The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 126: Velinde Starsong

"My name is Velinde Starsong. I used to be the commander of the night elves in Felwood Forest. Have you heard of my name?" the female ghost said sadly.

Vanessa was taken aback by the other party's position. The commander of Felwood Forest, according to her understanding, this position is not low in the command system of the night elves, but it's normal to think about it the other way around. Holder, being a leading general is justified.

"I have never been to Teldrassil, and all my understanding so far comes from the knowledge of druids." She didn't say any flattery, because it was unnecessary, and the night elves didn't care about fame.

"During the battle, I summoned a large number of werewolves to resist the army of the Burning Legion, but later, I found that this force became more and more difficult to control..."

The Priestess of Star Song began to tell her story. Vanessa frowned and listened carefully. The other party had used the Luna Scythe for many years, and her understanding of this artifact was far beyond imagination.

When the Priestess of Starsong faced the demon army of the Burning Legion, in order to prevent her sister from dying, she risked using the artifact. From the depths of the Emerald Dream, she awakened the werewolves who had been exiled in ancient times.

These werewolves used to be Druids. Ten thousand years ago, there were not as many Druids as there are today. The Druid system at that time was very simple, with only five major schools: claws, raptors, antlers, fangs, and sickles. , Among them, the werewolves belong to the sickle druids, but they have long been lost in the killing, and now most of them have transformed into out-and-out beasts.

The werewolves responded to the call, and then they poured the anger they had accumulated for thousands of years on the demon army. Felwood Forest temporarily held the line of defense, but it became more and more difficult for the Priestess of Starsong to control the artifact, and the wild power in it began to affect her. mind.

At this time, some news came from the human kingdom. It is said that some mages can use a magic tool called arcane shackles to bypass the restrictions of the Emerald Dream and the Luna Scythe, and call the souls of those werewolves into the material world.

The distressed Priestess of Star Song seemed to have grasped the last straw. She wanted to find these human mages to study the control of werewolves.

The night elf five years ago didn't join the alliance, and she didn't know the human port of Menethil.

The Priestess of Star Song dropped her commander task and left the battlefield like a deserter.

The night elves are a race against arcane arts. They don't have portals. The priestess can only travel to Dalaran with her legs. She believes that all human mages are in Dalaran.

The priestess' route on the continent of Kalimdor is from north to south. She left Felwood Forest, went south to Ratchet City of the goblins, took a boat across the endless sea to the Eastern Continent, landed behind Booty Bay, and then went ashore from From south to north, we plan to go through a lot of warring areas such as Stranglethorn Valley, Dusk Forest, Elwynn Forest, etc., all the way north to Dalaran!

Rao a big circle, the result is that she was attacked when passing through the Twilight Forest, and finally fell in this abandoned mine.

What a tragedy! Vanessa was speechless for a while, if you are not so hostile to magic, just open a portal, go back on the same day, wouldn't there be no such shit!

"Who attacked you?" Vanessa asked.

The priestess was silent for a while, and finally said in a low voice: "It's werewolves, but not the werewolves I summoned, but some more... more energetic werewolves."

Vanessa nodded, which is similar to her guess: "It's those werewolves summoned by arcane magic. You are looking for them, but they are also looking for you. They are looking for the Luna Scythe... "

"I was seriously injured at the time. I used some methods to cover up my whereabouts. The pursuers did not find my trace. Unfortunately, my life ended in this mine... I thought the sickle would accompany me for a long time, but I didn't expect The traveler got the scythe a few days ago." The priestess helped piece together the truth, causing Vanessa to sigh.

She had to ask the most crucial question: "So where is the sickle now?"

"It should be in the hands of those werewolves. They bewitched some passers-by and set up an organization called Wolf Worship. Please stop them before it's too late!"

You also know it's too late? And you've been talking nonsense with me for half an hour?

After leaving the priestess for a while, half an hour later, Vanessa saw a werewolf in an abandoned orchard in the southwest of Night Town with a pack of explosives on her back.

Except for those ancient druids, people who have changed from humans to werewolves now are more often infected with a special substance mixed with germs, the power of nightmares, and the power of nature. The core is still the power of nature of druids.

In fact, this kind of power is not poison, but a kind of enhancement similar to blessing.

It's just that human beings can't feel the power of nature. After being bitten by werewolves, they are forcibly twisted and transformed into new werewolves by the power of nature. This is like not knowing the immortal mode, not being able to refine the magic chakra, and forcing yourself to cast a curse seal. Those with good physique and high aptitude can be temporarily controlled, and those with poor physique will directly become monsters.

But the power of nature is not unlimited, it will decrease layer by layer as it spreads, use a little less, and when the power of nature in the original werewolf is exhausted, it will also become an ordinary werewolf, that is to say, the werewolf at that time tore its body away. Bite is not very contagious.

This is also the reason why werewolves did not sweep the world in the later stage and did not turn the entire alliance into werewolves.

As a druid, Vanessa has cultivated the fairy mode. She is not afraid of this kind of infection, but if she is bitten, it will hurt enough. After entering the werewolf's sphere of influence, she used her stealth ability The limit, walking through the shadows of various trees and buildings.

Soon she got into another hole.

Werewolves dashed past her from time to time, the smell of rotting food mixed with the bacteria in the wolves' caused the burrow to stink, she held her breath and walked through the darkness.

The werewolves also had nowhere to vent their energy, so they dug out a large-scale tunnel group underground with their hands.

Vanessa felt the presence of the Luna Scythe when she was more than a hundred meters underground. After all, it was a druid's artifact. It's not impossible for priestesses to use it, but it's definitely not as convenient as their druids.

Ordinarily, it is not difficult for the night elves to find a druid, but they are a race where men sleep at home and women go out to fight.

This has led to the fact that for thousands of years, the users of the Luna Scythe are all women and priestesses.

The night elf priests who believed in Elune were slightly different from the human priests, but they were essentially the same. They both pursued the utmost piety and devotion.

And Druids are pursuing balance, and if you dedicate every day, then what kind of balance is there! Vanessa thinks they simply haven't figured out how to use the scythe properly.


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