The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 424 The Killing Sword and Gossip

Fortunately, Matthew had taken precautions.

The three divinities were held in his palm at the same time and stimulated immediately, thus exempting him from the interference of the will of the Heavenly Dragon Soul.

The next second.

The soul of Tianlong rushed over angrily:

"It turns out to be Ucruz's lackey!"

"I will cut you to pieces with a thousand knives!"

The dragon soul traveled very fast, and before the voice could finish speaking, the afterimage had already hit Matthew.

Matthew could see the huge dragon claw just inches away from his face——


There were slight bruises on the skin on both sides of his nose, and a few drops of blood gushed out.


At the moment when the dragon's claws were about to completely capture Matthew, the latter's figure disappeared in an instant.


Matthew's figure immediately appeared on the other side of the stone basin.

But the dragon soul itself hit the ceiling of the stone basin hard due to its huge inertia.

It's strange to say.

Matthew passed through the ceiling very calmly without encountering any obstacles.

But as soon as the Tianlong Soul collided with it, an extremely terrifying power grid suddenly appeared on the seemingly ordinary stone slab.

Pure white fire was glowing on every node of the power grid.

These firelights and thunderballs bound and restrained Tianlong's soul in an instant, and what followed was Tianlong's painful cry and more intense struggle!


Taking advantage of the fact that the soul of Tianlong was struck back by the seal.

Matthew calmly used his spells and abilities——

The curse of death!

Pale hands!

In just a few seconds, a thin gray line appeared between Matthew and Tianlong Soul.

Frightening negative energy emerged from the thin lines. Although the resistance of the Dragon Soul was not low, under the continuous reduction of the life-killing curse, the originally shiny scales on the Dragon Soul's body also quickly dimmed.

Immediately afterwards.

A big gray hand pressed mercilessly on Tianlong's lower abdomen!

Matthew's right hand pushed upwards hard. The pale hand was not only cooperating with the seal to punish the soul of Tianlong, but also suppressing it with a steady stream of negative energy!

Eight seconds later.

Under the extremely unwilling roar of Tianlong Soul.

The former exploded like fireworks!

A strange scene appeared——

After the five-clawed heavenly dragon soul exploded, the dragon soul turned into specks of dust.

The dust slowly floated around the edge of the stone pillar.

After a while.

The shadow of a small golden ball appeared at the bottom of the clay pot.

Dust surrounded the golden balls, and they continued to condense, eventually turning into golden koi!

The koi fish rushed out.

They passed through Matthew's body, but despite his anger, they could not hurt him at all!

"The existence form of this spirit body is a bit interesting..."

Matthew showed an interesting expression:

"It seems to be between the astral body and the stardust body. These koi will eventually condense into dragon souls, and the dragon soul's existence form is higher than the astral body similar to angels..."

to him.

The most important thing is the shadow of the golden ball at the bottom of the stone basin.

It is clear.

The rebirth of the Tianlong Soul depends on that golden ball.

At first Matthew thought it was the legendary "Dragon Ball" or something.

But he took a closer look.

The golden ball was filled with lines like integrated circuits, and the outermost metal shell was a mechanical component with a full sense of technology.

This thing doesn't look like a product of ancient civilization with a long history at all——

Or rather.

The ancient Su country also hid black technology similar to cyber dragons?

Matthew noticed a slight dissonance.

He became even more curious about Tianlong's origin.

But now is not the time to dwell on this.

Even though the dragon soul had turned into a koi, the other party still roared like this from the bottom of the mud basin:

"You can't kill me!"

"Despicable lackey, insignificant human being!"

Matthew said coldly:

"I never meant to kill you."

"But your arrogant attitude makes me very unhappy. I know you have the ability to resurrect the dead, but what if I spread this here..."

While talking.

In his hand was a basket of cold gel taken from the mage's camp, as well as a small handful of negative energy crystal clusters.

Tianlong Soul sneered:

"This only slows down my recovery, but it doesn't hurt me at all."

"And, are you threatening me?"

Matthew turned his hand over and directly activated the summoning technique of the dead.

The next second.

A huge undead suddenly appeared in the center of the mud basin.

The soft and sticky body instantly occupied most of the mud basin.

The golden koi that was active just now was immediately forced into a corner.

"This is called a threat."

Matthew pointed at the growing leader of the ooze monster and said:

"I guess he wouldn't mind leaving something bodily fluids or sludge?"

Since the leader of the ooze monster swallowed a large amount of Eisner's tongue, his strength and size began to expand rapidly.

Although it hasn't reached the point of being promoted to legend.

But its combat power and influence cannot be underestimated.

Hear this.

The leader of the ooze monster immediately moved his body to the wall next to him——


A crack burst open on his body surface.

Suddenly, a large amount of unknown black juice spurted out and splashed everywhere!


A thin layer of mud accumulated on the floor of the stone basin.

"No, keep that filthy, disgusting monster away from me!"

"The same to you!"

"Get out of here, everyone!"

Tianlong Soul made an angry sound.

Matthew calmly replied:

"I'll leave, and whether he leaves or not is up to you."

"If you can calm down and have a good talk with me, I will take him away. If we have a happier chat, I will even be willing to help you remove those traces... maybe I can help you get out of trouble."


Tianlong Soul was still very excited. He cursed for a while in a language that Matthew couldn't understand.


He said firmly:

"I do not believe you!"

His voice was still very strong, but it was much softer than the crazy and angry tone at the beginning.

Seeing this, Matthew signaled the leader of the ooze monster to stop spraying.

The latter complied obediently.

Tianlong remained silent.

Matthew expanded the balance field again, and then showed the other party the Heavenly Dragon mark in his body, and the blessing given to him by another dragon soul.

"Are you blessed by other dragon souls?"

Tianlong Soul looked extremely surprised.

Matthew choked without mercy:

"If you still had some sense, you would have known about this earlier."

"I am not anyone's lackey, and I have nothing to do with the person who deceived you. On the contrary, I have helped other Heavenly Dragon Souls get out of trouble..."

What Matthew said was not a lie.

The reason why the two dragon souls on Junliu Island were able to escape smoothly was because Matthew induced the aura of the Lord of the Void.

Although it is not the result of the latter's subjective will, passive help is also help, isn't it?

"what do you want?"

Tianlong Soul's tone became calmer.

But Matthew could feel it.

He still doesn't trust himself very much. Perhaps each dragon soul has its own personality. Violence and suspicion are the labels of this dragon soul.

Matthew immediately said:

"I want to eradicate this tentacle of Ukrus once and for all."

Dragon Soul said:

"It's not difficult."

"As long as you help me lift the seal, I can take away the source of void in the tentacle when I leave - that is the source of void power. Without it, this tentacle will be assimilated to the material world sooner or later."

Matthew raised his eyebrows:

"The source of void?"

Dragon Soul said:


"No matter how poisonous the poison is, if it has no quantity and no source, how can it last for a long time?"

"If you pour a glass of poisonous wine into the sea, is it still poisonous wine?"

"So the power of ashes has a source. As long as the source can be solved, the rest of the problems will be solved."

"I have achieved transcendence in the void, and no one has more authority than me to answer questions in this regard."

Matthew thought for a while:

"Then how do I lift the seal?"

Dragon Soul said:

"Just destroy this mud pot that's trapped me."

"It has certain constraints to me, and it's a sturdier building to you normal people."

"You don't have to completely destroy it, as long as you can open a crack in the ceiling, I will do the rest!"

Matthew could feel the desire for freedom revealed in the other person's words.

At least for now.

Dragon Soul's hostility towards him has dropped to the lowest point since the two met.

So Matthew took the opportunity to ask:

"I have heard different versions of the legend of the Five-clawed Heavenly Dragon and the Astromancer from different people——

I'm told you were imprisoned here of your own free will.

is this real? "

Isabel's patron saint and Yu Qi gave different opinions on the seal of Tianlong Soul.

The former claims that the Seven Stars of Yuanzi are stars formed after the body of Tianlong was broken into pieces;

But the latter told Matthew that the Seven Stars of Yuanzi were the medium through which astrologers gave birth to star power for the Heavenly Dragon Soul.

As for the dragon soul seal.

The two narratives are also different. Although the patron saint said it very euphemistically, Matthew can also feel that according to his statement, the dragon soul was manipulated and then became part of the seal;

Yu Qi said that it was Tianlong Soul's voluntary decision and that there was a cooperation agreement between the two parties. However, due to the changes in the world, the descendants of the Star Warlock failed to fulfill the agreement.

Tianlong Soul replied angrily:

"How could it be voluntary?"

"This is complete fraud!"

"I was defeated by him, so I was forced to become part of the seal!"

Matthew was stunned:

"Then why did you call me a liar?"

Dragon Soul said angrily:

"Because his claim to have a fair fight with me was a lie!"

"At the beginning, I thought I only had to deal with a human who had some control over the starlight. I never thought that I would have to deal with the lackeys that Fenrir cultivated in the human world!"

"Astromancer Su Xu!"

"I still remember the name of that lackey. He used Fenrir's power to a large extent to defeat me who was bodyless and paralyzed. He cut me into seven pieces and sealed them in different corners of the world."

"After that, he completely separated my body and soul, trying to make the Seven Stars of Yuanzi an independent world to prevent my recovery!"

"Not only is Su Xu a liar, but Fenrir and Ucrus behind him are also liars!"

"It was the two of them who encouraged me to go to the material world. But when I absorbed too many elements of the material world and the door to ascension was tightly closed and forced to self-destruct, they gloated and hid in the void to spy on this scene. !”

"They were afraid of my power, so they sent the astrologer Su Xu and people from the so-called Natural Disaster Religion to make all kinds of efforts to prevent me from uniting my soul and body and returning to the sky!"

"I can feel that someone is lying on my body sucking the power that belongs to me. It must be those astrologers or natural disaster cultists!"

"I hate!"

Is this really the case?

Matthew showed a surprised expression.

He originally wanted to ask more questions, but soon, he felt the restlessness of the koi fish——

The Soul of the Heavenly Dragon is about to take shape again.

Matthew didn't have much time left.

So he said decisively:

"First relax your power, especially the killing fields - the existence of these fields suppresses the effect of my spells."

"I will blast a door open in the ceiling, and after that, I hope you will keep your end of the bargain."

"It must be blasted away at once. I will flee here as soon as possible because I am worried that the seal here will backfire on me..."

The five-clawed dragon hesitated for a moment.


He still slowly lifted the killing field that enveloped this place.

However, at the moment when the realm was lifted.

Matthew's figure flickered again——

This time.

He flashed directly in front of the stone pillar and stretched out his hand towards the surface of the stone pillar.

Dragon Soul was furious:

"Go away-!"

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, a crack appeared on the surface of the stone pillar, and a golden light flew out from inside, and was caught by Matthew!

Whoosh whoosh!

Several flashes in succession.

Matthew fled directly to the top of the ceiling.

next moment.

There was a continuous banging sound under the feet.

Even without looking back, Matthew could clearly understand——

A huge faucet is constantly hitting the ceiling above the mud basin.


He was doomed to do so in vain.

Matthew flew away from the center of Gray Lake at extremely fast speed.

After a while.

The huge phoenix egg rolled towards the top of the mud pot.

Completely suppress the rising ceiling!

A few minutes later.

Matthew sent the ooze leader back to the cemetery, and his ears were still filled with the curses of the Dragon Soul.

"I'll let you go, but not now."

Matthew whispered.


"Sure enough, I was right!"

Dragon Soul cursed crazily.

"You lied to me first. There is no source of void in the Mark of the Dead at all, is there?"

Matthew responded unceremoniously.

Dragon Soul was speechless for a moment.

Then the scolding got even worse.

Matthew simply blocked the spiritual channel initiated by the other party.

For a moment.

The world is quiet.

He looked at the shining silver sword in his hand with satisfaction——

This is the goal of Matthew's trip.

The moment he entered the Sealed Land, Matthew resonated with the Sword of Killing.

Thanks to the irritable dragon soul.

Matthew didn't need to do any tricks, he could just drip blood on the stone pillar naturally, thus gaining a medium to communicate with the sword spirit of the killing sword.

And just when he and Long Hunxu were arguing with Snake.

The Killing Sword is frantically asking Matthew to take him away from here.

And the only way to get out of here.

That is to let the dragon soul take the initiative to remove the killing field arranged around the stone pillar——

That is also the medium through which the dragon soul summons the killing sword.

Now it has been successfully destroyed by Matthew.

This all went much smoother than expected.

As for the soul of Tianlong.

Matthew does not intend to actually breach the contract. Anyway, the old order is already shaky, and collapse is the inevitable trend.

Then he wouldn't mind really releasing the Heavenly Dragon Soul at some point in time.

The premise is that the timing must suit his liking.

He lowered his head to check the attributes of his killing sword. With just one glance, Matthew's face showed an unexpected look:

"This is actually not a melee weapon?"

"The Sword of Killing (Artifact)

Original owner: Sun God Gerald.

Category: Spell Sword/Spellcasting Medium/Cannot be used in melee combat!

Basic attributes: The spell power of the fire or sun field is increased by 100%;

Regular attack (no consumption): A series of small fireballs are ejected from the direction pointed by the sword tip.

Note that when spraying small fireballs, there will be a large recoil.

Sword holders need to pay attention to the posture of holding the sword to prevent wrist fractures or sprains.

Characteristic 1-Feast of Killing:

Each time the sword wielder causes a successful kill, he will receive a certain amount of souls and crumbs.

The Soul of Slaughter can permanently enhance the all-round strength of the sword wielder;

Killing crumbs can restore certain status to the sword wielder.

Characteristic 2 - Lord of Slaughter:

Anyone who holds the sword for more than 15 minutes will have a chance to understand the killing field, but there is also a certain probability of becoming a servant of the killing field.

Enchantment - Legendary Fireball (you can release a legendary level fireball, and have a certain chance of receiving the blessing of double casting, 3 times a day) -

Projection of the Sun God (you can summon a projection of the Sun God Gerald, which will appear in one of the six more common images of the Sun God, once a week) -

Legendary Ancestor Soul (you can summon the souls of three elite tauren at the same time to gain powerful physical fitness and fighting ability) -

Legendary seal breaking (with this magic sword, you can break all legendary and below-legendary barriers, seals, magic circles, cages, etc.) -

Unknown effect? ? ? (To be unlocked)"

Judging from the comprehensive attributes, it is quite powerful.

At least it deserves the name of an artifact.

The style also fits Matthew's stereotype of the sun god Gerrard.

What's more, this sword is still in a semi-lost state, its true power has not been activated, and many functions are waiting to be unlocked.

What confused Matthew the most was:

"What is the operation of summoning three tauren spirits at the same time?"

"Does the Sun God also need the tauren spirit to help improve his martial arts?"

It's a pity that no one can answer it for him.

Although Paige awakened the memories of her past life, she kept the contents secret.

Naturally, Matthew would not ask too many questions.

Taking into account the characteristics of the "Lord of Slaughter".

Matthew simply held the magic sword and waited silently.

Who knew it would take less than five minutes.

A familiar feeling came to my mind——

Matthew successfully comprehended the realm of killing!

"Tip: With the help of the Sword of Killing, you have successfully understood the field of killing, and your exploration in it has reached the level of a veteran!

You gain abilities in the following three areas -

1. Fatal damage: All your attacks will cause slight fatal damage, and the success rate of your fatal damage will be slightly increased.

The success rate of fatal damage can be accumulated with the success rate of instant death.

2. Blood-Burning Fury: Ignite your own health (at least 1/3). When you charge at the enemy, you gain 3 times the normal speed, and gain 300% damage increase in the next five attacks.

The higher the proportion of ignited health, the faster your charge speed and the stronger the damage increase effect.

3. Eighteen kinds of martial arts (can grow): You can select up to eighteen kinds of weapons as proficient weapons, thereby gaining higher weapon proficiency and judgment priority.

Given your melee experience, you can currently choose up to 3 weapons as your master weapons.

You can gain more veteran weapon options by investing in killing experience or combat experience!

Tip: You have selected the new journeyman weapons "Shovel", "Sickle" and "Magic Sword". "

There are three more abilities that look pretty good.

Fatal damage can be superimposed on the success rate of instant death. Although the magnitude is not high, with the accumulation of many aspects, Matthew's probability of being killed in seconds has increased to a very scary level.

Blood-burning fury is a bit useless, but it can be regarded as a ferocious method of melee combat in the spell-invalid barrier.

As for the eighteen martial arts, it is the ability that Matthew thinks is the most practical.

In the future, he will become more proficient in using the weapons on his body.

This actually silently improved his combat power a lot!

"The benefits brought by the Sword of Killing are unexpectedly many..."

After digesting the gains from the killing field, Matthew couldn't help but look down at the long sword in his hand. At this moment, the golden light emitting from the sword had dissipated, revealing the sword body made of mithril.

This sword is very soft.

Matthew felt like he could shape it into other shapes with just one hand.

He played around for a while.

Then he returned to the cemetery again and stuffed Peggy and others into the contract slot.

At this moment.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Lorraine found Matthew with a serious face:

"problem occurs."

Matthew thought the other party was joking:

"When you were taking a shower, your little girlfriends came to see you again?"

Lorraine coughed:

"They did come to me."

"But that's not what I want to say. I just got a piece of gossip. Well, I'll share it with you directly!"

The next second.

Words like this appeared on Matthew’s data column——

"Grapevine: "Thousand-Change Lord Jia Siliwen" escaped from Snail Valley Prison..."

There may not be too many words in these two days, so I will try my best and take a rest.

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