The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 453 The Legend of God King Matthew

Feel the friendly or hostile gazes.

There was no tension inside Matthew.

Some are just unparalleled excitement!

The ascension of Paradise Lost is a foregone conclusion.

more importantly.

This accurate judgment finally won him a greater voice.

And reflected in practical aspects.

That power of the God King is already in Matthew’s hands alone!

No one dared to come up and touch it.

Everyone was immersed in the shock and joy of the ups and downs.

In paradise lost.

The whole space became warm again.

That vitality is injected into the entire space.

It's the taste of new life.

That’s energy heading to the sky!

Matthew was from a high position, overlooking the entire continent of Irondor.

From the northwest of Rolling Stone City to the Emerald Cangting, and then to the endless hills and mountains in the southwest of Gemstone Bay.

The traces of the dead that spread thousands of miles all burned.

The void blood in his body allowed him to see more clearly——

That was the entire tentacle of Ucruz burning violently!

This body part from the Lord of the Void has now been turned into the fuel for everyone to become gods.

The flames born from the Mark of the Dead were all absorbed by Paradise Lost.

The power these flames can provide is far more powerful than burning believers, relatives and friends!

Matthew, who holds the power in his hand, can sense it extremely clearly.

A stronger thrust is coming from the bottom.

That divine fire that stretches thousands of miles.

It is pushing them to a higher world!

"Why can divine fire ignite the marks of the dead?"

See this scene.

Terraste's face was full of emotion.

Although I don’t know what will happen on the earth after this divine fire.

But everyone had a premonition.

After this fire.

The Mark of the Dead, a stubborn disease that lingers on the earth, may disappear without a trace.

As an elf.

Of course, Tyrast has the deepest feelings about the Mark of the Dead.

How many years.

Everyone in Jade Cangting is racking their brains on how to manage the Marks of the Dead.


They were almost desperate and even began to consider moving the capital a second time.

But no one expected it.

This tentacle, which symbolizes death and destruction, can actually become the nourishment for everyone to become gods!

"You should ask instead, why has it taken so long for no one to discover that only divine fire is needed to ignite the Mark of the Dead?"

Matthew replied with a smile.

The answer is very obvious.

Because during the period since the Mark of the Dead appeared, it was the mage who dominated this land.

And the mages don't have divine fire!

long time ago.

When Matthew was studying the Marks of the Dead, he had a doubt——

It was not the first day that the Void Lord Ukros appeared in this world.

His coveting of the material world began very early.

but why.

Only when the Seven Saints Alliance was in power did such a big event as the Mark of the Dead happen?

At first he thought it might be an accident of history, or stemmed from the self-destructive nature of the wood elves.

But later.

He had seen an outrageous speculation——

That speculation was also written by an Alliance mage, but out of caution, the mage used cipher text when writing and also concealed his identity.

Matthew also deciphered it by accident.

The main content of that guess is:

Although it has such shortcomings.

But the gods may indeed be better at protecting than the mages.


There is something in the hands of the gods that can restrain Euclus on the physical plane.

Only in this way.

Only then can we explain that during the long era of enlightenment, many turbulent and major events broke out in Irondor, but none of them had such a profound impact as the Mark of the Dead.

to be honest.

After reading this speculation, Matthew's instinct was to scoff.

He felt that the mage was talking nonsense.

He simply threw this statement out of his mind.

For a long time.

This speculation never came to his mind again. well

Until just now——

Just when Matthew was searching the world for materials that could provide energy for Paradise Lost.

Just when he was thinking about how to contact Cyber ​​Dragon or Cloud City for more powerful fuel.

He suddenly thought of the Mark of the Dead.

that moment.

Several bolts of lightning flashed in his mind, instantly splitting the fog of knowledge.

That is a secret that the gods have never revealed to the mages.

The flame of the gods.

Able to ignite any object from the void world on the material level.

So Matthew gave it a try.

Then this scene happened!


Matthew's heart was filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment.

He felt so wonderful right now.

The flames rising from the Mark of the Dead were so perfect and powerful.

Enough to push them anywhere in the multiverse.

Even more perfect.

Today's Lost Paradise seems to have turned into a spaceship that connects with Matthew's heart.

The authority of the God King is the controller of the spacecraft.

The entire spacecraft moved completely according to Matthew's inner will.

All he needed was a thought.

You can perfectly control the trajectory of the spacecraft——

Take off, land, turn... you can even do a 360-degree spiral!

This sense of control at will is really great.

It is so much superior to mechanized or even magical aircraft!

"Paradise Lost is an artifact condensed from the power of law. It embodies the power of law and is also a special cabin leading to high-dimensional and high-energy space..."

"So, Tianlun Palace is actually a large spaceship?"

"Could it be that when the natural disaster mage banished Tianlun Palace, he drove the spaceship far away and then destroyed the ability of the cabin to return?"

Matthew suddenly had such a suspicion in his mind.

At this moment.

Suddenly, a more fiery power came from the bottom of Paradise Lost.

Matthew looked down.

But I saw the torches rising all over the sky.

A huge egg flew out!

Matthew's belief moved, and the egg's flight trajectory also changed accurately!

He can feel it.

His own spiritual seed has been perfectly integrated with the egg of the divine phoenix.

Under the burning of divine fire all over the sky.

The temperature inside and outside the Divine Phoenix Egg rose sharply.

Although it has not yet hatched, it already possesses more spirituality.

Under Matthew's control.

The egg of the divine phoenix was attached to the left side of Lost Paradise, and then rose into the sky.


Outside the phoenix egg, the sky filled with fire formed the shadow of a divine bird.

The divine bird spread its wings and flew high, and its clear cry was heard throughout the entire continent of Irondor!

at the same time.

More golden light accompanied by flames burst out from the center of the gray lake.

That is the dragon soul of the five-clawed heavenly dragon!

The divine fire burned away the seal.

He also lost the dual suppression of the Mark of the Dead and the Egg of the Divine Phoenix.

The furious Tianlong Soul was finally freed.

He soared into the sky like a rocket, and in an instant he was on the right side of Paradise Lost.

for a while.

The divine phoenix and the heavenly dragon dance together.

above the earth.

The eyes of all living beings were attracted by the fireball that appeared out of thin air in the sky.

Wait until they see Shenfeng and Tianlong.

Everyone's faces showed surprise.

In the tower, the prophecy mage shattered crystal balls one after another;

In the cities, bards pricked their ears in the streets;

Someone raised a telescope and looked out, but could only see a bright light and the shadows of flying dragons and phoenixes;

There are more civilians who are at a loss what to do.

They can only worship the vision in the sky in the simplest way, and hope that this vision will not be the beginning of a disaster.

In Paradise Lost.

A golden light penetrated from the outside and hit Matthew accurately.

"You can barely keep your word."

"But next time we meet, I will definitely beat you up!"

The dragon soul of the five-clawed celestial dragon roared and flew over the Lost Paradise.

In a blink of an eye.

He disappeared into the sky at an even faster speed.

Matthew knows.

This is another episode where the dragon soul returns to the Seven Stars of Yuanzi.

It heralds that the whole world is taking another step towards a broken catastrophe.

But here we are.

Matthew no longer cared about those so-called prophecies.

He focuses on his own changes.

"That golden light just now was the blood of the Heavenly Dragon..."

Matthew composed himself.

"Tip: You received the blessing of the Five-clawed Heavenly Dragon "Blood of the Heavenly Dragon"

Blood of Heavenly Dragon: When you are walking on the edge of a high-energy and high-dimensional land, Blood of Heavenly Dragon can protect your physical body from destruction and maintain higher intensity of activity. "

"Is the body saved from destruction?"

Matthew suddenly noticed.

Of the five people in Paradise Lost, I was the only one who was physically intact!

The remaining four people.

Including Tyrast, the moment the divine fire was ignited, they were burned into a state of spiritual bodies.

Of course, the spiritual body has not become a god, and it is also different from the flow of souls.

This is more like a temporary special form that combines soul, demigod personality and body.

But Matthew is different.

The Lost Paradise is filled with super-high-temperature divine fire.

His body surface was as cool as ever.


The black cat in his arms squirmed comfortably, as if asking for credit.

at the same time.

Delicate little black flames surged across Matthew's body, perfectly providing shelter for his body.

"I didn't expect that what I encountered in the golden pit would become a crucial opportunity today..."

"If you control Gordon's Fire, can you ascend to high-energy and high-dimensional space in physical form?"

"What's the difference between this and ascending to the gods in the form of a spiritual body?"

Matthew's heart was filled with longing.

at the same time.

He also realized that the fires of Peggy and Gordon were probably related to the twin heavens controlled by the original ancient gods of light and darkness!

"I was in charge of the Fire of God's Punishment in the first generation of heaven, and served as a war angel in the second generation of heaven. What kind of boss did I recite from the golden pit..."

Various thoughts passed through Matthew's mind.

In an instant.

He had a trance-like feeling.

But the next second.

A strange movement pulled him back.

Matthew saw.

In the very center of Paradise Lost, five huge rings appeared.

A blazing flame burned above the ring.

Under the five rings.

Each formed smaller circles.

Matthew clicked and found that it was impossible to count the number of small circles.

at the same time.

There was another piece of information in the minds of everyone present.

"Tip: As one of the five main gods, you can choose your own subordinate god or subordinate god.

You can have no more than twenty subordinate gods or gods at the same time.

But you can only choose three people as your initial gods.

These three people will be promoted immediately after the new world is formed and the channel between heaven and man is opened.

The remaining units need to practice on the earth in the way of God's Chosen for more than a hundred years before they have the opportunity to be promoted. "

Matthew is still thinking.

Others who were prepared have already made their decisions.

The goals of the Faded Dragon and the God-Eater Queen are quite clear. They come from the ancient land, and their choice is of course the Forsaken, or the followers of the Dark Ancient God;

Matthew, the man chosen by the traveler god Mo Song, also looks familiar. They are probably all minor gods from the previous generation who gave up their godhood together with him and reincarnated from Tianlun Palace to the material world;

Terraste's choice also did not exceed Matthew's expectations——

All strong men of the elves.

And a Beanna!

It's Matthew's turn.

Matthew tried to identify Rhaegar or Zeller, but found that he failed.

Then he drew up a list according to the list of the magic guild and the order of those close to him, and sent his invitation to them accordingly.

Only five people responded immediately.

They are Lorraine, Claire, Margaret, Hibbert and Lumière.

The first two people choose to agree;

Choose reject in the next three seconds.

This result did not surprise Matthew.

Margaret and Hibbert are both highly motivated mage geniuses. Although a considerable number of mage are willing to become gods, there are still many exceptions under the influence of natural disaster mages.

But Lumiere doesn’t want to become a god?

Although Matthew was surprised, he respected their decision.

After naming Lorraine and Claire as the first of the gods to enter the heavenly realm, Matthew is looking for a third candidate.

He tried to call Sif with the temporary power generated when the divine fire burned.

But it also failed.

This cast a shadow over his heart.


Matthew put the third godly candidate on hold for the time being, waiting for others to respond to him.

Along with the finalization of each godly candidate.

There are also many illusory figures below the Lost Paradise space.

That is the projection of gods.

They have not yet ascended to the Lost Paradise, but they can use the perspective of projection to enjoy the glory of ascending to the gods with their main god.

for a while.

The crowds of people in Lost Paradise became much more lively.

Strange to say.

Everyone who had their own grievances and grievances before, now sitting on the same spaceship heading to the heaven, actually felt a sense of harmony.

Under the attraction of Deng Shen.

The grudges of the past seemed to have disappeared.

Everyone had smiles on their faces.

This is true even of those divine projections.

Paradise Lost keeps rising.

It didn't take long.

It left the main material world——

This is the magic of permanent barriers.

You need to pass through a series of barriers when entering.

But the way out was smooth.


The background outside Paradise Lost also turned into a bright starry sky.

that moment.

The flickering stars in the distance seemed to be celebrating the birth of the new god.

Paradise Lost is rising faster and faster.

The starry sky was also left behind.

Matthew struggled to get used to the feeling of being constantly pushed up.

The surrounding background has turned into a strange and bizarre aurora.

Some auroras are long-lasting, while others are fleeting.

Those aurora formed a colorful sky, and from time to time, images of human faces or mountains and rivers flashed across the sky.

That feeling.

It's like traveling through a time tunnel.

Matthew couldn't hear any sounds and lost any sense of touch in his body.

What he saw before his eyes stayed at the scene when Lost Paradise had just entered the aurora zone.

Everyone has a smile on their face.

That smile is of course genuine and filled with happiness from the heart.

But after watching it for a long time.

Matthew always felt a little weird.

But this feeling did not haunt him for long.


Aurora Zone is also far surpassed by Paradise Lost.

They attack towards the highest point of the universe.

After a long period of vacuum.

Matthew suddenly saw a flash of white light.

White light shines into paradise lost.

There was a warm feeling in everyone's body.

That is--

Tianlun Palace!


Everyone seemed to have come to their senses.

Time starts to flow again.

They saw the mountains floating above their heads.

On the top of the mountains.

The palaces of the old gods are arranged in order from top to bottom.

At the top is the most magnificent Sun Palace.

Then there is the Palace of War, the Palace of Storms and the Palace of Knowledge.

Then came the Hall of Enlightenment and the Hall of Fire, which were consolidated by countless other palaces of gods...

The scene was so magnificent.

Even though it is now ruined.

Anyone who witnessed this scene can also imagine the glory of this place!

Matthew saw white clouds above the mountains.

We also saw the grasslands and lakes below the mountains.

There are also lush jungles.

that moment.

He finally realized.

The illusion I saw in Paradise Lost was actually a true reflection of Tianlun Palace!

This is the former heaven.

It will soon become the ruins of the past!

Paradise Lost keeps rising.

They crossed the empty Tianlun Palace and flew higher for some distance.

Time seemed to be stretched out for an unusually long time.

It lasted so long that the smiles on everyone's faces gradually disappeared.

Instead, there is anxiety and worry about the unknown.


Paradise Lost's upward trend was interrupted by a powerful force.


A large amount of divine fire shook off the Lost Paradise, and the entire space was shaking violently!

Everyone looked up in shock.

They saw a thin back.

The back figure is independent on an island higher up in Tianlun Palace.

She looked far from Paradise Lost.

But it feels very close!

"Are there any new creatures who want to become gods?"

A faint female voice sounded in Paradise Lost:

"But becoming a god requires paying a price."

Her voice was very soft and thin.

But it has great weight in everyone's heart.

that moment.

Everyone's breath stopped.

They have already realized the true identity of this figure!

Disaster Mage——


"Um, do you need me to remind you that you can breathe now?"

"This kind of reaction... is too boring."

Yin said.

The five people in Paradise Lost began to breathe as if they were waking up from a dream.

"Your Excellency, are you trying to prevent us from becoming gods?"

Terraste asked solemnly.

However, the response of the natural disaster mage was to answer the question incorrectly:

"Why can't I still see clearly?"

"Can you still see clearly if you use another prophecy technique?"

"At least let me see if there are any decent ones among the new batch of creatures!"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why.

at this time.

The black cat in Matthew's arms said lazily:

"She is not a real person. She cannot even be considered a projection. At best, she can only be regarded as an afterimage."

"This is the trace left by the Holy Prophecy."

"She may be hundreds of years ago, thousands of years later, or trying to see us clearly from a higher dimension."

"What she said or did was unilateral and she did not expect any response."

"You just have to obey the instructions."

Everyone was stunned.

After a while.

The figure suddenly left the island and disappeared.

Just when everyone was anxiously trying to find the whereabouts of the afterimage of the natural disaster mage.

A huge eye suddenly stuck to the edge of Lost Paradise, peering inside!

Those eyes are so huge.

So much so that they could only see her pupils, and the lost paradise burning with raging fire reflected in them!

That scene was so terrifying that it shocked everyone.

"Is that the true form of the Scourge Mage?"

"It's actually that big?"

The Faded Dragon muttered to himself.

At this moment.

The pupils suddenly retreated, and the faint voice sounded again:

"never mind."

"Let it go."

"I originally thought that the gods were the source of trouble, and that as long as they were banished, fate could be postponed——

I thought it was too simple.

Even without the gods, life would degrade itself. This is an irreversible trend.

Gods, mages, humans, elves...

There is no difference between living beings.

If the world is destined for destruction, no one can stop it.

And the world will always be destroyed.

Always will.

Even the so-called detached ones.

It's just walking from one mirror to the next.

But mirrors will always break.

Always will..."

"Goodbye, little cuties in the cage."

"I have prepared a meeting gift for each of you, but whether you can receive it or not depends on your respective destiny..."

The words fell.

The time that was stagnant due to the natural disaster mage passed quickly forward.

Warped space quick fix.

Everything moves forward quickly like a fully wound alarm clock.

at some point.

When everyone came to their senses.

Paradise Lost has arrived in an unknown place.

This seems to be the commanding heights of the universe.

Everything here is nothingness.

Everyone can feel it.

Paradise Lost no longer rises, but begins to slowly expand outward!


"Is this where the new heaven is born?"

Although the traveler god issued a question.

But there was indescribable excitement in his tone.

The next second.

As if to confirm his words.

The scepter in Matthew's hand automatically split into five parts!

Except for the one he held in his hand, the other four copies automatically flew to the other four people.

The four of them held on to their respective powers.

In an instant.

A bright golden light appeared on the bodies of the five people.

They can feel the surging power reshaping their bodies and personalities.

"Is this what it feels like to become a god?"

Unprecedented pleasure washed over Matthew's nerves.

He was so happy that he almost fainted!

Under the promotion of the bright golden light and the authority of the Lord God.

Their statuses have been upgraded from demigods to true gods, and their attributes have expanded dramatically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That exaggerated numerical change.

Almost made Matthew suspect that all this is not true!

But the joy and power that surged through his perception told him that everything was real.

When it is.

The five people held their respective powers and were suspended in the air——

A new paradise has just been born.

The five initial powers are the "World" of the Traveler God, the "River" of the Faded Dragon, the "Death" of the God-Eater Queen, the "Life" of Terraste and the "Guardian" controlled by Matthew.


Matthew’s authority also included the responsibility of being a “god-king”.

And while they were silently comprehending the power of authority.

The earth and sky appeared from under their feet and began to spread towards the surroundings.

They see.

A place of nothingness that was originally empty.

It is being filled with layers of matter that appear out of thin air——

The sky is endless, the earth is vast, and the ocean is vast.

Then mountains and rivers began to appear.

Gorgeous palaces rose from the ground.

In front of the palace.

Banquets filled with fine wine and delicacies appeared out of thin air.

The projections of the gods turned into reality. They and groups of angels walked out of the palace, surrounding their respective gods with smiles on their faces.

to their cheers.

Matthew and others arrived at the banquet.

So an endlessly luxurious celebration banquet kicked off.

At the banquet, there were endless delicacies from mountains and seas, and endless fine wines and delicacies.

Beautiful music came from the sky and the garden.

Those are little angels who are good at art and are trying their best to please their Lord God.

As the banquet gradually reached its climax.

A graceful beauty came to the scene to add to the fun.

They are from different races.

There are snake girls, spider girls, fox girls... and even pig girls.

They surrounded Matthew, singing and dancing to their heart's content, and were extremely seductive.

At first.

Matthew still can't let go.

But look back.

The other four people were already having sex at the banquet!

Especially Terraste.

Despite the old man's usual old-fashioned appearance, he has the most beautiful women in his arms.


They are all elves.

"You've become a god, why are you so secretive?"

In chaos.

I don’t know who said this.

Matthew thought it made sense.

So he casually grabbed a pretty Gorgon.

He pinned her under the banquet table!

The scene became increasingly chaotic and lewd.

Matthew had forgotten how long the party lasted.

He only knew that the beauties of all kinds surrounding him changed one after another.

Only after personal experience will you know——

It turns out that there are so many races riding horses in Ain!

Time flies by.

I don’t know how many years, decades, or centuries have passed.

Palaces more splendid than the Tianlun Palace rose up in the new heaven.

Matthew's palace of the God-King is certainly the most magnificent.

every day.

He is sitting on the throne at the highest point in the universe, greeting the worship of all living beings with an indifferent expression.

He saw countless boys and girls kneeling at his feet piously, chanting pious prayers and hymns loudly.

He was very tired of this kind of scene.

But still enjoyed it.

After the birth of the new heaven.

The power structure is unexpectedly stable.

Matthew, who holds the power of the patron saint king, has become the only supreme one who can tell the truth.

Not only the Faded Dragon and the Traveler God looked down upon him.

Even Terraste was very polite when facing him.

Only the God Eater Queen always maintained a coy attitude.

This made Matthew somewhat interested in her.

For the sake of the children she gave birth to.

Matthew decided not to go to the palace of the traveler god tonight——

This guy finally got his wish and turned into a woman recently.

Matthew tried.

It tastes pretty good.

But next time.

This day of worship passed by while Matthew was distracted.

He sat alone on the cold throne of God.

Thinking about my children with some headache.

He has forgotten the joy when his first child was born. At that time, he would still hold up the baby waiting to be fed and show it off to the world;

When the second child was born.

He just felt bad and troubled.

Now he already has countless divine sons.

Then all that was left was indifference and numbness.

"There seems to be some war happening in the mortal world recently."

"It's better to send a few children down here so that they can vent their energy that has nowhere to go..."

Matthew had a change of faith and then yawned.

He stayed alone for a while.

Then I couldn't stand the dead silence in this hall.

So he snapped his fingers.

A large group of women from different races across the multiverse appeared around him.

Along with them were countless drinks, food and games.

He is very used to this kind of life.

what you want.

You can get something immediately.

Not a trace of delay.

There is no delay.

Don't know why.

Instead he became increasingly empty.

It's like there is always a black hole deep in my heart that can never be filled.

Take women for example.

Even women from unpopular races found it difficult to interest him.

Recently he started experimenting with star beasts.

The taste is hard to describe in words.

But it’s better than freshness.


He thought thoughtfully:

"Perhaps this is the sorrow of the immortal."

But that's all.

He won't think any further.

that's all.

Time in heaven passes day by day.

The legend of God-King Matthew is also sung repeatedly by poets from every corner of the multiverse.

Many years have passed again.

a certain year.

There was a rebellion in the palace of the God King.

Matthew sat on the throne and easily killed Terraste who tried to betray him.

to him.

This is not something difficult to accomplish.


He buried Terraste's clothes in the tomb, but he himself was long gone.

Right next to Terraste's tombstone.

There are also the tombstones of three other people——

The Faded Dragon and the Traveler God had already been slain by him for offending him.

Only the God Eater Queen was spared.

But she was also sent to hell by Matthew...

So far.

He alone holds all authority.

Everything in heaven is no longer interesting.

He descended to earth frequently and came to the human world.

At first.

The stimulation given to him by the mortal world was so fresh.

He soon fell in love with an ordinary human woman.

After experiencing a life of getting to know each other and falling in love, quarrels and reconciliation.

He buries short-lived human women.

Then a tear fell.

He then used other incarnations to seek adventures and miracles along the way.

In some incarnations he chooses to indulge in sensuality.

Most of them stay together with some short-lived species.

He found that he could only derive happiness and existence from short-lived species.

So he wandered around the world like crazy.

But hundreds of years have passed.

Those experiences that are so precious to ordinary people are already ordinary in his eyes.

He formulaically gets to know and love each other, and then spends his life.

After a certain life.

At the grave of a loved one.

He wanted to shed a tear.

But he couldn't help laughing.

"This world seems a bit boring..."

that moment.

He sat in front of the tombstone.

Gazing confusedly at the sunset in the distance.

When everyone you know, care about, know you or care about you is no longer in this world.

What proof do you have that you are still alive?

When this question suddenly popped into Matthew's mind.

He saw the sunset.

An old man was walking towards him holding a green piccolo.

As the old man walked, he was playing some kind of beautiful music.

It's just that the music sounds a little sad.

Matthew stepped forward.

But I was shocked to find that the old man’s face looked a little familiar!

He searched for it in his memory for a long time.

Only then did he realize that the old man looked very much like a poet friend he knew before he became a god——


he asked in surprise.

The old man lowered his head slightly:

"Dear God-King Matthew, I have been invited to play this song of dusk for you."

He said displeasedly:

"I don't like dusk."

The old man said:

"Whether you like it or not."

"The Twilight of the Gods has arrived."

He instantly became furious.

He wanted to use his divine power to kill the old man in front of him, but found that he could no longer do it.

"my power……"

An unprecedented panic welled up in his heart.

The old man looked at him sadly:

"Don't you even want to think about who invited me here?"

Matthew was stunned.


Don't know when to start.

He has been deprived of the ability to think!

He used his brain.

The brain becomes extremely painful.

The weird thing is.

He was actually used to this situation.

"When did it start?"

"Did it start from the time when Tyrast and the other main gods were killed and the Queen of God Eaters was expelled, or was it something much further back?"

Matthew sat there blankly.

The flute sounded.

The sun sets.

A crack was torn open in the sky, and huge beast claws fell from the void one after another. They easily tore apart the palaces in the heavens and the mortal city-states!

Endless fireballs and purple lightning rolled down.

The earth cracks, the sky collapses, and the sea pours in...

Doomsday scenes unfolded before him.

During this period, many creatures helplessly asked him for help, but Matthew could only look at them blankly.

He lost his powers.

Nothing can be done.

So he could only watch those living lives die in large numbers in an instant.

Those miserable scenes stimulated his numb nerves.

Until the earth is devastated.

Until the world falls apart.

that moment.

His heart finally twitched slightly.

That's nearly a hundred years.

He felt the feeling called "heartache" for the first time.

Ever since.

The tones gradually becoming black and white become vivid in an instant.

The sad music in my ears seemed to become cheerful.

Matthew stood alone among the crumbling fire.

that moment.

The claws of countless giant beasts hit him like a mountain falling.

He suddenly puffed up his chest, a relieved smile on his face.

Next breath.

Matthew's eyes gradually regained consciousness.


"Only then can there be new life."


"It means existence."

"I'm just Matthew."

"Not some god king."

"Is all this a dream?"

Matthew stood in that place of nothingness.


It is a lost paradise that gradually extinguishes the divine fire.

There are four unconscious companions!

His eyes couldn't help but cast farther away.

Those are the ruins of Tianlun Palace!

"It turns out we never flew over Tianlun Palace..."

Matthew's heart contracted violently.

He saw an old square in the dilapidated Tianlun Palace.

Thousands of angels were sitting around an old man.

The square is dotted with countless flames.

Those flames are lavender.

Even from a long distance away, Matthew could still feel the aura of ruin coming from it!

"Can anyone actually wake up from the "Twilight Tribulation"? "

The direction of Tianlun Palace.

The old man's low exclamation came.

"What's the use of waking up alone?"

"Are you ready to be buried with the fall of Tianlun Palace?"

"Reborn God?"

There was only a trace of sarcasm in his words.

fell into Matthew's ears.

But it seemed like thousands of people were laughing!

"Warning: Tianlun Palace is about to fall!

The Angel of Twilight "De La Torre" launched the "Twilight Tribulation", intending to drag the Lost Paradise into the dusk dream and destroy it together with Tianlun Palace! "

Sorry for being a little late. In order to ensure completeness as much as possible, I will try to write as much as possible these days.

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