The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 197: Consolidate the army and borrow food

After sleeping for a full day, Miss Althea called her from outside the tent, and Vanessa got up reluctantly. In just one day, her flame power increased by 20%. Although it will be slower in the later stage, but She estimated that within a week, at most half a month, she would be able to reach the level of a high-level druid.

She mechanically washed her face, combed her hair, and looked at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help being a little sad.

Natural emotions still affected her. She didn't know whether other druids received this request in the Emerald Dream, but she wanted to do this in her heart.

It has nothing to do with interests or camps. The power of fire flowing in her blood seems to be confiding to her, asking her to burn Lordaeron and Northrend to the ground, purify the land, eliminate the undead, and regenerate the two lands!

The Banshee Queen will definitely not allow herself to burn their forest, let alone kill all the undead. No matter how high the diplomacy is, it is useless, so the only way to speak is with the sword!

Are you really going to revive Lordaeron? Vanessa was a little amazed. Could it be that when she shouted the slogan too loudly, the natural will noticed her?

Or is this a conspiracy disguised by the ancient gods?

She didn't make a hasty decision, and it's useless. She has such three melons and two dates, and she can't beat the Forsaken, let alone the Lich King. Let's wait and see.

Put on the robe and walk out of your tent.

When I asked Miss Commander, I found out that Bovar was back.

The Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon was also a perseverant man. He talked earnestly to the dwarf king, Magni Bronzebeard, for a whole day. Two of the three shields he brought were broken, and finally the dwarf The king agreed to the Black Iron Dwarf's joining the alliance. As for how the dwarf king will fight with his hairy-footed son-in-law in the future, the humans don't have to worry about it.

Vanessa and Bovar, two outsiders, were so busy with their son-in-law's affairs that they were worried, and they were generally able to face it. They closed the door and beat them at will when they went home! In the dark, a united dwarven kingdom is not conducive to human development.

Although he was spat on by the dwarf king, Bolvar was still very satisfied. There were too many enemies in the alliance. Ever since Garithos' second force turned against the blood elves, then Dalaran was neutral, and Kul Tiras Neutral, the Alliance has not had any new allies for a long time.

The addition of the Dark Iron Dwarves can be regarded as injecting new strength into the alliance.

Even though he is no longer the Regent of the Kingdom of Stormwind, Bolvar is still a member of the Alliance, and he is proud of the Alliance.

The Black Iron Dwarves really kept their promise. After the truce on the side of the Bronzebeard Dwarves, they released the previously captured human soldiers in batches. Bolvar and Duke Leoric von Zeldiger were busy for a long time. The four legions in his hand barely regained a little vitality.

8,000 people make up a full-staffed army, and the Seventh Army has the largest number of the four at the scene. They have not experienced the previous disastrous defeat, but due to various reasons, they have not been full-staffed. Now there are only a little more than 6,000 soldiers.

The third army is an elite army. When they were defeated, they chose to fight to the death and stay in the rear. There were very few prisoners, and now there are less than a thousand people left.

The defeated soldiers collected by the Fifth and Sixth Legions and the prisoners released added up to more than 2,000 people each.

The Regent's Guard, which originally belonged directly to Bolvar, has dropped from 3,000 people to 500 people.

Including Vanessa's more than 800 people, the human army gathered 12,000 people, and the camp was densely packed with half of the Burning Plain.

There are a lot of them, but their morale is really low. Many captives are abused by the black iron dwarves like cattle and horses. They dig mines and iron every day, and they are tired and hungry. Although they come back with armor and weapons, they will not be resurrected with full blood.

All of them were weak, their minds were severely damaged, and their bodies were full of exhaustion. Letting them go into battle to kill the enemy was no different from sending them to death.

The main force is still the relatively well-organized Seventh Army and Vanessa's private soldiers.

Shortly after Bolvar returned, Vanessa was called to a meeting.

As soon as she walked into the camp, she found that there were only Bolvar and Duke Leoric von Zeldiger, um, no, the intelligence chief was also in the camp, but his presence was very low and easily overlooked.

"Miss Struy, I have very little food and grass in my hand, can you support some of it first?" Duke Zeldiger himself has no fighting ability, and he is a mid-level paladin only at a young age, a talent like Biberval The average character is far behind, but he has a high prestige among the soldiers. Although he is not to the point where he eats and lives with the soldiers, he still has the morale of the soldiers.

He doesn't care about the diplomacy of the alliance, nor is he interested in the distribution of benefits after the war in Black Rock Mountain. He just wants to solve the immediate problems of the soldiers.

The food and grass assigned to him by the little prince Anduin basically stayed on the northern front, and very little food and grass were actually brought to the Black Rock Mountain. At this time, he could only ask Vanessa for alms.

The Duke of Zeldig is also an empty duke, similar to the mayor of the Duke of Night Town. He has a very famous name, but he has no real **** hair. His nephew went to Lordaeron to serve as a soldier, and he had to start as a low-level officer. How poor.

His fief is very small, and he can maintain his own guards. Even if he is blessed by his ancestors, he can't provide food and grass to rescue the soldiers now.

When I heard that she was asking for food, Vanessa also had a big head, support? What is support? Not borrowing, not selling! It is support! The meaning of the other party's words is not intended to pay back.

"Your Excellency, I only brought food for my subordinates, and there are only a thousand of my subordinates. Even if we take out all of them, it is still not enough for ten thousand people. How many days can we eat?

The western wilderness is all wasteland, and there is no harvest this year, and the current military rations are all bought from goblins. "She complained when she came up.

"Then can I buy some more But I really don't have any money..." Duke Zeldig was ashamed.

"Wait? You've confused me." Bovar became more and more wrong, what do you mean? Buy food from goblins? There is still a country behind us, how come it has been reduced to the point where private people go to buy food?

"I remember that in Stormwind City, there is still enough food for one hundred thousand troops for a year, let them quickly transport it from the rear." He was very sure of this.

Vanessa is also very sure of this, because before departure, she checked Berval and pulled several cars from it.

She is a rookie in marching and fighting, and a modern person cannot estimate the exact amount of grain used by a hundred thousand troops for a year, but she knows that there is indeed a lot of grain in those large granaries, and she can't see it even if she pulls 30 carts away. If there is no change, isn't this piled up like a mountain?

But this is not easy to say, otherwise Bovar will definitely ask, what are you doing in the granary? What did she say, that I will check it for you? People are not fools!


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