even the gatekeepers are level 20 warriors. The Kingdom of Rolling Stone really has a bright future."

The middle-aged woman with a beautiful face and well-dressed woman sighed softly, and then said feebly:

"You're mistaken, Gavin."

"The soldier guarding the door just now is Rhaegar's nephew, not just any ordinary person."

"But the Stone Kingdom does have a bright future... ugh."

Gavin looked at the woman's expression and smiled:

"Lady Alena finally regrets not renewing her relationship with Rhaegar?"


"I think it's still too late."

Aliena rolled her eyes at him.

Another tall, mountain-like man sitting next to him slowly spoke:

"Rhaegar does seem like a man of destiny."

"He himself can hardly be called outstanding, even a little mediocre, but the people around him... are too outstanding."

Gavin smiled again when he heard this.

But this time he said nothing aloud.

The carriage suddenly became quiet.

The three people in the carriage are the respective owners of the three most important city-states in the Eastern Principality that is about to take shape——

Barton, Lord of Lion City;

Gavin, the Lord of Jinshui City;

Alena, the Lord of Deep Blue Harbor City.

They arrived at the official posthouse in Rolling Stone City a few days ago, and today they rode the stagecoach to the meeting together to show the unity of the Eastern Principality.

However, the sights the carriage saw along the way made the three of them think deeply.

For Barton, the former golden lion.

The current state of Rolling Stone is his dream for Lion City.

He and Rhaegar had faced the same challenges and fate.

But the difference is.

Rhaegar won the Battle of Moss Green Hills and gained the foundation of the Stone Kingdom;

And he was trapped by the devil on the battlefield of Wild Wolf Mountain. Not only did he lose his troops, but he also almost died from the bloody mouth of the Gluttonous Terror!

It was not easy to save a life.

Patton no longer had the ability to unify the East.

In the end, they could only cooperate with Gavin and Aliena to reluctantly complete the apparent unification of the East Coast and the Eastern Region by transferring power and creating a United Principality.

Although the folk refer to the Kingdom of Rolling Stone as the Western Kingdom, Barton and his kingdom are called the Eastern Kingdom.

But Barton knew it very well.

The Eastern Principality cannot keep up with the Kingdom of Rolling Stone in any aspect.

This is especially true when it comes to future potential!

Originally, Barton had accepted all this calmly.

He thought he could congratulate Rhaegar with peace of mind.

But when he saw the prosperity and prosperity of Rolling Stone City.

Barton still felt unspeakable pain and sorrow in his heart.

all of these.

All because he lost that war!

He had reviewed and considered the difference between himself and Rhaegar countless times late at night! ?

But in the end, he couldn't come up with a result that was enough to convince him.

Because of how he sees it.

I lost all because of luck!

If the Gluttonous Terror attacked Rolling Stone Town instead of the Three River Towns, would the outcome be different?

It's a pity that there is no if in the world.

Barton took a deep breath, then slowly raised his head, looking out the car window again at the rows of exquisite buildings.

"I hope our principality will not be too far behind the Rolling Stone Kingdom."

He said reluctantly.

Gavin said nothing.

Aliena said softly:

"Most definitely."

Barton looked grateful on the surface, but he was sneering in his heart:

"Ha! Woman!"

He knew exactly what his two companions were.

Gavin, the Lord of Goldwater City, is known for his intrigues.

He has a little cleverness but no great wisdom.

He has been criticized for being too harsh in his treatment of residents and subordinates.

What's even worse is.

Gavin was very ambitious and wanted to take Barton's place.

If it weren't for the fact that Jinshui City was too strong.

Patton wouldn't cooperate with him at all!

As for Alena.

This woman talks nicely, and she has been comforting Barton since his defeat at the Wild Wolf Mountain battlefield.

But Barton knew very well that she was the biggest beneficiary of his failure!

If you don't fail.

It’s hard to say about Jinshui City.

But Deep Blue Port must be in his own pocket!

It's a pity that now he has to rely on Aliena's power to check Gavin.

Barton knows Alena’s nature very well:

This woman doesn't care about anything.

He is concerned about whether his position as city lord can be secured.

In order to secure this position.

She can sell all her daughters——

It’s not impossible to sell yourself.

The key lies in the chips.

Barton believed that as long as Rhaegar nodded, the woman would send him to the bed in the Lord's Mansion in Rolling Stone City.

Work with people like this.

How is it possible to succeed?

The more Barton thought about it, the more frustrated he became. He couldn't help but punch the door frame next to him!

"We're almost at the viewing platform."

Gavin reminded him calmly.

Barton silently put away his fists.

Shortly after.

The three of them got off the carriage and were led by the waiter to a building on the side of Blood Flag Square.

There is a hall inside the building.

There are many sofas and seats in the hall, there are waiters carrying food and wine, and there are some familiar faces that I have seen in the post house.

These people are all out-of-town guests invited by the Rolling Stone Kingdom to attend the ceremony and watch the show.

Today is the first day.

There are only some warm-up programs and activities.

So everyone seemed relaxed.

The three Bartons also followed in.

Aliena and Gavin were both able-bodied people. They seemed to be at ease in this situation, and they were soon chatting with representatives of several city-states in the North.

Only Barton was drinking alone.

The atmosphere in the venue has always been harmonious.

Everyone is very curious about what kind of classics and programs Rolling Stone City has prepared.

But at this time.

A sharp voice suddenly rang:

"Someone told me that an army of tens of thousands of demons appeared in the north of Rolling Stone City. Is this true?"

Barton looked up.

He had an impression that the young man who spoke seemed to be Moreira, the lord of Red Earth Mountain.

He heard that Moreira had been very dissatisfied with the new fiefdom that Rhaegar had given him.

The previous rebellion among the mountain tribes on the western border of the Rolling Stone Kingdom was suspected to be the work of Moreira.

Barton originally thought Moreira wanted to cause trouble in Rega's good life.

Unexpectedly, it took a while.

The registered mage of Lion City also sent news for him——

More than 50,000 demons appear on the borders of Rolling Stone.

They were marching rapidly towards the northern wall of Rolling Stone City.

Before the sun sets.

They might come to the city!

Saw this news.

Barton's eyes suddenly narrowed.

The representatives in the hall are also senior officials from major cities.

Most of them have a mage who is familiar with them or an efficient information channel.

So it didn't take long.

More and more city-state representatives began to raise questions.

They don't really mean to cause trouble.

But if a large number of demons really gather here, should the founding ceremony of the Rolling Stone Kingdom be held?

Even if Rolling Stone Kingdom insists on doing it.

But who will guarantee their personal safety?

For a while.

The originally harmonious atmosphere in the hall was gone.

Everyone was discussing in a hurry.

Among them, Moreira, the lord of the Red Earth Mountain, was the one who shouted loudest.

He demanded an immediate explanation from Rolling Stone officials.

Otherwise, he will leave the city with his entourage!

Representatives of several other city-states also had the same concerns.

Only the representative of the Troll Kingdom cursed while drinking:

"What are the devils afraid of?"

"Just kill as many as you come!"

"No, I'll go to the north to bring in reinforcements. When my men from the Black Cave Tribe arrive for reinforcements, I have to go into the abyss myself to see if it's really as scary as the legend says!"

These words attracted the attention of others.

However, the representatives of the Troll Kingdom are always in the minority.

Most people just came to join in the fun, and they were more worried about their own safety.

Just when the situation in the hall became more and more chaotic.

A young mage suddenly appeared in the center of the hall.

He glanced at everyone present and then said:

"There are demons, but it doesn't matter."

"Programs and celebrations will continue as usual."

Someone in the crowd asked:

"The devil doesn't matter? What a big statement!"

"Who are you?"

The young man looked at him calmly:

"Guardian of the Rolling Stone Kingdom."


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