The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 461 Evidence of Murder and Feast of Killing

Angela showed a hint of nervousness.

She adjusted her breathing and said with some difficulty:

"This matter is so involved that I'm afraid I can only publish it anonymously."

"It may take more time for the news to spread more widely..."

Matthew waved his hand:

"It doesn't matter."

"No matter what form you use, just pass the news on to me."

"Shall I pay you a fee - cash, or knowledge points?"

Angela's eyes suddenly widened:

"Are you willing to pay with knowledge points?"

Matthew hummed softly.

Looking at the ecstatic Angela, Matthew couldn't help but feel that knowledge points were indeed more precious than anything else to the middle and lower-level Alliance mages.


He took out his spell license and quickly transferred some knowledge points.

The transfer method is anonymous by choice.

Seeing the sudden extra fortune on his magic license.

Angela's chest rose and fell more intensely:

"D-did you overpay?"

"This money, this money can buy the entire alchemy workshop!"

Matthew smiled:

"very good."

"Then this alchemy workshop, and you two, will be mine."

Angela didn't object.

She just looked at Matthew carefully:

"I don't know your name yet."

Matthew waved his hand indifferently:

"After this incident is over, you will know my identity."

"Don't worry, I'm just joking with you. I don't mean to occupy your property."

"It's just that during this period, all the resources in this workshop, including you and Myrtle, as well as your connections and resources, must obey my orders. Do you understand?"

Angela nodded obediently:


Matthew then obtained some intelligence documents, and after chatting with Angela for a few words, he planned to leave.

Walk out of the workshop door.

He suddenly turned around and asked:

"By the way, what happened to the butcher shop that Myrtle mentioned earlier?"

Angela's cheeks turned red, but she still confessed honestly:

"For a while, there was a shortage of supplies in the city, especially meat."

"My alchemy workshop is on the verge of bankruptcy again. In order to alleviate this situation, I used some alchemy techniques appropriately to transform a batch of meat and sell it cheaply to people in the city."

"So for a while, our alchemy workshop also sold some meat..."

It turns out that it literally means selling meat.

Matthew felt funny in his heart.

But he also felt a little strange:

"Alchemy cannot violate the principle of equivalent exchange?"

"How did you conjure flesh out of thin air?"

Angela coughed:


"So I asked Myrtle to go into the sewers and catch a lot of rats..."

"After removing the bacteria and plague from their bodies, I turned the mouse meat into duck meat. In fact, after the transformation in the alchemy ceremony site, it became real clean duck meat, and it tasted pretty good..."

"As long as we don't know the specific origin, the wealthy businessmen in the city who come to buy meat will have a good time..."

Angela defended palely.

Matthew was silent for a long time before he whispered:

"Don't do that next time."

Then he turned and left.

Angela watched Matthew go away, and around the corner after walking out of the door, a tall and graceful woman greeted her.

She couldn't help but take another look.

But he met those eyes as cold as icebergs.

Angela couldn't help but shudder.

He hurriedly returned to the store with little effort.

"Myrtle, Myrtle!"

she yelled inside.

Until the girl reluctantly walked out of the laboratory holding an owl with bleeding eyes.

Angela said to her solemnly:

"We seem to have hit upon a development opportunity."

"The Alliance mage just now, his status is probably very extraordinary!"

Myrtle put down her owl, sat on a chair, and raised her chin with one hand:

"Then did you sell our duck meat to him?"

Angela glared at her:

"Forget about the duck meat from the sewers!"

"What I'm telling you is serious business!"

"Now, inform your friends and find a way to spread the news..."

"My sister, there are not many opportunities in one's life to meet a noble person who can easily change one's destiny. The one who just left is probably the one!"

"We have to do what we were told!"

Myrtle put her chin in one hand:

"So as long as I can please that gentleman, I can continue to study topics related to the dragon's hymen?"

Angela couldn't help rolling her eyes.

After a while.

She gritted her teeth and said:


At noon.

Matthew and Ordesia, the mother of the black dragon, walked side by side on the streets of the City of Order.

This is the busiest commercial street in the city——

The avenue of truth.

Even affected by the recent mass murders of the Children of the Murder God, the flow of people on the street is said to be slightly less than usual, but Matthew can feel the crowds of people every time he crosses the road.

"This is much more prosperous than Rolling Stone City."

Matthew sighed softly.

The Avenue of Truth is extremely wide, and the central section can accommodate eight carriages driving side by side, and there are special pedestrian paths on both sides.

Not far away.

An elemental life is doing its duty faithfully -

It's interesting to say.

The elements born in the chaotic ether are born to love order. Most elemental life will become supporters of the local stable order, which is most reflected in the City of Order.

"Canning's prosperity is justified."

Aldessia responded softly:

"This is based on the fact that several nearby secondary planes are uninhabited except for the necessary working population."

"I was fortunate to visit a small town with developed agriculture, Fengshou. It was originally a densely populated secondary plane. Now, except for a group of professional farmers who have obtained licenses issued by the Truth Church, the rest of the population is only the Knights who live in the town."

"They drove everyone to the main material world, leaving empty secondary planes. Different secondary planes are used to extract different resources, and human resources have also become the object of exploitation. One of them——

After losing their land and being forced to move into the city, a large number of sub-plane residents can only work for the wealthy class in the city. They are nominally free, but in fact they are not much different from slaves. "

"This is not exclusive to Canning."

"In fact, I have observed that most well-developed northern cities are either natural transportation hubs, trade ports, or have a large amount of land similar to colonies like Canning."

"If they don't squeeze something out of other places, the rulers will have a hard time living so comfortably."

"This is probably the law that cannot be escaped on this land."

Matthew nodded gently.

Aldesia's words are still implicit.

Not only in the north, but also in the south.

No matter where you are, exploitation and oppression always exist objectively, but the objects of oppression are different.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have found it hard to imagine that such an influential religious group is still active under the rule of the Seven Saints Alliance."

All the way.

Matthew had already seen seven or eight members of the Truth Church wearing clothes explaining the Great Yuan Stele Method to people along the street.

There was no trace of the rule of the mage here.

The flags of the Ingram family were erected or hung everywhere on the street, and those who were active were members of the Truth Church.

Ordesia replied calmly:

"This is also not surprising."

"There are many city-states in the north, and many city-states that are not included in the Hundred Cities Plan have active similar religious groups, but their influence is not as exaggerated as that of the Truth Church."

"The mages have no interest in directly ruling these small city-states, so they naturally ceded power."

"And power cannot be vacant for a long time. If the mages are unwilling to occupy it, naturally there will be others willing to occupy it. This is a necessity."

"Besides, I personally think that these religions are more like some kind of grassroots mutual aid organizations rather than a belief."

"There is a wide range of mutual assistance among the grassroots believers of the Truth Church. In a person's life, there will always be birth, aging, illness and death, and it is inevitable that bad luck will come, especially for ordinary people. Sometimes they always need others to help them, and joining a similar Truth Church A group like a sect can solve a large part of the problem. "

"At least for now, the mutual assistance of grassroots church members still has more positive effects than negative effects."

"You said that so many people in the city believe in truth and order? I don't think so, but believing in this is more beneficial than harmful to ordinary people..."

Matthew looked at her with interest:

"You seem to be very knowledgeable about this?"

Aldessia nodded without hesitation:

"The power of the extraordinary is from top to bottom."

"And the power of mortal groups is from bottom to top."

"A long time ago, in the Sword of Thorns, when I was still an ordinary person, I participated in similar grassroots groups, but after I gained the power of the Rootless River, everything changed."

"Sometimes I miss the days in the past, when I was weak, but I was also very content and at ease."

Speaking of this,

She suddenly looked at Matthew with admiration:

"But life is not bad now."

"To be honest, I never thought that someone could be as bold as you, and dare to bring people from the Ingram family to the city like this..."

As she said that, Aldesia couldn't help but look back at the two black-robed cloaked people who followed them closely.

They were Headless Ingram and Hollow Leon.

She whispered:

"If the people of the Ingram family find out..."

Matthew smiled faintly:

"If they are wise enough, they will never admit that this is little Ingram."

Aldesia was stunned for a moment.

Then she nodded and said:

"You are right!"

While talking.

The two came to the end of the Avenue of Truth.

Continue to the east, not far away is the eastern city gate. After leaving the city, go all the way to the northeast, and you will see the rich plain that has recently appeared in the north -

Sword of Thorns.

"You have been away from the Sword of Thorns for so long, I am afraid that your original territory and power have been occupied by others?"

Matthew suddenly asked.

Aldessia nodded hesitantly:

"It's most likely like this."

"Perhaps only those subordinates who are particularly loyal to me will protect part of my property."

Matthew nodded.


He suddenly thrust the staff that exuded bright starlight into the hands of the Black Dragon Mother.

In Ordesia's surprised eyes.

Matthew said solemnly:

"Now, go get what is originally yours."

Ordesia only hesitated for half a second, then resolutely took the staff!

She blinked and looked at Matthew as if she understood something.

"If this is your order, then I am willing to carry it out."

she says.

Matthew nodded:

"Go ahead."

"Do you need me to send these two helpers to help you?"

He pointed at the duo behind him.

Ordesia shook her head:

"I alone am enough."

"Believe me, soon, the Sword of Thorns will be your territory."

There was irrepressible excitement in her words.

She raised her scepter, turned it half a circle like a butterfly, and then waved it gently.

"Hey, spellcasting isn't allowed here!"

An earth element law enforcer walked over angrily.


There was a loud bang.

The unlucky law enforcer was directly blasted to pieces by a violent arcane energy.

And when the rest of the law enforcers arrived.

Only the remains of a portal were left at the scene.

Ordesia has long since disappeared.

Matthew even took young Ingram and Li Ang away from the place of right and wrong early.

The next few days.

Matthew lives in a hotel called "The Cave".

There is an underground tavern behind this hotel, which is one of the most well-informed places in the entire city-state.

Matthew sat in the pub for several days.


He also has a good grasp of the rumors and information in the city——

As time goes by.

Mass murders have further expanded.

A new group of extraordinary beings have appeared who claim to be the "descendants of the God of Murder".

These people have caused horrific tragedies one after another in public places.

The strange thing is.

Obviously the elemental law enforcement team has rushed to pursue him as soon as possible.

But the perpetrators always manage to escape quietly.

This series of murders has made people in the city panic, and their trust in the officials of the City of Order and the elemental beings has also dropped a lot.

Some even doubt it.

These perpetrators are in the same group as the elemental law enforcement team. Otherwise, if the elemental beings who usually enforce the law are so strict, why can't they catch the lunatics who kill people in public?

In order to quell public doubts and stabilize the suddenly deteriorating public security.

Since yesterday.

The City of Order announced the re-implementation of a curfew.

This decree caused dissatisfaction among many people, but they were all suppressed by the Lord Butterfly City.

to him.

The top priority is to catch those criminals. Even if we catch one or two, it will be better than the current situation.

Curfews still have an effect.

Early this morning.

Matthew then learned a piece of information:

The Elemental Law Enforcement Team has captured the body of a murderer officially designated as "The Berserker"...

It is not difficult to judge from the traces of fighting left at the scene.

This berserker died at the hands of another berserker who also claimed to be a descendant of the God of Murder.

The berserk died in a very miserable manner——

His eyes were gouged out, his intestines were pulled out, his chest was opened, his limbs and limbs were severed, and even his dick was cut off and stuffed into his mouth!

Matthew speculated.

In order to satisfy the rituals related to the murder god, these berserkers must kill at specific times, and the terror they create must be more exaggerated than the last.

The reason why there was internal fighting between them.

Maybe it has something to do with the curfew——

Ordinary people cannot go out on the streets at night.

These two people were probably in a hurry to complete the ritual, and in the end they had no choice but to kill each other.


The development of the situation confirmed Matthew's judgment.

That night there were several more incidents of internal fighting between berserkers.

The elemental enforcers harvested more bodies.

But they still have no idea how to find the berserker who is still committing murder.

Matthew, who was watching with cold eyes, learned some information by interpreting the ceremony site——

Those violent ones carry a special aura called "Proof of Murder".

"Murder Evidence: After you kill a life, all traces of your murder will be erased. Within a minute, you can perfectly blend into the group of innocent people.

This aura cannot be broken by prophecy spells. "

No wonder the elemental enforcers couldn't find the perpetrator.

Before the source of the aura was found.

Ordinary people in the entire City of Order will become part of the gluttonous feast of the berserkers!

Another day passed.

A third group of berserkers appears.

They swarmed into the streets, killed some ordinary people randomly, and then left in a big way.

The elemental enforcers still can't tell who they are after hiding.

This time the whole city was shocked.

Many wealthy people have fled the city.

They fled to Jiandong City in the east.

But for more civilians, the City of Order is already a sacred place that allows them to have a bite to eat in this troubled world. They have no ability to leave here, so they can only hide quietly at home and wait for a turn of events. 's arrival

But everything always seems to backfire.

The number of berserkers increased dramatically, and large-scale random killings affected everyone.

The entire city entered a state of high martial law.

But the faint smell of blood still permeated the streets.

Just that afternoon.

Matthew came to Angela's alchemy workshop again.

He said to the worried Angela:

"Help me send another message out, quickly."

"The message is this - tonight, in the Old Theater District, the artifact of the God of Murder will appear on a carriage that will drive through the night."

"And then."

"Get me a carriage."

Angela's work efficiency is still very high.


Matthew got his wish and sat in the luxurious carriage.

A Bing turned over and sat on the driver's seat, skillfully driving the horse forward.


The carriage stopped quietly near the old site of the Grand Theater.

In the carriage.

Matthew was relaxing with his eyes closed.

He was waiting for nightfall.

at the same time.

His soul also quietly came to Paradise Lost.


It’s a great day in Paradise Lost!

"Prompt: Do you want to spend 300 points of founding energy to resurrect a former lost paradise god?"

"Resurrection, my old Tai!"

Accompanied by Matthew's playful call.

Paradise Lost Center.

The strongest soul fire suddenly burst out with bright light.

The incandescent to dazzling light lasted for about seven or eight seconds.

Immediately afterwards.

A handsome elf boy walked out of it.

The elf boy's eyes were a little out of focus.

He looked around for a long time, then suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Matthew:

"Am I dead?"

Matthew smiled and said:

"Not only did he not die, he also successfully became a god."

"Do you see the light ball over there? It has the memory and information of all the things that happened before. The red dot on the left side of the light ball is the belief and call of the elves from the Jade Cangting. You should take it easy. After all, you have just been resurrected, and your godhead is If you haven't recovered yet, your brain will easily explode if you are bombarded with too much information..."

"Although it's okay to blow up your head in Lost Paradise, I can restore it to you, but it will still take some effort."

Following Matthew's instructions, the elf boy read the memories that the latter had extracted and stored in advance, as well as the voices of faith of the wood elves.

a long time.

He opened his eyes and his eyes became sharp again:

"So that's it."

"It turned out to be a gift from the Natural Disaster Mage, which allowed us to escape the greatest disaster..."

While talking.

His face aged at an extremely fast speed, turning into the appearance of the old elf man Matthew had seen before.

"It seems we ignored Stuluk Industries, which was a fatal mistake."

Terraste couldn't help but sigh.

Matthew shook his head:

"It's not just Stu Luke."

Tyrast was stunned for a moment, and then a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes:

"God Mage's permission?"

Matthew nodded.

"It's really not that easy to become a god under the eyes of a divine mage. I almost lost everything..."

Terraste said with a complex expression:

"But isn't the Scourge Mage the founder of the Seven Saints Alliance?"

"Why is she going against the Alliance?"

Matthew shrugged:

"The issue is complex."

"Leaving aside whether the Scourge Mage cares about the Seven Saints Alliance, the alliance itself is actually just a mechanical continuation of the system and code of conduct left by the Scourge Mage."

"There are actually many differences within the alliance regarding the interpretation of the true intentions and spirit of the Scourge Mage."

"Even within the Divine Mage, there are huge differences in general direction between my teacher Isabel and the Scourge Mage's child Wuming."

"Going back to the Scourge Mage, she may not be helping us to fight against the Alliance, it's just out of some motive that we can't understand yet..."

Terraste was silent for five seconds after hearing this:

"So I was resurrected purely because of luck?"

Matthew patted him on the shoulder:

"Be more open."

"After all, in a sense, you were born because of luck."

Terraste took a deep breath:

"I see."

"So what do we need to do now?"

Matthew said:

"Do what you're good at."

"The Lost Paradise that has been resurrected from the dead has unlimited potential, provided it is given enough development time."

"If we survive these five hundred years, we will be invincible - probably."

"At least one Singularity Cannon can't blow us up."

"But until then, we have to lay low."

"You can have some contact with the elf believers in Jade Cangting, but you must keep a low profile and keep it confidential."

"You can't continue to appear in this world as Terraste. You can use the god of elves or other identities. In short, just don't attract the attention of the magicians..."

After listening to Matthew’s nagging instructions.

Terraste nodded slowly.

The next second.

Suddenly a green bamboo sword appeared in his hand:

"I have a feeling."

"My power is slowly returning. When I integrate these powers, coupled with the godhead given to me by Lost Paradise, I should have a chance against the Divine Mage."

"Even the shot last time..."

"I can also stop him with my sword."

Matthew's eyes lit up when he heard this:


Terraste nodded confidently:

"it is true."

Matthew asked again:

"Then how long will it take for you to recover?"

Terraste hesitated and said:

"Not sure."

"I'm still very weak now and may need more time to regain those strengths."

"But it shouldn't be more than ten years..."

Matthew scratched his head and suddenly threw the shovel in his hand:


"You'd better help me plant trees first."

The resurrection of Terraste not only means that there is another 24-hour strong beater in Paradise Lost.

It also marked Matthew's further control over this artifact.

In the carriage.

Matthew opened his eyes and thought.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge piece of cosmic bedrock flashed past in his hand!

"You can already summon cosmic bedrock the size of a brick. Yes, this is a huge improvement."

Matthew felt slightly excited.

Given time, it will be no problem even if the entire bedrock of the universe is summoned!

Moreover, this summoning method is extremely fast, and a super strong and scary-heavy stone appears in the face of the enemy almost instantly——

Anyone with a slightly weaker physical condition or slower reaction may be smashed to pieces by Matthew!

Combined with his flashing and dashing abilities.

Matthew seems to have already possessed assassination skills with a high threat index.

"it's dark?"

He opened the curtains and found three headless corpses lying on the ground outside.

These corpses exude a faint aura of divinity.

Matthew's perceptions are sharp.

It smells like the God of Murder!

Matthew looked at A Bing, who was sitting in the driver's seat with an innocent look on his face, in astonishment:

"When did you move your hands?"

"Why are you so harsh?"

"Where are their heads?"

A Bing thought for a while:


"My head fell to the side, do you need me to pick it back up?"


Matthew simply lowered the curtains and then ordered:

"Just concentrate on driving tonight. I know you are a sage with two swords. It is good to kill these moral scum, but you have to hold back."

"I finally caught a fish."

"Don't scare away the fish easily..."


The carriage began to run merrily around the main road in the old theater district.

Halfway through.

Feng'er sent A Bing's doubtful voice:

"Where are the fish?"

Matthew closed his eyes.

In perception.

The dark surroundings suddenly lit up with scarlet light spots.

Those light spots carry a faint divine aura.

The speed of movement is surprisingly fast.

They were rushing towards the direction of the carriage.


There was a sneer on Matthew's face.

Night falls.

The evening breeze carried a hint of sweet fishy smell.

The city of order tonight.

It is destined to usher in a feast of killing!

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