The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 92 The Immortal: The King’s Appearance!

At this critical moment of the melee, Matthew did not dare to take a closer look.

Below the bunker, the bone dragon went crazy and completely demolished the building.

Matthew took the opportunity to sneak out a few steps, dismantled the high point of the bone dragon and retreated, then bowed his head respectfully in front of Matthew.

Matthew skillfully rode on the back of the Bone Dragon, knocked away a few more Earth Fire Dragons that were in the way, and rushed towards the gate.

At this time, the situation on the frontal battlefield had completely reversed.

Lost high-point fire suppression.

The rainforest creatures who are good at fighting against the wind instantly smelled victory.

They all gave up and couldn't get past the wall and began to beat up the drowned dogs. The Dragon Worshipers behind the bunker were rushed by the poisonous insects and beasts that came in, causing numerous casualties.

The formation of Yulongchang completely collapsed.

Several Dragon Wing level members surrounded the half-elf archers and directed everyone to fight and retreat.

But in this process.

I don’t know how many dragon worshipers and earth fire dragons died in the encirclement and interception of the rainforest beasts.

Matthew rode the bone dragon to the wall.

Just then Lumiere came over:

"Matthew, I think it's time for my man to show up."

"We are also part of the rainforest, and we have a responsibility to protect the rainforest."

While talking.

Dense figures appeared in the woods behind him.

Matthew vaguely recognized the mark of the Black Banyan tribe, and the other tribes seemed to be headhunters from the surrounding area.

He did not refuse the participation of the Jango people in the war. The targets of Su Ya's mobilization originally included the Jango people.

"Let them be careful and charge behind the beast. If they encounter a necromancer, remember to retreat and report to you or me."

Matthew warned.

Lumiere nodded excitedly.

Immediately afterwards.

He turned back and muttered something to the rainforest natives behind him.

A few minutes later.

Led by Lumière.

The Jango people, holding short spears and wooden sticks, also swarmed into the dragon breeding farm.

Under the impact of these two forces.

The surrounding factories fell instantly.

The remaining dragon worshipers in the dragon breeding farm quickly retreated to the tall building in the center.

over there.

There is one last wall for them to fight against.

Matthew did not participate in the beating of the drowned dog. It was not because he did not want to pursue him, but because the Dragon Cultists retreated very quickly. This kind of pursuit was not only inefficient, but also carried the risk of being counterattacked.

He always puts being on guard against Blinken first.

So I have been riding the bone dragon leisurely and walking in the second echelon position.

When passing by the Dragon Worship Cult's factory.

Matthew even went out of his way to take a look.

The space inside was evenly divided into six rows and countless columns. Between the rows and rows, there were fire pits one after another.

There was a raging flame under the fire pit, and there were dragon eggs placed on part of the fire pit that the dragon worshipers had not had time to take away.

There is a small fire pit at regular intervals between the fire pits, and at both ends of the factory are two huge fire pits, filled with wood for burning.

"It is indeed the place where dragon eggs are hatched."

Matthew took a dragon egg and looked at it carefully, and shook his head after a while.

Not a real dragon.

Moreover, the true dragon blood in the dragon egg is extremely thin. Even if such a dragon egg hatches, it will only be an almost beastly dragon beast, not even a sub-dragon.

This creature has no value other than selling one or two to curious mages for research.

“Why is Blinken hatching so many eggs?”

Matthew was puzzled.

He didn't believe it at all that he was interested in the Earth Fire Dragon's combat power. This thing had a big appetite, and the cost of raising it was extremely high. Its combat power was just that, and it would only have the effect of building up its momentum by bringing it with him.

But as a necromancer, Blinken is certainly not lacking in summons. Why does he need to breed fire dragons to increase his reputation?


His doubts were answered.

In the northwest corner of the factory, Matthew discovered a huge pit. In the pit, there were some red creatures that looked like deformed puppies crawling around in confusion.

It was a baby dragon strung together by an Earth Fire Dragon and some kind of creature.

Under the body of those young dragons was a piece of pitch-black stagnant water, with a large number of young dragon corpses soaked next to it. This water was obviously highly corrosive, and many of the young dragon's bones had been corroded until only scaly claws were left.

Although Matthew had long believed that the Dragon Worship Cult was a cult, he still felt intense discomfort when he saw this scene.


Most of the baby dragons will be thrown into this pit as soon as they are born, and then soaked in the black liquid and die silently.

Matthew took a branch and poked it in the stagnant pool, and found some black powder settled underneath.

""Longshan Ash"? "

Matthew's face turned even darker.

This is a forbidden magical material, often used in dracolich-related spells and rituals.

This thing can usually only be collected from dead dragons.

Blinken obviously has a more convenient way to take advantage of it.

"No, this kind of dragon mountain ash extracted from a large number of young dragon corpses contains a huge amount of resentment. These resentments are almost forming a curse. Even the dracolich cannot withstand it. The newborn dracolich is still very fragile. ...Or maybe Blinken has no intention of helping any dragon to truly become a dracolich? What he wants is the effect of the curse?"

Matthew couldn't help but picture Emma's appearance in front of his eyes.

All kinds of conspiracy theories ran through his mind.

A chill could not help but rise behind him.

Even when leaving the factory.

He always felt like there was a pair of eyes staring at his back.

Matthew rode the bone dragon back to the main army.

At this time, the frontal battlefield has advanced to the central tower.

Under the attack of the rainforest coalition forces.

The Dragon Worshipers who hurriedly retreated finally organized a decent defense.

A member of Dragon Fang who looked like a dragon tamer rushed to the battlefield with more than a hundred fire dragons.

These earth fire dragons have rough skin and thick flesh. They are like a wall of flesh wherever they stand. Although they cannot give a strong counterattack, they at least hold back the offensive of the rainforest coalition forces.

In other directions, there are also middle- and high-level members of the Dragon Worship Cult leading their followers to use the walls to secure their defense.

Matthew recognized it from a distance and found that in addition to the half-elf archers and the newly-appeared dragon trainers, there were also three necromancers, a strong man who looked like the leader of the dragon-blooded warriors, and a man in scantily clad clothes who were leading the resistance. , a beautiful-looking fairy descendant, she looks like she should be a warlock.

This group of people are all of a high level. Perhaps the previous battle near the factory bought them time to set up. In short, when the rainforest coalition forces attacked here, they encountered severe resistance no matter which direction they advanced.

Even if the Jango people were fearless in fighting, when they couldn't open a gap even though they had sacrificed their lives several times, Lumiere had no choice but to tell them to retreat temporarily.

The beasts surrounded the central tower and the walls.

After only playing with the wind, they began to hesitate again, only focusing on the wall, as if they couldn't see where the real enemy was.

Matthew had expected this scene.

He wasn't in a hurry either.

After all, in addition to destroying the dragon breeding farm, the purpose of this trip is also Blinken himself.

If the latter really cares about his subordinates.

I believe it will appear soon.

So the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Take this opportunity.

Matthew also took a look at his newly created area.

If you choose one of the two.

He definitely leans towards the latter.

If you choose the "Plunder" field, you can get 1 to 2 permanent abilities, plus up to one temporary ability, as well as the effects of the field itself.

This is very delicious, but in the face of self-created fields, it becomes worthless.

Matthew's legendary path is destined to find another way.

He is destined to start from life and death and transcend life and death. This can also be seen from the concept of ecological circle.

Therefore, he is unwilling to miss any opportunity to create his own fields and concepts.

Every opportunity of this kind is paving the way for greater success in the future.

Just about new territory.

There are still many things that Matthew has not thought clearly about.

For example, how to name it.

"The field I opened up is similar to "plunder", but it is not just plunder. It contains elements such as corruption, coercion, betrayal, conversion and temptation. "

"Essentially, it comes from the rare ability of "inciting rebellion", so it will also be linked to the undead. "

"The former is a bit like the minotaur in the unorthodox literature of the past life, and the latter is the undead. The minotaur is undead - isn't that Peggy?"

Matthew was thinking wildly, almost not letting his strange associations make him laugh out loud.

Of course, it is not impossible to really name it "Tauren".

In Irondor, concepts are forced into the world by those with power.

Only you are strong enough.

It's really not unusual to call a deer a horse.

Considering that Peggy's tribe is almost extinct on the continent of Irondor, it is entirely feasible for Matthew to occupy the magpie nest.

The worst case scenario is that Peggy will be given the title of a big supervisor in the field, and it will be justifiable from now on.

Think about it this way.

Matthew, who has always been reluctant to give names, also finalized this plan in his mind.

Unfortunately, the "Tauren" field cannot be officially named yet.

Because he doesn't have a "certificate of the domain" on hand.

The domain certificate is a reflection of a person's rich experience in the field, similar to the driver's license issued by the industry to experienced drivers who have been on the road for many years.

It’s just that driver’s licenses in different fields can be accumulated.

The greater the number of driver's licenses, the more times the person has gone deep into the field and the farther they have explored in the field.

Generally speaking.

Anyone who explores the same area twice or three times at most can obtain a certificate of the area.

Matthew is still a novice on the road. He has only tried every major field once, so his driver's license has not yet been issued.

But he believed that he would soon be able to obtain the domain certificate.

I just don’t know if it’s from the undead or from the oak tree.

It really doesn't work.

He can also redeem a domain certificate in any domain by consuming 20 elements.

It's just a shame to do this.

Matthew was naturally not happy.

"Tip: You have chosen your own domain! This domain is temporarily named "Tauren", and no name conflict has been detected.

Since you do not possess the domain certificate, you are temporarily unable to obtain the permanent abilities and gains of the "Tauren" domain.

This realm will be reserved for you for 120 days. If you still cannot provide proof of the realm after 120 days, the Tauren realm will automatically disappear."

"I wonder what permanent abilities can be provided in the tauren realm?"

Matthew was itching with anticipation, wishing he could get the domain certificate as soon as possible. He glanced at the domain map in the task bar.

Good guy, before I knew it, the undead level had jumped to about 90%.

It is estimated that we will be able to enter again soon.

Just think of this.

Matthew calmed down and patrolled quietly outside the wall of the central tower.

He communicated with Su Ya again.

The rainforest army soon switched to the strategy of surrounding but not attacking.

They surrounded the remaining Dragon Worshipers inside and just continued to exert pressure and stimulate their nerves.


The night passed.

When the first rays of dawn come from the east and hit the canopy of the eastern rain forest.

Blinken still hasn’t shown up.

Matthew sighed softly.

"I'm afraid he won't show up."

Li Weiqi appeared next to Matthew:

"With the ability of a fifth-level mage, if he rushed back as soon as he learned that the base was under attack, he should have appeared a few hours ago. We gave him enough time to return to the rescue."

Matthew nodded.

He doesn’t know what kind of medicine Blinken is selling in his gourd.

But next.

Completely destroying the dragon breeding farm is the only thing they need to do.


In the tower, a quarrel inevitably broke out.

After the death of Zhannings, there were only four people left at the dragon-tooth level in the Dragon Breeding Farm, namely the senior necromancer Potter, the half-elf archer Iracema, the leader of the dragon-blooded warrior Kunbototela, and White, the goblin warlock.

The four people had strong disagreements about the current situation.

"Where is Lord Blinken?"

The half-elf archer asked:

"The enemy is incredibly powerful. In terms of numbers, we are also enemies of the entire rainforest. Without the help of the senior necromancer, we would never be able to defend this place!"

Porter heard this and said dissatisfiedly:

"Be careful what you say, little girl, I am also a senior necromancer! Don't forget, the west wall is still guarded by my death canopy. After this night, a lot of undead have been transformed inside. Drag it on, our The odds are only getting better.”

Iracema glanced at him:

"I don't mean to offend, but Mr. Potter, to be honest, your necromancy skills are not as good as Lord Blinken's."

Potter's face turned blue after hearing this, but he did not open his mouth to argue.

The leader of the dragon-blooded warriors, Kunbototla, said:

"The orders I received are to stick to this place. Unless Lord Blinken personally changes the order, I will not go anywhere."

"I don't know where Mr. Blinken has gone, but I believe he will not give up on us. Everyone here owes Mr. Blinken at least one life. I put it harshly, even if he wants us to take our lives now. Come and return it, can you refuse?"

As soon as these words came out, even Iracema, who was the first to propose retreat, fell silent.

She doesn't like anyone in the Dragon Cult, nor their behavior, but she likes Blinken.

The latter saved her life, and after that, she joined the Dragon Cult.

In his career in the Dragon Worship Cult, that man had never let him down. Every time he encountered a crisis, he would always appear on time and resolve it calmly.

But this time the situation seems to be different.

The blood from the elves in her body constantly reminded her of the approaching danger.

If you don’t still have some faith in Blinken.

She may have left without looking back.

"But Jennings is dead. This is the first time we have seen the death of a member of the Dragon Fang level. According to the past, Mr. Blinken has come back long ago."

Iracema murmured.

She looked very troubled.

"You have to have confidence in yourself, have confidence in your companions, and even more confidence in Mr. Blinken."

Necromancer Potter said in a deep voice:

"Maybe if we just delay for a while, Lord Blinken will show up."

As he spoke, he looked at the elf warlock:

"Bai, why don't you say anything? Don't you usually like to quarrel with Xiao Yi?"

The goblin warlock stretched her waist. This action completely exposed her beautiful body, which was not wearing much, to everyone's view.

However, the other three people quickly looked away.

Including Irasema, who is also a woman.

"You all know that I like to quarrel with her the most, so if I don't open my mouth, I naturally agree with her statement."

Bai said lazily:

"Frankly speaking, I am already planning an escape route. Blinken saved my life, but that does not mean that I have to sell my life to him. Creatures like goblins are very realistic. Of course, I thought A half-elf would be more noble, and now he seems to be about the same as me."

As she said this, she glanced at Iracema provocatively.

The latter remained indifferent.

"So what about you, what's your final decision?"

Kumbo Totela asked Irasema.

"Retreat. If you don't retreat, I will leave by myself. I will find Mr. Blinken afterwards to apologize."

Iracema thought for a while and said with some pain.


The dragon-blood warrior wanted to persuade him again, but his words were interrupted by the necromancer next to him:

"Look, look, women are like this. When disaster strikes, they fly faster than anyone else. Blinken usually treats them both better than anyone else. Now, only me, an old man, and you, a loyal dog, are left to work for him."

"Let's go Akun, let them go. It's time for us to do our thing. There's no point in holding on. If you want to delay it longer, you have to take the initiative and show some color to the group of grandchildren outside. !”

Potter stood up.

He patted the Dragon Blood Warrior on the shoulder, and the two left quickly.

"If you just leave like this, won't you feel a psychological burden?"

Bai Xi looked at Iracema with a smile.

The latter said calmly:


"But after all, I can't die calmly like them. I still have many obsessions and wishes that have not yet been achieved in my life. Repaying Mr. Blinken is only part of it. When his whereabouts are unknown, I don't want to die without knowing anything. Lose."

Bai snorted.

"How hypocritical, half-elf.

I'm different, I just want to live happily and taste a few more men.

I have long been tired of staying in the Dragon Worship Cult. The only disgusting dragon people here are disgusting bones.

The most hateful thing is that I spent three months without climbing into Blinken’s bed!

Joining the Cult of the Dragon is a sickening experience! "

"Farewell, hellish place, and false companions."

After saying this, she stood up and walked quickly out the door.

Yet her body changed dramatically between walks.

She had grown a little taller, her facial muscles had become stiffer, her chest was flattened as if melted, and a black cloak covered her.

"Lord Blinken?"

Iracema looked at her in surprise.

"Don't be stupid, you half-elf with big breasts and no brains. You don't think Blinken turned into me to test you, do you?"

Bai turned around and laughed:

"I just wanted to help those two idiots before I left."

"After all, bluffing is what I'm best at."

Iracema looked at her with a complicated expression:

"You always impress me, Shiro."

The goblin warlock immediately burst into exaggerated laughter after hearing this:

"Stop making me laugh, half-elf, we've been arguing for three months and we have to stage a show of sympathy before we leave, right?

That makes me feel sicker than what I experienced in the Dragon Worship Cult in the past three months.

You don’t think I helped them out of kindness, do you?

In fact, I have climbed into their beds. Akun's physique is really not bad.

Although the old thing is not very good anymore, the application of necromancy in the house also opened my eyes.

That's why I want to help them.

You must not think too much of me, my hypocritical and stupid half-elf princess companion, ha! "

After saying this, "Blinken" disappeared instantly.

At dawn.

The undercurrent surging inside and outside the wall finally stirred up uncontrollably.

West of the central tower.

The bone dragon mercilessly broke through that section of the wall.

Behind the fence.

Scattered undead people gathered in this direction.

A dark cloud carrying a large amount of fog also rushed over.

Matthew was riding on the bone dragon, holding a long whip and calmly observing the situation ahead.

The next second.

He decisively activated "Field: Undead"!

"Hint: You encountered Necromancer Potter's "Death Canopy"!

If you activate "Realm: Undead", you will be immune to about 50% of the effects of the Death Sky!

Your weapons "Ursul's Scourge" and "Realm: Undead" have a violent reaction!

You have gained a temporary status: Kingly Appearance (Undead)! "

The plot of the Dragon Cult is almost coming to an end. I originally wanted to write it in one huge chapter in one go, but my body and time didn’t allow it. After thinking about it, I decided to calm down and finish it slowly. Anyway, thank you for your support. I hope you can push it forward. Updates, but don’t rush me too much. Everyone knows that I am half-disabled. The current updates are almost the result of me working every day except eating and sleeping.

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