The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 419 Midsummer Night and Adventure

Matthew did not answer Osedro directly.

Instead, his soul was transferred from the soul cage to the demiplane.

He said to Ocedro:

"Before going to the void world, you must work for me."

"The responsibility I have temporarily given you is to take care of this demiplane for me. Your job content is mainly to use various means to build this demiplane into what I imagined. If you work well in this position , I will leave the more important work to you next.”

Osedro was not dissatisfied.

He knew very well that he did not have Matthew's complete trust, and his current situation could be regarded as extremely prosperous compared to being in a state of despair.

So he nodded and said:

"It's a great honor."

Matthew immediately told him some basic information about his demiplane.

He also listed the goals he wanted and certain resource support for him.

As for whether Osedro can fulfill Matthew's request.

It depends on whether the former Abyss Mage is capable enough.

"When this matter is over, I will find you a new body as soon as possible."

"You can make do with this zombie's body first."

Matthew transfers his soul into the body of a soulless zombie.

As for Osedro's original body.

Matthew wasn’t going to hand it back to him yet——

The seeds split from the Void Brand can certainly control it completely.

But there is also the risk of the other party suddenly self-destructing.

Matthew plans to observe Ocedro for a while.

Then he asked about the situation of the demon army.

Osedro knows everything and says everything.

Matthew learned a lot of important information from him, which made him more confident about the next war with the demons.

After leaving the demiplane.

Matthew's calm and calm expression slowly disappeared.

His face became solemn and serious.

Ocedro's words still echoed in his ears.

a long time.

Matthew let out a long breath.


Not every mage is confident that he can achieve transcendence.

What the other person says is very likely to become reality.

As part of an alliance.

Matthew understands the nature of mages better than Ocedro——

Not an exaggeration.

If all external enemies are destroyed, then the alliance will be full of enemies!

Even the top divine mages have many records of fighting with each other.

Isabel fought with Wuming, and in earlier times it was said that she also fought with Lind;

Suriel seems to be indifferent to the world, but the guardians from all over the world are quite critical of her for doing business on their own territory;

Not to mention Ekmund, most of the bad things done by the Dragon Cult must be remembered on his head;

Ever since he gradually understood the experiences of the legendary mages.

He truly realized that "no legendary mage is clean."

Extraordinary power distorts personality and morality.

Interests and positions override justice.


Matthew has a hard time finding so-called justice in the world of Irondor.

Being able to maintain basic order is already pretty good!

And now.

He's at the cusp of a big moment.

The order established by the Scourge Mage is completely disintegrating.

A new order has not yet been formed.

No one knows what the world will be like tomorrow.

"It wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if Terraste and Eisner succeed."

"The God of Law will abandon most of humanity. They must strictly abide by the laws they have drawn up. Although these laws may not be correct, they will definitely bring order, even an evil order."

"From the perspective of plane science, these creatures who were originally in the outer plane have become the gods of law in the material world, which means that the power to stabilize the main material world has become more powerful, which can also reduce the impact of odd celestial changes."

"Whether they are demons or elves, as long as they sit in that position, they will become the patron saints of the continent of Irondor. Even if it is for their own benefit, they will do their best to protect the world."

"The only one who is unhappy is the Alliance..."

"But all of them have entered a historical world that has disappeared. No high-ranking legend is willing to stay and protect this world. This shows that this is also the alliance's own choice."

not to mention.

Just as Matthew thought just now, the alliance itself is not clean either.

Think of this.

A bitter smile appeared on Matthew's lips:

"I'm not that clean myself..."

"I was so resistant to the bloodline of the void at first, but before I knew it, I had begun to enjoy the benefits of the bloodline of the void."

"So ordinary people living in the extraordinary world are really miserable..."

He stood on the top of the cemetery and slowly looked back.

It's a dark place in Rolling Stone.

Only the city walls and the main city area where a large number of civilians live in the distance can be vaguely seen.

Matthew looked east again.

There, the woods are one after another, forming a sea of ​​trees.

Even at night.

The world tree Bogard also emits a faint light to guide the lost passers-by.

Pieces of dandelions flew by in the moonlight.

The picture is beautiful.

The cemetery was even more peaceful.

Occasionally, you can see some banshees and nocturnal zombies, but their footsteps are light and they will not disturb each other. They are just doing their own things, as if two parallel lines will never intersect.

Matthew's pupils gradually focused:

"In the final analysis, I am just a less extreme necromancer. I have some strength, but it is far from the point where I can have an impact on the structure of this world."

"All I can do is protect a land from war and protect my friends."

"As for the fate of the world - that's what the big guys have to do. I'm not qualified, so why worry about it?"

"Eisner, Phantom Dragon, Terraste...they do whatever they like!"

"As long as you don't offend me, what does it have to do with me?"

"The elves want to die, but what the hell does it have to do with me?"

He thought as if to vent.

He even couldn't help but kick a piece of gravel at his feet.


The stone hit the tombstone not far away, making a crisp and sudden sound.

After a few seconds.

Clear footsteps came from behind:

"You look like you're preoccupied. That's not like the Matthew I know."

Matthew slowly turned around, a forced smile on his face.

He said to Sif:

"What's the Matthew you know like?"

Tonight, Sif was wearing a white dress with a girlish feel. Apart from some small yellow flowers, the only embellishments on the dress were some silver lace and beautiful pleats.

Her hair falls naturally from both sides, and her face is delicate and beautiful, giving Matthew a feeling of going back to the past.





"Always busy, but not like a headless fly, but having a goal and then working towards that goal persistently."

"I don't know what that goal is, but I know it exists."

With a smile on her face, Sif walked up to Matthew with elegant steps.

The two of them were very close.

When she raised her head, she almost hit Matthew's chin.


Matthew didn't back away.

A self-deprecating smile appeared on his face, and he said seriously:

"do you know?"

"People are always full of illusions of one kind or another. People always stubbornly believe that someone is who they imagine, but in fact it may be quite different."

"Those you see...maybe the illusory me, or maybe just fragments of me. They are neither the whole me nor the real me."

"Many people mistake these illusions for love."

Sif's expression remained unchanged, she stood on tiptoes and hummed softly:

"I know."

"You rejected Biana with words like this."

Matthew looked at her deeply.

Don't wait for him to speak.

Sif suddenly smiled and said:

"I encouraged her to do this!"

"Because I know you will definitely reject her!"

Matthew asked:

"Why do you do this?"

Sif replied generously:

"A little girl's possessiveness."

"I don't like her liking you. I hope she can get rid of that thought soon, so I did it."

"Looking back now, I was really naive at the time, and I felt guilty afterwards. If it were now, I definitely wouldn't have done that."

Matthew smiled:

"If it were now, would you threaten her directly and tell her to get away?"

Sif stared at her big round eyes unconvinced:

"Am I that violent in your eyes?"

Matthew shrugged.

Sif smiled and said:

"I'll probably show her the fire from hell."

Matthew showed an expression that was indeed the case, and then asked curiously:

"Speaking of which, you didn't seem to be unconscious after releasing the flames of hell for the second time, and your physical condition is okay?"

Sif nodded:

"There will always be progress!"

"I also practice very hard in private."

Matthew reminded:

"Just practice appropriately, don't overdo it."

"The blood of Baator is very unstable. It can bring you strength, but it may also have other side effects. In short, it is a double-edged sword. You must always be careful."

Sif stretched out her little hands, put her arms around Matthew's waist and hugged him.

Her expression was very innocent, like an innocent girl:

"Sounds like you care about my health?"

“Why not care more deeply?”

Feeling the girl's body fragrance.

Matthew looked down at her, and then couldn't help but blink:

"Do you need stimulation now?"

Sif bit her lower lip and her voice trembled slightly:

"you guess?"

She hugged Matthew tightly, her eyes filled with mist, looking blurry and dreamy in the moonlight.

Matthew looked at her for a long time.

Then he subconsciously pushed her hands away:

"Okay, no more joking."

"Honestly, I'm facing a tough decision right now, and as you can tell earlier, I'm a little confused."

"I think I need to calm down and think about what to do next..."

However, he failed to untie the girl's tightly bound hands.

The next second.

He looked up and saw a pair of eyes filled with shame and anger.

She cursed through gritted teeth in a suppressed and angry tone:

"Matthew, you are such a coward!"

"You always have to be fully prepared to do what you want to do, right?"

"Can't you tolerate any adventure or accident in your life?"

"Are you afraid of being rejected by me?"

"Still worried that Rhaegar is nearby?"

"Your reaction is obviously very strong..."

"Why do you always suppress your desires? Why can't you face your heart?"

"Even if you fall in love with a woman, do you still have to write an application report to her, and then write a process plan after getting the other person's permission?"

"What are you hiding from?"

"What are you afraid of?!"


Her voice was shaking badly.

that moment.

Matthew could feel waves of burning power coming from his chest and lower back.

There was fire in Sif's eyes, and black flames burned on her body.

The weird thing is.

Those flames burned onto Matthew and did not harm him. Instead, they enveloped his body with all their strength.

He felt warm and hot all over.

His inner irritability, restlessness, confusion, escape and other emotions were all ignited in an instant.

As if a dormant volcano suddenly erupted——

He picked up Sif by the waist, and then put her on his shoulder with one hand.

Sif screamed, then slapped his shoulders and back hard:

"Put me down!"

"Put me down!"

But Matthew knew better.

She didn't use any force, otherwise there would be no such intensity of struggle.

There was fire in his heart.

The arms holding the girl's waist involuntarily increased their strength.

Matthew carried Sif away from the top of the mountain without saying a word, all the way to the small dark room.


The door to the dark room was closed.

The battlefield came to the hard wooden bed.

In the dark.

The fragrance and the smell of sweat were mixed together, and the sound of breathing and heartbeat became muddy.

The sound of tearing textiles and low exclamations scared away the mice hiding in the corner.

The difficult struggle lasted for a long time, but the prologue of the battle was blocked by the stubborn resistance of one party.

a long time.

He was sweating profusely and said angrily:

"What are you doing?"

Sif's voice was no longer as majestic as before, but instead full of pleading:

"I...I'm a little scared."

"You, let me go——"

"Let me do it, okay?"

Her voice was weak, like a panicked little beast hiding in its lair and looking uneasily at the probing predator outside.

She tried her best to change their positions, and then tried her best to relax her body.

However, her efforts were ruthlessly destroyed just halfway!


Sif's panicked voice sounded in the darkness, seeming to have returned to the previous predicament.

The little beast prayed anxiously:

"Just listen to me once, okay?"

"not good."

The predator replied forcefully.


The little beast replied desperately.

"I want to be on top..."

The predator destroys the nest with arrogance and insolence.


Streams break their banks and earthworms loosen the soil.

Geckos climb the rock walls and nightingales sleep in the trees.

It was destined to be a long night.

The small dark room is not far away.

The bonfire illuminated the faces of the middle-aged man and the Minotaur skeleton sitting nearby.

The former puffed on his cigar in silence;

The latter also took out a cigarette from the other party's open cigarette case, lit it with a bonfire and started puffing away:

"very nice."

"I mean, it's great to be an immortal and smoke without fear of lung damage. What do you think, Rhaegar?"

Rhaegar said nothing.

Paige blew out a smoke ring, then patted Rhaegar on the shoulder:

"Just keep an eye on it, there will always be a day like this."

"And don't worry, I will be responsible."

Hear this.

Rhaegar couldn't help but cough violently, and then he stared at Paige:

"What nonsense are you talking about!?"

Paige smoked a cigar and crossed her legs:

"Matthew is mine, and so is Sif. We are all family now."

"According to human terms, we are already married."

"Don't look at me like that, Rhaegar, can't you be more mature? Maybe next year I will be a grandpa..."

Rhaegar's forehead was throbbing with veins, and the cigar ashes on his hand were shaking frantically.

"So is it going to be a boy or a girl?"

"What are their names?"

Paige's voice revealed a little distress:

"The current Rolling Stone City is not qualified enough for Matthew to marry into his wife, right? You have to add the Blood Banner Kingdom to be eligible, otherwise I can't share your Blood Banner surname..."

"Then it must be named after Matthew...wait, what is Matthew's last name? Why don't I remember it?"

"Forget it, how about you still have my last name?"

"My previous life belonged to the Chunlei tribe of the Tauren clan. Today happens to be Midsummer Night, so the babies born, regardless of gender, will be called Midsummer Night. Spring Thunder. How about that?"

"Hey hey hey..."

"If you don't like the name, we can discuss it. Don't take out the knife, my dear..."

The next morning.

A refreshed Matthew stood on the top of the cemetery and looked out.

The demon army that was still stationed near the North Trading Post yesterday was gone now.

Even the portal to the resting wasteland disappeared.

According to the report of the mage who was tracking the demon last night, they retreated further north overnight——

That's the direction of Rapids.

Matthew immediately sent Hood a message.

Then he found Sif who was busy with Paige in the kitchen:

"Well, I might have to leave for a while."

Sif replied calmly:

"There is no need to tell me your whereabouts."

"Last night was just a bit of fun between two adults."

"You don't have to think about any weird stuff like being responsible, I don't need that."

"There may not be a next time between you and me, so don't think too much about it."

Matthew's expression changed slightly.

But eventually.

He nodded anyway and exited the kitchen.

After a while.

The laughter continued in the kitchen.

Matthew drove the invisible magic ball over to eavesdrop, but vaguely heard this sentence:

"Midsummer Night. Spring Thunder?"

"What a funny name?"

"Hmm...not bad."

"What? Of course there will be, I'll be on top next time!"

Matthew stayed there for a while with a strange expression on his face, and then left quickly.

He is going to Jade Cangting.

Go on your first big adventure since time travel!

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